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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1920)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF u J o I- VJv 4 r , FINAL CLEAN-UP 8ALE of BurpluB - Salvage - Raolmlmad U. S. ARMY GOODS On aocount of the low prices at which this merchandise la aold our upply la being rapidly exhausted. Would adviae prompt aotlen If Jntaretted. PRICE LIST ON REQUEST ONLY Address, Salesmanagor SCOTT-ARMY GOODS STORES OMAHA, U. 8. A. mmraraa Spring Announcement "THE RESLER LINE of Spring Coats and Suits will be on display at our Store on February 12th and 13th. Never in the history of Ready-to-wear have the styles and materials been as smart as they are this season. Mr. Resler has just returned from a five weeks trip to eastern markets. He has a line of which he has just reason to be proud. The line will include the popular priced garments, as well as the many higher priced coats and suits. ,. PnONES-Iud. M. A. Albright imuiBiuui BMHIBKB ftMArVWANUWUW-VW.VaWis IF Building i WE HAVE IT IJIalone-Gellatly Go. f 1VJVAVAV.VV.VV.VV.VAV.VVJ,J'J'JSAVVrArW Public Sale Tho undersigned, having rented bis farm, will olVer at public Mitt: on the pre mises, a miles oast of Ktvei-ton, :i mites west of Inuvale, on Monday, Feb. 16th Commencing at 10 o'clock 116 Head of Stock 24 Head Horses and Mules 2 teams of mules, wt 2600, 9 and 10 yrs old; 1 team of mules. 5 and 9 yrs old, wt 2400; 1 team of mules. 3 yrs old. wt 1000:1 team of mules. 5 and 16 yrs old. wt 2300; 1 team of Jennys, com ing 3 yrs old. wt 1850: 1 team of mules coming 2 yrs: 1 team of horses. 5 and 6 yrs o d. wt 2800; blach horse. 3 yrs old. wt 1200 saddle horse, 7 yrs old. wt 950; good mare and coll mules are all extra good stock Two Whitefaced Cows 90 Head Shoats Weighing from 150 to 200 lbs About 80 good chickens. 40 tons Prairie Hay. 30 ton Alfalfa Hay Farm Machinftrv McCormick mower. Deering mower, 2 2-row John Deere culti vators 1-row John Deere cultivator 2 2-row John Deere weed era. 1 2-row Rock Island weeder. corn hinder. 2 hay sweep hay stacker. 3 lumber wagons, hay rack, hay rake, corn cutter 8 horse Cushman engine. 2-nm com planter. 2 P. & O, listers Single row P. Ar p. lifter. John Deere lister. John Deere gang plow, walking plow. Johr. Deere disc. Deering grain binder, har row, incubator, alfalfa tl . cane toilper. 8 sets harness and many Panker's tun,.? Wagon on the Grounds ' . ? " - r TERWS:--$I0 and under mslr, 10monllw at 10 ', interest. Geo. ShepHierdson, Owner E, T. Rasmussen, Clerk. '3fc Bell 15 ITS Material Fred Kolb, Auctioneer ME RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. 'UBLISHfiD EVERY THURSDAY entered In the rottofllce at Hed Cloud, Neb m Second Class Matter' A.B. Mo AUTOUIt, Editor and Owne CHB ONLY DEMOUUAT1C PAPER IN WEBSTER COUNTY Political Announcements A fee of lb will be charged for all parties announcing their candidly for office In this column, whether Democrat or Republican, and will I run until the Primary Eleutlou in April. For Clerk o! District Court I hereby announce raraelf as a candi date, for the nomination for Clerk of the DiNtiiet Court, at the primary, April 20 1020, subject to the will of tlio Democratic voters of Webster County. .EDITH L.McKEIOHAN. Commissioner Dist. 4 I hereby announce myself as a candi date, for re-uotnlnatlon for County Commissioner of District No. 4, at the primary, April L'O, 10J0, subject to the will of tlio Republican voters of Web- bter County. Vi. II. THOMAS, LOCAL DEMOCRAT FILES FOR NATIONAL COMMITTEEMAN Hon. W. II. Thomp.son, more fnmil iarly known throughout, tjie political circles of the state us the "Little Ciiant," of Nebraska's democracy, nn nounccs his candidacy, subject to the will of the democratic voters as c. picssed in the April primnrio. , for the position of nlionat committ c man for Nubraskn. Mr. Thompson has received many letters and has been mentioned in many of the democratic weeklies of the state beseeching him to become a can didate for the office of governor, His life long interest in the democratic party and his fealty to the same has endeared him in the hearts of many democrats. His interest in the party is no less than in years gone :by but us to the governorship, he appears to feel that if elected; it' would require close application and the devotion of his entire time, and Mr. Thompson does not feel that he would like- to under take such a task. Ever since 1806 fie has been a close friend of Mr. Bryan and a leader in the progressive clement of his party. In his own home community, Mr. Thompson has always stood high in the esteem of his fellowmcn and he will have the best wishes in this cam paign of all of his townsmen, regard less of party. Grand Island Daily Independent, Feb. 6. COMING TO MANKATO DR. DOR AN A Specialist, Not in Name Only, but by Experience of Almost a Quarter of a Century Does Not UseThe Knife WILL Give FREE CONSULTATION on Wednesday, March 3 AT COR.RELL HOTEL from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. One Day Only They Coma Many Miles to See Him. Dr. Doran is a regular graduate in medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state of Kansas. He visits pro. fessionally the more impoitmil towns n 1 cities, and offers to all who oall on this ttip consultation and twuiuina t' m free, except the expense of treat ment when doited. According to hU method of coming to your nearest city to see patients he gives all the Hick people an opportuni ty to obtain' the best that medical science cau offer right at home. He doed not operate for chronic appeudi c'tis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoid. He has to his credit many wonderful' results in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, neives., heart ( Uidnoy, bladder, bed wetting, eatarrl , leg u cers and rectal ailments. If you have been ailing for any length of time and do not get any bet tcr, do not fall to call, us improper measures rather thun disease are very often the cause of your long standing trouble Remomber above date, that examina tion on this trip will bo freo and that his treatment is different. Marriod ladles must come with their husbands, and childreu with their par ents. Addross: Medical Laboratory of Dr. Doran, .'W5-33C Uoston Illock, Minne apolis, Minn. - . " J. D. CraiiB from Lead, S. D , arilvfd on NO. II, Wednesday evouing, to i'e ne.v old acquaintances and attend to bo ne businete masters. Notice of Referee's Sale. In tho District Court of Wobstor County, Nebraska. Conrad llasoor, Iora Hasser, Matilda Balad en, John II. Batndcn, Edward Ilaucr, Rtnroa H-inicr, John IlaMcr, Horc'l Itniwer, Veronica llolcomb, John Ilokoinu, Henry Itawicr, i'lnliitlfrv VI Albert Uhlenspcrnor, Henry t'liteimpcrKtr, A'bcrt Uhlcnsjicrgcr, Jr., Wronka firusi (neo. Veronica Uhlcusicri;cr, WalliM'tilm apcrger, Edward I'lilftisiitrccr, Tr'Un fliit.i p rgcr, Helen Ulilensiiergor, Doknilai. t Ilyvlrtuool an order oMIil District o.nt of Webster County, Nebraska intention :i. ltth day of Kcbruury HMO In tin action t! .r.. pending whereto tlio nboso itnmi 1 j .1 'U wero plalntlirs and defendants, directing n.p M Itcferco In said action to sell Tho North East Quarter of Section Eighteen (18) In Township Two (2) InllanKoTcn (10), Webster County, Nebraska, NOTICE, Is hereby given that I will on tlio Kith, day of March 1910, at two o'clock nl wild day, at tlio Iront door of tho Court House, In lied Cloud, Webster County, Nebraska, cell said real cststcat nub. Hi' unction to the highest, bidder for cash. Ternm of Halo 10 ner cent cssh day of sale and balance cash hen salo Is loiillrnitd and deed remr fordellveiy. A bsti act of title furnish ed purchaser. Hated thlslltli. day of February lt)i). I'rcd Matucr, I'.. I. Monday, Itefcrce. Attorney. ' Notice of Referee's Sale. In the District Court ol Webster County Nebtaska. Conrad Hasser, Lora Itasi-er. Matilda Salad, en, J.0I111 11. Saladeu, Edward Hasser, Emilia ItasM-r, John Unhier, llacl Hasser, Veronica Ilolcoinb,.lolin llolcomb, Henry Ilaser, rialntlltV. VM Albert UUensperner, Henry t'lilensperi-cr, Albert riileUHpergtr, Jr., Veronica llruss (iicc. Veronica L'hlensperger), Walter Uh leiiBpermr, Edward I'hlensperKer, Erwln UhlensperKer, Helen Uhlcnspcrger, Mary Haxiicr, William M. l.'ndley, Ollvo l.lndlcy, Ada Krey, diaries Krey, Einiua Trey, Jacob Prey, Clara Hoinnierlialder, Allien .Souuner balder, Lena Harris, Archie Harris, Walter Haiiser, Anna Hasser, IJcnJainluo Hasucr Hard IlaM-er, William Itasscr, Arlle Hasser, Defendant. ity virtue of an order of the District Court of Webster County, Nebraska entered on the llth. day ol February 1920 In an action there pending wherein the above named parties were plalntin' and defendant directing me MUefereetoaolI (ait Sixteen (10) Block Thir ty One (31), lied Cloud, Webster County, Ne braska, NOTICE ta hereby glrcn that I will on the Kith, day ol March lWO.atonc o'clock of said day, at tho front door ot tho, Cour, House In Hed Cloud, Webster County, Ne braska, sell said real estate at public auction to U10 highest bidder fdr cash. Terms o sale lOpercsnteashon day of aalc and balance cash when sale U continued and deed ready for delivery. Abstract of title furnished purchaser. Dated this llth. day of Kcluuary I9A). Fred Maurer. E. (. Caldwell, Itefercc. Attorney. Notice of Increase of Capital Stock J. A. Sllvey Lumber Co. ( Corporation) Of Nntlee Ih hereby gl en that on December 16th, lull), at cloblugdate at thoannuatMock holders ineetlnu' of tho J. A. Sllvey Lumber Co., held at liiavale, Nebraska, the follow ln lesolutlon was adopted: "Holt resolved that thu Capital Stock of tho I. A.. Sllvey Lumber Co., of I mmilc, Nebraska, be lureasid from -I.1.000.CO to Sir..tMio.tWand said Inrreased stoeK Issued to each Moekholderol tho corporation In tho Mime pi oportlon as tho prfM'iit block ls''ld". J. A. S1I.VEY, Secretary. Nollcf: to Creditors. In tho county Court of Webster County, Nebraska In tlio matter of tho estate of Andrew Martinson, deceased. Creditors ol Mild estato will take notice, that the thnn limited for presentation and Itllim of claims mtalust said estato Is May JOth, ID."), and.for tho paviucnt of debts In January ITtli, itr.'i, that I will sit at the county court room In said county on tho 20th day of February l'JJO. to onmluo, hear and allow all elaluiH duly Hied which are a first or second Hen upon said estate, and on iho Hist day of My, WJO, to oyiiiiiIiic, hear, allow and adjust all claims and objections of gen eral crcdltorn duly Hied. - Dated this 17th day of January 1A). -s''D A. D. ItANSKV. A trueeoiiy.) County Judge. Publication of Summons. To non-resldeiil defeiidautH Don E. Cloud, Maude Cloud his wife; Alberta Walker, At clilo II. Walker her husband; Nannie M. Chase, llerl Chase her hiiHlmiul! 11 mil.. 1. Orchard, Kuliert C. Orchard her husband and Kuardlau. Youarii hereby notified that William II Cloud and Myrtlo U. Cloud as plalutllls have llled a petition and commenced an action in tho district court of Webster comity, Nebras. ka against you Impleaded with oilier defend! atlU tho object and muvnr ill n-htnli .. . obtain tliojudginentand decree of said court uoiiiiriuiiiginointereHlH of the parlies as set forth in Hrilil iwiiiiifin 1 1 ,. ,1... ,..i, 1 ,- 11. iiiv 11111,1,, iiik dencrlbed laud Kltiiatcd In Webster county, ixcnrasKa tu-wii: Tho Northeast (Juarter (NE)',) of Sect ion Twcnly-sevon 0!7), Township Two (2), HangoTwelveJ(l2). And that tlio court III decieo thai the plain. till', William II. Cloud. Is tho ownnr nl hotiietead estate for tho term of his natural 1110 in said land nud that mibjeet therein Hie parties arc owners thereof as tenants In com- tllOII aHNUCCL'NSOrH ill llllii to H'lrnli 1. I I. in, I deceased, the said William II. Cloud owning an undivided ono-thlrd Interest therein and till KlirWlllllf Itllll,!..... ... c..l, O.i mn I. I tl I -"- t 1.1 n.iiu 0.1 1 ail 1. 1 II I 111! owning each an undivided oiicnlmh Inter- ositnoiciu and that said shares beeoullriiied and partition made and said premises sold, tlioliomnrilead estalo of William 11. Cluud eoinuiuted and paid to hint and the proceeds dh hied uceoidlng to the Interests of the part- lOHiiiier tlio payment of costs and expenses. 1011 are required to answer the said pull ttoiioll lllolll Iheolllcuof lint; i,r unl.l court at Hed Cloud, Nebraska 011 or before .Monday Ma'fch l, 1UA). Dated January M, ll),' Wii.r.iAH II. ci.ofiiet at, I'lalntlils lly I.. If. Iilackled'ge, Attorney. Satunly nlht Mrs. V, N. Mnoliard. son hail tho jnkfortuno to fall oii the walk at the Methodist chutuh, break liiK one of hur arms. suiiimifmiBD BUY MENS i floSh Craft We are selling Cloth Craft Suits at $22.50 $25 $27.50 $30 $32.50 ro $50 You can figure for sure these quality suits are going to be $10 to $20 higher Can you save moneyany easier than by anticipating your suit wants now A few good overcoat at $20.00 to $45.00 Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. ALWAYS RELIABLE aianwrMiiiyiwiiisM wMiwaro WHAT A BANK SHOULD BE Cspiul sod SurplHi ,.$35.0fjO.OO' Intcreit Paid on Time Depotiti THE WEBSTER Edward Floiance, President Red flpotlti OimiiiuUt I hy thr Dtpo'Vm MramwHiMttiBm "One Minute" t Washers Brings Joy and Comfort to the Home There's one way to solve the wash day problem One Minute Washer Constructed along simple, durable lines they cljaanse thoroughly without injury to the most delicate fabrics or the heaviest woolens or spreads. 'Operate smoothly, noiselessly, requiring but very little personal attention. They are made in three types but in varipns sizes hand power, electric power and engine powor; operating direct from line shaft; Tubs are built of carefully selected, kiln-dried Louisiana red cypress "The Wood Eternal." All metal parts ex posed to water are heavily galvanized. Lid double thickness. Lid arid bottom are do'uble lock jointed, assuring additional strength. Mechanism simplicity itself. Driving gears are cut from solid metal, carefully and acurately assembled and will last a lifetime; strong and durable; smooth and quiet., See these models today now in stock at our store. Sold Uuder A Guarantee GEO. W. TRINE i Death Calls Mrs. H. Merrill ; Mrs. Harvey Morrill passed, away at. lior homo, south of this city Saturday nur numo, sotun 01 mis city Saturday Tho deceased was hoventy years of a(ri, She was united in inarrhiyQ With Harvey Merrill, July 20, 1878 To this union were born sovoii dill Iron, one passing away in Infancy, She Is survived by her husband; two Kuppenheimer SUITS N fc3 KuppenheimeiJ' ''THE RELATION BETWEEN-A BAr$C sjm! !u dspotkor it dil treat froM thai bttwsiM other iiasi of bvsuteu id their cmUmtrs. AUS'm bank can b tMcfut to iu client bsjoadtri mtre de. posiriaf, paying tad lendiai of money, A bank tUadi in confidential lelstion to it depoikori.;,It has opportuoHietJto help them snd opportunities to take advantage ol them. It become familiar with their hruscial ttsniacliont. It knows what dealt they aie planning and making. Not only their money but their biuinejj iccieti aie in its hands for safekeeping. Further, the'bank it the support be hind the man, upon which he can call for help, Your bank, to be irally uteful, ihould be honor able; strong enough to furnish help when needed. COUNTY BANK Cloud, Neb. S. R. Florance, Cashier Guaranty h'unil of the Mute nf XeOrartii rajwi i so,,8t M-' nti(.,u . tfonrdnniriiten). '"" '"", !t'!,11' Mm M"l,lu ,)ow and .... , y, .l,, uM' mlf bro,ber uml two half sisters Funeral sorvlces worn conducted by Rev. Copo Sunday afternoon. O.I) Hedjre went to Mncoin today' to;tttcudv to tome buMness mut'tors. V. I t i f t 1 4 Qyr,i Wf f wrwrtiJ-W 4 i MmWWffWrVUfci m