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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1917)
RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF i 4 K i- 4 a.kmhmxx:..xh:..:..xx:x AS TOLD TO US :h::.'::::::: Save the Wnsto and Win the Wat! Clare Pope spent Monday in Cowles. Will Heeves was up from Guide Rock Friday. Mrs. s5. E. Uailoy spent Moudny In Hastings. Uufo Douthit of Cowles was in the elty Friday. Chris Fussier was down from Blue Hill, Friday. Attend the Red Cross mooting Fri day evening. il. II. Elllngor was in Inuvalo, Mon day morning Iloy Snttley Undertaker-Auto Hearse injeonuectiou. J. B. Hillers of Hastings was in the city this week. Don Cook was down from Oxford the last of the week. Hurvey Itickerson spent Friday with friends at Franklin. Miss Pauline Ranncy went to Peru the last of the week. Eyes tested, glasses fitted. J. C Mitchell, the Jewclor. Attorney C. T. Austiu of Blue Hill was in the city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mitchell snent Thursday in Hastings. Mrs. C. A. Shellalc returned to her home at Hastings, Monday. Frank Coon and Mrs. Mable Abbey nutocd to Hastings, Sunday. Galo Fearn of Iuavale spent the weekend with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brommcr wore down from Hastings, Sunday. Mrs. Dedrick went to Inaralc, Sun day evening, to visit relatives. Mrs. Rlsslo Cox returned home Thursday evening from Cowles. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Welsch returned to Elliot, Iowa, Monday morning. Henry Clark of Lincoln spent the weekend with friends in this city Hugh Halrd and Kenneth Wilson were in Lebanon Sunday afternoon. Sam Temple of Knnsas City is spend ing the week with friends in this city. Miss Anna Brommcr returned home the last of the week from Kensington, Kansas J. II. Hamilton of Guide Rock spent Tuesday with his son, W. G. Hamilton nnd family. S. R. Floranco spent the ilrst of the week with Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Mizer at Otis, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gurney jr., arc the parents of n baby girl which was born Thursday. John Hamilton, of Guide Rock, spent Sunday with his brother, W. G. Hamil ton and family. Mrs. Sam Fair and children came down from Hastings, Monday evening, to visit relatives. The Misses Grace and Josephine Shorer returned home from Lincoln, the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs Oris Fearn of Hastings spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fearn. Mr9. Al Slabv nnd sou, Fred, spent the weekend with her husband who is In a hospital at Denver. Horace Brown returned home Mou day evening from Lakeside where lie 'had been working at his trade. Judgo Dungan who had. been hold ing district court nt Bloomlngton was In the city between trains Saturday. Mrs. Roy Oatman returned home Monday evening from Saronville, where she had been visiting her sister Joe Springer of Guide Rock, who is well known in this city, has enlisted in the hospital corps of the U. S. Nnvy. Tho following shlppod stock to Kan sas City, Sunday: Dclanoy Bros , 3 cars of hogs and Minor & McCall 2 cars of hogs. ' Mrs, S. P. Fox returuod homo from York, Thursday evening, Bfter spend ing a few days with her sons, Vale and Charley. Mrs. Ross Pylo and children who had beeu visiting her mother, Mrs. Hatfield, returned to hor homo at St. Joe, Thursday. Hepry Pborcs of Central City who had been visiting at McCook arrived in the city Friday to visit hla mother, Mrs. Barbara Pharcs. Mrs. Robert McBrido and Miss Edith MoKelghan entertained a numbor of guests at a seven o'clock dlnuer in honor of Mr. and Mrs. .Russel Amaok Friday evening. Jaok Cather, who has been holding a position as munition Inspector for the British government at Detroit, ar rived in the city Saturday to spend two weeks with his father, C. F. Cather. Arthur Gilbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gilbert, who la working In the B & M. shops at McCook has enlisted In a nnmnanv of vour Uncle Sameul's nrmw whl nli was organized at that nlaoo. Harry Welsch and Miss Edna Hands were united in marriage nt tuu iuu trrncrntlnnnl rmrnnnnrra SundaV after uoon. iney wm iiibko unit i home at Elliot, Iowa. They were visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Klrkpatrlok south of this city. rwt ... I 41. ..I .it..a.A Canned berries nro bird proof. JOIN tho BED CROSS now! Mrs. J. II. EUlnger spent Tuesday in ' Hastings Attorney A. M. Walters of Blue Hill was In the city Monday. Lost A bunch of keys. Finder leave samo with Guy Zeigler. Mrs. Burr and son, Con. of McCook spent Wednesday in tliU city. Mrs. Henry Ilouehln left for IJas,t-' itiKs, Tuesday, whero slio will reside. , Lnwieiiiv McCall returned home from lumsis City, Tuesday morning. Will Sturke of Milwaukee is visiting Ids brothers Chris, Courad and Ernest. IM Burr and S G. Soinerhalder of Guide Rook were In tho city Monday Mr. aud Mrs. Andy Hart of Lebanon spent Wednesday with friends In this city. "Fly-No" has proved to be tho best lly dope for your stock. Sold by Cot tluf. Miss Louise Schumacher of Orleans spent Wednesday, with friends in tills city. Ladles are iuvltcd to jnspect tho stock of beautiful French Ivory goods at Cottings. Mrs. W. H. Thomas and daughter' Laura, went to Beatrice, Tuesday, to visit relatives. Chorrel Koontz arrived homo from Omaha, Tuesday, to spend a few days with his mother. Tho premium list for the Nebraska State Fair has been printed and sent out ovor tho state. Judgo Dorsoy' of Bloomlngton was the guest of Attorney and Mrs. B. E. McNeuy Wednesday. Mrs. R. E. Camp loft Mouday morn ing for Burlington, Colorndo, where she jolus her husband. George King and Miss Laura Wenzel of Riverton were married by Judge Rauney on Wednesday. Ellas Goblu returned homo the first of the week from Hayes Center whero he had been on business. Frank Starr returned homo Tuesday from Billings, Montana, whero he had been buying and selling horses. Clarence and Dorothy Jelllson re turned homo Tuesday evening from h visit with their mother nt Lincoln. Editor and Mrs. H. L. Wright and children of Lebanon wore in tho city Wednesday attending tho celebration, Roy Stickley and Miss Llllie Kil lough of Guide Rock were united in marriage by Judge Ranney on Wed nesday. Tho Misses Mary and Fannie Mlksch returned home Tuesday from Seneca, Kansas, whero they had been visiting their brother, Will, and wife. Mrs. Fred Stanberry went to Hast ings Tuesday morning to meot her husband who had been in a hospital at Lincoln, and agcompany him to this city. Minerva Ludlow, widow of Sylves ter V. N. Ludlow has been granted a widows pension by the U. S. Pension Department. Fred Maurer washer at torney. Miss Y' Ola Swartz who has been piloting the destinies of the job and advertising department of the Argus for several years, lias resigned her position in that otUcc. The semi-annual meeting of the Con gregational church will be held next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, as busi ness of importance is to be considered. A full attendance of the membership Is desired. Irving Cummings, who had been working near Lebanon spent the first of the week hero with his family be fore going to Guylord where ho has accepted a position in tho Farmers Union store. On Monday afternoon Hazel Saladou entertained a number of friends at a kitchen shower in honor of Mrs. Rus el Amaok. Light refreshments were served nnd thoso present report a very enjoynoio tune. Tho W. 0. T. U. will meet at tho M. E. church parlors at 2:30 p. m. next Wednesday. Mrs. C. J. Pope will have charge of tho program. The mission ary societies of tho city will be tho cuosts. Thoro will be work for the soldiers, Tho oil proposition ismoviugmorrily along. Nearly tho whole amount of the acreage required is leased, promis ed or under consideration to be leased. Tho next move now, before the begin Ing of operations Is tho writing of sub scriptions of the organizers. This work will take less time than the leas ing of the land In tho oil channel. An other week will see the machinery nec essary for the boring of an oil well the object of attraction in Red Cloud. The Missouri Valley Oil Company of Omaha, Nebraska beg to announce that on and after June 1st, 1017, their busl- ness will bo conducted undor the name of their parent Company "Tho Con sumers Refining Company". Wo will continue to market tho highest grade Doop Rook products from our own re finery at Cushing, Oklahoma. A con tinuance of your valued patronage will bo appreciated, und you are assured of our best efforts to properly serve you, Powell Bros. Smoke House CIGARS that are Good The Brand Your Doclor Smokes Most complete line of Cigars and Tobaccos in Red Cloud 'Lost A set of pipe dies between my store and C. J. Piatt's farm west of town. E. W. Stevens. Hoar Rev. Eugeno Cobby, Chaplin of tho nth Nebraska Infantry and Captain Hogatc of Co. K. on main street in Red Cloud Monday night nt 8 p. in. This will bo an Important patriotic service Everybody interested in tho affairs of the country should hoar theso Tho Government needs farmers as well as fighters. Two million three hundred thousand acres of Oregon & California Railroad Co. Grant Lands. Title revested In United States. To bo oponcd for homesteads and sale. Con taining some of best land left in United States. Largo copyrighted mop allow ing land by sections and description of soil, climate, rainfall, elevations, tern- peraturo eto. Postpaid one dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co., Box 010 Portland Oregon. Judge W C. Dorsey and Court Re porter Balrd of Bloomlngton were in tho city Saturday and held n special term of district court. Tho following cases wore disposed of; Sadllck vs Pavllka, sale confirmed and referee ordered to make deed to purchaser; Sims vs Sims, report of referee approv ed, salo confirmed and referee ordered to mnko deed to purchaser. Banks vs Banks, sale confirmed aud deed order ed, distribution of sale ordered to Anna L. Banks and to the guardian of the nine minor heirs , of Justus R Banks. Lack of building material, caused by the failure of manufacturers to make delivery to the contractors put the quietus on tho activities around the new high school building for sever al weeks, but we note that a number of-brick rausons recently came to the city, and upon passing by one may see the men driving tiie one-wheclcd-vnri-able-speed-jitney around the premises and up steep inclines that would test tho endurance of even a Ford. These jitneys are loaded with brick and "mud" and when they begin to move it is pretty good evidence that the loads they carry will soon bo converted into a house of knowledge. The three newspapers Advertiser, Argus aud Chief nt Red Cloud are taking on regular metropolitan airs, the publishers having sigucd an agreement to close their offices at 4:30 Saturday afternoons until the first of September. The time is comiug in this great and glorious country of ours when every Saturday will be a half holiday for practically everybody. Now Zealand, one of tho best governed countries In the world, has had such a law for nearly a scoro of years, and there is no other place on earth whero labor is better employed and more contented, whero crime is na little known and the doors of the poor houses have longslnco fallen from their binges New Zealand is governed by the mnsses soldiers of tho common good and it was a printer who started the movement to break away from tho rule of British lords nnd the privileged clilsses. Call it socialism or whatever you choose, but tho New Zoalanders are oue people that enjoy a nearly perfoct government. Koncsaw Pro gress. Farm Loans Call at my headquarters for tho cheapest farm loans, as 1 have them Solo agent for Trevett, Mattis and Baker. Private funds on hand. J. II. Bailey. June Weather Report Temperature: Mean 07 deg; Maxi mum 102 deg. on 30th; Minimum 40 deg. on 10th. Precipitation: Total 0.7G inches. Number of days clear 23, partly cloudy 4, cloudy .1. Dates of Hall 20th, Thunderstorms 4, 0, 20, 23, 27, 28th. Prevailing wind Direction S W. Rainfall sinco Jan. 1st, 10.71 inches. Chas. S, Ludlow, Observer. V 25wif Jul - Yvr w Canning and Drying Bulletins "Home Canning by the One-Period Cold-Pack Method" Is tho title of Fanners' Bulletin No. Mil, Just Issued by the United States Department of Agriculture. This bulletin describes in detail tho bust canning methods known. Fanners' Bulletin No. 3 1 1, j "Drying Fruits and Vegetables in the Home," is a companion food-preset vn Hon bulletin. These bulletins will bo sent free upon application to the Ex tension Service, t'nlverslty Km in, Lin-1 coin, or to tho United States Depart ment of Agriculture. Washington, D. C. A Family Reunion. A family reunion was hold on Sun day, June 'Jlth at the homo of W. T. Whitoiey, who resides -I., miles south of 1 mi vulo, when nil the children were present: Mrs. MlnnleJTrueblood of Kene saw. Mrs. Bessie Norrls of Lincoln, Walter and Harry Whitelcy of Nolson, Owen Whitley of Kenesaw, Bertha and Con Whitoiey Who are at home. At 12 o'clock a bountiful dinner was served which had been prepared by the mother. Ico cream was served duriui? tho day. After dinner a plcturo was taken of the entlro family, consisting of tho father land mother, sons and sons-in-law, daughter and daughtors-ln law and live grand children. This was the first time in 12 years the children had been united. It was an enjoyable day and ono to bo long remembered. One who was there. Held Meeting at Cowles A number of tho citizens of this city nccompnnlcd by tho Red Cloud Con cert Band autood to Cowles Thursday evening, in response to an invitation extended by Jus. McBrido, of that place. Representatives from Blue mil, Guide Rock and Bladen were present. Tho purpose of tho meeting was to form a Red Cross chapter In Webster county F. W. Cowden ncted ns chairman and Lloyd Huutcrflllcd the Secretary's chair and short addresses were deliver ed by Row Fowler, Rev. Ogden, Rev. Drullner, E J. Overlug, C. F. Cather and F. A. Good. Music fdr the occas ion was furnished by the Red Cloud Band. Rulings of tho National Red Cross Society specify 'that each town may have their own organization but liat all business must be transacted through the county seat organization. Present indication lead us to bellevo that Webster county will contribute her share towards the greatest polco of phylanthrophy ever attempted by any organization, in this or any other land. , The Oil Boom is Progressing A large nnd enthusiastic crowd at tended the oil meeting at the Commer cial Club rooms on last Thursday even ing, the purpose of which was to go further into the details of Red Cloud's big oil boom, to elect a board of direc tors and to transact such other busi ness as came before the meeting. Father Fitzgerald, Win. Weesner and Mr. Pattersou, the gentleman respon sible for the activities in this locality along this particular line, Mr. Simpson of Blue Hill, and Ifoy Hutchison of Norton, Kansas discussed the prospects after which a Board of Directors were named, this body being composed of Dr. Dnmcrell, Win. Weesnor, Geo. Hutchison, C II. Potter, Clarence Carpontor, B. W. Stewart and L. II. lilackledge. An examination of. tho subscription list bears evidence to tho fact that the financial end of the matter was receiv Ing'attcntiou. Many leness have beeu secured, negotiations being made with Oklahoma drillers and judging from the general trend of-matters It appears as though tbe seed that Promoter Patterson has sown in this locality is about to bring forth good fruit. Who says that Red Cloud may not in the near futuro bo tho third city, in population, in ,tlio State. Hero's Hoping, United Church Notes Tho patriotic service Sunday even ing was a success. Tho liouso was crowded and tho children gave an ex cellent program, A collection was ta ken for the Y. M. C. A. work among the soldiers. The United Church people have subscribed and secured pledges for this work to the amount of about 8160. Twenty flvo pledges for Red Cross membership were secured at the Sun day evening service. The south side poople have raised ten dollaps for Rev. Cole, formerly of this city, as a moans of showing their appreciation of a good mans work, Mr. Cole la in feeble health. t Sunday desecration is becoming a notorious offense In our city and It is about time for tho selfrcspectlng people of the town and community to express their feeling in effectlvo man ner. For any group of men to sanc tion such notorious disregard for the Lord's Day is an open challenge to tho church and a direct Insult to God. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA Chautauqua July 29 to Aug. 4, Inclusive VIEKUA'S Hawaiian Singers : Players WIERD BEWITCHING NOVEL ARTISTIC Hugh Anderson Operatic Quintette Sole J liasso In "BOHEMIAN GIRL" "You Understand the Words" ROUNDS Ladies Orchestra All Star Specialty Company Greatest fcfr tiliir-'l Clare Vaughn ' Wales Players in "REJUVENATION" Comedy PURE Drama Sarah Mildred WlLLMER in 'EXPERIENCE INSPIRING DR.AMATIC READING Carl Paul Oberg jj Barnaby Author Composer Short Musical Stories Readings Unique, Novel, Original MASON'S Jubilee Singers SUNNY SOUTHLAND ONGS AND STORIES GENUINE JUBILEES LL For Season Tickets, Price Program Booklets, etc, 'see Capon, 14 lhs. Ilooster, 8 Swat the old rooster nnd canonize the young rooster. These three birds were nil hatched from the sumo sotting of eggs und all had tho same show. "What's a Capon nnd Why" explains all about capons. Regular GOe" book at half price for a short timo only.(I'ost paid.) Placo your order now for the George Beuoy caponizing tools so I can order them and they will be here when you want them. S.1.50 post paid. C. O. D. if you prefer. If you don't want to buy the instruments I will do the work for you at 10c" per bird. Write or phone. ........ F. S. COPLEY, Inavale, Neb. Mr. Patterson the geologist, will spunk Sunday night in the Christian ohuroh. He will toll his experience in Europe before tho .war. Let every man do his best to aid the Government in securing Democracy for the world and in maintaining the rights of the people at home. Hot nlr patriotism will not win the war. God and the nation requires real red-blooded service. Now la the time to prac tice, more than ever, what we have heretofore preached. Mice Te CrwMtrs In tlio County Court ot Wobator County, Nebraska In the matter ot tho estate ot Francis E. Payne Deceased. Creditors ol said cstato will take notice, that tho time limited (or presentation and tiling ot claims against said cstato Is January lutli, 1U18, and tor tho payment ot debts Is January lGth, 1918, that I will sit at tho coun ty court room In said county on tho !Mth day of July 1017, to examine, hoar and allow ull clalniB duly tiled which aro a Ilrst or second lion upon said estate, and on tho '.list day ol Jnnuary, 1018, to examine, hear, allow and adjust all claims and objections of general creditors duly lllod. Dated this 16th day ot Juno 1017. (Heal) A. D. KANNKY County Judgo. Contfrcssmnn Victor Mirdock "Xatifliiti Remedies for National is'' A TIMELY UTTER.ANCE Harriotto Gunn ROBERSON VOCATIONAL EXPERT "Success Where You Arc" Goo, E. COLBY UN r ACTS ICTION CARTOONIST Governor H. A. Buchtel "American Leadership and the World War" Gwcnt Welsh MaJe Singers THE FINEST CHOIR OF A LAND of SINGERS Dr. Wm. S. Dr. Lena K. SADLER pointed ;;.. POPULAR. "Health PRACTICAL lUnls" STRICKLAND GILLILAN AMERICA'S FOREMOST HUMORIST HOWARD S. FOE Local Manager lbs. Capon, 13 lbs. Thm Hamilton - Cmthor Clothing Co. MNSW is ftsl Smsjt KvrytMng Mn r -Wy Worn Cpfttfsf Nthratkm E. S. Gao-ber Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Varnish PICTURE FRAMING (Work Guaranteed) Electrical Goods of all Kinds Will Wire Your House And Furnish You the Fixtures vn