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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1916)
V'r vVqli V .Jliuu iiMkilviU uuwiilijr JP"gflyXgyyLirT ., -TPFBhfcMiMliPWIBl' JL ylr-5tJt tffHKW' HU?!fififiB5- r "" "taaCTWWBI V HbbbbH'Abv9Kbw?UbbbbbbbK 4 Newspaper That elves The News Fifty-two Week' Each Year Fer $1.50. VOLUME It RED CLOUD, XEBItASKA, MAY J5, 11HO. NUMBER 2tf When You Write A Check You write your own receipt at the same time, because the payee cannot net the money until he has written his name across the back of your check, and the check is returned to you by the bank after being paid. This is one of the many advantages of having a bank account in this strong bank, and our service costs you nothing. We do all the bookkeeping and furnish every thingall you have to do is to deposit your money, pay your bill by check and we render an accounting as often as you please. If you call upon us, we shall be glad to talk the mat ter over with you and show you why a connection with this bank will prove advantageous to you. Deposits in this Bank are protected by the Depositors' Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA capital, Guaranteed Fabrics Are going to be harder to get than ever before I have them from a Hart Schaffner & Marx SUIT to a Sweet-Orr Overall It Is Quality First Here PAUL STOREY THE CLOTHIER T A N KS Our 2" Cypress steel bound tanks are the besT: on the market. They have double the life of a galvanized iron, tank and are much cheaper. THE MALONE-AVERY CO. TALK WITH IS AMIIT TANKS' Death Again Casts Shadow. The grim ronper. death, appeared in our midst, anil on Thursday afternoon, May IS, cut down one more of our pio neer eitiens after an illness of one week Kufus Miksch wo, lxirii in the statu of Ohio, November Ull, Id 1 1. Later he moved with liis parents to Grace Hill, Iowa. In ls7l he again moved, male lug Webster County, this Mate, his home. He has resided in Rod Cloud for forty-three years. In 1ST", lit was united in marriage to Harriett 10 Hayes, and to this union were born seven ehlldieti, otio proceeding his father to the grave. He Is survived by u wife, throe sous Amos William, mid Cieorge, and three daughters, Mary, Klsie and Fannie. The funeral services were held Saturday, May 20, at ;i:0o p. in , Kev ,1. L. Iteebe deliver ing a very impressive sermon. Mr. Miksch was a carpenter and wooil workor by trade, and in the ear ly days, mado caskets ami assisted in the burial of the pioneers who were called to their Maker. Ho was of a happy and sympathetic 2(H!!)(,hitiou and brought sunshine and happinoss into the life of all those with whom he came in contact,' always having a kind word and a smile for everyone. He was very industrious, and teemed happiest when busy, making work more of a pleasure than a task, and was a living example of what a good citizen and true Christian, His departure cast a shadow of sorrow over this commuuity, as we have lofct one of best citizens. The- Chief ex tends sympathy to the bereaved 'sur vivors in their hour of sorrow. Mas. Mautiu M. Dkdrick. Mis. Martha Dedrick. aired 47 years 0 months and 5 days, passed away at her home, on Monday, May 22, fcihe leaves to mourn tier departure, three childicu. Marie, Hay and Clifford aged ir, 11 and 13, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Wilson, and one brother, John, residing at Sargent. She was, born in l'otawnle county, Iowa, and moved to Kansas, with her patents, locating near the Nebraska line. They .resided there for about seven years, after which they moved to this city. , The funeral services were conducted from the United liiuthern church this afternoou, at two o'clock, Kev. C. 12. Kshelman in charge. Mrs. Oi.onoh Hnow.N One of the saddest deaths which lias occured iu our commuuity was that of Mrs (loorge Brown, which occurred at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I T. Atueck, iu the east part of town, on Tuesday night, May S3, The deceased was born in this county August 1, 1807. A short time after leaving school she was united in mar riage to Mr. George llrown. To this union was born one child, who now must tight life's battles without the assistance of a mother's love and guid ing hand. The fuucral services will be held Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, Rev. Myers, of the M. E. church otlielatlng. Seek New Locations. Dame Humor has it that thoro are to be several changes made iu the lo cations of tho business men In this ci ty. Walter Warren, who, for some time past, conducted a cafe in the Mc Ouire building on Webster street lias decided to retiro for tho time being, in order to get out among the voters of this community, as he is one of the mauy seeking public oflice. Mr. Jas, Gilbert, who has been conducting a billiard parlor in the l'otcrson build ing, on the corner of Webster street and Fourth avenue, will move tables and fixtures into the bulling vacated by Mr. Warren, and assures his friends that he will continue to conduct a Hist class orderly placo of amuse ment and will extend tho same cour teous treatment to his patrons. Mr. E. M. Ege, proprietor of the variety store on Fourtli avenue, will move into tho Peterson building after it has been remodeled and will cater to tho trade with an up-to-date line of 5, 10 and 35c goods. Commencement Exercises. The 101(5 Commencement exercises weio given at the Otpheum Theater on Thursday evening. The theater was neatly decorated, the color scheme be ing purple ami gold, the class colois. This was the latgest class that has exorgiaduatod from our public schools. The class motto was "Out of School Life ami Into Lite's School." Itoth the the commencement exer cises anil the class play 'A College Town" were well attended, and were woll staged by those taking part. Tho program was as follows: Chorus ..'Fraternity'' The Class Invocation Kev. I). Fitgerald Piano solo "Tanzeviesc" Marguerite Fogol Otation.... "Modern Weapons and World Peace"...., ....Harold Fov Chorus "Happy Days (tone Uy ' Senior (iirls Heading "Ananias of l'olktown" Florence Johnston Oration .... "Hooker T Washington and Negro Progress".... Kuby (loblo Oration "The Aeroplane" Kiisscll Myers Chorus.... "Boosting the Old High School" Senior Hoys Reading "One of Hob's Trumps" Ell.abeth Overman Presentation of Diplomas " Hon. L. II. Hlaoklcdge Chorus "Commencement Day" The Class of 101(5 Benediction Rev. I) Fitzgerald Fannie Miksch was utiabie to deliver her oration "The Iutluence of' Women Writers" owing to the death of her father. Engineer F. U. Jones has returned to his run at Hud Cloud, after a layoff ot a few weeks on account of an injur ed knee. Monday's McUook Tribune V.VVV.V.VUW.V.V.V.V.V AAAAAAAAAJ KfUK I J T aIII vrVBWn !!.""- jhs. lliliTA UilT wm VitluUl T4AvBK. fT d?! Vn:1-'.4 M1MI U s ,.M s weaaing Pteseni from Us IT IS NOT ONLY WHAT YOU BUY FOR A WEDDING PRESENT, BUT 'WHERE' YOU BUY ITTHAT MAKES IT THE MORE APPRECIATED. OUR REPUTATION IN THTs COMMUNITY' IS SUCH THAf WHEN A WEDDING PRESENT COMES FROM US, THE RECIPIENT IS PLEASED TO RECEIVE IT; OUR NAME IMPLIES HIGH QUALITY. ANOTHER REASON.FOR COMING TO US FOR "YOUR WEDDING GIFTS IS THAT YOU HAVE A LARGTE, SUPERd- LINE .FROM, JVHfcH, TO CHOOSE. . .. .ht - r WE MAKE "QUALITY" RICHT; THEN THE PRICE RIGHT. E. H. NEWHOUSE Jowoler and Optometrist lire. B. &. Q. Watch Inspector .VAVAVoVV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VJ'A-AV.V.V.VVVVAVA'Wrt fci fcf.l ..... S--i"w Bft Ar ' .BBl . I yTffiHERE is a certain "dash" " 'Youth ILssJ! about the Spring and Sum- Shall Be J& mer Dress Goods that can m f not be described in words an air of of the ; Soring youth and beauty that makes them and much to be desired. These fabrics Summer at an extremely modest price should Fashions" . . . , appeal to the particular women. Said the Master -"-"- 1 R. P. Weesner & Co. The Store of Good Clean Merchandise "QUALITY" JOB PRINTING AT THE CHIEF OFFICE .1 t'h A M -. I'm m