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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1920)
' cJ.. )-1 i ; r i & if y'W HWM Mfc nr ft "T'7 n v kV - in""- . ,-nm,rrir-fffr-r- ---- , .. - - ---"'''' ngwi!5giii'MM A Newspaper That Gives The News Fltty-two Week Each Year For $1.50 VOLUME 48 RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, MARCH 25. 1920 NUMBKR J 3 S'.,lraxlIr, '"inn nr iMTS'TrflinHKiH iii'nRminniKiriwflinirrTii"!! in a-rcum i3i;;T!n'iniiiriinrraniiai!Krii''!.CTiiar!nni,n I'nin'xi'riTii'.nn.nnMi fwo Soul'j Return to Maker When She Stops to Look When your dearest friend stops to look at baby don't forget that her eyes also take in the carriage he is riding in. But you don't have to worry about that now. Because we have the famons I Airrv LOOM WOVEN LLU I u Baby Carriages . 4 They are woven, as you know, on wonderful looms, just like a fabric and almost as fine, And you can get one of these beautitul Lloyd Carriages of the finest weave for the same prices you would have to pay for the old hand woven carriages of the coarsest reed. Come in and see them. Graham Furniture Company fciraammimiMiffiw Easter WWi K' EASTER WILL SOON BE II ERE and the whole zvorld will put off its sobef raiment for the dainty garments of Spring, YOU will want to be PI-JO TO GRA PLIED in the nezv Easter mown, Gleason's Studio f course, so why not see Over Smith's Shoe Store US foi' 011 appointment? Mli I'OIITKK HALK I One of tin saddest deaths which Inih 1 oeeured in this community whs that of Mm. Porter Hale, whleh oeeured it tlio family homo on Webster street mi ' Saturday afternoon Her passing from this life not only deprived a host of relatives of oneof their dearly beloved, a husband of a dcvutd wifo and two children 'nf u laud and loving mother, (lint it also suuillluiil Ihu lifn of an in- fit at. J About ton liny ago she was strlclteii 1 with the Klti but was nut in u seiiuns condition until :i feu diiys previous to her dentil when she suffered a relapse and although every tiling' known to medical skill whs reported to, she con tinned to K-ndually weaken until Ht about 2:30 Saturday afternoon she passed to her eternal rowurd Ethel Kuiick was born nonr Amboy, September ill). 1887. Her entile l(o time was spent in this county, durluj; which time she, by her kind and pleat ant disposition, won for herself a Inrgo circle of frlunds. She was united in murrlHKe with Porter llnle about llfteon years n(,'o. Her husband, onu (J milli ter and one son, several brothers and blsten are left to mourn hor untimely demise. Funeral services wen condurted from the late home on Tuesday after noon at sni), Kov. 1. U. WnKoner in charge. Interment wns made In the city cemetery. MRS. JOSEPH M. HKWITT The death of Mrn. Joseph AI. Hewitt, wmen occurred at tne tamllv home in v this city, Tuesday, removed from our midst another ot the pionocr citi.ens of Xebiaska. Annii M. Wildman was bom in Me haslca County, Iowa. Aiiu-t 10. KSll. With the exception of 11 short peiiml of time, dm lug the civil war when -he resided in Ohio, she lived In Iowa until her man iu'e to .Joseph M. Hewitt, in February ISUT. Mie, with her husband, chuio to Nebraska in the spring or 1672 mid settled on a homestead, aeioss the river from wheie Central City now stands. They continmd to reside theio until lUHl, when they moved to Gland island. In December l!Ut they came to lied Cloud. She was one of the pioneer eitl.etis of Iowa us well as Nebraska and hud expeiienced tho hardships known only to our pioneers. She was one of the charter membeis of the LaClede liap. tist church, which is now known as the Polk Haptist church. bhe is survived by her husband; three sons, R. P. of Umahn, I. M or Scott s ill u IV and W. (J. of Minataie; two daughter-,, Mrs. Mary Hotchkissof Colorado Springs and Jlrs. V. D. Kd son of this oily. Four children pre coded their mother to the Great He yond. A short funeial service will be held at tho home Friday morning after which the remains will lie taken to Central City for interment. VWVVAVV.V.VAV.SVV.VV.V.VNVJ.V.V.VV-VUVVUW ! IMPORTANT TO COAL CONSUMERS No one Knows when coal storage season will begin, nor the price' it will bring. An agreement between operators and miners may not be reached for weeks. Your guess is as good as ours. We have bought 10 cars of Moitland Lump that we can deliver from the car for $11.25 per ton, provided that it is all shipped to us. We honestly believe this price will be the low est this season. We will deliver coal in the order that we take orders but cannot guarantee the price only as the cars come in Any change of freight rate or increase to miners will raise the price of coal. If interestrd book your order now. Use Your Own Judgment The Malone-Gellatly Co. CALF CLUH l.a-t chance to become members of Webster County Calf Club. it is time for all boys and girls, wlio want to become members of this year's Calf Club, to send ir. their applica tion blanks, as it is time (or us to start buying the calves. f0 boys and girls have sent in applications. Ucsidos more prize money this year in the Calf Club, instruction will be given in Stock Judging, and the JJ best bojh in Stock Judging will be ta ken to the State Fair to judge in a State Contest, all counties competing. The expenses of those three boys will be paid. It is almost as impoilant to be able to judge an animal ac curatelj a.s it is to raise one .success fully. If a person docs not know what constitutes good points in an animal, he is obliged to rely on some one elses judgment in both buying and selling. That is why we arc training our boys and girls in Live Stock Judging. Parents should encourage their boys to become a member of the Calf Club. . . The following is a statement made by a soldier, ready to icturn to civil life. "1 was raised on the farm but 1 urn not going back. My inth'cr,1 while decent enough to me in a way.1 refuses to let mu own anything. If I get a horse, ho feels free to sell,1 trade or woik it to suit himself. If I get a good sow, the pigs swell his bank account. He justifies himself by saying that when lie dies, I will get it all. I In the meantime, I am nothing Jut a pauper, having to beg ovciy cent.1 I am going to make my way somel be jSn HT I'l Hi i- urn wmumtzierxsixam&mi Sam ki MS? Edison Period Cabinets V Grace Both Music and Homo ELOQUENT OF CULTURE, WHEN SILENT! VIBRANT WITH MUSIC. WHEN RE-CREATING! The New Edison matches its ART with its APPEARANCE Its period designs are notable for their authenliry. The better you know furniture, the more you will appre ciate the beauty ,and purity of their lines. Miss Elsie De Wolf (Amcrisa's foremost designer of house hold interiors) says: "The superior furniture value of the Edison cabinets can scarcely fail to impress the Ipver of good furniture." The NEW EDISON "'J'tc Phonograph with a Soul" SherHton, Hepplcwhlte William and Mary. Chippend.i.o Adam,, Itnlian, Jacobean, Louis XIV, etc. Nor ate these instruments beyond reach of your poelu-tbook Come in and find out how modestly they are prh -d B. H. NB WHO USB OMOMETRIST anil WWULBR place where my possessions will mine. No more waiting for the grave, for me." I In ownincr mire bred stock, there is satisfaction besides piofit. Few f. boys will take the inteiest in a scrub f bunch of cattle, hogs or sheep, that, jthey will in pure bieds. They will J make an oxtia effort to see that pine' bred.s are comfoitably carod for and geneiously fed. HEXKY I!. FAUSCH, County Agricultural Agent Webster County Candidates iiiM!Xi''irai:Liirjii!iMii!!.r.,r",liiii;:!!i!"iL 'IMHr'!IXIP,H HrrMunanatS ."mi" m ."in FENCE POSTS Court Convenes April 5 A jury term or district court will convene in this city April fith. Tlieie me two criminal and thiity eight civil cases on tins docket. Ilearliigson peti tions for naturalization papers will be held the first day of court. The fol lowing is tho list of jurors drawn for this term and who will report the sec ond day of court: .1. R Scott (!. 10, Fiuiu'lh l, G Oatmaii Win. Kirk patrlck Adolph (loth Frank Alles John Uiooks Win Xorrls O. X. Wortlien Win llaskins A. A. Cooper Chas. Dickenson Hugo hcluilU Sam Wilson U. H. Uobtnson Waller Sherwood Then Hi'liU Iia Wolfe H U. Hill eh Chas. Whittaker (5 (to. Tiiuo H. F. Uiimbaugh Henry lltittcuhach C. W. Cowley The following is the list nl can 1 dates who have Med for tho vaiious county olllces In this county: -sTATK MCXATOk Republican Democrat M. F. Illckard Alfied McCall Chas. W. Cowley KlUMtB-iHNTATlVi: C. II, Kobinson X. V. Andeison U. H. Thompson Charles Hunter CLKRK OF DISTUICT COI'itT Clara McMillan Fdltli McKelghau COUNTY AhSKSSOU II. A.Koeituer Carl II. Kudd COMMISSIOXFU 1st DIST., Adum Alber II. C. Wright T. J. Chaplin J. 11. Klllnger Hliuer K. Simons COMMISSIONS 'Jnd DIST, .las. Hubiitkn COMMISSIONS 1th DIST., II. II. Ciowell Chas. D. (iiirney W. II. Thoiuus! C. U. Hesse I COL'NTV JFDUF-Xon partisan A. 1). Kauney II. W. blew art .INDEPENDENT CAUCUS Tho Independent votors of the city of lied Cloud nro hereby called to meet in tho court house, at 8 o'clock, on Thursday ovening, March 2Cth, for tho purposo of placing in nomination We just received a carload of RED CEDAR POSTS Substantial gate and corner Posts are included in the lot. They won't last long at the price we are quoting. Yor better get your order in now PRICED RIGHT! Farmers Uni J. F. Edwards, Mgr. Red Cloud, Neb. "NOT IN THE COMBINE" iiiiimiiiiiroaiJiiiiiixm . i m.v. CITIZENS CAUCUS The voters of tho Citizens ticket of Notice All chattel mortgages on iccoril April 1st Ure subject to assessment Tatties holding mortgages thut have been paid should itee thut they are re leased before that date. A rvrttK 4i.t. .!... i.n,,iii. v:r.Ai it,rt. 41.1. candidates for the various city olllces, l' -' " '- " - to lie voted for at tho annual election will bo a cuucu at tho court house, . .. .... .,.,. li'l'lflmr ni'onlnir Miii-1i Ol'.tli fnv ttwi on April bin, yjzu. , - "i -" II. NEUEIM1EHG, Chairman. PU-poo of plucing in nomination can- '" UIUUL:n 1UL IIIU V11I1UII CILV UlllL'l!. lu One District Judge 'J0 vtel for t the annual election on for this district ought to , im mn, . Iowis If. Illucklcdgo, Lawyer, of A. I). KANNL, Chairman Red Cloud, Wobster county, , Ixok for bis name pa rion-par'Usan Mm.- Ed Hilton of Hardy is visit fn' inc her duuirhtei. Miss Ethel. . E. S. Gerber Wall Poper.PaiatvS, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work (iuurnntreili Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And a 1