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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1920)
eii OLOUD, WBJUUHU, "?M?.Nir tM i , t it.,- if. ft, 5' to' ? ki i A. i- f i ;- - X .& BESSE AUDITORIUM Thanksgiving Special! 1 ROY STEWART in The Sage Busher COMEDIES NEWS NOVELTIES Thanksgiving Matinee at 2:45 p. m. FRIDAY TOM MIX in THE UNTAMED Charley Chaplin in THE CHAMPION SUNDAY ONLY SHIRLEY MASON in MERELY MARY ANN Also Newest Sunshine Comedy BH85 53 H K 85 K H 85 85 K W 25 H3 k AS TOLD TO US R. H k s :s :;; : :s :s k s s k k l!; k k Huy liroHil nt Powell and I'opos. The county commissioners will meet next Tuesday. P. M. Whitehead went to Lincoln Sunday morning. Mrs. Earl Weber spent Sunday with relatives at Guide Rock. James Winn returned home Friday morning from Kansas City. Mesdames J. T. and Andrew Sala den spent Friday in Hastings. Attend the foot ball game at 3 p. m. today. Kearney vs. Red Cloud. . E. S. Garber and J. S. L. Thomas were in Cowlcs Friday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Damorell spent Sunday with friends at Guide Rock. Mrs. C. D. Robinson spent Friday at Superior, with her son, Bruce, and wife. The last football game of the season will bo played this afternoon Kear ney vs. Red Cloud. Mrs. E. U. Overman departed Fri day morning for Stillwell, Illinois, where she will visit relatives. Good meals good service modcrHte prices rowelliK l'ope'BCafe Esther Baker spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Paul Newhouse, at Guide Rock. Kamil Ondrak went to Omaha Sat urday morning to spend a few days with friends. Mrs. I. 0. Walker went to Lincoln Friday evening to visit her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Shorcr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Saladon spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Roy San dcrson, at Denver. Frank Follcy, who is firing on the Republican City branch, spent Sunday with his family here. Mrs. Clark Crow of Republican City spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stroup. A. II. Carpenter returned homo Sat urday morning from Scldon, Kansas, where he had been on business. Jacob Whipkey left Sunday evening for Los Angeles, California, where he expects to mukc his future home. The ladies of the Christian church will hold a market salo at Smith's Shoe store Saturday, Nov. 27th. Charles L. Fentress of this city and Grace Dick of Nelson were granted a marriage license at Alma last week. ORPHEUM Thursday Special for Thanksgiving CONSTANCE TALMADGE in The Love Expert IJ laughing will settle that dinner you sure will get it settled COMEDY to be Selected Friday You are cordially invited to attend the FREE screening of MISS WANDA HAWLEY in The Beloved Villian Also MISS JUANITA HANSEN in The Phantom Foe Come and Bring Your Neighbors It is the Oiphcum's Thanksgiving Treat Saturday (Ma. Scarlet Days A Picture o? the Golden West in '49 Also FATTY ARBUCKLE in The Sough House ORPHEUM RED CLOUD NEBRASKA Ent and drink at Powell it Pope's Cafe tf 'Attorney L. ,11. Blackledgo spent Tuesday In'jHnstl'hgB. Mrs. Frank Peferson and Miss Mnrv Peterson spent Tuesday in Hastings. Attend the dance at the Bcsso Snlo Pavilion tonitcj Adm. $1.50, specta tors 2Gc. Alf Hansen went to Omnhn Tuesday morning- to spend n few days with relatives. H. G. Hulscbush shipped near of cat tle to St. Joe Tucsdny. Ho accompan ied the shipment. Mrs. E. R. SInwson went to Lincoln Tuesday morning to spend n few days with relatives and friends. Lester Yost, who has been firing on the Orlenns branch, arrived in tho city Tuesday to visit his wife. George Cramer of Woodruff Kan sas, spent tho first of tho week in this city with his brother, Roy Cramer. Clyde Simpson returned to Scldcn, Kansas, Wednesday morning after spending a few days with his mother. C. R. Palmer and family left tho last of tho week for Wichita, Knnsas, where they will mnkc their future homo. Several members of tho local Wood men lodge attended tho class adop tion 'at Guide Rock last Thursday evening. Mrs. C. A. Schultz and Grandma Schultz went to McCook Wednesday mornine to spend a few days with relatives. JMr. and Mrs. Roy Stevens were down from Hnstings this week, they being called hero by tha sickness of a relative. FARM WANTED: Wanted to hear from owner of farm or good land for sale reasonable. L. Jones, Box BIG, Olncy, 111. P. A. Wullbrandt returned homo on Saturday morning from Baconton, Georgia, where ho had been visiting his brother. Forrest Mountford, who is attending college at Omaha, arrived home Wed nosdny to spend Thanksgiving with his parents. II. R. Clark, Roadmnstcr for the Burlington from McCook, was in the city Tuesday attending to some busi ness matters. A. B. Crabill shipped three cars of hogs to Kansas City Sunday and Do lancy Bros, also shipped a car of mixed stock. County Agent Henry Fausch OX' pects to leave Saturday for Chicago, where he will attend the Intcraational Live Stock show. M. Florancc, who has been working in tho Webster County Bank tho past year, departed Friday for his homo at St. Paul, Minnesota. Perry Anderson returned to Ansel mo Friday morning after spending a week hero with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Anderson. F. A. Warren returned to his home nt Beatrice Thursday morning after spending a few drjys with his brother, kj, j. wan-en and wife. R. P. .Weosncr was in Lincoln Fri day attending a meeting of tho Ne braska Chamber of Commerce Direct ors of which he is a member. Mrs. Ailes of Wymoro is in tho city visiting relatives and friends. She has just returned from Denver, where she hnd been visiting her son, Howard. B. E. Eshelman and. Gene Bush autocd to McPhorson, Kas., Saturday, Sumner Eshelman, who is attending college there, returned homo with them. " Tho Bird Land Co., of Hays, Kan sas, sold the Frank Vavricka farm at public sale Monday afternoon. John Wittwer purchased tho same at $67 per acre. Word has been received here by relatives that Chas. Funk, of Barto, Florida, who has been a lesident of this county for many years, and Mrs. F. E. Young of Birmingham, Alabama, were united in marriage November 17. The Webster County Duroc Jersey Breeders held a combination sale of HO boars and 23 gilts at the Bcsso Sale Pavilion Saturday afternoon. Tho boars averaged $35 while tho gilts sold at $25 and tho average for tho entire lot was $30. County Agent Fausch informs us that he has booked four hog sales to be hold in this born in January. Charles McElhanoy, son of MV. and Mrs. Ralph McElhanoy, who reside southeast of this city, passed away at their homo Monday evening after a short illness with typhoid fovor.Fun oral services wore held Wednesday afternoon at tho Garfield Brethren church, Rev. Ira Wagoner preaching tho sermon. Interment was made in tho Martin cemetery. firaco Church (Pnlscopal) 10 ii. m , Church School. Hit in , DcncoiiPEH Smith will cor. ihict n Blbln Class during Hliscnce of Rov J. M. Butos. Exhilarating Burlesque; Vaudeville lliflllim Flllidillh fnHfClrli, Ftionf Clef rV.Cmiiiii . .-.Jil'lw' "'"""I Scmle fnlicMiat 1AD1ES' DIME MATINEE EVERY WEEKDAY Everybody Goes; AeH Anybody , MATS THE BICfiEST AID BEST SHCtT WEST If CHICHI ' '' ' .'. y, . ; : I; 'n-niriTiiinrn n mini ' ftrl taramtaBBl Lower Priced Clothes for Everybody There are only two ways to make lower prices on clothes either lower the quality stand ards or take less than a normal profit on fine goods. We won't sell cheap quality so we've lowered prices on all our fine Suits and Overcoats. Remarkable values at the following prices: $30 to $50 m ENTIRE STOCK 20 to 33$ Discount You Get Your Money Back If You Are Not Satisfied W. G. Hamilton i . Clothing Company The House of Quality W- ki, IrP in x n Ri jricLures Vaudeville Hl51li MfallE rmriTTriT Tmr in iijivrnEiunp 51 D iCT' 'iiBE mem Theater ft Red Cloud IU a m COMING! lJ5 THE TREAT OF THE SEASON Sunday, November 28th IMMEDIATETY AFTER THE FIRST SHOW Father Flanigan AlVTrt UTIC! DAVG OF FATHER FLANAGANS Alli HID JDU I D HOME OF NEBRASKA COME out and hear and see for yourself America's most construct ive workers. The Home that feeds, clothes and educates every homeless, wayward and .abandoned boy in the state, regardless of creed, color or nationality. A Rare Treat! Come! Admission Free! Mote The management-has donatrd the theater after the first regular show for regular admission will be charged. Father Flanagan's Boys entertainment FREE. TWO HOURS OF SUPERB ENTERTAINMENT awaits you, consisting of Songs, Recitations Addresses, Etc. A three-reel film of the every day life at the Home and an address by the founder, Rev. E. J. Flanagan. WORTH-WHILE ENTERTAINMENT from a WORTH-WHILE CAUSE First and Only Appearance in Red Cloud Sunday, Nov. 28 : Admission Free M I m 01 m Oil D M D -w'