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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1917)
& Ii- mi k Bf (ft A Ncwspnticr That Ohos The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For 51.50. VOLUME 45 RED CLOUD, XISRRASKA, JL'NE 2, ISM 7. , .'-" : n LV m-u w v' r C r7 ;; A Checking Account is Good Business i no matter, which way you take it. The cancelled check is your receipt. No need of keeping receipted bills. And it is good reference for the business man, because it shows that he possesses method, caution and thrift. For the woman it offers a simple way of keeping track of all expense in the household. Webster County Bank f If I TSZSHIHHkX WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE of the Popular Gold Band Pattern now on hand OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST Also a complete line of Plain White Dinnerware Decorated Salad Bowls 15c and 25c each The 5c -10c -25c Store THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY E. N. EGE - - On the Corner Be Sure to Celebrate July 4th at Red Cloud Summer Necessities Refrigerators We have several designs and sizes that willl please Built to meet all requirements. Priced to sell. Cool Cookers A complete line of coal oil cook Stoves, one, two three and four burners, with or without oven GEO. W. TRINE RED CLOUD'S LEADING HARDWARE DEALER Educational Feature of the Big Parade Pursuant to n rcciuest of general committee on Fourth of July celebra tion, nn attempt will bo made to illus trate incidents in national, state and local history. It is hoped there will he 1000 children from the towns and rural communities take part in the big edu cational parade. The plan is to cos tume, group and organize this immense body of children and young people in to units representing the outstanding features of history. Group 1 Under supervision of Mai mie Reed is to represent the first Americans, the Indians. The great Chief Red Cloud after whom our city is named, will revisit the haunts of his period of power. Group 2 Under the supervision of Irene McGuire and Kathryn Thomas is to represent those sturdy pioneers who planted the ideals of America in the hleakand forbidding climate of New England, the Puritans. Group 3 Under supervision of Miss Relic Spauoglc is to represent those men and women who developed a cluster of colonies into a mighty country. Group -1 Under supervision of Flor ence Kellog is to represent the spirit of a people who would not submit to the tryanical rule of Britian's madking ij Lewis and Clark under supervision of Ethel Cathcr is to represent the first groat exploring expedition under the flag of the U. 5. Group 5 Under supervision of Mrs. Nolle McNenv and Rachel Cowden is to represent the expanding power and. protecting influence of this nation under the Monroe Doctrine. Group 6 Under supervision of Marie Hollister is to represent the MDars, fVinco hnntv ninnpprs who braved tho mountains, the desert, and the Indinusf to reach the Eldorado of the west. Group 7 Is to represent those mighty men in Blue and Gray who readily gave their lives for what they believed to he right. , . ., Group 7 Under supervision of Mrs. Cora Zeigler and Mrs. E. E. Lollar is to represent our beloved state under the three flags which have waved in power over her plains, the flag of Spain borne by the Spanish Cavalier, the flag of France, borne by the devoted Priest Missionaries and the flag of our own United States. Group 9 Under supervision of Mar garet Beal is to represent the first white men to venture into the wilds of the new country, the cowboys. Group 10 Under supervision of Rev. Goo. Hummel is to represent the man I who followed close after the cowboy and served as the spiritual adviser of the early settler, the Circuit Rider. Group 11 Under supervision of Elsie Cathcr is to represent Nebraska's great I scourge, the grass-hopper. Group 12 Under supervision of Mrs. Nolle McClure represents the period of drouth and distribution of aid. , Group 13 Under supervision of Mrs. J. C. Myers is to illustrate the fact that in spite of the struggles and privations ' of the state's early history she hns , produced many of the world's most eminent characters, some of whuin will be represented. Group 1 J Under supervision of Mrs. J. F. Warren is to represent the state's struggle for moral progress in the con quest of the influence of boozo. Group 15 Under supervision of Mabel Pope is to represent the triumph of cause of equal suffrage in the state. Group 1(5 Under the supervision of C. F. Cather is to show that Nebraska and Webster county will not lack in its support of the Red Cross movement. Group 17 Under supervision ot Prof. II. E. Baird is a pledge that our Allies and our soldiers on French soil will bo fed. Group 18 Under supervision of Marie Pulsipher and Zella Taylor is to represent Nebraska's greatest crop. Group 19 Under supervision of Mrs. Hazel Powell is to illustrate that most valuable movement among our young er girls tho Camp Fire. Group 20 Under supervision of Rev. J. L. Beebe, the soldiers of tomorrow, the Boy Scouts. Group 21 Under supervision of Hon. E. G. Caldwell is to illustrate that do- . partmont of our public service with the l most glorious record in the history of time, the men of our Navy, I Group 22 -Under supervision of Bessie Havel, Marguerite Fogel and Jennie Miner is to Illustrate the spirit i that is actuating the greatest nations of . modern civilization, our own and her 'allies. Group 23 Under the supervision of Marguerite Richardson is to represent Democracy Triumphant. Group 21 Under the supervision of Bertha Doyle, Isabel Mavnard and Laura Hedge is the force which assures the triumph of out' flag, our country and our ideals. Red Cross Work We expect to have nil supplies for Red Cross work in Webster County here by July 1st. C F. C.vTiu:n, Chairman. rManmjmiwiB mnwMwiMnrmiMnM irMMiriiwnwm They are now Sailing on the Matrimonial Sea Afti'i xproiul months of roniHtioe Mr. IIussul Amnck. the popular ami oblig ing clerk at thu Hamllton-Cntlier Oiotliing Company' store, quietly loft tlu- city Sunday, it Inter becoming known that his destination whs Lin foln, it ml on Wednesday he wub united in marringo to Miss Hazel McKolghan. The ceremony took place at the home of tho brides parents, Mi. and Mis. 1 timers The bride was born mill reared to young womanhood in this vicinity, graduating from the Hod Cloud High hohool and for tho past two years she has been engaged us nn instructor in rural schools. She Is u charming young lady who by her winning ways has made n host of friends and Is in every way capable of presiding ov'r the home they will establish. The groom is tho oldest son of Mr. mid Mrs George Amuck, who reside southeast of this city, and is also u Webster county product. He Is a grad uate of the Red Cloud High Suhool, later attending tho Stato University. For some time past he bus held 11 res ponsible position in thu Hamllton-Cnth-er Clothing establishment and has by his constant attention to his duties and his genial disposition made many friends in social and business circles. The young couple will, after a brief honeymoon, return to this city and be gin housekeeping in u dwelling in the west part of the city. The Chief along with their mauy friends wish them much joy and hap piness during their journey through life. May their troubles be but little ones. There's Going to be a Big Crowd here July 4th Alt indications point to the biggest crowd In Red Cloud, July 4th, ever seen here. Its up to Red Cloud people to see they are entertained and shown tho courtesy of the city. Open your homes, oll'or your lawns, mnke them welcome and show our visitors we ap preciate their coming here. Large delegations will be herefrom Lebanon, Esbon, Guide Rock, Cowles, Blue Hill, Itlverton, Franklin and Illoomlugton. Let everybody who can oll'or their ser vices to tho committee and help make this day a day long to be remembered by our visitors. Decorate your houiesl Cut the weeds in frout of your houses and geu ready for coinpanj. F. W. Cowni.N, Secretary Exemption Board Appointed The names of the members of tho county exemption board as appointed by President Wilson, on June 2oth, to determine who shah be selected from tho men who registered on Juno 5th, was auuounced by Governor Neville on Tuesday afternoon. It will bo com posed of tho Couuty Clerk, County Sheriff und a physichin (usually tho couuty physician). Iu accordutico with this decree tho fate of the young men iu this county will rest in tho hands of Messrs. Frank Perry, Frank Ilufforawi Dr. Daiuoroll. While this Is a gravo responsibility to rest on tho shoulders of theso oillc- lals wo feel confident that they will carry out their duties without fear or favor, as they have In all other matters pertaining to their respective olllce duties. Wo trust that when tho day arrives for the selection of the men Mint none of our single boys will bo found to possess a weak heart and that no yel low streak will bo located where the back bone Is supposed to bo located. Now Is tho opportune tlmo to let old Uncle Sam know that wo appreciate all tho freedom and prosporlty that we have received during tho past, under his guiding hand. Stand Up and Show Him You are a Man and a True American. NUMBER X' . mrniiin-BMiin mi i, m urn ! iimiiwim !&$ "' siy y 4& Ax ? dors & Jewelry Store BUYING OUR GOOD JEWELRY IS NOT SPENDING MONEY BUT MAKING AN INVESTMENT. THE SWEETEST THING IN LIFE IS AF FECTION. SEND THOSE YOU ARE FOND OF SOME LASTING LITTLE KEEPSAKE! OUR STORE IS FULL OF CHARMING PRESENTS FOR BIRTHDAYS, ANNIVERSARIES, WEDDINGS OR ANY OCCASION AND WE ALWAYS GIVE QUALITY. OUR FOUNTAIN PENS GIVE SACISFACTION. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT; THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. e. H. NBJAiHOVSE Jeweler and Optometrist ' ZWC B. 8c Q. Watch Impactor Celebrate July Fourth at Red Cloud !', ,' 1J-1 : lft 3umrJri!Jm' KSg' Make Our Store Your Headquarters Our Rest Rooms arc at Your Disposal Meet Your Friends at Our Store rc invite you to inspect out line oj Dry Goods and Ladies Furnishings. In our Grocery dep't. you will find good things to eat and our prices are right. R. P. Weesner & Co. lbf- fc a& iff Biii&iiiiiiiiiiiQsSiiiiiiiiiii twlra3 inwra WE WILL APPRECIATE A SHARE OP YOUR COKL ORDERS PLATT&FREES Mrs. J. W. Corbett spent tho first o tlu week with her sou, Fred uud lly, in Kansas. fain" Big Patriotic Day at Red Cloud July 4th. Will you be Here? t