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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1917)
; A Newspaper That Gives The News FI?t-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. VOLUME in A Checking Account is Good Business no matter which way you take it. The cancelled check is your receipt. No need of keeping receipted bills. And it is good reference for the business man, because it shows that he possesses method, caution and thrift. For the woman it offers a simple way of keeping track of all expense in the household. 7! Webster County Bank f , V W4 ! IPs ",i im 'jSfTIJiBBjjjjBBBaiiBtt1 mm1 fhcCaU for Good Lumber at Low Prices has been Answered by Us If you are looking for Lumber or Building Material of the Highest Quality come here for your supplies. Regardless of the purpose for which you need lumber, whether for an entire building, or just an odd little repair job, we can furnish you Good, Clean, Knotless Lumber at prices that you will recognize as low under the present market conditions. Jlalone-Gellatly Go "TALK WITH US ABOUT LUMBER' JL irM - t i-f III'' I fjta -aam' WE WIL1J APPRECIATE A SHARE OF YOUR COHL ORDERS platt&"frees t)v. Cas. S. Cvoss. DENTIST OVER STATE BANK RED CLOUD NEBRASKA RED CLOUD Makes Creditable Showing A review of tin? I.HuMty Hond sales' thioughout the county Miow that the the people have responded liberally to Uncle Sam's call for mutiny, to be used for tlio defense ol the nation anil the 01110 of freodoin. j A total of SS.l,2.'0 huve been disposed of tu Webster county, with the follow-1 intr timotints distributed by the batiks: Statu Hank of Ked Cloud S 10,000. Peoples Hunk or Ked Cloud S1S.450, WebstorUounty Hunk, Red Cloud Sfl.lCu Blue Hill Hanks 82:.,00u, Inavnlo Hunk S5.100, Cowles Hank SU.OOO, Hlatlen Bunks S!),0."j0, Guide Kock Hank S."0. The amount of Guide Hock icpre- sents one bunk only, the other institut- j ion having disposed of none of the bonds, The amount credited to the Innvale bank was taken by the bunk td bo disposed of among their patrons and friends ThU is a a good Showing and the banks and the people have done thnir share in tlio purchase of these bonds. It bears evidence to the fact that the people of this viciuity will staud by their government in this hour of need and that they are ready and willing to "do their bit" in order that the peoplel may be freed from the power so long hold by a few inhuman rulers. If for some reason you have neglect ed or have been unable to purchase one of these bonds, call at your bank at once as they have reserved n few of rarions denominations, for those who desire to purchase them do It now Commissioners Proceedings, i Red Cloud, Nebr., June 13th. The County Board of Commissioners met at 1U a. m This day being ouo of the tegular statute meetings of the year. Members present H u b a t k a, Thomas, Shldler, Kuiggc and MeCall Chairman. OUlcial bond of U. K. ltakestraw as Justice of thu Peace in Ulouwood township was approved by Hoard. The petition of O. J. Kailey, Janitor of the court bouse asking for a raise In salary from 60,1 to S7. per mouth was read and after discussiou a raise to 70 per month was granted. The followlug claims were allowed on bridge fund and the clerk ordered to draw warrants for SBine. M E llersh SGr. 00 Wm Sawyer 1 1 00 G Ohmstede jr 11 f,0 Fred Farner 10 00 The following claims were also al lowed on the Poor Farm fund and Clerk instructed to draw warrants for same. Koehler Twidale Etev Co $ 9 r0 John Throckmorton 17.'. 00 Wesley Throckmorton 1G0 00 S Hansen 33 CO la the matter of the road petition of Hoscoe C. Burch a hearing was hold at the commissioners room in the court house and then the entire Board made a porsonal investigation of the coudi tions of the proposed , roads, After viewing the same, the Board made an order as to said road which is to be tiled in the records of the County Clerk's otlice when said Roscoo C. liurch pays to county treasurer 8275 for damages assessed against him by County Hoard. Hoard adjourned to meet July 2nd. , NEBRASKA, . UN 13 21, 1 JUT. j TO' snqjtnr .-I i NUMBER UG Dr. R. V. Nicholson Dentist ALL WORK GUARANTEED tSrOFKICE OVEK AtBIHQHT'S St UK Notice To Patrons In view of the fact that there is sel dom any business transacted in our ofllccs af tor 4:30 p. m, on Saturdays that will bo our 'regular closing time ouch Saturday until Sept. 1st. If any one desiring to transact business with us cantiot conveniently call before that tlmo wo will arrange to have our olllee open later if notified by phono. Commercial Advertiser, The Red Cloud Chief. Webster County Argus. The ladies war relief club will have an ice crpam booth on tbo street on the fourth of July and the proceeds will bo turned ovor to the Red Cross society. a Everybody should patronize this stand as the proceeds wilt be used CO help a needy oauto, Will Raise Money For Y. M. C. A. War Work On Wednesday evening several of the eiti.oiis of the city met at the Com mercial Club rooms and hc.iid Mr. Kendall, of Kearney, disems what the M C A. had tireoiiiplihhed for the soldier boys down on tin Mexican bottler last fall ami also what this or guui.utinn hud accomplished in tlio piisoueis' camps of the nations at war across tho water. Several of the progressive men of the state met in Lincoln and formed plans whereby Nebraska should raise SOO.OOO which will be tinned into the fund tuisod by other states to be used f jr establishing V. M. C. A. buildings a uoug tho soldiers' camps for the pur" pose of furnishing amusements of various hinds for tho boys in ordot that their minds may bu diverted from thoughts of home and fiieuds and loved ones left behind, botter known as homesickness, This will tcunve tho worry, to a great extent, from the minds of the soldiers and onablo them to give tholr duties more attention. It will also help greatly to prevent tlio boys from fulling Into bad company us they will havo moans of amusing them selves during spare moments. camps will ulso be established at the various ttaluing stations throughout the United States. He also stated that this county would be expected to contribute the sum of SG2! toward this worthy cause, which was apportioned to the various towns ns follows: Red Cloud S-T.0, .Blue Hill. 8100, Cowlos S50, Bladen S75 Inuvale S2r, Rosemont S2.1, audUulde Rook 100. He stopped olt at Guido Rock be tween trains and found men who agreed'lo taise their specified amount which is 8100. An organizing committee, consisting of H. C. Letson, Dr. Hoxsey, II. A. Letson, A. H 1'eirce, 11. C.Oellatlyand A It, MeArthiir were appointed to see that this money was raised in the var ious towns of this county, assisted by their local workers. Every clti.eti should contribute to this cause as probably their boy or their neighbors' boy will bo called to the defense of the colors, and where Is the person who would refuse to give a dollar to assure his boy of good comp any and a little pleasure during the long weary hours of strife. The peoples' contributions will be greatly appreciated by the committee. This is a worthy cause aud ono requir ing immediate attention. Former Citizen Called Oh last Friday, atQoodlaud, Kansas, occured tho death of a former Webster county citizen, Mr. Alexander A. I'hil lips, aged C8 years, 11 months aud 2 days. The deceased was born in New York, July 13, ISl'J and was married May 25, 1874, to Eunice Elderkln and they came to Red Cloud In the spring of 1870, making their home on a farm until l9o5, at which time they moved to Goodland, Kansas, where his wife departed from this life six years ago. To this union were born six children; Mrs. Charles Sine, Mrs. Frank Heather ington, John Phillips of Goodland, Mrs. Charles Hanson of Inuvale, Mrs, John Martin of Red Cloud and Daniel Phillips of LeGrand, (Oregon, who to gether with twenty four grand children are loft to mourn his death. Thomas C. Laird and Miss Viola M., Dooley of Lawrence woro granted a niarrlugo license by Judgo Ranncy on Monday. Warrick, the eye man, will bo at Dr Damercll's olllee, Thursday, July 5. Hours 2 to 0. If you need glasses don't forgot date. The intermediate C. E society will hold an ico cream social on tho Con gregational church lawn tonltc. Everybody invited. Mr. and Mrs, A. II. Carpenter and son, Clarence, and daughter, Mrs. W, T. Mountford, returned homo Tuesday evening from Imperial. THE PEOPLE OF THIS COMMUNIFY "BELIEVE" IN OUR JEWELRY STORE FOR JUST ONE BIG REASON-WE HAVE NEVER DECEIVED A CUSTOMER. WE HAVE BUILT UP OUR BUSINESS, FIRST, BY CARRYING ONLY JEWELRY AND JEWELRY STORE THINGS WE KNOW TO BE SUPBERB IN QUALITY AND CORRECT IN STYLE, AND SECONDLY, BY ASKING FOR THEM ONLY A REASONABLE PRICE. WE SHALL NOT CHANGE OUR METHODS. JEWELRY MAY "LOOK" THE SAME AND YET NOT BE THE SAME. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT; THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. E. 14. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist fC, B. & Q. Watch Inspector 4 V . yfctYxi &M MIDDY BLOUSES .OU'LL WANT ONE OF THESE- Thero's probably no garment more comfortable for misses or grown-ups than the MIDDY BLOUSE. It. is really an ALL PURPOSE GARMENT. We arc offering a large assortment of Middy Blouses made of the very BesT; Quality White Jeans, attradtively trimmed, pretty nftyles at prices from 60c. to $1.75 A Guaranteed Black Silk Taf eta for seperate SKIRTS. DRESSES or BLOUSES "Leatherwear" Taffeta A silk that we absolutely guarantee to you. Fine quality and a beautiful luslre. Special at $1.50 per yard R. P. Weesner & Co. The V. 0. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Allco Myers next Wednesday after noon at 2:30 to work on comfort bags and knitting for the soldiers. The otilcers hone thai all the members will be on hand with thimbles und other workers will be welcome. There is a I groat call for knitted garments. Mnrslinll Ayer and Newtou aud Ray mond Crowell of Guide Uock, Ida Keeuoy of Cowles aud Raymond Mor eler of Campbell represented Webster county at tho Juniors Farmers and llome-Makers Congress which was held at the University Farm at' Liu. coin, Juuo 4th to 0th.