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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1918)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF !' i ANOTHER tas SAUIH8S J AS TOLD TO US .:...:..:..x..:..x;x::-:-X':M'C':: Engineer Rellly spout Sunday In McCook. Ell Strong of Innvnlo, was tn tlto city Monday. Fireman Fair spent Sunday In Smith Center, Kansas. ' Claude Giow of Guide Rock, was in the city Monday. Al Holdrcdge of Rivcrt'oii, was in tho city Tuesday. Ted Saunders or Inuvalc, spent Tues day In Red Cloud. Ick Andoi8on of Cowles, wns in Red Cloud Saturday. Ed Crary of Outdo Rock, was in the city Tuesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Topham of Ina vale, were in the city Friday. . Eyos tested, glasses fitted. J. C. Mitchell, tho Jeweler. Mrs. Guy Darker of Inavale, was in the city on Friday of last week. Roxic Weaver was n Hastings, pas senger Wednesday morning. Good nioals good service mo derot prices Powell & Pope's cufe. B. F Copley of Inavale, transacted business In Red Cloud Wednesday. County Attorney F. J. Munday whs In Alma on business the last of the week. W.xtki) to rent typewriter. Pur chase if satisfactory. Inquire at this ofllcc. Wade KoonU and, Harry Waller weut up to Inavale Saturday on busi ness. FOR SALE Uesidenco property on easy terms. Inquire of 7-3 Mrs. W. B. Cramer Mrs C. I). Robinson weut to Hast ings Wednesday morning for n few days visit with her sou, Bruce. 15 cars of Maitlaud lump coul on tho road- here-in a few dnys. Let us have your order now. A. K. Vii.ON. 9-U Those who have books which they wish to donate to the Library may leave the same at the olllco of Attorn ey H. 3. Foe, or phone him and he will call for them. Farm Loans Private money at lowest interest No delay, money here. All papers kept bore and payable at homo bank I also make regular company loans on best torms to be had. Call for mo tit State Bank.-C. F. Cathor. tf are Showing Hats and Caps Everything that's new in colors and shapes in Hats and Caps you will find here and another thing the price is as it always has been. Come them on. It will w Cowden-Kaley "ALWAYS Engineer Riley spent Sunday in McCook. Geo. Shuck came up from Guide Rock Tuesday. Clark Crow of Guide- Rock, was in the city Monday. Fireman Fair was in Smith Center, Kansas, Sunday. Read tho E. Xewlionsc ad on another page of tills ibiue. County Treasurer Robinson made a business ttlp to Omaha Monday. MUs Ijitcilo Olmstoad spent the wool; end with friends in Iitavale. Simon Hulferof Cheyenne, Wjoin., Is iu the city visiting fileuds. County TieasurVr Robinson made a business trip to Omaha Monday. Experienced muu wants work on farm. O. II. Scott, Red Cloud. Mr. uud Mrs. Bert Leonard of Ink rale, culled on friends In Red Cloud Sunday. The Misses Inez and Sylva Stride land vlbited with friends In Itiavulu on Monday. Simon Huirer of Cheyenne, Wyom ing, returned to this city the first ot the week for a visit with his family. ' Lorau Blair returned to this city Wednesday from Gruiid Island, where he bad been transacting business. Don-Fulton will movo onto his farm south of Inavale and engage In farm, lug tho coming season. 3 cars of Maitlaud lump coal on the road hero in a few days. Let us have your order now. A. K. Wilson. 0-2 Charles UulYer is moving to Axtel, Nobrnfka, this week, where ho and his family will make their future home. The program at tho Orpluum Friday night will be u Mutual iu C-uets Show starts at 7:!t0; admission Ootid 17c. Mrs. Barbara Phures left Sunday morning for eastorn markets to pur chase her spring and summer line of goods. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Simpspn of Cliey enne, returned to this city Monday and will make their futute home in this city. Loicn llunsickor returned to Camp Funston Tuesday, after a few days visit wllli his parents, Mr. and Mrs.,11. Ii. llunsleker. Buy Land atStratton, Colorado See Rose Brothers of Blue Hill, Nebraska or go to Jos. A. Collins, Stratum, Colo rado. 3 12t Koij: IIiioh. Attorney Boucher of Omaha, deliver ed a very interesting lecturo on War Savings Stamps at the Orpheum, after the first show ou Monday night. Dr. Warrick, tho specialist, will meet patients and those needing glasses fitted tit Dr. Damerell's, Wednesday, March Oth. Hours 1 to 0. Mr. Floyd Karalnsky and Miss Orn Shuck were united in mavriagu at Hastings last Saturday uiglit. They will make their home on a farm near Icavalc. Fon Sai.i: MO acres of pasture laud. I 1.2 miles west and 2 miles north of Inavale, Nebraska. Fenced, tank and wind mill. Terms, S.lO.uO tin aero A,t least one half down, balance with good security. M lis Wm. lito.vs. a Fine Line in now. Try pay yon. Clothim RELIABLE" STAMP OBT THE WM WITH WAR SAVINGS STAMPS John Uarber Is iu Inuvalc this week on business, Dr. Roy Harbor Is spending a few days with his patents, Mr. and Mrs. John G arbor. Those having books to donate to tho new library, will plcaso leave samo at Howard S. Foo's office or phone him and he will call for, them. ' On Atondiiy, Charles III) fie r loaded his household goods and shipped them to Axtol, Nebraska, where he and his family will make their future home. Ethel and Leonard Waller of Cowles, visited at tho J. II. Bailey homo Satur day and Sunday, roturuiug homo Mon day morning. Mrs. HrausonStowait has succeeded Mrs. Don Fulton as principal of the Lincoln School and entered upon her new duties last Monday morning Conrad Starko will olfer for sale on Saturday, March tttli about 90 head of I mnl 5 year old mules. Those naod lug good mules should boar this date in mind and attend the salo Om! of the gentlemen in tills city who bad been making ti practice of supplying the trado with cigarotts, ttn doubtedly did not use very good judg ment in selecting bis customers us he was taltou beore His Honor tho Judge and assessed Sit) and the trimmings, a few days iuo. Miss Inez. Boner anivod in the city last week from Winner, South Dakota, for an extended visit with relatives and friends iu this city. While iu South Dakota, Miss Boner has been engaged as a teacher of music, both in strumental and vocal. Two interesting games of Basket Hull were staged in tho new high school gym last evening. In the game be tween the Cowles aud Rod Cloud girls tho former carried off tho honors. The boys game proved that. the Red Cloud bojb were-too much for their Cowles friends. We, this day, received a card from Harry Yost, who is now iu fugle Sam's Service and stationed at San Antonio, Texas. Hurry states that ho Is. feel ing tine and enjoying life In the Sunny South. For too benefit of his friends we wiU'fcny that bis present address Is SU7 st., Areo Squadron, South San Antonio, Texas. Christian Church Notes, The hcml-unuuul business meeting of the church was held Monday even ing. There was a large attendance. Reports from the various departments of the church were given which show marked advancement. Mr. Anderson was chosou deacon, Eugels, trustee; Trace Sherer, usher; und Mr. Kcorn was elected janitor. Some improve ments on tho church were ordered. Quarterly business moetings will be held aud all departments of the church will bo expected to report their pro gress. The financial statement of Mr. I 'Yank Smith created much Intel est and was woll received. Miss Uornico Richardson of tin I do Rook, will soon visit Red Cloud for tho purposoof organizing an orchestra. She is a very flue leader and Iirs til. ready organized ti splendid orchestra iu her home city. Those wishing tn join canjglvo their names to the pas tor. A number of church people are tak ing an active part in the Home Guard, which meets Tuesday evenings at tho High School gymnasium, This is a good place to get rid or the kinks and cultivate u fratornal spirit. The church has made itself a Mis sionary Society aud the next meeting will ho held at the homo of Mrs. Gal latly Friday afternoon. This will be an Important service All the ladles of the church should attend. Mr. Bush took a subscription last Sunday for the purpose of supplying the church with up-to.duto church hymnals. A good fund was raised and wo will soon havo now song books. Tho lliiptist church wa9 over-run witlj people last Sunday evening. Rev. Harper gave a fine message. Union service with the Methodist people next Sundny evening. The Sosial Circle has purchased a line lot of chairs for pulpit choir. Just tuko notico when you attend church Sunday. Dr. Cross is expecting to move to Colorado in about ten days uud try woatem farm life. The family will ro main In Rod Cloud some time, Wm. Engojs moved Into tho Errlt property Monday, lie recently pur ohhsid this pUuy und will Improve it. Mm Kv.i WolMtiil it under tho doc t.n'b e no ibis !;, Mr. Godfrey hw movd into .Mm home ot th Advuitt ehuruh. .loo Tuplmm is 'moving in'n Do, Ei'tfeis property lu vo-t Red Cloud Up to the People Several of tho business men and citizens have In tho past year advanc ed tho theory that a consolidation of two of the paper in the city would bo u satisfactory solut.on of tho problem now conlroii'ltis' thoin, that three pup. or are too many for it city the Mzj of Red Cloud. Willi throopapuis lu the llelil and tho putroniiyn divided Into three parts none of tho papers can see their way clear, financially, to glvo the public the lilrfh olass pupur that they desire. With those objects in view the mini agemeiit ot tho Argus and tho Chief havo adopted plans whoroby it corpora tion could be formed, and to date, con sidering the short llmo that has beon spouti considerable encourago'iucht has been received from tho business firms. As tho editor of this paper is now lu Camp Funston and expects to be call ed with his regiment to Franco at al most any day, he desires to dlsposo of of his Interests iu Red Cloud, as It Is rather uncertain wlion lie will bo in a position to petsouully conduct tho af fairs of tho Chief. Under those cir cumstances it was considered this would bo the piopcr llmo to consider the mutter and place it before the merchants and oltlxous for thoir ap proval. A few limits time spent tn present ing the matter to tho business men re sulted iu the disposal of about one third of the required amount of uub. scriptlans for stock. Several havo ask ed that they bo given time to consider the mutter uud to duto but ono of the meWhants has refused to tuko u part In the mutter. Tractor Meeting Beneficial District Manager, J. N. Zaitc of Lin coln, and II. M. Weseott, tractor ex port of tho International Harvester Company, conducted a school of In struction iu the James Peterson Im plement building ou Friday and Satur day of last week. About fifty or more of tho funnels of this city were iu ut teudancc and without a doubt the amount of valuable Information they received will moro than repay thom for the slight inconveniences they may have experienced In arranging to bo lu attendance. Tho scarcity of horses arid mules combined with tho over in creasing demand for food stuffs will no doubt compell some of the tillers of the soil who farm on a largo scale to seuurc the services of tiic tractor. This will also greatly assist the government iu their food campaign and the Inter national Is to be commended ou thu activities Jn the matter. Baptist Church Notes Regular-services Sunday morning. Sunday, March 10th Rev. S:M. Brown of Katisas City, Mo., will begin a moet ing here at the Baptist church, in con nection with- the pastor, Rev. V. M. Harper. All are cordially invited to attend these services. Piano at a Bargain We havo a used piano in good con dition that one of our customers was uuablo to finish paying for, that we will place free of charge in the home of any satisfactory' customer In tho vicinity of Red Cloud, who will pay the balance in cash, or easy payments. Gas-ion Music Co., Hastings, Xeb. S-fl Farm Loans Lowi.ii rates, best, terms and option and in any amount." Xo inspection ex pMise, ami absolutely no delay. Six plans to ehooso from. Sole agent for Trcvott. Mattis& Halter. J. II. Ualley. The Miujch term of the district court will couvene on the eleventh day of the mouth, but the jury will not be called until March 18th. The jury list for the same will be found In this issue. A letter signed by M of our citieus was sent to Senator Hitchccok last week. A copy of this letter was also sent to President Wilson. A letter was received this morning from our president thaukiug tho 51 signers for thoir confidence and support and say. ing that he deeply appreciates thoir heartening assurance Rat Is not no experiment it is q thoroughly tried and proven DESTROYER of RATS and MICE. When dead they leave no odors as hey are mummified. Sold and guaranteed by Chas. L Cotting The Druggist iJPJL Al. To Win the War We Must All Be Loyal Wheat astd Msat ARE NEEDED! For every pound of wheat flour you mut use an equal amount of substitute flour Oat meal, 4 lbs 30c Rice, per lb - l2Yzc Corn Starch, pkg 10c Corn Meal 1 2 lbs 60c Corn Meal 6 lbs - 35c Bran, 3 lbs - 20c Pancake Flour, 4 lb 30c Buckwheat, 5 lbs 50c The Best Goods are M. A. ALBRIGHT Store Opens at S:oo a. in, and closes at 6 wo p. m. Character Our display v of Eurniture is the moft GGmpleteye;have ever ottered fcy the tirade You will find the very latest designs, s the best material possible to obtain. We extend you an invitation to call and inspect this exhibition enjoy the excellent workmanship and. the advanced ideas in artistic furniture and home furnishings. ROY S ATTLEY TTITII Minw I Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Co. $i A Plain Talk to Our Subscribers You probably expect the best tele phono service and the best business treatment. Fair 'Criticism of our service and business methods is sincerely invited. We try to accord you the same equitable and considerate treatment as is rendered to customers in all well managed private business. To tho end that wo may give you the very best service known to telephone practice, we have altered bur equip ment Mid improved our operating methods to accord to the meat advanc ed methods in use any whdre. Substitutes for White Flour Always the Cheapest ..' t 'irf:".W at: ti. V 1 1 ti 1 m e -r rl&. ,A i-iVy iUi f ' i;i!