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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1920)
9 I I jg,,,"sK r yaaJ. K J t i. i v f if rf.-i ,'-'. 1 w. 4 Newspaper That 6 Ives The Rem Fifty-tut Weeks Each Year Far Sf.5t VOLUME 40 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. MARCH 18. 1920 NUMBER 12 HM5MffiHiT WE buy only what we know to be good and we, pay for our mistakes with our money not yours. I Red Cloud Post Organized Notice to Red Cloud Citizens i -. On last Thursday evening a laro As the gardening season Is approach., number of the returned soldiers of thlt '"Kt a"1' hi order to prevent, coinphtints oily mot nt tint Uommurclul Club rooms tolng Hied it becomes uccessary to call for the purpose of organizing an Amcri. ymr attention to the fact that there is on n Legion Inf. law prohibiting poultry being allow. Articles of the National run. State '' t run at large. Notice Is hereby Constitution ivnre rend, after which j given Hint, from this da'e on, nil ponl tin; members pi esent elected tuinpoiary ! -O' "'"I Put stock innst he kept penned oilluers ns follow-: I'HIl Sherwood, !' Tlne failing to coiupty wtt'i t his Adjutant rind A. I!. .McArthur. Com- iK'Ueo will be ilea It with in.- i. mK to rnander. Tins local pot will bo Known as the Iter! Cloud Post. Sonic, thirty of Hie. ex. soldiers have, signed the appiie itimi blanks request ing that a cliinlcr lw trcati tcl M Ihoiu i in this city As soun as tne sauiu is granted by state headquarters the I members will have a meeting for the purpose of electing permnnent ofIlcrs and organizing. Notices will be sent out to all concerned. r (MM' 1 1 -' MUX 4ftr " -' ! ' A 'fl, THE GRAHAM FURNITURE CO. 'Jf'V 7Vv a House Into a Home' msmjmwmmmmsmmm wmmmmemmmmnmmmiL Easter EASTER WILL SOON BE HERE and the whole world will put off its sober raiment for the dainty garments of Spring. YOU will want to be PHO TO GRA PHED in the new Easter goion, (Season's Studio of course, so why not see ' over smith sin store us for an appointment? Commissioners Proceedings Red Cloud, Ncbr., March 16th. The County Board of Commission cm met as per adjournment at 1 p. nv with all members present. The Board confirmed the appoint ment made by County Assessor Her-, rick of E. K. Simons as Doputy As sessor of Cowlcs Precinct in place of Fred Hurd who resigned. The following claims were audited and allowed and County Clerk in structed to draw warrants on the proper funds in payment of sarner. GENERAL FUND ' Frank Starr. 67 25 Annie B. Spanogle 41 66 law Signed, CITY MAUMIAL. Elects New Officers The iiiimiier. nl the Keil t ii.u.l Fire Department, held n adjourned meet ing Mondn, ovcnlng for the purpose of , fleeting otilcers for the ensuing year. The following oliioers were elected: I Chief .1 N. Havel. I Ass't Chiefs-Will IVgg.CMcArlhiir.' Secretary L. U. Uiist. Treasurer A. C. Slaby. j Trustees Kd McAllster.Crant Chris ty, A. It. MoArthur. Foreman Hose Co. No 1 Joe Ctirr. Foretnau Hose Co. No. 2 Art Nelson. Foreman II. it L. Co NeLs Anderson. KTtll"pTll Edison Period inet 18. D! S5 K2 May L. HutTer. Henry R. Fausch Smith & McKimmey , POOR FARM FUND A. F. Robbing . Yost & Son E. J. Emertoa Dr. R. S. Mitchell Piatt & Frees W. G. Hamilton Clo. Co. BRIDGE FUND Carl Rudd Married . Tire Methodist church parsonage in this city was the scene ot a wedding 1 . . r... .. . . . . ecemony, ni 7:,w. jxuuruay evening, hlch'uuited the destinies of Miss Jll8ieTurner and Lester Yo9t. Rev. Cope officiated. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Harrington were the witnesses to the ceremony. The bride Is the youngest daughter ill 34 25 Amboy Milling & Eleva tor Co. . 4 62 Board adjourned to April 5th, 1920. B. F. PERRY, County Clerk -lo uu 0f Qharles Turner, and was reared 10U UU fills onmmiinlft. Mr. Yost is a son of Mr. and Mrs, John K. Yost and has grown to man- 13 80 hood in this city, and ranks among tho 23 60 first of the younger set of the com 13 15laiwiity 6 50 Both the young people have a host 0 60. of frlenda who will wish them Hn un- 7 85 limited amount of success and happi. ness during their wedded life. They 29 80, w'l'i ror the present reside at the home of the bride's father. VWUWWWWWV.VUVUVkV.V IMPORTANT TO COAL CONSUMERS No one Knows when coal storage season will begin, nor the price it will bring. An agreement between operators and miners t may not be reached for weeks. Your guess is as good as ours. We have bought 1 0 cars of Ploitland Lump tint we can I deliver from the car for $11.25 per ton, provided that it is all !; shipped to us. Wc honestly believe this price will be the lovv- ! est this season. We will deliver eoal in the order that we "j take orders but cannot guarantee the price only as the cars come in I; Any change of freight rate or increase to miners will raise the Ij price of coal. If interested book your order now. 'l Use Your Own Judgment The Malonc-Geltatly Co. tnrVWWWVrVWVWUWWVWWrVWW Apportionment of Delegates The following is the apportionment of delegates from each precinct for the Democratic County Convention, to be elected at tho primaries, as apportion ed by th democratic Central Commit, tee: Precinct - Delegates Guide Rock ! j IiCaverCreek 4 Stillwater . Oalc Creelc , 7 Garfield. 4 Pleasant Hill 2 Elm Creek i Potsdam jo Line 2 Red Cloud 7 Batlu t Glemvood 9 Walnut Creek r Inuvalo ,-, it 7 Cathorton ; Harmony , 4 Red Cloud 1st vd 7 Red Cloud-'Jnd wd 8 Cowles ,j Total lQ1 Tho law provides that these dele gates are to bo eleoted at the primaries and any candidate- seeking this oillee cm (lie with the County Cleric, no fee being charged There will also be elected from each precinct, at tho pri maricH, one man and on) woman as a member of thu County Central Com mittee. (5. v. TRINE, Chairman Democratic) Central Committee. Webster County Sunday School Convention The Webster County Sunday School Convention began a series of four sess ions at 10:30 Monday morning. Quite a number of workers were present from ont of town to the first meeting and kept Increasing in numbers until on Tuesday afternoou about forty had registered. The devotional moments were led by the Guide Rock pastors. The State Sunday School Association ofilcers, Rev.Kirubcrly and Miss Mar garet Brown of Lincoln, were here and nt their best. Every phase of Sunday SodqoI work was discussed in a way to stimulate butter service. One of the onUtandlng discoveries of the convent ion was the volume of knowledge about children and their rearing posseased by those who never had any of their own. The ofilcers elected were; Mr. Fry of Red Cloud, President; Rev. Lin loger of Cowles, Secretary. Guide Rock Signal. Baptist Church Notes Grace Both Music and Home ELOQUENT OF CULTURE. WHEN SILENT! VIBRANT WITH MUSIC. WHEN RE-CREATING! The New Edison matches its ART with its APPEARANCE Its period designs are notable for their authenticy. TI16 better you know furniture, the more you will appre ciate the beauty and purity of their lines. Miss Elsie De Wolf (Amerisa's foremost designer of house hold interiors) says: "The superior furniture value of the Edison cabinets can scarcely fail to impress the lover of good furniture." The NEW EPJSON ' ' The Phonograph witltx a Sou" Sheraton, Hepplewhite William and Mary, Chippendale Adam,, Italian, JacoberwvLouU XIV, etc. Nor are these Instruments beyond reach of your pookctbook. Come in and Had out how.roodcatly they are priced. B. H. NBWHOUSB OPTOMDTRIST and lOWBLDR gEnECTMirora Tan-Gors Powdered Buttermilk Hog Builder N TESTS made at the Iowa State Agricultural College it was found that the free use of this preparation with other foods shortens the feeding period one third, obtaining same results Aside from acting as a tonic, keeping hogs exceptionally healthy, it is high in food value. It contains the right elements for rapid growth. For' brood sows an.rj suckling pigs it has no equal. 1 70 pound barrel, with water added, makes 140Oto I 00 gallons of liquid buttermilk, and 1 -3 add'd fecdiug value Can you afford to be without this highly valuable preparation? As A Poultry Food You breed them to lay. Do you feed them to lay? Fed right, poultry thrive and pay. Fed wrong they are an expense. Their rations must be properly balanced. Some foods make shells, some make yolks, and others make whites. You would not expect a factory to turn out finished products without the proper raw materials. You cannot expect a hen to manufacture eggs without the necessary, proper raw materials. Tan-Gors Powdered Buttermilk Poultry Food Solves this problem for you. Carried in stock and for sale by Farmers Union J. F. Edwards, Mgr. Red Cloud, Neb. "NOT IN THE COMBINE" . i . j f ... i . IS ircairicc creamery l,o,, luosciay alter j,Miiiw Jacob I'ctcrscn, tho local of Sunday School at Hi a, rn. instead - p. m. as Ireretofore. The Willing Workers will meet with Mrs. A. T. Walker Friday afternoon at a o'clock, The building and lot formerly oc cupied by Wm. Lindley as a restau rant wns sold at Referee's sale to the noon. agent will soon move his cream sta tion into tho same. At a meeting of tho Kansas Bor der Oil & jGas Co., held at tho court house Friday evening it was decided , to drill another well immediately two I .YiUna nti.r .1 linT w..fli T l t l.l irl1l H.HU4 .till. I 4II..A. flUlhll Mi VIIU VII. t. UW It is figured that they can put down Uring ' Kiddles, hid you ever see Himyorgin who was not fascinated unother well In nbout thirtv .lavs by iHnlumls. Sixteorr dllferent kinds which will equal tho, depth of tho first play thuminnlngost and most unique well. The stcoki which haa.been wfth .parts In "Hack to Qod!a Country", held. JTrora tho pqbticwith. tho execptr, eh,oivn at Orpheum .on Monday aud ion . ot th'o .originu'i fltock holders was Tueidy, I thrown open to everyone. I la d IC 3 WE CLE1 AN HATS Put on new ribbons and sweats ii needed Look at Your Hat NEW ONES ARE HIGH FRANK R. HUGHES SSiiSSSFZ We Run A Delivery Service BOTH PHONES . OVER BURDEN'S STORE Illl Ull ZZZJ D a --. iw&mti