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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1920)
l.l .' . ,1 tTAAu n n , I t i I WXkmlm:: g rVW-J 'flvA '$$$$$$$k rJW--01m . s V i - - - .-"" .w:m50-s: "" .s- .-i-.. -''-, Viite-r-r f5S5M " '---'r-.J-TMrjiill V" - J A Newspaper That lilvcs The News Nifty-two Weeks Each Ycnr For 52 03 N VOLUME 48 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JUNE 17. 1920 NUMBER 25 iniHiiiiiwwrtMwiiiniaiw waix aw.tnoi il rwi imwwwi ill ' lK fji msj fit? IP j-- - ---- j , i m i m&.:&a8mmffi!kttMmt '?. s iS.Fj " .. . f?, Cwstt t 4 FRANK I'KKUY IS I3LECTI3D MKMBKR BOARD EDUCATION The Board of Education mot in reg ular session on June 7, but there be ing no quorum present, adjourned to meet on Monday, Juno lith, at which time all members Hoxscy presiding. An Escential Institution A movement is under way for tlo erte: on of u hospital in Hod Cloud. To ditto it is only iu the preliminary stage, but. considerable interest is bolng, by several of our prominent J wore present Willi ; curens unit without n ttotioi tnu woi it will btj curried through in the near futurei Our present hospital is not of gRE2WBma3m P dFSm. &...,., M a j aw& wnsr fi&w&gry After the minutes of the May 4th meeting had been read and approved, nullleicnt capacity to take care of tho will all members voting aye, Perry was elected a member Hoard to fill the vacanev caused by Frank uiauy emergency calls and something of the ' sliolll lio done In tho matter. We ! lcnPrittctya1riCTgBfflaryag?n"aJVJB1J33Cantap'' OOMMUJNIT PLATE Y AS A GIFT For Weddings, Anniversaries or Birthdays, COMMUNITY PLATE is the appropriate and sure to-bc-apprecialcd token. In Chcsls or in the Blue Gift Cases there is a great variety of Sets and Pieces obtainable and at a wide range of prices. Wc can supply your Gift need in Community Plate. Come in and ice it. J. C MITCHELL, The Jeweler a"TO"raBra'tM"taaJaiiaawra'EiMc.QCa''iaYg" oAt your Service for Fifty Years itt ;BBtrjataBtninnuttJBL,3akCJaPeJcrairJitarga s m SLfei M iics; the faihre of member elect Cowdcn to qualify. The following bills were read and allowed: '"., j F. G. Turnure & Son!... $ .45 Jus. Burden . .CO John Parsons ,-- .- &Q Jacob V.'hipkcy 1.00 i E. II. Weber: 10.00 ! Boston Music Co. L 2.81 I R. P. Wcesncr Co 9.96 j Hansen Laundry '. 1.95 ; C. L. Cotting 5.00 j The Board agreed to allow the bill of Gaston Music Co. for ?10 for mov ing piano for Miss Owen at tho re cent school entertainment. The secretary made a report of Commencement exorcises showing a net profit of 5143.33 after all bills were paid. Joe Barta was allowed $100 per month, or full time, for his services as- janitor of the Washington, and, Junior High school buildings for the coming year. Board adjourned to meet on Mon day, July 5th. C. J. POPE, Secretary ready have tho medical and surgical skill and should have accomodations for their patients. VJIIfflinill The Big Three Quality In order to measure up to the demands of the buying public of today any piece of merchandise must give satisfaction in every way. It it does not U is stricken from the list of desireable merchandise The goods we handle possess this QUALITY CMiiri na e service we tender our OCT V ICv? patrons, even to the 'kiddies is known to all. Our aim at all times, is to give you wants very prompt and careful attention. Dm i The price is figured as low as it 1 lt? it is possible to make it when you consider that our merchandise is the best the market affords. You are protected, not only by our years of successful grocery experience, but also by our guarantee of your satisfaction. P. A. Wullbrandt Chautauqua Dates July 25-31 i Owing to the fact that the' duties connected with tho county attorney's ollh'i" iici'iiiil('i nil of his l.itiii' II. rv.,.. ;. ' ""-- ';.: a. ejus lorineriy loeai man -j'r 01 inn lUd Cloud Chautauqua, li;u found 'it noCcssur'y -to turc thU u-poiihiliility over to another party. Prof, lloltxiu kindly consented to act in ills toud. The Professor informs us tliat tho Midland Chautauqua Coinpuny are scheduled to appear iu lied Cloud July -j to 31. Inclusive, lie has bot-n in structed to announce that a very line hiric' of programs has boen arranged, and that they will surpass thoseMorm erly presented lien1. Further informa tion concerning the same will ho pub lished In the loual papers at an early date. Watch for thu announcements. THE CITY COUNCIL The City Council met in regular adjourned session on Fritjay evening, at which time they proceeded to re peal the two paving ordinances cov ering Paving Districts No. 3 and 4, owing to tho fact that the amounts called for therein were found' not to bo a multiple of twenty, which did not permit, since the bonds arc to consist of denominations of $1000.00 each, of retiring one twentieth a year after five years. They then proceeded to pass two new ones. Before adjourning the estimate of expense for 1920 was submitted and ordered published and tho following claims wore allowed: American Ins. Co $ C. F. Evans O. C. Tool i.... i i I L. B. Electric Works Watts Construction Co. W. D. Edson Watts Construction Co. Grant, Fulton & Lctton Grant Fulton & Letton Grant Fulton & Letton.. Watts Construction Co. .. Watts Construction Co. .. Watts Construction Co. .. C. T. Dickinson -". 107.00 21.85 12.25 185.97 299.09 12.00 100.74 192.31 551.41 9.87 C510.21 18380.29 329.00 DIED James" H. Robinson On Monday evening James II. Robin son, who had been in poor health for several months, passed away at the home of his son, Arthur, who resides west of town. Tho deceased was horn in Iflinois Fobruary 23, 1853, aud was 07 years old at tho time of his 'demise. Mr Robinson was ono of tho old settlers of this county and resided in Garfield township for niauv years, after which he moved to Rod Cloud and conducted a restaurant here. Since the death of his wife u few years ago ho has been making his homo with his children., During his many yours of residence in this county he made many friends, be ing industrious, courteous and u true friend to all thoso whom ho ciimo in contact. Ills many frlendr, will be deeply grieved to know of his passing. One son, Arthur, and one daughtor, Mrs. Rubo b'chultz, are left to mourn ' his demise. Tho fuueral services were hold this afternoon at tho Methodist church, ltev. Cope In charge, after which inter ment was mudo iu tho Martin come tery. I Recount your own treasures that your heart holds dear a Vatch, a Pin, a Ring and you will give lasting presents to those of whom you are fond. JEWELRY is the thing to give Our store is the place to buy it, because you can absolutely depend upon the Quality, Style and price of any piece you buy from us. Your Satisfaction or Your Money Back! B.ttMewhouse Red aoud Jeweler and Optometrist av6i Groceries and Queensware u rararaataai RESULTS COUNT and we have the knowledge the equipment and the desire to produce RESULTS. Let Us Prove It Will Rosoncrans spent Wednesday in Blue Hill. Mrs. Alva Cnsscdy of ' Unionville, Missouri, and Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Wil son and daughter, Opal, of Kansas City, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. II. Boner. Will Jnrboe and Lynn Bush went to Lincoln Saturday morning where Grand Island Charles II. Smith Charles II Smith, one of tho picneer citizens of this community, passed awnv at the home of his son, at an 10.75 ' early hour Monday morning. I The deceased whs born in Mitford, Connecticut. Novombur tlo, 18.I0. Iu lb."S he moved to Iowa where he was united in marriage to Simth Sktdmoin iu 1800. To this union were born bix children, four having tliud iu infancy, and one son. Ii. W. Smith passing away in 1910, at Clajtou, Kansas. In 1875 ho came to Nebraska and for a number of years residing in Red Cloud. A few months ago he urn! his wife went, to the Old Soliliors iiomo at lteeentlv no returned tho former will mnkc arrangements i to this city for a visit M ""i.J .,.,., , , . Z ii, ,J. Smith, and while hero was taken IU. to attend tho state university tho lJ(j (. R,',rvlve,i by i,.b wlfo and ono Over Smith's -Shoe Store- The Gleason Studio coming year. J Tho Watts Construction Co., finish ed laying tho asphalt in Paving Dis I trict No. 2 Tuesday and some of tho l men have left with trucks for Paola, Kansas, whoro this company ,1ms a paving contract. I Mr. and Mrs. Davo Kalcy left Sat urday for tho Pacific coast where they will spend tho summer. Mr. Huntsingcr of Eshon has leas ed tho Sam Heaton building and w'll open a restaurant in the same with in a few weeks. I The following shipped stock Sun day: Wm. Crabill & Son, ono car of hogs to St. Joe; Delnnoy Bros., ono ' car of hogs to Kansas City; F. B. , Morral, ono car of 'horses to Fast St. Louis; Yost & Son, ono car of cat tle fo St. Joe. son, u. M. siniiu. , . , . Funeral servicos were conducted at theChristian church, Wednesday morn ing, Rev. J L, lloebe in charge. Inter-1 ment was made In the North Branch cemetery. I Kay Davl9 who resides south of th!a city was quite aoverely injured Wed-1 nesday while operating an overshot stacker. We havo not learned the ex-1 tent of his injuries, but hope they ato not of a serious nature. Tho home of Rev. J. L. Beobe was tho scone of a wedding ceremony, last Thursday evening, which mado Paul Buokles and Miss Kllen Atulurfcou bus band and wife. Tho brldo is tho daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. N. V. Antler sou of Oowlos. The man of her clndco Is the youngest son of Mrs J. F. I de les. Ilotlrtlu-HB young pooplo h host, of filii'S to wish them n ai"' . odded life. Th mo on the Buckli" Pathe . Phonographs Conceived in Paris decades ago and delicately perfected as time went on, Pathe music has long enjoyed the approval of our musically fastidious allies. Ears that would be distraught by tho blair of thol"talking ma chines" hav.e welcomed the jeweled music of Pathe. It is tho romantio belief of poets thnt in their oueirolings through space the stars made musical their pusstigo. Tho "music of tho spheres" may bo on a grander scalo but it is not moro bo witching than the music of that tiny sapphire ball which glides around lis appointed orbit 011 a Pathe Record. In contemplating tho more sophisticated mechanism of Pathe ono should remember thnt there aro twoways of considering re corded inuslo. Ono is that it Is a sort of science. The other that it i9 Art. Tho pseudo-sclentUt uses points, noodhu, which rip sound out of tho record. Tho Artist is gentler; ho uses a perfectly rounds saphlro which by moro touch releases muslo Music must bo wooed, not gouged; and wo know that this matter may be safely left to theverdict of your ears once you hear Patho IIEAll THi: PATHE AT MiGRICE & GRIMES n.i..i.. PATHE PHONOGRAPHS AND PATHE RECORDS eh4fteAvMBeA'rA Mill ' p o E 30E IE 3E 3ME m i: The Price of Lumber and building material is so much less than it has been and the prospects for it going much lower is so slight that we feel justified in advising you to build now PI.TT & FREES TI DE J ! (.1 if 3 f