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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1918)
RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF r K iij n . ,A T, . ,' V Democratic Nominees NATIONAL TICK NT United Stittes Si'iiiitot .Inhn II. Move- haul. C'oiijjrisnifiti, ."th nist riot- A.C. Slnil!- Iftibui'KPr. STATU TiCKKT novmior-Keith Neville lilptilcnntit Governor V. It. Ilmtiinir Sporotary of Shite Hiifrh L. i'vtnr. Amlltov 1'ubllo Accounts-iSujfeiie V Mutiiforil. Treasuiur J S. Canady. Attorney (li'iurul Georgo V. Verge. Cninr. Public L'ltids niui B-iIMinrfi--G. i. Slintmvuy. Uiiilwuy Commissioner--rJdwnrd C. Simmons. COUNTY TICKUT County Clerk -U. l- l'erry. County Attorney -F. ).. Mutiduy. County Treusnrer-r-A. V, Ditcher. Shoriir l-'ranls llniTer. Assessor C. C. Stout Commission i s ( j H Hamilton. No. 5 llcprosontntlve- .1. li. lleobo. Statu Suuulnr--lieo. Jnokson, "30th Dist Non-Partisan For County Judge -J. I). Riuu.ey. For County Superintendent Stella DucUer, .Icshle M Kellof.'K. Webster Co. Democratic Central Committee (tea. W Trine, Chairman, Red Cloud Fretl Mnurer, Secretary, Red Cloud 10. tt. Caldwell, Treustuer, lied Cloud I , t'HEUINCTCOMMITTKi:MKS ' namh eiiiici.NiT Aiiintn . Or:i I.nnlh (MMo Itoek liulileKorl. Allcrl Coilcn lle:irr Creek siildu Itoek .tolmJ. I.nlly Stillwater I.tiwrmcc I V IM OnttMiiii O.ik ('reck Laurence ('rank Allcs Durilclil Kcil (loud Mat Dean Pleasant Will iSolili-Itoek i Herman Ocrlaeh Kim Creek Cowles Chus. lteiirtln I'atsJ.iui niinlllll - ' (lias. Stewart Line Ili-il cinuJ .looCrow Iteil Cloud HetlCloml .las. Itubatka Itatlu niifilcii I "roil Werner Olonwood niadeii Frank Stokes Walnut t.'rctk lnn.ik- t Ijdo l'llncy Iuavale lumaie ' Clurcnco WlUou Calliorton Inavnlo I'.arl t'atterson Harmony , caiiuibtll ciurk StcvciiH Iteii I'loud.lM 1. Kid loud I .Jr Kd McAlllstor ltctU'lud,-J(l ril. lied cloud J. T. Lacy CoWlfH ( mill i See Dv Geo. II Warrick Wodn-sJay, Ost. '.. Ilollistor went t-i Uueolr Tuesday. I'd McCrollls from route J was n lied Cloud visitor Saturday. Mi.-. Wilbur Hamilton tmd sou were Rnstwiok visitors Sunday. Mrs. Ii. E. Tnitof Lincoln, nttendod the funuml uf her Mitur, Mrn. Lufy ('. Meyers. Hustings papers report that Haloid Turnure. of Portland, was danjjorqusly wounded whilo "In action " Mr. Fattersoii has gone to lieutriee and to Oklahoma on business connect ed with resuming Big Chief work Marshal Finch has purchased an unto and is making preparations to leave for Hakersfield, California. Isn't it a nice fat proposition for the Republican pnrty to get in now and thereby be enabled to say nt the close of the war 'We did it." It is reported that Margaret Miner who is attending the Stnto University at Lincoln, is buffering quito a severe attack of the so-called Spanish in fluenza. ORPHEUM THIS WEEK Friday and Saturday Oct. 4-5 The Hard Rock Breed Triangle Drama in 5-KecIs The Screen Telegram Wives and Worries Comedy Admission 17 and be NEXT WEEK Monday and Tuesday Oct. 7-B Hands Up Official War Review Comedy Reel Cartoon and Travel Admission 17 and lie ONE LADY FREE WITH EACH PAID ADULT ADMISSION Wednesday- Thursday Oct. 9-1 0 The Spreading Dawn A Goldwyn Romantic Drama in 6 nrels. A film Flay as delicate and dainty as Iavendar and old lace. Story Irom Saturday Iwening Post Admission 17 and lie FIRST SHOW AT S SHARP .h:..:..x..:..;..x..:..x..:-x..:..:..:m..:..:..x. ? ? i AS TOLD TO US g . : :::::::::::::::::::":::"? Knt and drink nt Powell & 1'opeV Cafe. tf Mls Marie Hollistcr i-. a nine Hill Mtur. Frli Hasting broad daily Rt Piatt's Grocery. tf Fresh Hastings broad dally nt Piatt's Grocery. tf Mrs Rny Cramer is nmoiig tho Alt sar.ben patrons. Mrs. (loo. lloltistoi' was a Lincoln visitor flcst of tho week. Onions for Mile. ' Inquire Clint. Kai ser. Ind. Phone IS on 'J. HOtf It's u government niundittu-pay up. Wo add tho wold, "please " (lood mealsgood service moderate prices Powell & Pope's cafe. One leading question this week. Have you paid your subscription? .1. II. P.alley left this morning for Kansas City for several days visit. 0. I!. Harvey of lnavalu, was a pleiiMtit caller nt tho Chief olllee Sat urdny. Warren Thomas of Pleasant Hill, is tho owner of u Ford puii'hased of tlli-n Walker. So we may livt and you may learn see that your subscription to tho Chief is paid up. Wallace Shudbolt, who visited rela tives hero Inst week, has returned to New Castle. Mrs. W. A. Cooper of Lincoln was in lied Cloud Monday, on route home from Iuavale. Missionary Society of the United Christian church meets with Mrs M. Hedge Friday. Cecil Crow-ell and Floyd Provost have gone to Lincoln where, they will attend the Slate University. Tho newspapers work hard for free, dotn's cause. Pay your bit toward supporting them says 'Uncle Sam '' Samuel Temple, who spent the week in lied Cloud visiiing former frUnds, retiirned to Kansas City Suuday night. For sale, a first-class Price & Topple piano. O.dc case and as good as nov Call tit nr phone Chief olllee. Maiif.i. I!aii.i:y. tf F()K SALK- Good, improved qunrtu section i. miles east and 7 miles south of Iuavale. For terms see II. .1. Won dorly. , .!St I' Frank Cowden went to Chicago Mon day to look over tho markets and ob tain stock for tho Cowden. Kaley Clothing store. Bd Overlng and Atty. It. W. Stew art went out south of the river Satur day night and delivered addresses nt Liberty Loan meetings. " Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oat.mun of the Hotel Hoynl, visited tho hitter's rela tives at Saronville tho first of tne week, returning Tuesday ouoning. (loo. Lindsey lias assembled n bunch of cattle and hogs for winter feeding on his farm south of the city nud is preparing to return to sunny Califor nia. The Kpworth League of the M. K. church will give an entertainment in the basement of tho church on Tues day, Oct. 8th. Cotno everybody. There are tho namesand its an as sembly of nominees that every Ameri can may vote for without hosltition. Head them over carefully mid on Nov. .Mb yoto them. Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will meet eye, ear, noso and throat patients and those needing glasses littod at Dr. Damoi ell's oflieo, Wednesday, Oct. Jith. Hours 1 1 5 only. You Are Losing Money If you don't i-ell your creum to the Fm mors L'nlon Cu-oper-tivo Company and receive the dlvidendb. 10 f The Chief contributes two pages to the Liberty Loan campaign und does it, proudly as a mlto of servlco in the great stiuggle for ficedotll. Send us your Hiihscilptlou for a year us your help to tho cause. Tho W.C.T. l and Fanners I'nion gave ii program ut Indian Creek school house last Friday evening nud served chicken pie supper. J. L. Heche gave an address on Financing tho Govern ment. There was a large attendance. The government vory properly ns sumos thntnewspupors, big and little aro of vital importance in carrying on tho war program and just ns properly decides that they should be supported by paid subscribers. Wo luivo no choice but to ask yon for your sub scription. Speaking of tho contagion in tho en&tern states and especially preva lent in various camps tho State Jour mil publishes as authentic informa tion the statement that It is not a new und dangerous dlseai-o -lagrippo such as iias boon with ns for years, only in u more seieio form. Precau tions and tioatiiHint uro as customary heretofore. Wiumth, lest und medi cal advice aro 'first aids." Mrs. Mnymo Waskuni went to Hast lin;s Saturday. Mrs. ClIiYord has been visiting rola tlvos in Lincoln this week Mr. mid Mrs Henry Slnbennw visit ed relatives in Ulue lllll Saturday. Private lessons on violin, piano and ulielelr-. Mi l'.i i!Kt. Own. I nil. Phone u'J:.. ''--t , Iinslie Reiglo wns thrown from Hlfi uiotorcieln Suudny Rtiil suite red it dig ociiitcd wilst thoroby. Miss KdiiH Hemler-oli Is visiting bet' sister. Mirts .lessie, in Oiniha andfit tending the Ak-Sur-Ken. Jills. Fetdinaiid Uetsmau has gone to Omaha, where Mr. Ketzman is now located. She (eft, Saturday. The W. C. T. U meets with Mis. Nancy (Jieeti on Thursday, Oct. lOth Instead of the usual Wednesday date. lev. V M. Harper and daughter Oraeo are now installeil in their new residence (punters at the mirth end of Cedar street. Mr. and Mrs F Sohweitsfeger or Ayr, wore visiting relatives in Rod Cloiul Saturday. Miss Theluia Lam l)orn aeeoiiipanled them. Cluis. Ludlow says he purposes to in vest the. entire proceeds finm his si:le of apples, wllli Uncle S.vm There's patriot ism exemplified. We have no choice in tlm matter Tho goveriimont "win-the-war" In M ructions include paying up Mibsorlp tions to support the nevpapers. Hariy Waller mid family of Cowles, visited over Sunday atthe .1. 11. llalley home. Mr. Waller returned home Monday and his wife remained for a fow days visit. Miss Sara Marshall, MNs Until Den nison and Mis. Bngels of Franklin, and Mr. Ilosfoid of Crete, assisted in tlio sol vices at tho Congregational church Sunday. Andrew Uarretson is homo on fur lough from the U. S. Naval Training School at tho 11 rent Lakes visiting his mother, Mrs. Klla (lanetsoii and other relatives Wo arc ofuVtnlly notilied not to allow delinquencies on our subscription list. Please see that, your subscription is paid so (hero will be no tioublo oil cither our sido or yours. There is no timo to loo now. Tho- Chief must make report to the govorn inotit olliciuls very soon nud asks you to se that your subscription is on the side that will be a credit to both it and yourself In lino with other oublications the Chief is lined up for a raise in prico of subscription. Cost of material and labor forces this more. Up to Decem ber 1st $l..-i(), after that date S'-l.OO per year. Kev. J. L. Ueobo and Prof. P.M. Whitehead attended a War Saving meeting at tho homo of Mrs. Chua Pitney north of Inavalo Monday even ing, and were speakers in tho excellent program prepared for tho occasion. J. G. Gear, well-known In this eit. whilo stringing a lino for the Lincoln Tolephone Co. ut Fuirbury came in contact with a live wlro and was thrown to the ground, 23 feet below His injuries may prove fatal. It is not more than six mouths binco Mr Gear left Ued Cloud. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hewitt returned Saturday from a trip to Grand Island and points in Merrick county. Thej visited their daughter-in-law Mis Ettio Hewitt and her daughter D.iisj at Grand Island. Also their son K. I', Hewitt and grand-daughters, tli Misses Pnrker, and others. Household Goods Sale About to remove to California I u 1! sell nil my household goods at. privl, sale. Also have about 300 cliickci.- to sell. A. J Sl"iiti:s, Miner Serum I Plant, Ind. Phono, 7-101. I" -' Stockholders Meeting The annual meeting of tho sto holders of the Farmers Indopcnd ' Telephone Co., will be held Oct 1018 at ! o'clock, p. m.. at the "' ' House in the citv of lied Cloud, .' A full alleiidituco is desired Hated at Hod Chnid, Neb ,Oct. 1, 1 i!w O C, Teim., Sec; Piano at a Bargain Wo have a used piano in good c ditiou that one of our customers unablo to llnisli paying tor. We w. placo it free of charge In the home any satisfactory party in the vlciti" of Ued Cloud, whd will pay tho I mico in cash or easy payments. A dress Gaston Music Co., Hastily Nebr. 30 'it Farm Loans I am ready to mako farm loans any amount nt lowest rates, b terms and option. Absolutely no d lay and no Inspection expense. Si" agent for Trevett, Mattis and Bak Some private money. J. H. BAILEY. One Word Spoils All. .Tust when a woman begins to he ' vlted out a little 'by nice people h liusbnnd ppolls It nil by 1referrlng the laundress as the washorwoi" right out whom everybody ran hoar. Ohlo State .Tournal. Sudden Death l'he death of J II. Motter, which lined Sunday inoining at I, is homo ' i t'owles, was a shock to the entire ' .Humility, his health always having I -n considered ecollent Mr Motter had rleli eiulv .n-.i had to crunk his .into prcpm.ito! . to i. iiig trip to Superior tn ilves. v few moments latr Clifford Waller ifnjr the girrtKe discovered Mr. ter lying on the ground In fiont of into. Help mid ihi'dical assistance ' called nt oh co but to no avail. It decided that dual It was from ' mill cause and Inquest would not 1 neoossuiy. Mr. Motter was tin years, 1 month ' ' 'I'i days old. Ilu i.s survived by I - widow, I sons Will H. of McCook. I nk and John of Cali., Alvln, ami 'J ' ghturs, .Mrs. .loo Murphy, of Su I or and Flossie at home. Another - i lied some years ago, vr. Mutter was an old-time resident luk'Siiud vicinity and the entire 'iiiunlty f'-cls th burden of norrow st so sudden! upon his ftinnly. Bladen Brieflcts ! Thoin is was dovwi from Cowles s i lay afternoon and spent the day i Mrs, .li-sep'iiuo Komi and duugh . Mlsse.s Laura and Dorothy r. A. ,1, Chamberlain was a pusscii 1 t Ulue Hill Monday morning. 1'ied Morey and wife returned Tues li morning from Stoekville, where tin v huvo been visiting the past fow di.vs with Mrs. Morey's parents. 1 P. Kropp is in receipt of a letter fin a (i-car Co'.lett at the (Srcnt Lakes N iv .l Training Station, which says he i- -ii fast with the epidemic, Spanish 1: 'nciiKa 1. K. Spcuce and II. A. Koertner l't Friday morning for Chappell i'.-i-i they will transael business in on i near that place. I1 O. ltennott and A W. Cox autocd tn Ued Cloud Saturday of last week. l'.iyd Letner and family of near l'p Ii,' !. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. II I. Carmen during the week past. Kansas Pickups M ss Melba Spi 'tiger has been isit. in hi Smith Center the past week. .1 dm Iliiresnape und family were Sunday visitois at tins Max llelihan hum-. There was a l.irge attendance nt Smith Center, on Old Settlers Day Kicryoue seemed to enjoy meeting old ft lends Jesse Hocking and family visited Sunday with Max Uelihan and wife. . K. W. Luse and fariilly of Smith Cell- f.i. ivnrn sliwitlti, tfiiaLtu nt llm 1V IV "' "W.W.... J t,..w... ... V.. ijpurrier home. Mrs John Haresn-ike visited Mon day with Mis. K. 10. Spurrier, There will bn a patriotic speaking at the Highland church Friday evening, and Kev. Shoemaker of Smith Center will deliver the address. Kvcrybody invited. Logan township board meeting at R. E. Spurriers' Monday. i Mrs. Geo. Rohrer, who was operated on for tibessed appendicitis, is getting along lu fine shape. They have dis missed the nurse. Mrs. Gladys Hooper visited at the Geo. Itohrer home Sunday. Leo Abbott has returned from In dianapolis, Ind., where ho has been visiting for the last three weeks, he al'.o purchased a farm there and ex pects to huvo a sale soon and move back to that place. Mr. and Mrs. Newell Morritt and Hovt Lull and family wero Sunday visitors at the Leo Abbott home. Miss Tholma L.tuuiguu who is at- tending chool nt Franklin, Neb , .spent Sit'iidny and Sunday with home folks. Ltoclc To fill your needs is here for you But you should CALL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE for the Clock Shortage is sure to come this winter. EARLY BUYING means BETTER SERVICE and Better Satisfaction. Clock Materials are get ting low and it is neces sary to act at once. J. C. MITCHELL I THE JEWELLER Dependable I :JL.J(LbKlJb& You uiways got the very best at our store because QUALITY goods are the only kind we sell. The brands we carry in stock are recognized by the housewife as the VERY BEST of their kind. Everything Fresh and Pure Chase & Sanborns Coffees Itens Crackers and Cookies Batavia Jams and Spices Sunflower Canned Goods I? i . rlJL, aagcearaagirarrafoT Pu &m I hJ I J rair cMr!' tit im INAVALE, NEBRASKA Wednesday. Commencing at 1 165 - Head of DKSCKIBKI) 25 head of flood younfj Ilorscis and Mules. 91 head good Duroc Jersey Shoats, wLfrom 50 lo 100 lbs. 40 head of Cattler consisting oC Milch Cows, 2-yr old Steers and Heifers, yearlings and spring Calves. 1 dozen thoroughbred Single Comb Brown Leghorn Roosters. TERMS: 10 months at 10 per cent. Watson & Wonderly W. K. WONDKRLY, A net. UKO. MeCRARY, Clerk This is no Invoice Sale but EVERYTHING GOES e SPECIAL BUY A FORTUNATE PURCHASE I Have Two m One Piece at One Piece at Jfts; Barbara Phms Apples for Sale ,, TT", n i O rimes Gulden, Uliiolt Den Dnvls. wino sup ami Delicious. Suiu begins Sept. tiOt Ij. No orders tuUou or apples 8olil before that (Into. Tiu suoUs loan . . cd or boxea furnished. Hi It t'liAs. S. Ludlow R ii'i i -,W I...II r sm. &a f n m i rti yK ff $L U-JHk&Ai ? - 0 o'Clock. Sharp Stock -165 AS I-OM.OWS rgnjuu.lmii Pieces of ( K HQTfi &j SA.iii $1. a yd a yd $2. j T. tn. AT home expect you I HO rULIYt TO TELL. 'EM ALL, ABOUT i "OMAHA'S FUN 0jrimT:. VISIT CENTRE," THE 55sr "" Exhilaratine Burlesque: Vaudeville sieAIarFllltd wlthPnttr Clrlt.FunnrClowau.Oorttitfa t Fllltil wllhPrtttr Clrl. FunnrClowauJ rai.lnaira Dfllllanl Cvanlf Fa atrnitnil nt . Mfllllanl TtmlA vlrftnml HI lUUItllKVl VMIIIill) Ul irmn.ii LADIES' DIME MATINEE EVERY WEEKDAY Everybody Goott Ah Anybody V UWAtS THE IICCESI AID BEIT SHOW WfSI Of CHICJW 9th a if t 'I V M f; 1 1:41 ! h r. v i IT- mi ! I J m Vl ! 1