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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1920)
'twm.t RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF . r i I I .1. , sjf w i i : iV h ' io V V i Why Exclusive Agencies Cost More to Operate A roofing dealer who has an exclusive agency has no competition on his pri vate brand. As a result he can charge a large profit if you'll buy. In addition, he is usually a long distance from his little manufacturer and must invest more money to keep his stock up. Now look at the Certain-teed way. Any responsible dealer can sell Certain-teed. . Each dealer carries a small represen tative stock. IHie needs more he orders from a nearby Certain-teed warehouse or jobber. It usually takes only a day or two to get it. Tke result is small investment, small storage cost, light insurance, and no slow-moving articles. Certarh-teed Saves You Money That's why Certain-teed dealers operate at less expense. And it's also why Certain-teed saves you money because they can afford to sell at close margins and there are enough of them to insure-, you a fair deal. Now let's see what you get when you buy Certain-teed Roofing. It's roofing that has never been known to wear out on the roof. It is guaran teed for 5, 10 or 15 years, according to weight. It is weather-proof, fire retarding and spark-proof. There is nothing else you want from roofing. And since you get this highest quality roofing at a saving, it's the logical buy. Any responsible dealer can get Certain teed for you quickly from a nearby Certain-teed warehouse or jobber. He gets it when he wants it and he gets what he wants. He can afford to sell you at a fair price. Certain-teed Product Corporation General Offices, St. Louis OfficM and Warshousss In Principal CltUs 55wBu m Certain teed m i-i Beware of the dealer who tells you he has Certain-teed, but tries to sell you a private brand. He probably wants a bigger profit DON'T LET THAT COPOn CONTINUE! Spohn's Distemper Compound will k-oclc It In very short time. At tho nrst sign of a couch or cold In your horso, give a few doses of "SPOHN'S." It will act on the glands, eliminate the disease germ and prevent furth er destruction of body bv disease. "SPOHN'S" tins been the standard remedy for DISTBMPEIt. INFLUENZA, PINK EYE, CATARRHAL FEVER COUGHS and COLDS for a quarter Of a century. CO cents and $1.16 per bottle at all drug stores. SrOIIN MEDICAL COMPANY. Goshen, Ind. HE KNEW HIS LIMITATIONS Small Boy Didn't' Imagine He Would Amount to Much In tho Bet ter Land. "Spiritualistic mediums In their de scriptions of the next world are nlft surd. Tho next world, Indeed, Is a very ticklish subject to handle." The speaker was Sir Oliver Lodge. Ho continued: "A little boy was told by his Sun day school teuclicr that he would leave his body behind when he died. '"I don't understand that, he said In a frightened voice. "'You see,' explained the teacher, 'You will tako all that Is good with you to the better land, and leave all that Is naughty here on earth.' "He thought a moment, then he isald soberly: " 'I guess I'm goln' to bo pretty thin up there, teacher.'" ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Is genu ine Aspirin proved safe by millions ml prescribed by physicians for ovc twenty years. Accept only an unbroken "Bayer package" which contains proper directions to relieve Headache, Tooth ache, Earache, Neuralgia, Hheumatlsm, Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer packages." Aspirin Is trndo mark Buyer .Manufacture Mon oacetlcacldcster of Sallcyllcacld. Adv. An Objection. " hear your husband Is very strong In his convictions." "Yes, ma'am, but he's wtuk In his head." In Kamchatka. Petropnvlovsk Is the prlnclpnl city of Kamchatka. Its population Is about 1,500. The country offers for sale fish, cavlnr and furs (especially sable bear furs). In 1013 the peninsula had TOO. 000 reindeer. Flour, salt, ten and sugar are greatly needed. In midsum mer great quantities of salmon are caught. . Liquid Gymnastics. Electrician Ssh 1 Keep It on the Q. T hut 'tis rumored that Fall harde, our new acrobatic comedian, Is hard at work trying to dope out a new scientific substitute for beer. Props Ah, I seel Trying to figure out how ninny hops It takes to mako a kick, eh? Film Fun. DEATH WAS NEAR Florida Woman in Critical Condition From Dropsy, But Doan'a Brought Recovery "Dropty brought me right down to the shadow of the grave' says Mrs. Ida B. Atwell, 004 William St., Key West, Fla. "tor fifteen years 1 was a hopeless wreck, struggling between life ana aeain xne pains were "so se vere in my back I screamed in ag ony. My head ached so severely 1 thought my skull was being crushed. Black specks floated be fore my eyes, and I hnd to grasp tho bed to keep from falling. "The kidney sc- Ka cruuuiiB u u r n e u , "rs. Atwtll and scalded and-1 could paes only a few drops at a time. My body bloated. The pressure of so much water on my chest almost smoth ered rue. My feet also swelled and largo sacs of water hung beneath my eyes. My skin had a shiny, white appearance and nnywbcro I pressed a dent would remain for hours. I became a nervous wreck. "A friend told me about Doan'a Kidney Pills and oh I I felt so happy when I found they were helping me. Continued use of Doan'a completely cured me." Btcorn to before me. ARTHUR GOMEZ, Notary Publlo. Ost Dean's at Aay Stora, 60c a Bos DOAN'SV&l? FOSTER. M1LBURN CO. BUFFALO. N. Y. IS IWijra STRAWBERRIES FOR MARKET Dependable Grading and Packing In. spires Confidence Which Is Re-' fleeted in Higher Prices. Tho unsatisfactory condition and grade of strawberries frequently found on the markets indicates a need for stiindiirl.ntlon and better handling methods, according to spe cialists In the bureau of markets, United States drpnitinent of agricul ture. Dependable grading and pack ing Inspire In the trade a confidence which Is reflected In a greater de mand and higher prices for the prod uct. Methods of handling strawberries and grades to guide the grower In preparing his crop for market are rec ommended In runners' Bulletin 070 "Preparation of Strawberries foi Market." Issued by the department of fir ?x!Mm$Js$ fiitx&rik? w'vmiaasx ffytyiWMiJ1 .mum sT S-s w'iv t.- , "" " r - .&: Carcruiiy Uraoea ana racKca toe Market agriculture. This bulletin nlso gives Information about the size of baskets required, under the United States con tainer act, for Interstate shipment, and other Information of value to tho strawberry grower. Copies may be obtained free on request from the United States department of agricul ture, Washington, D. C. TROUBLES OF APPLE GROWER Wooly Aphla Does Much Harm Through Secondary Infection of Roots Means of Control. The woolly nphls, while not In itself a dnngcrous pest, causes much trou ble for apple growers through second ary Infection of roots on which It has been working. A tree badly Infested with It commonly develops diseased and decayed roots, and neer boars as It'slioultl. When the nphls occurs above tho ground, It should be sprayed with n 40 per cent nicotine solution, or with kerosene emulsion; and euro should he taken to get It thoroughly wet. Where It occurs on the roots of young trees, It enn sometimes be controlled by soaking the ground with kerosene emulsion or stirring tobacco dust Into It. Nursery stock lightly Infested with the wooly nphls shniihl have the roots dipped In kerosene emulsion. Stock badly Infested, however, should bo burned.- Don't plant nn apple orchard on new ground. Many forest trees, such ns the wild crab, carry the woolly aphis, nnd It Is Fiifer to plant after tho land lias been under cultivation a sea son or two. NITRATE OF SODA IS NEEDED Two Pounds Per Tree Increases Vigor of Peach and Yield of Fruit Materially. In experiments made to determine whnt fertilizers arc best to apply to peach orchards, the Ohio station has found thnt nitrate of soda Is most necessnry. The amount to use vnrles for different orchards, but In tho stn tlon experiments two pounds per tree hnvo- Increased tho vigor of the treo nnd the yield of fruit materially. Acid phosphate Is next In importance, to nitrate of soda, especially upon clay eoII. This fertilizer gives little or no return unless used with nltrnto of soda or some other nitrogenous ma terial. Potash Is the least Important of the three, and when used alone on trees lacking nitrogen and phosphoric ncld may prove positively Injurious. The results of experiments In apple orchard fertilization In bouthern Ohio differ from those found In fronting pencil orchards in that tho apple or chards require nil three of tho fer tilizing elements to secure the most profitable results. Most of the re juvenation tests Jn npple orchards have been conducted on very Infertllo soils. GOOD SOIL FOR BUSH FRUITS Land That Has Been Well Tilled for Garden Crops Will Be Found to Be Most Satisfactory. Any good fertile soil will bo satis factory for tho bubh fruits, although n soil that has been well tilled for garden crops, and well fertilized with manure, Is most desirable Before setting plants, the ground should be thoroughly prepared as if for corn. Are You Human? A little baby. A little child, Don't they appoal to you ? Doesn't your heart yoarn to pick thorn up, to cuddle them close to you, to shield thorn frntn oil Vinrm? snrA it. Anna filsn von'rn not hnmnTi. Emtio Vinmnn wmi 1mm them. Their very helplessness makes you reach out in all your strength to aid them. In health there's no flower so beautiful. In illness there's no night so black. SnvR thorn then. Use evcrv nrccaution. Tako no chance. When sickness comes, as sickness will, remember its just a baby, just a child and if the Physician isn't at hand don't try some remedy that you may have around the house for your own use. Fletcher's Castoria was made especially for babies' ills and you can use it with perfect safety as any doctor will toll you. Keep it in tho house. fact Contents lSPluid DraclurJ iSTiTiluiTiVl.'f Children Cry Fop AT.r.nimT.-a PKR OBNT. 1 .;;T7:..7.n.". --..... AVCgCMOlClTcpwuuuHW"'" . cim Inlindlhcrooa DVKCfiUUl- tJjiflthcStomachstuuWsrf gM33ftlNYwywviftAv lj Thereby IYomoUn$ Digestion Cheerfulness ana itesuvw"" riptthw Onltf m.Morphlne nor. I - r - . i !inerol. Not NAhootiv, JlmptafOUlkSifaZinnSX Setma 9VsN '? A hot nf id Remedy br Constipation and Diarrhoci and fevensnnes:. u. Tnccnir SLEEP licaalfJnifhcrefrcmjllISP1" fecSInulcStywwi0 IgtCamxmCovPJacc -NEWTWgJU Do the People Know? Do you know why you are asked to call for Fletcher's Castoria when you want a child's remedy: why you must Insist on Fletcher's ? pi u, ye rs w,e have been explaining how the popularity of Metcher's Castoria has brought out Innumerable imitations, sub stitutes and counterfeits. To protect the babies: to shield the homes and in defense of generations to come we appeal to the better judgment of parents to insist on having Fletcher's Castoria when in need of a child's med Iclne. And remember above all things that a child's medicine is made for children a medicine prepared for grown-ups is not inter changeable. A baby's food "for a baby. And a baby's medicine is just as essential for the baby. The Castoria Recipe (it's on every wrapper) has been prepared by same hands in the same manner for bo many years that the signa-t ture of Cnas. H . Fletcher and perfection in the product are synonymous. M0THER8 SHOULD READ THE B00KIETTHAT IS AROUND EVERY B0TTIE OF FLETCHER'S CASTORIA GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Exact Copy of "Wrapper. TM OINTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. FIVE-YEAR-OLDS WILL TALK And Surely This One Came Near to "Spilling, the Deans" for Poor Mamma. After looklnp nt nil tlio niRs In tho store, the customer decided thnt Flic thought hc liked (he pink ono with the purple roses heat. "But I'd like to see It In my room." Bho snld. "I you'll send It up on npprovnl?" "Well, inndnin, It's or hardly usii nl," demurred the proprietor. "Hut In the eltcumstrncos, perhnps " The customer's llve-.venr-old dnuh tor, kvho hnd stood silent durltm the long Inspection, now tugged violently nt her mother's skirt. "Oh, mnmnin," she piped In her fa tally clear tiehle, "hadn't you hotter warn him to ho sure and get It there In time? Our party's tomorrow, you know." A Determined Speller. "I uinlerslnnd you gave your young est hahy a mighty queer name." "Yes," said the veteran printer. "I suppose n groat-mnny people will think It strange calling u girl 'Hilda Jen kins.' " "Whnt made you do such n thing?" "I don't like the way folks have gotten Into of using small typo Indis criminately. I mndo up my mind I would see to It that thero will he nt least n few occasions when Hlhlo will hnvo to be spelled with n capital U." Docs anyone really understand you7 Do you understand yourself? Tuberculosis In Cattle. The bureau of unlmul Industry of the department of agriculture reports thnt tuberculosis In cattle was respon sible for the condemnation of more cattle, slanghtered under federal meal Inspection last year, than nil other dis eases combined. Information from the bureau shows thnt Wt.fin carcasses of cattle were condemned on post-mortem Inspection nnd of that number :i7,(I(K) were tho result of tuberculosis. In ad dition 5.'Ml."i2 parts of cattle carcasses were condemned for the same cause. The bureau points out that tubercu losis In cattle and bog cholera In swlnu nre this two most serious con. tnglous diseases affecting meat ani mals, nnd there Is evidence thut a heavy loss occurs on farms In nddltlnn to condemnations nt establishments where government Inspection Is maintained. Agricultural Missionaries. To heighten agricultural production the world over nnd thus Increase the world's food supply, with the resultani blows at old II. U. of L., an Interna tional association of agricultural mis sions has been formed. Its members will carry modem agricultural meth ods Into every Innd. World Outlook, Mighty Few Do. "Why don't you Join n golf club?" "Man, I don't know how to piny golf." "Thnt's no reason. Ninety percent of the golf club members don't know how to play the game, either." It Is better to work n combination than It Is to blow up n safe. ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE Gives ease nnd comfort to frrt that are tender nnd sore. II shoes pinch or corns nnd bun Ions ache this Antiseptic, Heal ing Powder will give quick relief. Shake it In your Shoes, Sprinkle 1 1 ta the Foot-butli Sold everywhere. A nAIQY CI V If 1 1 I CD TLACED ANYT,1ir.!tD UfllOl iLI MLL.CI1 ATCKACTSANDKIU3 ALL FLICS. Neat, clnn.ommcnl&l,cs-i vrnlcnt. cheap, Luta all ccoaon. lln'o of mctel, can't spill or tip over; Kill not soli or Irjuro ortrthlnir. Cioarantocd rfrrrtlva. Sol I by dMlm. or 6 by EXI'HLRS, DrvcaiJ. II 3b. nAUOLU EOMPim, 160 Ve KsJb Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. BE A NURSE Exceptional opportunity nt tho present time for young women over nineteen years of age who hnvo had at (east ono year In high school to tako Nurses' Training In general hospital. Our graduates are In great demand. Addres Supt. of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium ' Lincoln, Ncbrsaka 1 AV BUTTER SHOP JUI 1112 15th Street b. b. joy, Prop. Denver, Colo. Buys for -(BUTTER Cash CREAM PRODUCER TO CONSUMER Each Cup Of INSTANT POSTUM contains the same uniform quality of goodness that makes this table beverage so popular. Make ft strong or mild as you prefer by varying the quantity used. No wonder so many prefer it to coffee, not alone on account of taste but because of its abundant healthflilness. 73ruly "There's aUgason for POSTUM Made by Postum Cereal Ca Battle Creek. Michigan, Acid Stomach Makes the Body Sour Nine Out of Ten People Suffer From It It sends its harmful acids and gases all over the body, instead of health and btrengtli. Day and night this ceaseless dam age goes on. No matter how strong, its victim cannot long withstand the health destroying elTects of nn acid stomach. Good news for millions of sufTerers. Chemists have found a sure remedy one" that tal:cs the acid up and carries it out of tho body; of counc, when the cause is removed, tho sufferer gets well. Bloating, indigestion, sour, acid, gassy stomach miseries all removed. This it proven by over half a million ailing folks who havo taken EATON1C wjth wonder ful benefits. It can be obtained from any druggist, who will cheerfully refund its trilling coot if not entirely satisfactory. Everyone should enjoy its benefits. Fre quently tho first tablet gives relief. HtvMhUTt IIINO uml 1'11'OriNO ATTACU .MKNTi works on all swlns muchlnss; ll".0. AJa. J. r. Lluht. llux 127. UlrmlmthHiii, Ala. i s. II M