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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1916)
i isn t W i? B. Ivf ll s I f f,v 7 h WtiUu UMlunjml bin-uty - SKratd. saa1 Wii"w. i; a eir!5L k '. gf- - C!i:?SrSffT'Sjlt-Kfr !fclt. -. - 1 -. B-B-fel-i'v,'ir"t-Hl-ji M Ttt-'.MBB jeEK&- . K Z, B CwM H H i I -,Br" Tlfllu.'- -.--. I-r mOTlmm - " sspE Jk :-?S gl-r'JarSH nrtaaTFllI-'.)ili" mv,.M- -'v. - -.B 2&E"B H val KMMrM&iftC NafiMUkaniii iF.?2MiPsa0i a&itf? jmi iaifssiiiii Of S &&K5im'3t W - EffaHHTC KAilt: J J ClSP '? J JLJ& -7 . S& 1 THTT IKBQUIMBaEHEHBniMLKSRiki i i i e-r"-rt .v cv t . s.fc r ttt .i - jtv mi ""n i i r i na i i - t. uhhiu vunHkiiKBiHBMAdvrw i'jw-:jiiuinMtr(hTi3,.a w;BBiBBfaBBt- y v-a iifaiBMiwes?M "MUBMOMk vlilQBafBVflBBVJBBBsSMl 1?fal W'.lll! . I.,!, ss A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. VOLUME 1 1 RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. .117X13 1, ll(i. NUM1JKK 2 3 i Honor Deceased Comrades.1 A Costly Spree When You Write A Check You writu your own receipt at the same time, because the payee cannot get the money until he has written his name across the back of your check, and the check is returned to you by the bank after being paid. This is one of the many advantages of having a bank account in this strong bank, and oui service costs you nothing. We do all the bookkeeping an 1 furnish every thingall you have to do is to deposit your money, pay your bill by check and we render an accounting as often as you please. If you call upon us. we shall be glad to talk the mat ter over with you and show you why a connection with this bank will prove advantageous to you. Deposits in this Bank are protected by the Depositors' Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA CAPITAL !2.S.OOO Guaranteed 1 Fabrics Are going to be harder to get than ever before I have them from a Hart Schaf fner & Marx SUIT to a Sweet-Orr Overall It Is Quality First Here PAUL STOREY THE CLOTHIER TA NKS Our 2H Cypress steel bound tanks are the best on the market. They have double the life of a galvanized iron tank and are much cheaper. THE MALONEVERY CO. "TALK WITH IS AIOUT TANKS" Meinoihil sonieos weie iiel.l ivt the, l'.t MeConW'.u Imelielor. f l.ojsnn iiiiiIipiiiu un hist Sutulav mil ii. t . i tow iislnp. Smith i-omity. imbibed ton fr the members of the O A IS. uud . f',,t,: "I" l"-1 umber lltii.l, stinl us si e Tlicv funned lu ii line ut tin' 15. A. U hull ami iimielieil in a bodv to the Or- mi. I frci'! of the umber mild, anil as a ip- " i W. It. (. mill W..1.. ivt.ii I.IIIUW1...1 snll is now uiiium his I do aeie riuiii nlieum. Uev. Myers ilelivt teil u vejy All ast this is what lie alleges in his petition lllcil in the suit that he bewail last wei'h ut Smith (.'niter, ICnuii lrnpiesslw ami appiopiialo senium,) one ot the uesi ever had on an oeou slon of this Mud. The num lieisof the proiam Ineliideil selec tions by the .M U uhnroh eholr and .solos by MUs lluel S.iladcn and Mr. (J. 1'. WulUer. The Wnedietion wiih pionouneed liy Hev. Hunituel, after which the (J A. II niembeis marclmd out of thu theatio and back to their hall. Decoration day was fittingly observed in our city. It was an ideal day and people from all parts of the city and adjicetit country were seen ncudlng their way to the cemetery lailen .with Uowers to place on the Knives of those near and dear to them who had been called to their etf1iul reward. The busiucyf houses were appropri ately decorated, and the majority of them honored the day and event by c'losititf.tMeir doors for a poition of the ufturnoon, At lo'oloclc the Hod Cloud Hand, uudetthediicctlou of I'rof. A. A. Lc Ilojyassembed ou the corner of Fourth Avenue and Webster street, and ren dered several appropriate selections, after which they, with the W. II. C, G. A. R. and the Camp Firo Girls, were taken to the cemetery in automobiles, where they decorated the pruves of their departed Comrades. The services at the cemetery were in charge of the W II. U. assisted by J. L Ueebo and the lied Homl Hand. On icturniug to town, the band sta tioned themselves in front of the Oi phcum and gave another concert. 'Hie f t out -cits of t ho theatio have been leserved for the membetsof tho G. A. II, II C. and CampFho (litis. J. V. McCrachen was master ot ceremonies and announced a selection, by the male quintet, composed ol Messuis Thomas, Filduy, Hush and Walker. This was followed by the in vocation, by Uev. G. V Hummel, a leading bj Chailotta Hurutetta, and a song by a chorus of fifteen voices Connade Hoyce then icpeated Lin coln's Gettysburg speech, and Connade kier lead the list of deputed Com rades, totaling !'., including one Span ish-American war veteiannnd one Con federate. Then came the address of the day by l'ev. J. L. Heebe, choosing for his sub ject, "Duty of Houoting the Heroic, Patriotic Dead". The address lasted for un hour and wns attentatively heard by a large audience. His speech embraced facts concerning tho present Huropeau war, as well as the struggle in which tho Comrades present, and those departed, had taken part. Tho exercises ended with all present joining in the old favorite song "Amorlca," after which Rev. Hummel pronounced tho benediction. Married at Hastings Iwoofour popular young peoplo aicnow receiving tho congratulations and well wishes of their many ft lends, having been quiotly man led at Hast ings on Mouday. Tho biide, who was MUs Veda I'carl Ludlow, is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ludlow who resido notth of this city, a popular anil accomplish ed young lady with n host of friends to wish her success nml happiness on her journey thtough life. She is a graduato of the Hod Cloud High School uud the past year tnught a successful term of school at Wellllcet. The groom, Mr. Ldwurd Tennaut, is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Hcrl Tcunant, residing north of this city, possessing a genial disposition, which has won for him a host of friends, and Is worthy of the young lady, who has sovcrcd the parental ties, in otdcr to become Ids wife. He Is also a graduate of our public schools and since leaving school has been engaged in farming with his father. Tho Chief Joins In with their many (fiends iu wishing them happiness aud success. . roeoei the p(iSM"-sion of his land. to I.. I'. IMil A Son. bis attoinevs will nut up a hard light foi theircllent's lights. I Hu states that two of his supposed mcii'ls iiltn Uouiclle aim .1011111 uose, both of Webstur I'ounty, came to his home, the day beloie Haster, biinging with them a case of beer triid a gallon of whiskey. All thiee of the gentle men pin look f 1 rely of the lefiesh incuts. This little spice lasted for twentjfotir bonis and dining the course of events, in a Joking wav Mc Cmile's friends induced him to say that ho would not soil his latin and an agreement was diawn up to tbiseirect. After this had been done the three cronies hied themselves to Uosemont, "wet", wheie moie ill inks weie. eon suiuejd. After this McCoalc was brought bade to his home, where his "stew", so ho states, lasted for three or four days 11101 e. It was rumored that he had sold his farm, therefor lie in-vc-tf-ated and much to his surprise found that he had, dining the "spree", deeded his farm to n ladv. The con sideration being S2000 und 10 actos of Nebraska land valued at about 01000, the total being about $5000 less than McCoalo's land is actually worth. Pat thinks that it is hardly likely that tho deed will hold when the court learns the true facts, never the less it will cost him considerable worry and trouble Tins inunother little incident that pioves that liquor and business do not make a very good combination Officers Raid Holland House At 1 .'SO this morning the local until orities, composed ol Marshal Itondr, Shorlll' Hedge and County Attorney Muuday raided the Holland Houho and took into custody .1. K. Wiight mid J T. Cumbioti who had Is pints of booe in their possession. Uoth parties plead guilty tojhe ehaige of the illegal su c of liquor. They weie each lined Sl'O aud costs. Wiight paid his line, while Cumbion declined, or was unable to do so, and in now boarding it out with bheiiu Hedge. This hotel has been the icndevotis of the undosliublo class of peoplo for soma time, and not many wpeks ago the authoiities arrested and lined a peddler, who was selling clothing without a peddler's llconse. All things taken Into consideration, the hotel bears a very poor leputution and Is a disgrace to our little city. We trust that in the future tho authori ties will continue thu good work along this Hue. Creates a Disturbance. Marshnll Honor was kept quite busy during tho Into hours of Satur day night and also tho oarly hours of Sunday morning One of tho boys got posscsElon of some mail 01 dor whiskey, of the pugilistic and tree climbing variety, and having consum ed n liberal quanity of this fluid, in sisted on making himself obnoxious, until the marshnll induced him to hit tho trail for the place called home. Tho imbiber, not content with what ho had done up town, proceeded to trim up n few cherry trees in his neighbor's yard, and when on Sunday moining made his appeaianco at this gentleman's houso, to explain tho mat ter of the night befoie, was greeted with a well developed fist and latter to tho toe of his shoe. The authori ties W re notified aud when thoy ap peared, no trace of the gully party could bo found. Whllo wo do not aim to Interfere with the laws nnd ordin ances of tho city, wc feel that 11 few dollars Invested In 10-pound hammers, ball and chains uud a few loads of stouo would help to'remedy matters, as about a thirty day sample of this would bo about all some of the trouble makers would want. Closing out embroideries and laces at Albright's. Am, mnk )?k j oce uur Charming Presents for Brides and Sweel Girl Graduates AT NO TIME IN HER LIFE CAN YOU.' BETTER SHOW YOUR DE VOTION TO YOUR FRIEND, BY SENDING HER A REMEMBRANCE, THAN WHEN SHE GRADUATES-UNLESS IT IS WHEN SHE WEDS. ' FOR BOTH THESE OCCASIONS WE HAVE BEAUTIFUL, APPRO-& PRIATE GIFTS. COME TO SEE OUR WARES AND IT WONT TAKE YOU LONG TO "DECIDE" ON WHAT TO GIVE. WHEN ASKED, WE SHALL BE GLAD TO HELP YOU MAKE YOUR SELECTION. WE MAKE "QUALITY" RIGHT: THEN THE PRICE RIGHT." ' E. H. NEWHOUSE Jcwclor and Optometrist IT'C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector GROCERY SPECIALS! FOR THIS WEEK You have always paid I Oc for Soap Chips-:-this week, Special Price' QIA 7 pkgs for LwC Mary Jane Corn and Cane Syrup, regular 60c value, Special Price ATLg per can 4gC Best quality Dill Pickles, regular 25c jar 4 ff Special Price I wU Durkc's Salad Dressing, regular 50c jar ORa Special Price www California Ripe Olives, regular 25c Jar H iffc Special Price I m2r Paprus Picnic Plates Special Price 4AA 25 plates for 1,116 Canned Grape Fruit, regular 25c can 4 Ol Special Price I 2 w 4-oz Jars Sunflower brand Dried Beef, A Q1A Spec'l per Jar I L2v Monarch and F. F. O. G. Preserves, regular 25c Jars 18c. Regular 15c Q1A Galss, Special at 03w Sanitary Paper Lunch Sets, 1 White Paper Table Cloth 8 White Crepe Napkins 8 Paper Plates 8 Paper Saucers 8 Drinking Cups 8 Metal Spoons Special Price 41 Pieces for 10c R. P. WEESNER & CO. " ' ' W linn i-. 11 ,.-j-., . . -., M . 1. 1 " The Store of Good Clean Merchandise X NI J K r, F &-.