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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1916)
fc) ' ; 7 !lL ir wj TO i ma mm i i si lJ! HF n "THE BATTLE CRY OF PEACE" AT THE ORPHEUM, FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY, VOLUME 4 1 When You Write A Check You write your own receipt at the same time, because the payee cannot net the money until he has written his name across the back of your check, and the check is returned to you by the bank after being paid. This is one of the many advantages of having a bank account in this strong bank, and our service costs you nothing. We do all the bookkeepiru a id furnish every thingall you have to do is to deposit your money, pay your bill by check and we render an accounting as often as you please. If you call upon us, we shall be glad to talk the mat ter over with you and show you why a connection with this bank will prove advantageous to you. Deposits in this Bank are protected by the Depositors' Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA CAPITAL 2o.OOO Guaranteed Fabrics Are going to be harder to get than ever before I have them from a Hart Schaffner & Marx SUIT to Sweet-Orr Overall It Is Quality First Here PAUL STOREY THE CLOTHIER T A N KS Our 2" Cypress steel bound tanks are the best on the market. They have double the life of a galvanized iron tank and are much cheaper. THE MV LONE-AVERY CO. "TALK WITH US ABOUT TANKS" T a K Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Ftr $1.50. UED CLOUD, XE1JHASKA, .JUXH S, 1JHJ Death Is Result of Accident. On Siituuliiy ul tfi noon, .hint it, ti dlMivs-dng iu"iiU'tit oei'iurott on the dinn ol Mr unit Mi- ,loi' 'Now. north t'.'ivt of this ellj, xxhieh u'xiillt'ii in the dentil of tlieii llfuen ,enr olil t-on, K l'ii YVilliiun. lie hud lieeii engaged ill discing, Mini x lien the storm einne op, he unhitched the tentn and staited fer the h.un On passing lluough a gate, he Moopeil to iel up the lines and at this .line one of the Iioimvs, lLli.lrn.1 .M ihldir liltn til till, .l(llll!lltl I A doetoi xxns e.illid but in spitoof all that could he done f. ir linn, he piissid away on .Mnud.iv exenl g. Tlii mhI news of Ids dentil has east a shadow oViM' this whole o immunity, for most of his shnit hut happy life was spmit among Us, and eeiy he.ut is touched with soi tow-anil sjinpithy for the siiieken onus. Fur 111' cell years not onl, hud he been the joy anil eoiufiiit ol the hived ones at home, hill Intel hioug'it sunshine and happy in -s Into the lives ot all those xxitlt xxliiun he had come 111 contact. During his school davs in our city, he hud w Hi Him heaits of bth tcacli- or iiiul t'liiss in ites In tlie lust two years, he has hi ule a lec'oul for him self, never lux 'ng Inst u day or In en titidy a sIiil'I'1 time dining this pel iod lie was I oiii on August II, l'.HH), unit at the tiuiu of his doiith was ngcil lf yejus, 10 mouths and .l dajs. Boldcs tho piictiti, two hiotlmis, lil'jyil and Claik, mill olio sister, Mis. Fiuuk Mcintosh, are lift to in mrii Ids dealer. Funeral seivlee xxeie held lit the Christian cliureti, on Wednesday lifter 1109U at S o'clock, Kev. (J. W. limn met in chaise, iisststid hy Kev. J L. Ueebe. Weekly Prizes Awarded. The summer shovxers of UstSatii' day did not in nny way dampen Ihu ardor of the meichatita of our ulty and all those interested in the award ing of the first of the xveetdy cash prizes Kivcti away by the merchants of Fled Cloud. Promptly at four o'clock, after a continuous doxxnpour or more than an hour, the muster of ceremonies, J. L. Beetle, from his station in the band wagon, announced that the first ot these events xvas on and explained the particulars and rules governing the contest. The re rults were as follows Itoss Fearn, 1st, t3 In gold; C. C. McConkey, 2nd, 1.3; and Joe Croxv, third, S3.U0. The next event of the series will take place on next Saturday, June 10th, at the same hour. The prizes on this date will he, 1st, HO; 2nd, S; yrd.f.'l; 4th, 1. Judging from the Interest alroidy shown, It is likely that after a little publioy that these events will attract very large crowds to our city euch and every Saturday. Sherer-Arnold Nuptials. On Thursday, June 1, H W. Arnold of llliie Hill and Miss l'earl Shercr of this city, xxere united in iiiiirriuge at Hastings, by Judge Snidnr of Adams county. The bride is the daughter of Mis. Clara Sherer. and was born and I laised in Webster county. She xxas 11 tll dty xvill be July 'i'i to July '-"., in 'graduate of the Hud Cloud High elusive. We are promised a bigger 'school in the 1!11 class. Since nidu.Hnd better Cliiiutampia than ever this 'iiting. she has taught live terms of year, and among the many noted per 'school, thr pnstjear teaching in the Kills booked for the event me United JKiveitou High School. The gi 00111 is Slates Senator V. J. Huikutt, Maud the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A 1- .Slieier and lu-r Shakespeaiean I'luv- nold.of llliie Hill. They will go to housekeeping on the Inter's farm near lilue II ' II. Death Calls Pioneer. After an illness of sevoial months, Alono IMily p.issed away lit his home in the east part of the city, on Friday, June Oct 1 J. Ilo xxas born in (Ulea, N. V., 1, lsis Dining the early years of manhood he moved to Illinois, tlun to Iowa, dually locating In Webster county, this state, about I years ago. Axxifeanil the children ale left to .,wm,...i tint Inst, nf 11 Wind mill lnvlmr rtl,..r .....I himliand. Cunen,! servleas xveie conducted by ltex J. L Ihebe at the Christian chinch on last Sun day afternoon at il o'clock. School Board Rejects Bids. licit Cloud, Ncbr , .Itnio !i, 'HI Uoiinl met xxilh nil members pi esi'iit i'cpt ltliicUlcili-, Gen Coon, pro-dil- lug. ' Minutes of previous meeting reml iiinl uppioved as read. The follmviug hills xxeio reml unit nllmxed: ! Juekson 15 II Weblier t Ij. Colling , Kt-dt'lftllll I'lll.'f J -J (XI 8 i!:. ti tH) II 10 ir. 00 c. 2.-. IT 12 if. Od 2 To 7 78 it Westi'i n Coiitmetor ll'iy S.ittley iGtiin.vCo Welch .Mfg. Co ' Nehr Sehool Supply IIoum Thus. Charles Co. Silver Huidi'tt V Co. I'lie M.'emilliau Co ill t'.i U'.'leh Mfg Co !2 IT I Supei inteiiileiit inadeiepoit and on ilis lecomiuelldHtinll a system of hunk tiling by caid index was allowed to be Installed. il adjourni'd to uuet at the Commctcial Club looms at 7 p 111 .lutie Oth. I line (I, 7 p. in lioaid met with all tlleinbeis plesellt. Tlio object of the meeting, to receive UiiK on High School building. The following bids were received on general contiact: k'uuilnif ,t llemplo, Hastings '.'8,fi00 V J Ashton, Seward 3il,fll Sothiniin Co., Cruuil Island 28,S8(! IT A Johnson F.iiibuiy ili.MO (i M Robertson Co., Lincoln U'S.DTO IleHting; Dull Whilmy, Omaha SlStsO Elmer Hovel, Auburn . . .'titfJG L W I'omerene Co, Mnuolii ."700 Western II & V Co , Omaha (1403 DS Plielp&Sun,Aladen. ' ! iW? IMumbing: D S I'help-. & Son, lihidcn . . Stilt k V I'omerene Co , I iiiuolu 1200 Wiring: KSOarber JUT TO Without Hceeptingiiny bids the board adjourned to meet Wednesday, June 7 at 8 p. m. June Tth. Doard met pursuant to adjournment with all members pres ent. Motion made and seconded that all bids bo rejected. Motion carried. Uoaid adjourned to meet WedneH dayJiiue llth, at 8 p. in. Will Open New Music Store. On Saturday, of this xveek, the lie Uoy Music Co will open its doors to the public and xvill cater to the cltl izens of tliis community xvtth a com plete and up-to-date line of the lead ing pianos, talking machines and all other musical niHiciinndise. The store is located on K tth Axe., in the l'etei boil building, an I its manager, 1'iof. LcKoy, extends an invitation to all to call and Inspect Ids line. Chautauqua Coming. Mr. Hoxxmd S Foe, the malinger of the Hod Cloud Chautauqua, iufnims us that in all probability, the dates . fr tu holding of the Chaiitaiiiiua in eis, Flunk Wake'y (iiinsniilus mid Vietoi's Klorentino Concert Hand. Married At the home of tlio hrht' paients Mr and Mis. Frank II. Sullivan, in Melrose, Mass , on Thuisd.iy, June 1st, at T :t0 o'clock, Miss Hdlth S Sulllvnn, j ol that city mid Dr. D.u-ley (5 I'liimb, of Hoston, Mass. Dr. Plumb Is a son of Mis, Fred Plumb of this city. Farms For Sale Three grind farms in Hailiin county i UIIK town of Huntley. A II. Cuti'iiNTEii, Agent -- - When in need of anything In tho line of pi luting come to the Ciiikk. i. r j ?if " '"fr4Tyjfc-L'Ou0)jClti nTJKKfjxf .tz2z38AHr IS 1 JEWELRY IS THE THING TO GIVE FOR A WEDDING PRESENT. IT I IS THE STRONGEST MARK OF AFFECTION YOU CAN SHOW TO THE ! ONE OF WHOM YOU ARE FOND. $ WHEN YOU LET US FURNISH THE WEDDING PRESENT, THE ONE !$ WHO RECEIVES IT WILL B6 DELIGHTED. OUR NAME INSURES THE , QUALITY AND STYLE OF THE JEWELRY. ':: WE MAKE THE "QUALITY- RIGHT; THEN THE PRICE RJCHT.. I ;,E. H. NEWHOUE , Jeweler and Optom9trtMt '' u. V , Jeweler and t5C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector WVrWV,AVWSV.V.VAV."APWVJWi".VV,J,Ar."JV.VU,JVW,J'. Council Proceeding. The City Council met in regular aes ion last night being called together b Mayor Damerell with the following members present: Koontx, Saladen, Sctveni. Minutes of last meeting read and ap proved. Mr. C ane of the M tyor Cool C . wa present and presented a contrat for tht city'a cost supply for year ending Julx 1, 1917, for the approval of the Council. The matter was referred to the Advi ory Committee with power to act. The return of P H. Boner, city mar shall on services to lot owners rend aim ordered placed on filo. Attorney P. E. Mturer appenr-d on behulf of the Chamber of Commerce regardiugthe opening of South Webntei street and reported that he was no prepared at this time to present hU petition. The Advisory Committe decided ti gn to the south end of the city on Fn day morning and see about the waur c nrtitions prevailing there. Pctiti-n of Ho'vtrs n et al , for t cide wa k also the petition of C It Swrir z et at , fur a walk were pre senteri and ord-red in. Bids for constructing crosswalks and waterways opened and rend. M alone Avery Co., being the lowent htdderc, secured he contract. Ma or Damerell appointed P. II. Honor city muridiill niut night watch in $(" 00 per month and the uppniiitmciu wh co flrmnd. lijfore aejiiuriung to meet ugHiu on Friday rveniug at 8 p. m., the fo.lf.winv cliims xxere allowed: He-n ird MeNeny $100 00 Gux. 'A igler J 10 00 W A I'atlen 80 00 Usrry Hulfer 05 00 S It. Florence .101 3(1 O C. Teel 1)1 9t C F McKelj'han 0(1 IH Mayer Coal (Jo 239 07 M. McConkey 108 98 Frank UlauBon 47 CO C J Piatt 179 GO A H. MeArthur 13 00 Smith & McKltnmey 5 00 It P. Hoxoy 12 00 Mid Went Hlec. Co 17 71 Mutind Oil Ho 44 80 P II. Honer 58 55 Frrtnk Mzt 21 88 El Pegg 22 75 , JU1 JUNE 9-10-11 KUMHER 24 Weddi OptometrtMt . 4 WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Picnic Goods Lunch and ARMOUR'S Veribest LUNCH MEATS Verlbeat Veal Lo.l, per can 18c VerlbOSt Vienna Sausage, can 12' jC VorlbOSt Corned Beef, per can 10c VerlbOSt Hamburger Steak, can 10c VerlbOSt Roast Beef, per can 25c VoiljOSt Tuna Full, per can 20c All The Very Best Qunlity PicMei in jan, per jar 10c-15c-25c Olivet in jars, per jar 10c25c Ripe Olitej in enm, per can 12'jC Sjnllower brand Dred Dccl.clau 12' Jc Lare jar ol Dill Pcllei for 15c 41. piece Lunch Set 10c 25 Par ru Plain, per pLg 10c Wc will liave plenty of home grown Strawberries, for canning, next week. Phone us your order. The price guaranteed. R. P. Weesner & Co. The Store ol Good Clean Merchandise J t 5 I ;& 4 V. t i'i; ' 1