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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1918)
?i Uii I M "' MSI ' - ' .- - ' .sr? ?-- "T-sis- .-. v?v :- - l-rz. "--- ' -r.v .-- - " ' : ''Zim, m -s. . --.. -n)f,-. A Ni:wspai)r.r That Gives The Rews Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50 VOLUME 4 7 tit v- I2D CLOUD, XKIUU'A, SHl I'K.M 15.13 It 1M?, JiHS. NUMlUfcR Jli) CTqpwttiw'WUwrjwmiiOTKracivguMwnMgrtgnBW EnoinarKgwapirryacaasgiiJinrt mim i M'W3tf mggara?wiT.irreijwyui Called From the Ranks K m I lisAV-i; mm mw There Are Many Ways In which you may use a bank to advantage. Many do not understand that a bank draft is the easiest, safest, cheapest and quickest way to send money by mail, but such is the case. Very seldom is the fee more than ten cents. You do not have to be annoyed by mailing out a formal application, as in the case where you buy a postofhVe money or der, and if the draft is lost in the mail the bank issues you another one. The next time you have any money to send away, come in and buy a bank draft,' and we are sure after that you will use no other medium. Webster County Bank Capita! and Surplus $35,000 Edward Fiorancc, President Red Cloud, Nebraska. S. R. Florar.ce, Cashier V As a load is increased Lliu strain he " uoint;s greater tlit wear and breukiiKt J j more acute. This law of mechanics " applies to t if o in general and to war in pmlculnr. With achievement of victories cost (Mines to tilt heal ts and homos of Hed (Jumd as it does elsewhere The toll numbers three this week and although (hey did not pass on- sanl "in action"' the saeiiliee Ih iioiio tlie li'ss -tho lo-s and grief just as Hi-eat. (ioo. Hhadholt, but two month-, nb- i Mjnt answered the stitiiiuotis at Camp Devon, Mas., ihe lit st of the weeh, and his brother Hrnicuc who hiitiiid to tlm bieit man's bedsidn took the same disease pneumonia and !ilt.Iuu-n better is still in n wricri oils eoMilltion. The decened is being biouuht ho'ii" today and funeral will prob.ihlj bo held puntiny. ROY SATTLE twmnirM Undertaking If 1 Licensed Rmbalmcr in Kansas and Nebraska ;M Morse Hears? ito Hearse Complete. Line of Up-to-date uFS9'Eta n rf" ti rnmirc. Red Cross Memorial Service JTOXEKim:3raijrasnuisw ran Tho Mitliodist church was crowded to the iloirs Sunday evening, the oc casion lMiitf tiiLMiiorial services in honor of the soldier hero JKSM4 KLWIN (iAltiiK'lON, ited Cloud, Nebrashu, Who Kve his lifn in the cans of liberty, Munuwhcru in France. August Uth, 1DK Services wore under auspices of tho local lied doss Uliapter, C. V Cuthur, Chairiiinii in cliaro. Kev M. Harper, pastor of the llaptist church, and Attorney J. S. ueio tlio speakcis, and music was luriiisliud by a union ch"ir under lcadcrslup of Glen Walker. Altorn.y (lilham's tlKiu-litful aurl foieHile .u'.lrcss was ahm the in.e if COIUUIllli ly duty toward the tu m nwl luotlier-iiiut tho mon and muiiru of Hd Clou 1 .two U hor brotherly ami J'hei w is a Difference in Lensei iC fCH f Open D ay aac MIW. MM tlMlll MIWA.K mU M WOfc AT OUR CAFE C .u-J Powell & Pope liv.n S priii if or pusfed mi ut nimi: th" sunitf tioie and by Urn tinit :is I'l'f. ila whs located ut Camp ii., Ne v Jer-tey, and had been in service only three mouths. The body is ox picted here tbiscvenini:, His iinnhor, Mrs. Ifa Smlnifor, and two sister-, Nettie and I.eiior.i sre here from Well- A telegram received by Miss Kuth ryn ltm he on Wednesday afternoon, umiouucud tho (lentil of lirr brother llaymoiiil atCaui)) Deveivs, Alios., who answered tho summons Wediiesdsy morning. Sept. 'J.'ith. Uaymond had been home on a furlough returnini; to C'imi) about three weeks atf"- He was also a victim of that dreaded disease pneumonia. Mrs W. K. Kailey, form erly of this city but now of Oiuahn. is also a sister of the deceased Miss1 Kurke left thl- morning for her home in Walnut," Iowa, the body being brought to that, plnco for lntr hi 1 Mr. and Mib. Wesley ThroeUmai tin have received word that their Son .lohu was seriously injured "in action" the early jurt of th s month but paitleii lais woto not given. .John L.iw, Kay Ileaton, and Geo, Ingstrom are also reported in the list of injured soldiers. Next Drnl't Contingent. The following Cla:is 1 men of the 1JJ17 registrants lmvo been named to comprise- Call No. 1HG1 and will go to Camp Funston between October 7th and 11th: Gux A. Kranan Uhie Hill Claude KicUavd ... Guide Hoclc Claude S. Francis ..... Cowles Ed Quigglc Josemont Tracy IChutson -..-. Hidden 1''d J. Gorlaclt Cowles Fi-cd C. Muhloson Bluo Hill John F. Hunks Campbell Charles F. Hrooks Guide Hock Herbert U. Lambrocht Inavalo Arthur C. Hoed Ayr John Kudrna ..lied Cloud Emil H. Vol: .. Campbell Hay E. Hunsickor Tied Cloud Clifford G. Waller Cowles Andrew Andorson .......,. '....Inuvalc Charl Pavolka Bladen l!o Ptickley ...Guldo Rode , A!b"it B. Karstlng ..Lav. rence j Win. C. Hangert ..Guide Rod; I Cico. L. Obcrg ... Inavjilo Melvin B. Weovor St Jos j The following JunoB, 1013, rogl. j tran'.b 1 avc been named for the am icall: C'hnrlej Duval Red Cloud Daniel A. Rosa Campbell Harry H. Boyco Rod Cloud Carl V. Sullkoi' CowIob rot-uHion tiMil h.vmputhv. n should bo thought of us Joseph B. Cijvr -. Howard A. Hull he? Mc Arthur Wm. A. Harrington Geo. Kempkes .,. Guy A. Fuller Ernest It. Froy i Arthur E. Shavor Red Cloud HIadon .......Red Cloud Bladen Bluo Hill . Cowles ...Guide Rock ....Guide Rock V Chief ads Pay You'l ALTERNATES :. McCoy A. Gleho '.V. Nuloon .,,.... i:. l,!ndjrrca Ca;npbell .1.1 Cow log wladen uo Hill sisterly That hi our wm. j In bht "- nrrnlgiiinnt f t:ninny; Attori)i' liilhnm pointed out the fuel ' Unit her arfmu N not e. tried on in' ItCCOmuil 'it with l'eentrniivl enles mifl I , . , .. . ' "s,ii eusioms init is.notuiiig i-s tnan nier eiloss siivi;ery: that her armies are not to be looked upon as made up of soldiers, but criminal-. Hruthtr Harper, who also nude the opening prayer, read from the scrip ture and pronounced tho benediction, based bis address upon the text, "tireiiti'r tSvo hath no man than thi. 'Tliut a man lay down his lifo for a friend." Ills theme led along the line or life Klven for tho betterment of huiiHiiily, and the gi outness of tho molliei'V saerilice Until spcnkeis sketched the hr-ioic side uf the 3'outig nmn's life and Imth pietni't'd something of the terrors of war brother Harper speaking on this line, from pergonal evpeileuce. C'.iiiriniui Crttln r'.i remarks wore it1-' to tie purpose Of the assHllblj . I'D uppi'Priate Intro of speakers! and -ubjets C-'nirregHtioniil sinking of nutiuiia; ii iniis was it feature of the uccusion. Wheels o Industry to Start 'J'!i'' Diamond and the Iviitnuier Mills and t'n Robinson Ranch, offered fr sale ncntly, liave been iiirchiiK'd by N I' Nelson, president of the Citizens Sla'i Kanlc of Dorchestwr. Work on the null properties is under wny and soci lied Cloud vill once more become it muling centre. Mi Nelson understands mil ling and hu- .i tuple capital to carry on a busi-lies- Hint will mean much to our city. '1 if Advertiser is authority for the statt 'iieut that tlio Ukuuond Mill s to be (mii verted into an elevator and vtill be i. ;iily to receive grain in about two tveC-. Highest price will be paid. I. Niiyono joins In wishing Mr. Nel. son -Kceess in his new mule i taking, which will bo a benefit to the entile community. Transposed to Class 1. 'i ' ' following Cln.'d 2 marrh d men wi'"'ut children were rc-da-.ificd Sc 'ubor 23, 1018 and :.iv now in Ck- :. Lin .i . A. Cbpine (iirdc Rock- Be. .lUSt us theie td bet t ecu a piece nf puio gold and that containing alloy. TJto lenses used by me are the llnest thntcafibo tuul. These comu -iff the rmijdi and are tround until tliev exactly meet. the requirements nf ,oiir purtictilar eye trouble. One cannot b too careful about the ijes Tin' matter ol a d'd'ur or so should not enter Into the calculation. This store rcfnsis to ask fur oii' putrtmnge uy price siotietb" cue is the thing des'red by ine or tveli as youiw'lf. Even t-o; you will fl ut i!e eli trtn ntitiKiinliy nv, tHliing Into entisMt-rit'iii th-l.i.-liuii-'llty It ;,,', ,'.:, ii:frrrst .)"' ' ' . ' ! . ; , tht m iramiwd kerf h H . N E IM H O J Si E !- A.r I Jeweler ant) &$ttomzrlst I3TC. C. tl 0 U'otch l(iH'Cftiir taK3rc:OTOT:rrflUKrs s." yf'-wmttrt.iih. vMBtasnesem 5cV' . -i vC Ik IPi.f triW W "TSfOfeSBiW ! trrssrl-cSfAtfl Mm tsiasijta!r'"-:t- i -rTrp?7;Mi,w,KiaM . 1 'eW.V - . . lit ., 1 .L.. I.WLVT- ,; WYtrl'hA'.'yMV&MiWUk.l wmfc rr : mMm i Sl ; ' ! g I (Some of die conveniences "tiTsyw fl -a oIKk'- . I J electricity bring KTOSM tlS WUH&g;QS&1fl" I , wm rz4 ! i jT fti.v. tr V& i eb r 'l " WMm us ni&iC YOMrfeomed smske iwmmox ewjyaMe How many limes have you re solved to have electricity in your home "some day?" Now you can afford it. Not enly have special rates for wir ing been arranged for this campaign but the three-fold economy of EDISON MAZDA Lamps- which give three times as much as old-style car bon lamps will help you pay the cost. ,- 4 And tho whole family will enjoy the benefit of electric service that makes possible innumerable comforts and con veniences such as the electric toaster, fiatiron, table grill and vacuum cleaner. Let us explain the saving you can makot by having your house wired jioiv. Wa Oh Ja V. A11 R:: Ah Lie Clu. herman Red Cloud f J.' Bmirer Hastings r. Thompson - Covihu Konenck Guide Rock ". Ycarick .. -. Cowles R. Ruby Ir.p.vale '. Stevens Red Cloud 'V. Sherman Red Chud E. Pogg Red Cloud 'V V "--" ' TV" f i. i y i s v i w Plumbing tint an,; I: writhing kzlcclrial iiitiitti i- iiinu i ii imj.iii iiikiiiiiih m.h imwuiUMiiim i mn mxumiiij mi VAV.VrV.V.V.VV.V.,.V.VA.V,Vl,V.',V.V.V - W. Perry Guide Rod: Carl (iocs Uhie Hill; Iluni-'in Morton Smith Red Cloud Wilhe- W. Watt lloiw, Idaho ' Geoive M. Wells Cowles William A. Hunt Red Cloud Eddie F. Sutton ...Red Cloud Ross T. Hnrncs Red Cloud Fred Molloy -. Guide Rock Auto Hearse ED. A M Horse H ACK i earse ; Karl R. llagner Carl H. Lynch ... Clar C. Pojio ... ..iJiuo Hill ;' Chappel ' Red Cloud ."' UNDERTAKING ! -: (LADY ASSISTANT) Phone, Ind. Store 1 58, Re, 93 V.t and drlnU (it Powell & Pope's RED CLOUD, NEB. M i s fi v I llli-O Hill Cite if fcW ffft gMwygyiw-vywffg?'. gjgt?SjggEf