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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1918)
.- --ggljlgjjj -- " rsratstxt. b-VJi:ig4Mrall .IV-- "'-..- ''i W N -u " k newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For SI.50. ii i i .. i .n '... L ....'.. ; i... i i .i.i.- , i i , 1 -. ; VOLUME -17 UI.D OL.OUD, XEKRASKA., VJ3urA1JY Mb, UIlK NUMBER 9 v.' r & Your Money The chief reason for saving vour money is that you will have the MONEY, with INTEREST later on when you may need it. It is also a step toward financial independ ence and success. It makes you a better citizen. The person with a bank account is looked upon as one who is thrifty and dependable. Now is the time to begin saving. Open a bank account here, today. Observe Washington's Birthday at Camp Funston 1 Ounji Funston, Kiui., Fob. 3l l'r R Fiui.mM: " i On Monday I lie Company bturtctl on I its, hist lnp of attending tlio division n'Honj ut Nmoltoy Hill FlaU... Tin weather wi$ very cold purt'of lit; time n rid the cnnipiny fame in early one day on account of It. I'YIdny ei'i-iy Deposits in this bank arc protected by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska WeMer County Bank i-ragE"&'S i f ft 1 1 a I jm Webster County Ladies Knit 1,402 Garments Tlio number of knitted giu-menls made and turned in to the Webster County Chapter in the five months endirfg Feb. 15 by tho women of IIiIh county t6lals M02. Of this number !'!)G were sweaters, IDC scarfs, 178 socks, 30G wristlets, and G7 helmets and of tho total number Kcd Cloud n&iwazxeaamixM&i nnoi.iii.oe.iinpniwiajioiiuiiyasiiivi.s lm,, ma,,e 487 Banncn(s Huo uil HMiliiKun'b bhthday. The iliiy wi.s 1Blf Cow,M 174j m.on n0( Innvnle devoted to utheletlc features and band ltJ7f Gu!(le Hock 187 Lc,,tcr .,,,, 11nlIl concerts while many attended' the ... C,.lviMd 20f Stato Lhl0 10. Hased hl(nv'' on tho original appoitionmcnt made; Oii?uii,,iy Vor.aUoriin.Iono ofhls,rnavae ,MM,8 tho county , Ul0 ,,,. frieiid:., IViry Armstrong were older- t of :niuinK (i0110( thev being ed to report at the perMiiuiiil o'Heo 'as3i(rno(1 .18 to ,,ato havo turncd Jn where wo tube assigned positions for m garments almost S timos lhcil. or. u hevcral woeliV. iiriii'l. This is the i,t;--i .;,. ,. mnr.' fpi, i,. I 111 llllll U.IJI I.1I1L.111. Ill JU1I I'l J 1 1 I I I 11 I I '. - 'J f " - - - - ---- V Cream Separator e do not believe that a farmer who knows anything about farm machinery could bo induced to buy any separa tor other than a DeLaval after he had seen the latest im-provcd-DeLeval machine and had given it a trial. It is a fact that 99 per cent of all-separator buyers who do SEE AND TRY A DE. LAVAL machine before buying purchase the DeLaval and will have no other. The 1 per cent who do not buy the DeLaval are those who allow themselves to be influenced by some other consideration besides real genuine separator merit. It you ure thinking hbutit buying a cream separator wo will consider it a favor if you will permit us to set up a DuLuvnl for you on your own place aud have you jjtve it a fair trial. You will be under no obligation to buy the machine if it does not make pood all our ehilms, and should you decide to Ueop it find ennnot convenietnly pay cash, -you may do so on such easy terms that it will actually save Its cots while you are paying for it. Kaf TP i MM I ! i- B W7,i II- BdSKSE3BnHK!!IISt3HQHKC!9BtaU WW hHBEZ3raeZS52Z2EXX2 Sunday -at Christian Church I a 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. 11:00 arm. Preaching Seryicc. j 2:30 p. m. Service at Indian Creek and the South Side I'linijiuiii Evening Service will be Union "United We Stand! Divided We Fall!" ' - ? i lvcclvliiif station where the new vooji iei aio run IhrouKh (ho mill and mine out ai M)ldlei3. Tluuo mo oveiMiiiloty men woikln at this place and tht run two shifts, day and nij,'ht. Slxtj nioti me ,'iiiiiiiipi in all hour's 'time and after they hai been neouptnl they tiro sent to the detention camp wlieio they will bpend twu weulfi. Sunday morning we wore issued ,nnir infantry buttons which we wear on our eout Collin. Kailey-Knutson, A very pretty uoddlui; was solemn ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 6!" J ICalcy, on Tuesday, February ".'I'tii, ut ''.nop. in., when their iliuiKhtai, jVUjj llntttt, bt'dau is till nride'of .Mr. Truey Knutson of llliiden llev. V M I"i u liner, piistor of tin.- Muthodlst chureh, porformed tlioeeremonyj Mlus t'enrj,' ettn Coon of tills city, aud Mr. Howard Spenee of llladeii, were theatteiidnnts, Tlio Imu-e Was aitis'icallydeebrati'ilj the color scheme being uhltc am' pwih. Only tho .immediate families of the contiaotin parllos belli,' in-sent. ,; A leeeption wis tenderiid tlicin by the mother of the groom on Tlinrs'liiy. About .'.a were present. The youni couple will make t'.tliJ future homo on a farm near Hinder). ' Farmers' Union Meeting In response to a call issued by Presi dent ICeimev of the. lirmoi-.s I'lilon; quite a iiuuibor of inember asseniliied at the comt house on last Hatud,iy afternoon. Tlie pnrposo of the inert lug was to coiiHlder Jhe hiring fa' County Agent The government representative dn-( liverod an intorestitig addresw" on the pin pose of" the agent and In what way lie would eo-operato with tho f, inner in regard to seed, stock, improvements, markets, etc. Several short talks were made by those- present both fur and against tho plan and no deflnate conclusion was reached at this meet iug. It was decided to hold a meet; lug nt Cow It's this afternoon at which time tho problem will bo decided upon Y. W. CTI. l)nve The Y. V. C. A. is or:o .of the many oiganlzatioiifi that lb needitu our sup port. It is to the girls and women what the Y. M.C. A. is to tlio boys and men. The Y. W. 0. A. drive will be Hindu during tho week beginning Mar. 18lh to Mur, SIJi-il. Tho committee of eaen town wm jry to too oaon person so those who feel they can give to this worthy cause may do so, for we do not want any ouo to feel slighted Wnteli next weeks papers for tho names of the committees of each town or town ship, If for sbmo reason thoy should fail to call upon you, you njaycnH and tell them how much you wish to give and thoy will call for samo or tell yoh. where to loavo the gift,. T, 11. Ilillcrs of Utistiugb, is In the city to day looking after his business Interests. VfttVMfWmtt.Wfttf.VftttttWmWMWWmftJU Tfjp FOI JfCAT HOME EXPECT YOU .V F.m.H.u?T2LTELL 'gM ALL ABOUT 388SS0MtyrvBT ExhHarating Burlesqu; Vanitvilla ItigJ ') rilUdttllhFritlrBlrli.Fdi.rtlttM.flwjUn . lUttlpijl, BrlllliDt tctale Eailronnial LADIES' BIME MATINEE EWERY WEEKIAY A Everybody Qo Ask Anybody M.MATS THE IIWCST MB KlTtlM Will If CHICIM eat number of any one kind of gar ments made by one gioup of workers m 135 sweaters made by the Woman's Auxiliary at I.ed Cloud. o With scai city of good peed corn it is lather to o expected that some in dividuals well attempt to profiteer in disposing of surplus ttocks. Good aecd in so badly needed anil such a scaicn quantity 'that tho farmers will feel inclined to pay almost any price. The, Seed Stocks Committee of the state is preparing tb save the farmers f,rom the unpatriotic individuals who would, put an exorbitant price on their seed. The committee, is undertaking to lo cate ecd for all who are in need of it"an'd at' wlfat Tuib been "eslabllshod as a reasonable price. Tho prico of seed will naturally bo higher tluVyenr limn normally. This is to bo expected in view of prevail ing high prices and the scarcity of jjood seed. Exorbitant prices, how over, will not bo permitted and of fenders in this respect will bo dealt With sovorly. It is requested that nil porsons with seed for sale who nro holding such seed at an exorbitant price bo reported to tho committee which may bo reached in caro of the State Council of Defence. Lei every qhc with nny surplus seed, for sale communicate with tho committee. Uy this moans alone will it bo possible for Nebraska i'amicru to get sufficient seed of good quality to bring Nebras- 1cas corn production to any satisfac tory figure. Tito corn situation is moM serious, which fact should not bo" f oi gotten for an instant by every iarmcr in the slate. Justice in Nebraska ' Mil Kmrim: Perhaps it is not gen erally known that on Fob. Ilth, at Lincoln, nlneteun represc n t n t i v e women of Nebraska, filed suit in the district court for tin purp.isu of un joining the Seontary or Statu from further notion on Hie lefeiendiim peri-' tion riled Inst July, (be olject'qf the petition being to refer to a voln of the people, the limited equnl salfrage law pasned by thu last legislature. Tlley charge gross frauds anil forgeries worn committed in Hie scouring of iiaineH to tho referendum petition mid the suit is to test tho validity of this petition. Mis, Dletrlck of Hastings, sajs: "It is not. just tin anti.sujrriige petition, P. is an anti-prohibition, anthciean and uutl. decent government petition and should not bo a question for women iilono but for men ami women, it is nn effort to maintain tho integrity of tho referendum1 mid to Insure do:ent and honest government." A Infer from Mrs. Unrklcy, President Nebraska Woman Suffrage Association, and also ono from their flnanco committee, culls upon all men and women who stand for good government and Integrity of tho law, for subscriptions of nionoy to aid in carrying this case, through tho courts successfully ami they also ask mt men write letters to tho looal press snowing tho necessity of main taining tho integrity of the Initiative and Referendum law. Will Red Cloud respond to these calls? Subscriptions m,y u handed to J. L. Cutting or Mrs. J. U Ijiiiley, Tho cull is urgent, re spond us soon as possible, Adams court ty Is i .) J'l.lZA C'OTTI.NCI. To Accomplish Good Work You Mut. Have Proper Equipment The Parker Lucky Curve SelS Filling Fountain Pen is unequalled. Our new slock contains THE PEN YOU NEED at $2.50 to $6.00 Lower Priced Self Filling Pens at $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 Jifv Sure Your Chi Ids JIVES ARE RIGHT mid Able to Susti'i the 'Strain Imposed ty School Work We Make EXAMINATIONS FREE E. H. NEWHOUSE, Jo wo lor and Optometrist "3TC. D: & Q. Watch Inspector J t't l - "T " ,. . ' ---? ' fyf--?V ' i.'ji.i . '!' ! , i 5!lK ""jf' '" -j. T ' TP"tr j f and Columbia Records i ! N MmM cir!t WAfmMi TTPl Djj I !l II" 1 M -Hi ' I r Brdf J l L ' ,1 . -.-.-.- . -i sr1 What price snail we pay ,V -for our phonograph?. Don't try to answer that at home. Come hero. Look at one hrhIoI aftiyr another until you have seen the entire line. They arc all exhibited for your inspection. They'll be played for you. Listen to the $18 Grofonoln. Listen to the $250 cabinet instru ment and the models in between. That is the way to answer the question, "What price shall wc pay or our phonograph?' Your visit lierewill be a welcome one. It is a Columbia policy to make ouch shopping as pleasant as intelligence and sympathy can make it. Cotting 8l Mitchell The Druggist The Jeweler s? BSSS JlO-JU l-J-T-g Wo ...! "'"--'-' iit"ypTj'fi Jury for March Term A. J. B-j Frank Perry John Guy Morgan Davis O, A. Arnold S. F. Johnson Fred Waterman Charles McNalr James Sllve'y F. S. Lovcjoy Elbert Morliart Sherman Deezley Elmer Walt J. Richardson J. J. Schumni James Doyl Henry Wright Charles Sicbrass Fred Rccd Ed. Britton ' Frank Stokes, Sr. Dick McMann John GrilTith Alex Buckles ' No Alorc Auctions On account of goods sellinc for less than wholesalo cost I havo decided to hold no moro auctions, but will con tinue to close out my stock at privato sale untit tho 15th of March, at which date I expect to go west. And all goods not sold then will bo packed for shipment. I will still continue to make a good liberal discount on all goods now on hand. Buy whilo buying Is good and save big money. Joo'FogtnV 1 I J l ,n M "l n Mtt"l . ) Vi" 'v 2LX . it&&X&&smmnn&sar' :m lx -yV ft wfii "NK'f iwiilf iff mm 'JJW. -.