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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1916)
-ff i R B V I I i' ' 1 .. K -s :r VOLUME 44 When You Write A Check You write your own receipt at the same time, because the payee cannot tfet the money until he has written his name across the back of your check, and the check is returned to you by the bank after being paid. This is one of the many advantages of having a bank account in this strong bank, and our service costs you nothing. We do all the bookkeeping and furnish every thingall you have to do is to deposit your money, pay your bill by check and we render an accounting as often as you please. , If you call upon us, we shall be glad to talk the mat ter over with you and show you why a connection with this bank will prove advantageous to you. Deposits in this Hank are protected by the Depositors' Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITAIi K:ir.,000 Fashions E NO LONGER WEAR W Clothes to iium in ui Coilly th liabit at thy putw can buy Slialfiprare nor from motives of except incidentaly. present stage of the of clothes is the recognition of dividuality which marks us as human beings. Fashions, at any time, have myriad forms, varried designs, hundreds of shades and color combinations, any of which is "fashionable," provided it be ap propriate to the individual. Appropriate Clothes such as are found in Our Sore are Good Investments. I Where is the man who does not experience renewed en ergy and cheerfulness, caused by the presence, on his back, of a perfect fitting coat, that is in harmony with his person ality? ji When you want wearing apparel that's fashionable, also serviceable, and at moderate prices step into Our Store. 8 8 n PAUL STOREYs THE CLOTHIER TANKS I I Our 2" Cypress steel bound tanks are the best on the market. They have double the life of a galvanized iron tank and are much cheaper. THE ftULME-AVERY CO. -M TALK WITH US protect our bodies y uy iuc v,u-ua-iiio, moaesty, The evolution that in u ABOUT TANKS" . x , 1MI..1IIHIIU A Newspaner That elves The news Fifty RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JUNE HI), 1J1(J. DC j Merchants Are" Progressive. There art) few towns where tin Mores present n more pleasing appear- since tlmn those of Bed Cloud. Our inereliimts tuUo piide hi the appear ance of their respective plaee.sof busi ness. That is not all, they eairy a good clean stock of niorehanilise, ami their reputation for fHir dealings draw a liberal patronage from the mh rounding territory. Along with this, they also innaugurated a plan for Hiving away weekly cash prizes, tickets being given with every dollar oasli purchase or dollar puld on ac count, and this plan has proven to Uo u strong business bulldur, as everyorje In this locality has taken a great In terest in these prizes which are award ed each Saturday. The prizes listed for tlie month of Ju'y are as follows.: July 1st; Si, 8:i. ?-'. July Stli; 110, ?.-.. ?3,S2. July LI; Sr., SI. S3. July 2nil, $3,8:1, 82. July y!)th; S:.. S.'l, $12 Saturday, June tilth, the met chants gave away the fouith of this series of piizes, and the nwai dine; of them was witnessed by a large crowd of interested people. Our popular attor ney. L. II, Bluckledge, the ne.t dis trict judge of this district we hope helil 1'ie place of honor daring the ceremonies, mixing a little fun with bn-iiio-s iuiiiiiiiuclmI the winners of the prizes, which were ns follows; Chas. ( iiiniiiiioti,S", Dr. H. A Cieigh ton S'l. and (.my .eigler, J "Tuff" Sutton Laid to Rest. After an i leudcd illness, Anson Kdgar .Sutton atisweied the llnal sum mons at an early hour, Monday, June 20, death being due to a paralytic sttoke, suJlVieil on Saturday morning. He was bom in Iowa, June lio, 1&3.V In 1871, he was mai fled for the first time, nml to this union were born three ehildien, their mother pas-log away when the youngest was an in fant. In lss0, ho came to this state and one year later was united in mar riage to Anna Soderlin, to this union were born tell children, two of whioh proceeded their father to the grave A wife and children, and one brother, residing in Iowa, are left to mourn his death. Funeral set vices were held Wednesday afternoon, Hev. J. L Bee be In charge. Price of Flour Comes Down. The local mei chants have decided that the pi ices on foodstuiVs are en tirely to high in tills locality rind arc tiylng to. see who can sell it at the Invest pi ice and still derivo a prollt. j The price on tho "stall of life" has diopped about half a cent per pound dining the last ten days, tho present lowest quotation being 1.10 per sack of Is pounds. Xtm is the t'uiio lor the thrifty housewife to keep her eye on " ouster Street1' and do a littto speculating on Hour. Lot us hope that they may see lit to add a few more necessities of life to this reduc- ition, as during tho past fow years, the prices have been steadily going up, wholesale and retail, with no re lief in sight. Mrs. J. V. Heartwell and MUs Saiah Tilly, of Inavale, spout .Sunday with Mrs D. L. Groat Mr. and Mrs. II 8. Ourber and daughter, Mrs. James Gather, autoed to Superior, .Sunday, to visit her sister, Mrs, Ida Haye9. 11' .!. I 1 I - two Weeks Each Year Rr $1.50. UU 3ME It n The Great Ruling Principle. "America tmiil come firil in cery purpose vc entertain and every man must count upon licing ca$l out of our confidence, caM out even of our tolerance, who docs not submit to that great ruling principle." WOODROW WILSON. J 3BE D County Commissioners Meet. June Hi, HUG Boird of County Coimiiltisioii(!ra met in regular eoHion. '." I'fC-tcnt Chaplin, McUtll, Shidler, Storey, chairmnn. Now comes a delegate from N ickela County CotnmisfiO'ierH in regHrd to the county line road between Sectiona (5 and 7 Township 2 lUnge 8 Nuckola county and Hcctiona 1 and 2 Township lUnge 9. Webster county. Petit Job granted and claim to he paid when levy h made Hearing on petitions to open roads on liline tietween Sections 33 and 2D, 2-1-11, l'L..S 'lnl nHinttm. a.,rl nlria.m liu 1lrU UIUUU ll Clllfc OIIU V..UDIIIK HIT road running from the N. h corner of 11; south on quarter teclion line be tween the N W. quarter and the N. E. quarter sec ions hh far us In diau Creek, thence in a south west vrly direction along an.1 to lowing said Indian Creek, till it intersects the hall q tarter section line of the N. W q mrtar of said Section li in snlil Town etiin, thence west to the section line between sections 32 and M said Town ship, jections to the opening of the one ana the closing of the other coming before the Hoard, the o le win opened mid the other declared doted there fore the petition i grantid sa to the opening mid eluding of said roods. tluird of Ffi-ial zition-met on M iiuIhj June 19. In iq imI'z ition values between cities and villHges as returned by the Deputy Arsessors. It was moved and sccoudtd by the Board cf F( lal'zitlnn that the value of Guide Il'ick villxge on lots he reduced from: $H3 asupsped value per lot lo $120 which fquals 16 per cent. Blue Hill vil'uge from ?97 iisie'eed value per lot to 5120, which (qiaU 21 per cent. Bladen village from 107 aseeBfcfd value per lot to 1120, which equali 12 per cent. K'lsemont villogn from 5S8 iiH?eB9ed value per lot to $95 which f q lain 1, per cent. CowIpb villaVe from $5i nHHtHsed value per lot to $75 which equale 3!) per cent. In'nvale village from sSasoesced vulu per lot to $70 which HpiiilH 15 per cent. H-d Cloud city was accep'ed as return ed by aBSeBBor. Uwa moved and seconded that the personal ajBCsenifciit of the Hcveral pre clnrte he und are accented iih returned tiy the C unty Aiccsnr. In tho matt ir of Eq 1'illzlrg the uh. Befl?mentof the land in the several pre cincts bh returned by the Deputy Count AsscBsornf the several precincta, it was moved tint the nvi-ri'ife p)r n?re at found by tho Deputy Cojnty AsseBaoru be increased or decreased according to the following values an found by the Bo tA at Eq lal zttion, to wit : Guide Uock, Increased to G per cent per acre, Bsjaver Creek, 2; Stillwater, .011; Garfield, .J; Cowle?, J; I'otsdam, 6; Bed Cloud, 2; Batin, .03; Glenwno ), .05; Inavale, 07; Cathorton, .OH; Harmony, decreased to .03 per cent ; Oak Creek, 2; PleaHBtu Hill, 15; Elm Creek, .Of; Line, .01 Board adjourned to meet as Board ot Kqual'z ition, Monday, June 19. Board met June 19, present bh above all but Hoffman. Board proceeded to consider com plaints on Equalization' yfev J& V fiBEjUQfP BUYING OUR GOOD JEWELRY IS NOT SPENDING MONEY BUT MAKING AN INVESTMENT. THE SWEETEST THING IN LIFE IS AF FECTION. SEND THOSE YOU ARE FOND OF SOME LITTLE KEEP SAKE. OUR STORE IS FULL OF CHARMING PRESENTS FOR BIRTHDAYS, ANNIVERSARIES, WEDDINGS, OR ANY OCCASION, AND WE. GIVE QUALITY. OUR FOUNTAIN PENS GIVE SATISFACTION. WE MKE "QUALITY" RIGHT: THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jeweler and Optometrist VB'C D. C Q. Watch Inspector In Weesner's First Best C. 6 H. Cane Sugar, 100 pounds for . . C7 GK With livf dollar ruli crd-f nl anyllnna iti il.r wiot-iy mr lllWU Competition Cannot Meet Fancy RrdScxleje Salmon, irrcrrn 20c Fancy Silled I'ca 3 for Zcpercan 8'jc F.FOG, Pen "Better ihnn fresh onei, per cun I Be Exln Standard Corn, regular 12 ,c rr can 10c Dulcli Clennser, 3 (or 25c FRESH FRUITS Black Raiplierriei ... Market California Blackberries, per box ... I'c Large Bananai, per do Jc Oranges- Navels, per do 30c Celery, per Lunch 10c White Loaf All High Patent Riverton Diamond flours $140 sack 0. K. R. P. Weesner & Co. Board of F('inll.ill()i aimed to meet Thurrdav, June 22 at 0 a. in. June 22, lulfl B ard of Eipjalizilion met pursuant o ni'j 'Urnmenl. I'recent us above all hut Hi Hoian. Bun J udj mriied to cull of Clerk. Improvements Being Made. Kxtetihivu Improvements arc being made by the city in tho way of btreet crossing), in the ea&t part of the city. Seveial of theso crossings ate being put in, and when completed will add considerable to tho appearance of the city s well as to the eonvotiieneo of residents in that locality, especially In wet weather. Would It not bo well to let this good work extend to other parts of the city? While we I may not be in urgent ueed of more nt w NUMBER 2? Declar lo Mzome to Our Jewelry Store Quality Coffao Navjric Brand- Bc-l Qunlily, per II). 35c Karrx Blend-Very Popular, per lb. 30c Chieltian.-Fancy Santo, per U ... 2'c Paxlon'i -Gai Roasted, per lb .... 30c "Full Value" Brand, per lb 30c AND VEGETABLES Canleloupes, large sic, each Fresli Tomatoes, per lb . . . , Ne Ucels, per bunch New Turnips, per lb New Onions, per bunch l3"-'c . le . .O.-.c . .03c . .O.-.c crossings there ih room for improv menu, uliiiig other lines On Webster street, lor several blocks the gutters have been a lowed lo become filled up and the water tobLuut on the side of the btieet, causing unsightly mud holes which aie a disgi.tco to a city of this sle, in this age of improve meiii. A few dollars spent in grading hii opening up to thu gutters would ben good investment for tho city, not only for thn?e living in this, locality, but all parties conccrtuid In the wol faro of our town. Mis I'Vanols Nolan went to Paw nee City, Sunday, to visit friends. Mr. aud Mrs.K. L, Grimes returned home Monday, from Hustings, whero they visited his mother for a few days "V ; s 7 .. i m m "ii A - a 1 i " 4 x -'..?? '&, 4 H . J JM