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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1918)
il riOCubk. -iw.,"yyL,tXCi!--Ty,t'.iir ihm ,! Jlts-Vf , VI . n .A ! f I KB' n m f f &3 A .Safer" - BL;.jE-u4d.r -. - "- f7i wr - y? -- i- ftyJwriWH - i5gw " . .- -.-s- --a -.gag AJimYi e- ' a , m fm n mmmm - -:-.-- t?a-w tsi tjaA- -. r 25a r - t ------ -mv'ks :pr iiiaKte - Wsi:i fc "-i-F w S'kI"-"" "HP -$ ' (Par; v lr--Vm r' Pnfc-ara - 1 -T-tf . -rMI --tw- aJr :-fi - 'SRIti. . & t -""&.-- r" - .. .' . A5t-s -1 s?.. - -v; t -Ji -t- .. - -". -, '-. " '"r.-r - -. - --''.' -rvet .wi- p- s- -.- z.-.tA. ; ----s . . - 5 ?xa. r? -' -im -z zszl . ' -: .-i-. -s?&szz: 4 noisnapftr TImt nites Tlir. News Flfty-tv WccKs Each Year For $1,50 VOLUME 17 w iroBKBgftgaAPCTifT'w f wf w i wmcaunBaafcffWfctgwinrm.rtgnwjiia iiim nr f.tJinMroiwfcgiTmanMgjfcpjwtmjTiimiPJftjrw KED CLOUD, EI?WVSKA OCTOUKIJ 3, UUS. NLTMI5KU 40 xrrviWtfTni nmr AwvpEAiwKJiwtfiifi V There are many ways In which you may use a bank to advantage. Many do not understand that a bank draft is the easiest, safest, cheapest and quickest way to send money by mail, but such is the case. Very seldom is the fee more than ten cents. You do not have to be annoyed by mailing out a formal application, as in the case where you buy a postoliice money or der, and if the draft is lost in tho mail the bank issues you another one. The next time you have any money to send away, come in and buy a bank draft, and we are sure after that you will use no other medium. r y v . S-. jU-k rl -v A M - ! V n S-- K, At Tho Churches ter ouniy oanic Cap!. Edward arvl Surplus $35,000 lorance, President KcJ Cloud, Nebraska. S. R. Florance, Cashier CONCUDSATIONAIi Tim -poeinl hcrviui' nt tlio Cotiun't,'". a i tioiml chinch Stui lay linn iiitii,' vms nt J. ' temluci by ii Inrnv iiinlii-nuo Tim -ulns of Miss h.UH MiusIihII ami Mi. Ilos- I old ire in null iipprcoiatoil Mis. Hiiki'I s (U",i'iiition t tlm boiuu tiliilfiiti'i tuliniicnt ball maintitiiu'il 1V the National Dfffiuler'h Club of hull Pianettco, for tlm leeiutitioti ami i-ti-teitainiimnt of tlm' moil la wimp was very intoiostlii, as well as her ivltl (lesL'rlplion of tlm (,'iet win oxlulilt now bcliifr Iiuld In ChiPiiiio, and vslnoli slm atttttiilcd reenlly. The purpusu ot tills cxliilnt is to pioinoti' Hh'Im urili Lilii'it.v Loan Tlm slur on tlm mmvico llay a' "Vi till led iiblxni, boaiilix llm naiiM t.f Veiiiu Taylor, and lutnitiii miv.l'u over Mens, vvhioll home two iiiimiIIin " I iwo v.iii, ohane.l to silver limi t v-n u ! icpincui) bv on'- of robl. Mi- Mit J j c'lmll in licr Holy to tliu clilldi. n. tlie U ct of which with John 11 2, tniohitiK r' i l.v rcferio'l to the slai lis ImliriiMnu Three FunernI Services g3"1353112 Froi thi' .derli-ei vse ipiote tepoil of tin.. fmiciuN. tlm death notiees h ivln,. i ceil k'Ucnlnoiir piovlous issue LUCY C.ARMiK MCYI2KS Luc fSarliof was horn In Kcd Cloud. I k-coinhor 11, 187!i, and died at hci 1 oino in Kan.-as City, Septem ber I2."'n. 1!)18. heinir aired !1S care. 9 inon''w and 11 days at the time ol I her di n-e. She was n graduate ol tho II i Cloud High iiiMtool and up until i lie time or her marriage on lay b h, 1000, to Dr. ). H., she v. one of our leading teaeliei.v. One y Many, was born to tins un ion, ii' laciy was loct aad n- npocU li all who knew lo and liei has caused a dec p pan of her many fiumb wmo e- ipathy to her I i ham r and three hritliei- ROY SATTLEY UndertRkinsr Licensed limbalmcr in Kansas and Nebraska Horse Hearse Auto llcarsc Confide Line of Up-to-date Furniture, Rus9 Etc. I I1IMWIIW Witt MNHMMaMMaMMHMWMWiMBIIWVtlUMMaJHNMIiMIBRMW1UaiaMMaWMn pee Pay aid liigM AT OUR CAFE Powell & Pope that Veiliu hid been taken lioniu prepared for him. to the C'llItKnAX Uev .1. h Iteebe n.o tho (Jth of a seiies of .SOI IlllHlS (III I ho topic of "liOe." 1I pit'MMitt'd the thought of love being u voluntary consecration of oim' tlnm.aiul survlca to public well boing; Is the elt'uleut in human con duct that gives It quality and make the acts of every day life virtuous; that love is not n stato of feeling en joyed as dining a lecture, but a right eous attitude tow aid the wot Id Next SuniUy evening, Kttv. D. Fit. KOt. -ild, Prof. V. M. Whitehead and Ally. Frank M nudity will .tddiess tlm congregation on the ''Libeity Loan." This is in line with the olcei viiiiim ol Uct 0th as ' Paliiolic Day." mi:tiiouist lii'V. .1 I). Ilainniel, the new pastor, gave a foieit lo suimou on "1'ioinlses " The huge oougiegation listened rapt ly a- ho deHtrnd the dillerent grades of piomises and in masteily inaiiimr led up to tho promises of the Sciiptuie, eternal and unchangeable. UAPI'IST Suiuhty School at JO n. m. Pinjer mooting Wohics'luy evening at s p m Uev Uurpor will preach at the L-un, 'I'ree school house morning: ami qvoii ing, Sunday, tlm 0th. Tho Wining Workers will mot with Mis N i1. Uroen, Friday at J.3fip, B, Tho llupiist state Cotivonlion will meet in Ouintui, Oct 4 to K'lli. Muoh unpoitiint bllsiea will b oonsldotoil nl timi' The diivo to hum.' tin) $125,000 for (liiind Island College is mentim; with success, each assouiution so fur mi-, lug more than was asked af them. This, the southern association was ask ed foi SIT.OOQnnl uilsed over 520,000: advi:.t lloth afteriioon and evening 0 M. passii orro tend, two aru ( Ktfi I'YIita mad cj -Ol., v ho ' uervico I weio Kundiii-eil ...,.. e - ..... .. i i ii.tuji iiuui i.j.1' vuiiyii:-. enurvn anti iiihm ncni was 'ho. city comet" . I MRS. .n. iMOORK lane Smith v ho"n in Ai 1812 and pas el muv it the 'i f daughter, Irs. Dlanclu' I' Cfispei, W yoiiung, on V. ei -eptomb i Juth. A hei. (j ii i was unit n mai.i.. i fi o ii'id to this rnion v . lux i, S idren, one luuim' p.- iv to ..t beyond a nuniner of jeai .he lomainn wcie bioii'ri.t to luesday morning and funeral weio Held the same a- noon There is a Difference in Lenses Must as theie is between n piuce of pine gold and that containing alloy. '1 ho lenses used by me are the lluest that cull lie had. These emim in the rough and me gtoiind until tlmv caetl.v meet the leijulifiiifiit- ef onr pailieular tioiil-'e. ('hie cannot be too t.itcfnl about iheiyts The 1 1-1 ol a dulliu or -u slioul.l eniei It. to the c'lii'iiltiliou This stie lefiisi s to ask I. i hii pntloilliKO ij prlee nlolie -the cilio is tlm thing tie- ml by me ot well s a nut self. Ke so, jou will II id tl.e ohnrge uuusuully low, taking Into eousi.ltl'ii'i.n Mie hlgluiuuhty t . : in- to the interest cjeur 1 1 e. to ?.' thi lit c uimillcd hrt kjnu hotttQ Snook no8d. younir J. 13. v till 00 ' the g ago. ' this ci scrvict at U:S(' o'clock at the Christian clniuh .in cha'go of Hcv. J. L. Heche, as htod by ffbv. V. 51. Harper. IntCmrnt a- made in the city cemetery. GEORGE SIIADUOLT i'e remain- of Geo. Sh mIIio! who pa i (1 nwny at Camp Peven-, Jlas sai 'i isetts, from pneumonia, the ol last week armed in the city on Me .day evening, the Home (iiiaidn nc'mir as an escoit fiom the h pot to he Shadholt home. I uneiul seiiiivs weio conducted yi-triiny aiiouioiti at tlm (liii-tuiu h i ih in charge ef Rev. V. Ii. hat- pi assisted bv ,1. I,. Iieehe, tin t i . rf-. i i . i i" uuaKis aga n niiei-din.:' in a I) i . ;Nivs c.iiiii' last evening that tho hi. her who went to lli do'ul soldiei's bi - de and uonlr.ii'lel the same dis- hud simi'iiinhed. 'the snely a I'll ted family have tlm sympathy of tie ntiie comiiiii'iity. Council Proceedings H. NEMHGUSE Jeweler ntid Optometrist tSC. D. fi Q. Vatch Inspoctor I'lintw i ' iimffitmscastgjTKazsu&'gii i mti?yW5M bone oi tne conveniences i I clpctTicity bnnga I S&JL .MtEfrVM ft 1 Wo 1 I J& ' ML I W B. W. u h i t! 1 "i i W liv i '1 Ci 1 I'll .1 V. A "or Dame II cal'id the Council iw in l.i'idar kn mn in tno 11 Cbaml" ' hisi nigiit wuli all irs 'inc-ert i M.cpt Ahlfimtn The mn.'is of the hiptcm- 'oeting v. lead ami appioed. 'Ort of S. U. Kloraneo w.i- juc- 1 Rnd oidi nd pl.tidi on fl.o. Clerk pie-ented a ILt of (.. iin- Hgllt and .ator bills for mio -' lo u h jt of watcrine tri ol. N. V. NeNou was , e.u ii'i iisnion of the p. i nmi It "was finally moe! by Ham- and seconded by Saladi n that ito agreed upon be n, follows. ")00 o cents ." U000 'o cents to .1000 I cents and over '! ronU ''h a minimum of ?- 00 jiei 'i. Yeas Hamilton, .S.iladen and Carried. Tlm 'am- w:.-. ac 'I hy Mr. Nelson. follow iiiff claims were allow- Uhilsty, ol Lincoln, Mule hecrutiity of , i the Y. P. Volunteer Missionary .So- K ulcty gRva nddicshcs upon the subject; O 'Men Wanted." God's Idea of a main ; and the esperlonces ono must expect, p in leally expect in teally ieceiing tlm y lft of the holy spiilt. Ili.s tets wuro GeUtel 'JJ-llO and Itoin 8 'Jfi Notice of Removal Chiei ads Pay i ou Wo havu moved our stock ot will! paper, paints, picture flames, oloctri. en I supplies, eto., to tho building foi met ly tlm Tepee theatro, one door south of our old location, and cordially Invito all friends and pitrons desiring anything in our line to call at our store Wo will endeavor to metlt your nut .jiiugo by gUlu' piompt ,n. I com. 1 1 i- mi ii,ti .lint give loll aiuu, a ' l. . o.. Il till ll till. Ill uilu I i.llit btotu i'-radford Patten rk ' I union riornnco Tool Coal Co IcICoighan i loner iotmtfoid S l Uogait C I cwis C Dickenson . C Itrubaker Ha Dcdrick Cm imcr Refining Co ISlo ' irt Hros . (Ji i & Grimes Ma me-Gcllatly Co R Auto Co . . Mi', aw Co Mi. I West Elec Co Hei iv R Worthington Mu ml Oil Co Na Refining Co En i leyn Llah Ass Corj) i?12." 00 115 00 101) 00 T 00 hi 7:'. IK) 2!)1 70 Gl 7b 05 00 t 01) 11 2.r) It CO 0 2") b 00 ffihile the iivirincam- s. s. win .O' Ojf Baira is nmemLW vomh&me'J'm& make a U c mmfwos Bsjoyasji' Hovv- many times have you re solved to have electricity in your home "some day?" Now you can afford ii. Not only have special ratc3 for wir ing been arranged for this campaign but the three-iold economy cf EDISON MAZDA Lamps- which give three times as much light as old-style car bon lamps will help you pay the cost. And the whole family will enjoy the benefit of electric service that makes possible innumerable comforts and con veniences such as the electric toaster, flatiron, table grill and vacuum cleaner. Let us explain the saving you can make by having your house wired now. v fi ' t!-i 4.S JB. IL YENS Jl W) 117 0.) 15 2(5 1 12 -10 52 15 O Oil I 127 74 I (1 85 j 1J7 UO 25 50 051 70 G 1 Jlfl Plumbing Hennas? hvcrj thing Blcctrical m.uio nearse - morse nearse ED. AMACK UNDERTAKING I a, oi 'J i voici'N or in'ii. 1'nruliing and IX Am nuMidnr Geu. id cun n ha heaid on t Colntnlo i ijinfoii'ihi ui C'otting an Mitchell's. Hl-1 I; 1 1 ADY ASSISTANT) ;; i Phone, Ind. Store 158, Re, 93 RED CLOUD, NEB. yVVVV.V-NNV.VAV.V.V.V.V.VV.VAV.V.V.V.V.VV-V.V.ViiW 4 1: Hi I ffj m 3 :iS i 1 1 'r ' l i :JeMM