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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1920)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF K GLASS STEPS OUT, HOUSTON IN fy mft Wji ............F ' 'OHT s lfli r wrlWti...........Kfll......M 'y- BB 'V X fe&li&JSl v7H ' jCajSjpm I I I I I I BiH I I 1 1 x B Rjty E1V' m 1,1 i p,im w 4 ii rfB v ..... .-.. . .....- .-... ...,-...,, , . a-. - - &S j1fl5fl ,Vfr W nfcff g- IS7 .KaakSZSasMiM w-smjawi,..- - jcf(Ba.'fitai I mutt V. I Ionium, at rlKlit. rcwlvliu: lila commission as secretary of the tnmiiry fioni Curler Glnss, tliu retiring secretary. pJvF 8,899 PROFIT IN "Y" HUTS can soldiers nnd milorn, uIbo iit'i'in-d fitlilltfoiiH thereto nntf new bullillims for rucIi purposes. Oontliumnco of the mipport of Him work now hclng carried on for tlis soldiers and snllors of our allies he yond tlie year 11)20, should the seri ously unsettled conditions occasioned by the war continue. Setting apart of a substantial por tion of the surplus to lie regarded as n reserve fund which talent be used at any time for rendering V. M. C. A. service In any Brave national enter gency. This reserve fund should cer tainly bo lield for these purposes for nt least two years. Continuance of the educational pro gram for ex-service men. We recom mend also n study of the needs of the wounded ex-service men who are now having vocational training. Recommendation that the total amount that seems now to have ac crued In the operation of the can teen, approximately $.'00,000 (brought about by the government's cancela tion of the charges aggregating $2, fiOO.OOO and for which we had n re serve fund), to be used for the bone tit of ex-service men. either through on appropriation direct to the Amer ican Legion or to the relief of Incapac itated ex-service men, or to sucl. oth er purposes for the benefit of ex service men ns might be agreed upon lMJtween tho olllcers of the national war work council and the ofllccrs of tho American Legion. CQRNHUSKER ITEMS News of All Kinds Gathered From Various Points Throughout Nebraska. ?. ..-"-- - ..-$ .Adjustments Show This Gain and Wipe Out "Book Loss" of $1,478,004, PUBLIC GIVES 161,722,649 Report Revenls Approximate Balance of $17,000,000 Largest Suma Ex pended on American Fighters While Abroad. Now York.-A financial statement fir operation Iv the national war vrork council of ihu V. M. C. A. from tue beginning of our participation !n tln war to .Inuu'iiy 1 Inst reveals that the canteens operated for soldier." and Mllors returned n net prollt of $."03, WKV70. A previous report In March, 1918, reported a loss on canteen serv ice of $I.J7S.07I.1 I. The United States carried Y. M. C. A. supplies free of charge on transports, and furnished rail trans portation and motor supplies In Franco. The report iiImi shows that .$101, ' jr2,Q !! I- had been contributed by .the public to Y. M. C. A. war work up to .lauuary 1. The report of WI1 Hnm Slnsme. chairman of the war work council, reveals an approximate balance of $17,000,000, the principal expenditures to the ends for which the money was given having been ns follows: Itemized Expenditures. Spent on soldiers, sailors nnd ma rines In the United Stntes, !?fl S.SOO.fiO ; abroad, $rc:wi! T.'Hi.OU ; other expenses not Iteml.eil, $7,000,000. The fund of more than $1(51.000,000 was made jp as follows: rirst Y. M. C. a. cam paign, $fi,li:i.C.i(5)3; second Y. M. C. A. campaign. $."i:J,:i 1,5 UJ.81 ; United !Vur Work campaign up to .luiumry 1, $100,7.'.0,7:I1.17; other sources, $2,-rM.701.-li!. The balance of $17,000,000 revealed In the report Is surplus, writing off more than $21,000,000 of "commit ments alreudy made for continuance of the work not only on behalf of the American army and navy at home nnd overseas, but "lso among the allied armies In the troubled nreas of Kurope and Asia." Itecoinmenda tlons for continuance of work adopt ed nt the last Joint meeting of the executive and finance committees of the national war work council Include the following: Recommendations rVJade. Continued support of such welfare work as the Young Men's Christian association Is now canylng on for en listed men In the American army and navy In the United States nnd Its pos sessions and overseas wherever Amer ican troops are still held. This rec ommendation Includes the maintenance of the permanent Young Men's Chris tian a.ssoclntlon buildings for Ante; I- i Father May Swear When Hanging Paper Moorhend, Minn. When fa ther lays the carpet on the stairs has long been conceded ns a time to throw the mantle of charity about certain sayings and doings of paterfamilias that normally would be beneuth his dignity. Now comes a Moorhend Judge who says that the law extends this leniency to such occasions as when father hangs the pa per on the Wall. So Mrs. Henry Iiucliholz of Sauk Center, Minn., was denied her bill for divorce, Judge Nye ruling that whatever Henry might do when exhausted from matching wallpaper patterns and when covered with paste und perspiration does not con stitute "criiol and Inhuman treatment," especially when rec ords prove him at all other times meek, faithful and provi dent. ....-....- --.- ..... OF INTEREST TO ALL READERS Absence of any signs of life about the home of August Oestman. a fnrmer residing near Auburn, brought an Investigation by neighbors which disclosed that every member of the family was sick with Influenza and that two children, Herbert, 0, nnd Lawrence. H, were dead with core-bro-splnal-menlngltls, resulting from the disease. There are 10 members of the family, and eight of them lay sick In beds, whne the two dead children had been laid out on the floor by members of the weakened family. Nurses were procured for tiro care of the stricken family, the mem bers of which were too sick to attend the funerals of the two children. The retirement of Klninr K. Youtr-M from the race for the republican nation for governor nt the primary next month means that the nonpar! I sun league will not try for a slate ticket, but will confine their omloaor- to the election of a stale legislature. Youngs was endorsed by the nonparti san league at Its stale meeting at Lincoln. INDIAN'S CHARMS FAIL Did Not Protect Him When He Blew Out Gas. ". ,.. . ...! T I Find Rare variety J I of Sugar on Firs : Washington. Discovery of the grow ill of sugar on fir trees In I'.rltMi Columbia Is an nounced In the American Forest ry Mngalne. The discovery re sulted from investigations by Prof. .John Puvidson of the Unl verslt.v of lirlllsh Columbia tit Vnncomor. Specimens nre said to hae In dicated the presence of a large porcentime of an extremely rare variety ! s.igar. Indians have made u-e of the sugar for many enrs, the urtlcle states. . . .. 4 .. t j) Knyuce Chief on His Way to Washing ton Dies In Chicago Hotel. , Chicago. The tribe of Knyuso In dians on the reservation in Uiuntllla county, near I'endleton, Ore., are awaiting assurance from their chief, U. M. Sum Kim, that their hinds will not be taken from them. They will lenrn that ho died in a hotel nt G03 South Wells street, usphyxlnted by gas. It la believed thut lie blew out the flame. Ills charm of four snake heads failed to protect him. Chief Sum Kim was on Ills way to Washington to appear before the In dian board of commissioners to plead that his people bo protected from a lli-m that is attempting to take parts of their land nway through court pro ceedings for failure to pay an alleged debt, It Is said. Adam Hlrd, owner of the hotel, do tc.'tlng tho odor of gas, traced it to the Indian's room. The South Clark street police were summoned, but it was found he was dead. Tied to a string around his neck were four small cha mois bags. Within them were the dried heads of four snakes. lie had worn a sombrero, hoots, yel low duck trousers mid u black shirt. He ca.-Jil four blankets. The body was taken to the Central undertaking rooms at IMS Federal street. Among the papers found were those of a law linn demanding that the chief appear befoie them and straighten out a money matter, threatening court procedure If he failed to do so. The chief carried nflldavlts proving bis side and a map and blue prints show ing the lund owned by the tribe. Trav eling orders nnd appearance pnpers for a hearing before the commission ers were nlso found. SCOFF AT 'WHITE CANNIBALS' Explorers Declare No Such Tribe aa Reported Exists on Tlburon Island. Los Angeles, Cnl. Members of tho mining expedition Cant Ilarry Do Wlndt, nn English explorer, said ho plans to lead to Tlburon Island, In the Gulf of California, need not four "white cannibals" reported there, ac cording to Los Angeles residents who have visited the Island. Persons returning from Tlburon, however, have given It nn unplensant reputation. They hnve reported that It Is overrun with reptiles and that the few Indians living there, while not ac tively hostile, are sullen nnd distrust ful. Stories of u strange white tribe, using poisoned darts and an ancient blunder buss to bag occasional visitors to pro vide native feasts, are scouted here. Some Los Angeles residents have re ported having seen natives carrying modem firearms. Laborers Buy $25 Shirts. New York. Louis 15. Tim, silk shirt manufacturer, reports silk shirts sell ing nt $25. "and the peculiar thing nbout It,", he said, "Is that we sell more of these shirts to worklnguien than we do to millionaires." CONGRESSIONAL NAVAL INSPECTORS AT KEY WEST f L w..,, "r2?2SFTZ3?JT 1 f ' JS W 1 Vf . ..4 &,X I j, JUS cv& 4 , . 4 .i V'i S'?5?i i fc . V. i i ACT 2 V . r?. fc M.JgJ. AWWA' tWVi5".vVi A m a ."SBH x i -r-- ?ry" s . - ,-,.. '... - ,...rr wjvw' . , . ,.. t iJSTXxtoV. ?:h t,i,&ii.zu.??J& ttr'flfY iT m " 'rwfr ii.,j "? ry rmrrvr ' n r r Ha- ww ,wAvvayxvw.-.''ftfrt-..''i' Thu coiii.iebslonal board of naval inspectors at Key Wim Just lietoie eintiuiUIng on the U. S. S. Dolphin to go to .lamalca and the Virgin Islnnds on n general tour of Inspection. Left to right: Senator Kenyon of Iowa; Con gresHinan fiamett of Tennessee; Senator Kdge of New York; Congressman Towner of Iown;Hear Admiral J. N. Oliver, U. S. N., head of the commlsslou ; Congressmen Campbell of Knusuu and Guy of Louisiana. Aiinouncoment has been made that liaptlsts of Nebraska have been as signed n quota of $l,r.(M;,000 as their share of tho $100,000,000 fund which K to be raised In connection wltli the New World movement "for Amerlcan iratlou and splrituallxatlon of the na tion and the Near Kast." ' Hhlra Tcwvk-sbury, SO, n died March 7, In I'luttsmouth, was the only real daughter of the American revolu tion in Nebraska. She was the daugh ter of .Tames Walker, a soldier in the battle of Kort Tlconderoga, and she was one of only sixty "real daugh ters" In the United States. At the suggestion of the Parent Teacher association of the North l'uitte high school, girls of the Junior class have Inaugurated a campaign against silk hosloty, high heels, filmy waNts, and other wearing apparel which especially appeals to the sterner sex. Attorney General Davis has notified Charles K. Hughes that Nebraska will Join with other states In the legal pro ceedings to keep the states of Ithode Kland from winning Its ease against prohibition. D. W. lleed of Ilalgler, Dundy coun ty, has boon enthused by the non partisan league for congress, and O. K. Neubaurer of Orleans, Harlan coun ty, for the state senate. All records for real estate transac tions for Dodge county were broken, when deals totaling $1,010,000 won completed by the transfer during the first three days In March. West Point voters will pass on n proposition nt the next municipal elec tion for the Issuance of $20,000 water bonds for extending tho system In the city. The University of Cnllfornln base ball tenm will meet N'braska at Lin coln, Mny 10, while en route to the east to play Harvard, Princeton nnd Yale, It Is announced. The Farmers Grain !c Supply Co. of Illldreth has protested to the state railway commission against the action of the Ilurllngtnn railroad In not fur nishing grain cars. M. 15. Carman, Methodist conference evangelist, completed a three weeks' rovlval meeting at Coad which netted 122 converts. Improvements for state Institutions nre being planned by the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce, State Ualr as sociation, mill state pnlverslty. Kearney voters will pass on n proposition at a special election In April to bond the city In the sum of $12.",000 for u new school building. The Nebraska department of agri culture reports winter wheat In this state In good condition at the present time. The cornerstone for theAiew I'll 'rim Coni;rei:atlonnl church at Cort land was laitl with appropriate serv ices. Work hns been resumed on the con struction of six miles of concrete pav ing west of Uremont on the Lincoln hlchwiiy. Umll Kafelta of Oil. ex-soldler, drew claim Oil In tho Torrlngtnn, Wy land drawing. Auburn voters nro to have a referen dum vote on ordinances allowing Sun day baseball, movies and other enter tainments. Prof Iluxford, science Instructor In the Pawnee Pity High school, has se up a wireless receiving station for de most ration. Tour men wore moving a carbine gas tank from the basement of the home of John llrnndt near Nlckersnu when one of them struck a mulch in light his pipe. A terrific oxploMnn fol lowed, Injuring all four men quite ser iously. At the spring election citizens of Chndron will vote on a $.r0,000 paving bond proposition. At tho annual town meeting held nt Adams tho other day the matter of the erection of n hall for community gath erings wns discussed. A special elec tion for the purposo of noting In tho ninttcr Is likely to bo called. Tf land In Nebraska Is to bo as sessod on Its snlcs value this year as Secretary of Klnnnco Itoss hns In ktructetl nssessors, valuations will In crease from firto .100 per cent in vir ully every county in tho state. According to a letter received by Governor McKelvIo from Daniel C. llopcr, chief collector of Intcrnnl revenue, in state where it Is unlaw ful to sell liquor under state laws, druggists will not be issued permits to sell intoxicants by the federal govern ment. This, it Is believed, means no liquor penults will be Issued to Ne braska druggists. Following n dispute over some oats, Hnymoiid Hill, Fillmore county farm er, residing near Geneva, shot and In stantly killed ills father, Jacob Hill, agetl 09. Tho slain man had been n resident of the county for many years. Young Hill when placed under arrest showed no remorse for his terrible act. I5urnetl crops, dnmnged farm ma chinery, sabotage of nn kinds but par ticularly where It Interferes with the production of foodstuffs, Is going to mean action by the Northwest War riors In Nebraska, according to J. W. Hryant, head of the organization's commit tec on Americanism. Mayor Smith of Omaha has Issued Instructions to the imllce department of the metropolis to stop nctlvltles of liquor burglars who within the last six months hnve looted cellars of more than $.r00,000 worth of liquor. A "highjacking" squad of ten olllcers bus been detailed to work. Two Klniwood boys, Tyler Parish, 12, anil bis brother, Morton, 10, proved heroes the other day when they stop ped a Missouri Pacific passenger train running between Union null Lincoln, with 100 passengers, within twenty feet of n broken rail and prevented n wreck-. During the first week of April nbout 20 new road contracts will be let by the state road department calling for the expenditure of probnblye $1,000. 0(H). Those new roads are scattered over the state In different localities, and It Is expected that as soon ns tho contracts are let work will begin. Wllllnm Itummell, one of Cass coun ty's live stock feeders, shipped a car load of twenty-two html of steers to Omaha, whore he received $U 2." per hundred. These steers averaged l.'-'.'Vf pounds, having been on feed since Oc tober !), at which time Kummell bought them for $0.1 S. More than 100 Nebraska democrats attended a dinner at Omaha at which Arthur F. Mullen sounded the keynote of the Hitchcock for president cam paign. A. ('. Shallcuhcrgcr, former congroisman, acted the part of toast master. Secretary George Johnson of the dennrtment of nubile works snvs tlmr all but 17 of the auto trucks damaged j by fire when the cattle barn was burn- ' oil at the fair grounds at Lincoln, ! have been fully put In shape. j At a meeting of a number of farm- i LIFT OFF CORNS! Apply few drops then lift sore, touchy corns off with fingers Doesn't hurt n bit! roD little Freezone on an aclilrc coipfistnatly thut corn stops hurting, tn'you lift it right out. Yes, mngicl A tiny bottle of Frcoeine.;costs but a few cents at any k'ig syiVe, but Is sufllclent to remove every liurd corn, soft corn, or corn bcUvcwi (jjo toes, and the calluses, without soreness or Irritation. Freezone is the sonsjitionnl dis covery of n Cincinnati Kcnlus. It is wonderful. Adv. Falling in loe Is afteji a serious accident. Red Cross Ball Blue Khuuld be used in every home. It makes olotlics white as snow and never Injures tho fabric. All good grocers, 5c. An Ill-smelling pipe bus science. 112 Millions used last year to KILL COI HILL'S no con- iSlvAUh,, VI . VI ll StS ,V IP8P. K MnA Pr-a. I ' n I DSJfc. (PN1NI S ers who conduct dairies as auxlllailes j to their regular farm work at Central i City stops were taken to form u dairy j organization In Merrick county. I Secretary of State Amsherry has ' ruled that separate ballots and ballot , boxes must be provided for male and femnle voters In the April 20 primary , election. County nssessors have been advised by Secretary of Finance P.ross that , shares of stock In building nnd Loan associations of this stale arc subject to taxation. French war certificates were pre sented to relatives of Gage county heroes who lost their lives In the war by the American Legion post at Beatrice. A record-breaking transfer of real estate was recorded In Nuckolls coun ty the first week In March when sales taotallng over $1,000,000 were closed. The Board of Education at Lincoln Instructed architects to draw up plans for the new Junior High school building which Is to cost $175,000. An oil compnny hns over 7,000 acres of land leased south of Table Bock and In '.he vicinity of Seneca, for tho purpose of trying for oil. The Lincoln High basketball team carried off first honors at the state high school tournament nt the Ne braska capital. A new hotel for Ord Is one of the projects of the Community Service club. A sixty-room structure Is con templated. Chain stores nre to be established In a number of Nebraska towns by n company organized nt Fremont. Work Is to be started soon on the new Svrlnn Orthodox church at Kear- now The new etiiuce win cost imimriv. Petitions for George Jackson of Nel son for governor nre being circulated at Superior. Presbyterians of ICenrnoy have pur chased n site for their nev $".",003 church. (iindron has emplnved n city man ager at a salary of $r.000 a year. Ogallalla's ponulace Is rejoicing at the sight of workmen lining the foun dation for a new modern hotel. Shippers In all parts of Nebraska are sending protests to the State Ball way Commission nt Lincoln because of the use of cars for emigration pur poses Instead of for sh'pn'ng irrain. Lincoln. Norfolk. Stnnton. Colunii'U.i and scores of oMier Nebraska lov in are expected to send teams to the an- mint Nebraska state open wrosinug championship tournement nt the Young Men's Christian association, Omaha, Saturday evening, March 27. Plans hnve been perfected for tho construction of a two-story, 80-ronm hotel at O'Neill. Bow K. II. .Ilnsmnn, pnstor of the Methodist church of Ori, has an nounced the Intention of his congrega tion to purchase n motion picture ma chine to be used In educalnnal and entertainment work. Articles of Incorporation filed by the North Plntto Valley Hallway com pnny, with headquarters at'Scottsbluff, show that the organization proposes to build and opernto railroad In Morrill, Scottsbluff und Sioux counties. 5k Stan tMi !PK0 y .vVTCr.ljV. 'Kv W jy -a m romH dard cold remedy for 20 year n taDict lorm sale, sure, no plates breaks up a cold in 24 Bows relieves crip in j clays. Money aci: it it laiis. Trie nemnne iiot Has a Ked tcp w l tn iur. lima picture. At All Crag Stat Ladies LetCuiicura Keep Your Skin Fresh and Younj Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. PATENTS TCntiion K. Oolmn, l'aletit iAwjiur.Wiutilniruin, ii ii. AdiiQiiuid book ire. Bates reasonable. Ulubostroturencvs. "ostsorrlooa. Nebraska Directory Field, Garden and Flowers Nursery Stock Boo Supplies Eirns for Hatching Wrlto for cataloz HILTNER & R1GDON 1042 O Street Lincoln. Neb. KODAKS Developing, Printing and Enlarging Lincoln Photo Supply Co. (Knstuiuii UodaU Cu.) Dcpt. K, 1217 O St. Lincoln, Neb. 7 PER ANNUM TAX FREE The Lincoln TelepSwrm & ToleKmpli Com pany, Lincoln, Nob, U offering to InvoBtom it, $100 per shun-, notno (if lln tax-lre' VTo mock thru tins palil iiu.irtorly dividends for thu pint 11 Tlilu U nnufoiiml con venient Investment, cIipcIsh for dividends be iiiu nmlloil to our uiUlrrsH for $1.76 per $100 Hlinrn In Jnnuiirv, April, July nnd Oc tober. For Information or for nhurat of irtack nildroHH C. I ItUMRcll. Kony. Lincoln Tele phone & TPlCRrnpn uoiiipiwy, iiiK-piione llldB., Lincoln, Neb. PAINT OP! BUY Bradley & Vrooman House Colors for the House Sold in every town Write for color scheme WESTERN GLASS & PAINT CO. LINCOLN, NEB. zj - wart i ' VSrTPM r'1 "" ?"1 MmBSBsm m - -- " r SANITARIUM SULPH0 SALINE SPRINGS Located on our own promises and used in the Natural Mineral Water Baths Cusurniissud in tho treatment of RHEUMATISM Uenrt, Stomach, Kidney and Liver Discuses Modorato charges Address DR. O. W. EVERETT. Mar. Mtb and M SI. Lincoln. Nk. ) V $ &212SS222!$ IliilidiliWiilllwii'!