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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1916)
Tm jujitluu u mj'V i a o'tk'A b&h. v a x it m f r i r - V Insure your Knrro Property with Frank T. Hoon, Fieldman for I ho Farm Central Mutual Fire Insurance Co., of Hastings, Nebraska riio.NEs: Otllee, .'10l; Residence, 17.10 A sane, Mife. sou ml unci economical plan of lire, lightning ami tornado luMirnncc. Will your policy soon expire Write tile and let me explain. No obligation on your pait. AS TOLD TO US . Ituy j our Groceries of Miner l'.ros Co. Louis Schulu spent Sunday in Guide Rock. Mrs. C. E. Cross was in Hi stln's, Monday. Closing out embroideries and laces at Albright's. Mrs. M. Finkenbinder spent Mondny In Hastings.' Morris Groat, of Inavalc, was in the city, Saturday. Frnuk Deal returned home Friday from Alliance. James Ryan returned from Grand Island, Monday. Buy your groceries at Albright's and save ten percent. Dr. J. V. Stockman returned home from Lincoln, Friday. Hammocks at 3.1 per cent discount at Foil's harness shop. Attorney Bernard McXeny went to Lincoln, Monday morning. Miss Mary Miksch went to Mt. Claro, Monday, to visit her sister. Miss Nellie Gilliam returned home Friday morning from Alma. New Summer Dress Goods now be ing shown by Miner Bros. Co. John Turner, of ISloomington, spent Saturday in the city with relatives. Who was the first man to pay spot cash for cream. J. (). Caldwell. A. II. Carpenter returned homo from Seldon Kansas, Wednesday morning, Mrs. Mel Snyder, of St. Joe, Is the guost of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hllinger. Mr. nud Mrs James McGuire spent the weekend in Blootningtou with frieuls. A good !J0 horse power ;i spped auto- mobiln for sale or trade. Inquire at this olllje. A largo line of hammocks to pick from at 2?i per Fogel'a harness shop. Miss Uazd Burden, of Bladen, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bur den this week. Tho Misses Nellie and LydiaGilhnm left Monday for Lincoln to attend summer hcliool. Harry Boats, ICd Kellogg nd Joe Carr lo'-umed home from Knusas City, Tuesday morning. Mrs. F. A Hildebrandt wa-. called to Alma, Sunday evening, on account of the lllrois of her mother. Dr. nnd Mrs C. V. Cms-, of Hoi diedge, spent Sunday in the city with his brother, Dr. C. 10. Cios. Rev. J. Ii. Beebe was in Superior, Monday, whore he delivered a lectuie lit the Christian Kndeavor meeting. Attorney 11. S Foe 1 omo Monday from Hastings, where he had been looking after legal nil lirs. Tho Social Ciiclo of the L'nited churches, will hold u market next Sat urday, June si, at H 1'. Weesuer's store. Emit Poluioky" returned home the lust of the week from Lincoln, where he has been attending the state mil-ersity. Buy your 'Groceries of Minor Bros. Co. J .C Mitchell was In Hastings. Tues day. George Overlng was in lla.tiig, Fri day. Vincent Johnston spent Sunday in Orleans. S II. Bogard came home from Bxet- er, Filday. John Gilbert was a passenger to Wymore, Saturday. Mrs 1'rnest Straycr of 0ford spent Saturday in the city. Joe Crow and Will Hunt were Blue Hill visitors Mondny. II A. Iliukins of Khcitou was a Bed Cloud isitor Saturday I. T Amack and son returned home fiotn Basting-, Saturday Miss I'.dltli McKelghan went to Omaha, Wednesday mottling. Ivan Dickenson wont to MeCook, Sunday evening, to visit lelatives Mr. and Mrs. Will Hunt spent the weekend in Blverton with relatives. Coming July Oth, "A Fool There Was" with Theda Bura ut Orpheum. Mrs. Minnie Turner left Mouday for Norton, Kansas, where she will reside. Mrs. J. C. Myers left Wednesday for Harvard and Cloy Center to visit rela tives. Mrs. S. Beebe returned to Alma, Fri day, after visiting with her son, Bev. J. L. Beebe. Mrs. B.C. Johnson of California is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pope. The Misses Minnie and Mary Christ lad spent tho tlrstof tho week in Hardy with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bssem of Beat rice spent tho weekend with Mr. nnd Mrs. K.S. Fit.. Mr. and Mrs. Boy Sanderson of Kiv crton spent the weekend in tho city with relatives. Lawrence McCall shipped 4 cars of cattle to Kansas City, lie accompani ed the shipment. Miss Klma Ailcs returned home Sun day from Wymore where she had been visiting her sister. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Blackledgc and Mr. and Mrs. G.J. Warren autoed to Guide Rock, Sunday. Mrs. Conyers and daughter left the first of tho week for Anselmo where she will visit her sister. Mrs. Sarah Gard and daughter, Mrs. Goodwin, went to Hastings, Weducs dty to spend a few days. Mr. and Mr. John YeUer of Omaha visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. II Hend erson tho llrst of the week. Sidney Cox returned to Denver, Moil dty, after speuding a few days with his mother. Mrs. C. C. Cox. Mrs Mabel Thompson and children, of North Platte, arc visiting with her mother, Mrs. G. W. Lindsoy. Harvey Kiekeison, the popular barb er at Mercer's shop, spent Monday night in Franklin with friends. "The Girl and Tho Game" tho great railroad serial is now running at tho Orpheum each Wednesday night adv Mis. F. A Long returned to her homo at Nelson, Friday, after visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Morton Smith. Miss Grace Sherer leturned homo Friday evening from Blue Hill whore s'le had beiii visiting her sister, Mrs II. M Arnold. Mrs. Morrison has returned to homo at Council BlulVs after visiting with ht'rdaughtets.Mes'lamrs M.MeConkey and George Corner. Miss Martha Murphy has tesigned her position as stenngiapher in K lT Overman'-, oltlce "Uid returned to her homo at Grand Island, Fiiday .Miss Flossie MuKiinitify leturtiei! home tho Hist of the week from Wheeler an I St FtiuieN, Kansas, where she hud been visiting tiicmk Z5?e TEPEE Pictures 2JiS Dustin Farnum iii the Paramount production "Cameo Kirby" A Facinatlng Snushern Romance by Booth Trrklnton Monday, June 26 Special Music by the Tepeo five-piece orchestra. Regular admission lOo-f.c TOMORROW Friday "The Iron Claw1' and four other tools THURSDAY, June SO-Mauy Pi moui in "Remind the Scene-" Miss Marguerite Richardson return ed home Saturday from Vulpariso, Indiana, where she had been attendu g college. Mrs. Sophie Hospkins and children returned to Guide Rock, Monday, nfter visiting a few days with Mrs. A. Sehultz. Mrs. Anna father returned to Lir. coin, Saturday, after spending several weeks with hor brothers, A. V and D, II. Kaley. The Misses Nora and Kmma Wut'on nnd Frank Watson of Womer, Kansas, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mr. Chas. Steirens. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Letson, Mrs. L. M. Stoncbreaker and daughter, Miss t i-iiia, were in uiiicr una l.l-uiuiun I Sunday, visiting friends-. Mr and Mrs. R. B. Leggett return ed home the lust of the week from Franklin where they had been visiting ', their son Otis ami family. I Some short runs of Low Sho.-s for , Women Blacks ami Tans, in Kids, i Patents and Calf While they last . Your choice Si 10. Miner Bro. Ca The season of Lightning and Tornfi 1 does is npptoaoliing. Don't delay too .long for the Insurance you may need. . G. M. VanCamp, General Insurance. M. and Mrs S. C Kills and daugh- fr, Miss Helen, returned homo from Denver, Tuesday morning, where he had been looking aftor his fruit farm. t Mrs. Waile Tate and children, return- 1 ed to their homo at Tiukio, Missouri, I Friday, after vi-iting a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs J L. Clui'.t ian. Mr and Mrs, C. D. Robinson and son Koy and wifo mitnedorer to Clay Cent or, Saturday afternoon, and spent Sun day with thuii son anil brother Bruce Robinson and wife. A. B. and T. K. McAithur and wife autoed down to Long Island, Kansas, Friday, to attend the wedding of their cousin, Miss Fiances Carl to Mr Prank O. Kidenourof I-hiiporia, Kansas' i Mr and Mr-. Phil Zeigler autoed down from Rlvei ton, .Sunday inoming. and lsitel with their son imy elg- jlerandwifo who accoinj aitied them to Guide Bock in the afternoon to vii-it their daughter, Mrs. Vein duly. WANTi.n-I.oad of cobs. Phone either Bell 7J, or I ml 155. Walter Pope was in Superior Satin day. Curtis Geer spent Sunday in Frank lin. All white summer goods at Albright's Ht cost or less. H J. Overlng was in Blue 11111, Tues day, on buslitesg. Fred Temple of Kansas City was in the city Saturday. Fiesh Fruits and Green Vegetables at Miller Bros. Co. Jim McBrldc of Cowles was In town Thursday afternoon. Dr. Cole returned to Kansas City, Wednesday tnoiniug. Win Thornr of Illation huh in the c ty Thursday afternoon. 1M Mv'Allistoi was in Blue Hill, Mon dny, looking after business allalrs. Ross Brooks of Cathorton township was in the city Monday afternoon. Con ltarr and Jim l.thetton spent Sunday In Guide Bock with friends. Mr and Mrs. Will Koon and children spent Sunday In Norman with friends. Mr nnd Mrs. Harry Burden of Ax toll visited with relatives here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sattley spent Sun day with Mel Herrick at North Branch New Queen guallly Shoes nnd Low Shoes are ow being shown tit Miner Bros. Co. Mrs. George Hadell and sister, .Miss Clara McMillan, spent Saturday in Superior. Harry Yost and Raymond Koontz spent Sunday evening in Guide Rock with friends. Mrs. Etl Foam wont to Hastings, Saturday morning, to visit her son Oris and wife. Mr. nod Mis. C F. (iund and children of Blue Hill were in the city Thurs day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hamilton and clii d'on spent Sunday in Guide Rock with relatives. Just received a new line of lly nets at Fogcl's harness shop Come in ear ly ami get yours Mr. ami Mrs. Arthur Bobinson of Guide Rock spent the weekend in this city with rolatives. Misses May and Mildred Regestor went to Chester, Wednesday morning to visit their grandmother. When In need of printed matter of any kind call at the Chief olllco the homo of "ijuallty" printing. Mis. George Smelscr went to River. ton, Friday evening, to visit her daughter. .Mrs Fred Taylor. Wan 1 1 D ."i0 to SO lbs., thrifty stools hogs. Will pav pieniiiini over market price.-C. II. Miner Soium Co Good Clothes r00D CLOTHES BEGET CONFIDENCE-They are a Big Factor Towards Success Good Clothes May Be Had Here Without Extravagance. Make it a point of unfaling business to personally inspect the new Spring Suits and Topcoats at Our Store THE VERY BEST TO BE HAD in Style, Fit and Workmanship in Clothes that range all the way to $25 and suits that are unquestion able supreme values at each selling price. AMERICA'S FOREMOST Manufacturers have contributed to the magnificent stocks here that make special points of popular lines At $15 and $20 IT'S STRAW HAT TIME-See Ours at 25c to $6 The Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co. Red Cloud's Foremost Clothiers BUY YOUR SUMNER UNDERWEAR HERE Union Suits In gauze, wc have Union Suils from to the silk lisle at Vests Gauze vcsls, in regular sizes, from Gauze vcsls, in extra sizes, from Chemise Muslin chemise, at 25c $1.25 10c to 60c 15c to 30c 60c Orpheum After July 10th- We Will Discontinue Giving the Green Trading Stamps Get Busy! Get That Book Filled and Receive Your Premium Before July 10th F. G. Tur nur e & Son Red cioud Q: :B Tonight, June 22 Bluebird Photoplays present n rcmaiknlile photo pl.iy miIi a brilliant cist, mpparlintt a most dis linuislicil tcrrrn star, I loliarl Oaiwortli in tl 99 THE YAQUI Tenuly dramatic, ivnll) realistic Tukrn on the field o( the present cor.llict, on ihe border line between the U S. and Mexico Thursday, June 29 Extra Special Feature 50c to $1.50 15c to 35c 25c to 50c Skirts Muslin skirts for ladies, from Drawers Muslin drawers, in childrcns sizes, from Muslin drawers, in ladies sizes, from Combinations Muslin combination suits, in ladies sizes, from 75c to $1.50 Childrens Union Suits Boys and girls bared nainsook union suits, at . . 50c MRS. BARBARA PHARES Agent Warner Corsets Butterick Patterns LeRoy Music Co. Everything in Music Peterson Building : Red Cloud, Nebr. Lcnvc orders al Our Stoic for Piano Tuning Pianos, Talking Machines Violins, Guitars All Popular Sheet Music A First-class Piano Tuner will lie here Next Week Special Prices ON PIANOS for the next 10 days William Po preienli Jane Millir in 'From the Valley of the Missing" From the Hook by the lame name, written by Grace Miller White. POPULAR PRICES. Mr mid Mrs. K. L Crimes, and chll'1 ion spent Tuesday in Hastings with liis mother, Mrs. ,1 I'. Orinies. Mi-.I. Ilynii, uftor spending several weuks witli Mr. and Mrb. ti. W. hind sey, departed .Sunday for liiidieott. The lirit of the week Mr. and Mrs. l.T. Ainaek moved into Joo McCul linn's resilience in tho east part ot the islty. Harry Ho.its shipped six cars of eattle to Kansas City, Sunday. Joo Carr and Kellotff,' chaperoned the ship irSont. Mrs. 10. II, Cowileu returned homo from Alliance, .Saturday ercnimr, whu o h'ic had been attending the l. VI (). ' fit tit ft Stl IMtl I ltl Col. .1. II KlIliiKcr returned home the first ot the week from Imperial whore he had been in the inttrjsts of the Miner .Serum Plant. II. V. Surivncr returned to ids home in Henklenian, Monday evoiilng. III wife will visit with rolatives here for Hometlnio before returning Mr. and Mrs. Clmrlo Finnan, of Fiuiay, Ohio, who had been visitinp with their uncles. A. U. and D. II. Kaley, departed Sunday for Colorado. Tho V. C. T. IT. will meet with Mrs. C. U. Myers next Wednesday afternoon at 3::i0. Mother's meeting topic, "Cider." Leader, Mrs. Addle Thomn We nrc hi the market for 100 to 1 i pounds Slioats at tnaiket price tleliv . ed at Sorutn Plant. Will pay for A livery to plant. C. II. Miner Seiuw Co Vincent Johnston is home from Kan sas Clty to visit with his mother. The Saunders Hros., havo disposed of tlnt'x yards at Kansas City and ho will jp with these gentlemen to IJIllings, Moe tana, where tlioy will locate, m - $7 & ik i "to