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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1918)
Hltnrlcrda9oclty '.it m ., .- - Jasvv--"XS2'i,J?"?!?p,?33Sr -J3SB -KlftVJ. ?Ervv, tj " - .- - --s. 5 " r- ts ' "-'- Br A-. f jMH & - affir i. , u y ;fl i eni .y - '? iia a. fas: v.u te?AVU. 3r? " ' i-if--w .-- K K n, y y ", 5 I' V 3-fr m .. ui - tf -- fig:?! - - ra -TT - - - VII - - VKT. BM r.i? H H'lillif n W, -2 h- BJw-ra -- k' ?& . .u lorr ra :;--rv -s-rat . B.awm-er' a oa kli hi ansa aww'--iP6-; . .- a.. 3&r 'is,.-, .i-ras.vvAfflftsr.wfi5!9gi!i. - mx-H5s -v ks hi m v k rfft.owr- Ri rajaku wm ii ti ni "" s . itiu- w - ijb v km -.'' 'r-.. f-nnj'F.WLws.TJA .. . v. yfo'sr aia js -s. -'- , 5 i is .ij , HViiWrt' r. r.K.i5 w ea 44&ieafe-: iggteMPmrn vmsfm-.Msj- mJg. - .aaKffiraSE'-5ffe5 AU-mmvmy& i?r rMfmwmmkffrmim "mm: mrSEmmmm !ivs -mmwmwmmmmff m w4-'. - 5i(i. VOLUME 47 .Lil Oils Irk I 1 Webster County Bank CpiUl and Slrplus $35,000 Edward Flornnce, President VAV.VANV.V.VAWVAV.V.W.,.V.V.".V.W."I ROY SATTLEY (7 derta king licensed Embahner in Kansas and Ntbratk$ PJtirsa AUtf Complete Line I Furniture? "nafft ctjriwfwiirtjiw i 'iwww pimwiwiwrtKmwiwtmmwi iii in n 11 rrmTTTnTni i iiiiiiiiitti i iii niTiiiinMriiwuiwwii hmimwnmmhmim Open Bay and Night wmww vaMrudMitti AT OUR I ijHiinfin iiiin MMJwmwt ii Pweil utilel ads ? was j KK5 OLOIM), NElJIfA.SK OCTOmCK 10, 1 !M,S. Red Cloud, Nebra'k.i. S. R. riorance, Cashier Hearse I - tyarse" of Up-to-date Rugs, Bia woiiwfcmM rMrtj4t CAFE MMMMnni ! I llll Illllin L LIIMIH & jfl-Jre-- ki. : 'j r rniiri A Rewsjaper Tttnt Gives Thr. Tjcks Raymond Moler Funeral A miuitli) of soi iov full ipxiii tliu pcoplu of his uomiiiuiiity wln-n uiws of the (U'ttlh ol 1'iivittu U.imiioikI MnliT ohiiio. Hi loft l't Ulll'.V, in up pituut yt'oit liunltli twill four iht.vs trotu t lie iiiipLtiiancu of I! 1st h. inptonis died in tlic hospital tit Ciiiiip bhuiidtin, Illinois. Ik was tht' sou of Mr. mid Mis. Josupli Moler, foruicily of l.onti lowic ship but nou leshlitiitt I.eljiiimn. i.'iid wns U!I joars mid a inontlis of am?. The loiuiilns iui-IvlhI lit Lt biuion Mondii mid intt'i incut utis In the futility hiititil i on lid ut Ml. I topi' Tliu lurjji' altviulHiici' ut tJic Inncm! erlies wnt mnpi o hluttci d Ihin loci; nml r tippot f rn lh hohJu'i. licv A (iriiucs of 'i1igii i v . tlw "-'I mou dui lliliK ultqiiL'Uiry il, i tli h hly pntnotio, h clal ami n uau l i vlitles of the ileoi-Hhcd. Appi pi Iftty imtlena. rnrte.Vd by J.liP Im.t rlioipj and fwofui-o nml bcKuitful Jhn i Kffi'i"' uus Hero unite rrlricnoe ol !M,ind lO-iptl't k IliD tnrarod paronUi fl1 hnjtlifci 111. il fWO SIBtOfP. bfaidl'S R 111,,'!' t'irclo of friend, mourn his death Kayiuiiiid ah plaiiiiliiK t soon join his hiothiM' Claj, who whs anions the (list to o to riiinci' aftvr tin- dt'Marii" t Uiii ol win Iw otlui biotheis, Hon tuid Iliur.v, in u in the d"alt and icudy to 0 uhuti I'lilli-il Annual Red Cross Meeting The annual mooting of tho Webster County I'hapter of thu AiutIciiu 1im1 Cross will ho held at the court house Wcdnes laj, Oct lOtli, at II p in , for tilt? purpose of oleetitu sis iilQinbeis ol the I'.wcutlve coiuintlti'", eonsidor. ii)(7 icpuits and tiaii'-iu'lint; suoh othci biisinois ass the ChHptt't may he com petent lo tiatisuei. I'. V. C ini.u Ciinltinaii. School Board Meeting tted Clout, Neb:. Oct. 7, IDJS Uoard mat In tegular soson -vith ill nionicbcni prosont. Tho following bills wore allowotl: 0 L Cotting . .. . E6 1U Hansen Lattnttry ..-... . , l 8r lloughton-Miinin Co .Pihe- Burdett St Co 7 OJ 7 an! 8 C , 8 40 k 4" '0 0 J)3 2 3 IB C 8 o Hammond ft Stepbolte Gaylord Bfos . Mineral Tablet Co .. L Ilaj-rj Topham -J. Argus . .. , Giles Grimes J M A Albright.'-, i: W Stevens ., . Chas .chultr .-. . Motion mado and cair.'od Uiafc tV i (itiest of the Senior High School f a piano In llm ar cmlily room bo grant ed and the School Boaid voted to j ut cha.-o ono not to exceed .$noO.OD. Superintendent Whiloheud mailo ie port showing financial statement o tho last conimonccment oxcuIm" After total expenditures wore deduct ' ed there wns a balance of $1G.G5 whirl Mr. Whitehead tinned over to tin Board. Ho alfco mado a report of the receipts from the Manual Tiaininf department for Inst year which .'.mounted to $51.15 After liHtoning lo a detailed report fiom tho iuporinlcndcnt on 3chool matter in general the Board ad luurnod to meet next regular aesaion. C.'J. POIR, Scy. Advertised LftttcrLIti! Tlie lollowing IstliB list of niiulfilin o7 k'tteis at tln post oflico in thlf city for the week ending Oct. 10, 1018; ' Urn-. K M Ayurs ' ' Alma L. Henly II Ii. Holmiiu ' Minnie Matson If notoalled for biifore Out. t!J, lolfi, thev will bo sent to tho (load lettei , otiice H 0 Li-Tmi.v, P, ,m ! iR .LB Good, lu.nyved (junil i on " nJHe'ij i jt una 7 mil aeuih T''n ale. I .,i tiiuissei il. J. Won- i ristf - ra m . i w wr t. .. w i" j w w u . m va s - & ,ti. - Flfts o Weeks Knelt tear Vav Si.r0 To -o to Lincoln NcxtWceklFwn,CT';lfiJKJMal folluwinir xi men have been il to cuiiip.'ihc the (haft 1011 it which is ouleied to reach " eminent Iniiniiif? s-chool at i by the loth of this month: i II. Volk, Cumpbell. i. M. Konzack, tlttidi' Bock. aid Hall, Bladen. ? Grapert, Blito Hill. il Hunt, Bed Cloud. 1'opo, Bed Cloud. Local BogiBtfation Board has (I a call for foity-oighl men sent to Camji Keavnoy, Cali jomelinie betweru tlio 21ut . tli of this inonth, but tho e who mprNc thin lontinfent 1 avr rt beeii named. sel tin tin Lin ' 1 i i 1 i- . ( !. 'J roc to foi km . r SL:tivA Dr&rtErarrrinntiim I ' dlowif'g are tHo mett who wr Uy e. mirifxi under tlte euiiev- . the Locil Uoii.tratfon Btmrd nUiy and the rculp? obtained: 1017 Registrar t, .ul Logan A. Clopm I'tionaliy Accepiu. Guy M. on. ml Wm. P. Yoarick. 'A pted Owen Dunbar. A t pted Bay L. Hunter. A cpted Wm. A. Hunt." A-1 tpted Bo.a T. Bavnot. a-opted Karl B. Manger. fM.copted Claxo C. l'opt. ijil'cd To Ajipear Balph Jloitor Bcjcctcd Clias. H. Kjrgjeston. 11)18 Begirilrants Bejectcd Louie B. Anderson. Accepted -Walter 11. Lippincotl, Accepted- -Orville Stuteaman. Accepted- Chrlatoplier Lomke. Accepted -Ladik Prochaska. "M. grr?ESBE.JBS8E &mi ESKESY B. PERRY OF CAfrtORIDGE Clean, able, Bi'inniftiihly feaih'Hs. Oiuahti Bee. lit timber. Lincoln vi ilo .lotiiuul. Tho west tin ee-foiirt lis of the state Is entitled to at least ono Judge. World-Herald. kotici: i Notice in heieby given that the ' JHvd of County CommlBBioiters of cbUr County, have designated cer- m 'iniblic roadB aa. 'County sBoads' m coun'y, and hac caused a map id rvadb po do. ignated to be f il- ! In tiu County Clerk'to Office ii ul gouuty on October 2, 1918. A.i -i 1.1 'l.. x- ..!.,.. ... .iv mju iuix -in open to puuuc in .octldn in taid County Clerk'a Of Now therefore, I hcre-by fix a - tha date of hearing on tho doig .ition of ,aid 'County Boad on said aj) on October 15, l'J18 at 1 o'clock l . M. at which time a hearing will be 1 nd on any petition auggeHting a (1'anK0 in designation as to said County Roads.' And in roiinidorstion y" '"v'?:7sv r nn objection to said County Road ' lpijjna d. witness my hand and seal thi.-. hth ' ly '6f October ji18. 1' !'. PKRBV. tnl) x ( Jnty Clerk. . - i ?.tv -?-. r : h f " m . .n - ; - i A rt-V; " t . yf-tt ff v SIZT NtJMHBIl 1 1 3 I There is a a Lenses .lust as tltoie ii between a piece (if pnic gold and that coiiliilnlng alloy. The lensei usi'd b. mu ale tin llnest that can be IihiI Tlieso i'oini in the lough mid tiro gtoiuid until they exr.ctly nirej. the lequiuineiits of jour piiilietilar eye troujile Olio eantiot be too iRieftil about tin' i-ji's Tln imillei i.f a dolltii or o pliottld int ciitet into Uie ealeiihuion. Tinsi stotj.ii lefusuB to ml tor uui piitroiiH,'e by pi ice loiw thft euio is'llte tiling d s'imI b me or well iv jotirself. lfiyon hrt Ju will II mI tli chnrtri; unuURlly 1, tHlrluj Into; imihmi tl... liighqtuility tr ' s. 7 w t tht interest cf i- tr ' t res to h d -v In m 4itmiHi'J e hr. H NEMHOU! Jewtster unci Optotntitrlkti -Wutcli Inspector I C5'"C n & Q. u)sa?ffl5K3EattK!8Ztt&j-.xxrs. v JH. Plambinff iLniing VCVEJWISMU3UI ! IWSSVSW m H u rt m -.: , J WilSSK&XZmt Mf suj- s , aa7iBVifvi n fnccfthcconvcnicitcco U clpctncity bnnga Jn ! A r'ii..j i j nn i- -tfc M V ttt" tBT Jr j a. w. z Auto Hearse - Horse Hearse ed! amack UNDERTAKING LADY ASSISTAN D Phone, Ind. Siore 1 38, Res, 93 FvED CLOUD, NEB. , -- -sr. ---"- -fciafiKB - - w; ms 7raT. -ff -vu, , tstm-i -"tZ-c. Mllfe':: . r--si-. mwn "K -fe -Z. -"--jfe.. ,: '"T . "... ' ii: '"!i 'J'n'.'SSaJ --.4: r 'I '"I:Si V)LHt"I J -atife rj?8- -- --i-" -?PiJ!!:sa r. ' ' , 7 iSttw: j flU Diffe jy?iiierence in lO ;o (TK Wm i 7vr;: i-JIIU lllillla' '., Zm yowrlaofme'attd'mafcs iMorc einioyaMe Kow many times have you re solved to have electricity in your home" some day?" Now you can afford it. Not only liave special rate for wir ing been arranged for thin campaign but the throe-fold economy of EDISON MAZDA Lampo- which give three timer, ao much light as cld-ctyle car bon lamps will help you pay the cost. And the whole family will enjoy the benefit of electric service that makes possible innumerable comforts and con veniences such as the electric toaster, flatiron, table grill and vacuum cleaner. Let us explain the saving you cr.n mao by having your house wired r,o -r W""K 13" 7 SV ISl 1 i iH - J0l. W Jm. JL Si 4sia.ll Everything BlectrUai u, . m Ml ' 'I v m I 5 t Pay Yen . LVAV.V.VV.WAV.V.V.VAV.V.VAV.V.VAV.V.VVi.WM nrt,mw" i'w;'ttyjia;iw'ijj mSSe-: Titt-i