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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1914)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 1 8 Mi w Red Cloud Children Win Prizes Tin State .lutilor Content for th. yen i' 11)13 whs lio'il In connection wltli tin- Sluto Corn and Ilortlcultuinl Sliowi at Lincoln, January ID'i!, 11)11. One hundred mid thhty-six boys and RlrU entered exhibit in this contobt A total o( .'lot) entries was iiimlo. Miss Myrtle Darby or Ilnvolool., who had tlio bent onurnl sewing exhibit, win the 1), A. K. tiophy; ;MIs Darby won the BHoupHtuIe in this cla8 last year also. The at. Leger Cowley Chapter of tin) Daughter, of tho Amer ican ltovolutlon pro'ciited litis trophy to the Nebraska Girls' Ulnb In .laic uary ItM'J. Doiothy SolM of DeSoto won the nwuep-.tul(cs on Corn In the .Junior Depui Uncut. Shu holds the Cummer cial Club trophy for 1011. State Hoard of Agilculttirc anil No biuhkit Corn liiiiovera' Anoclalinn furnish prizes in Hint six classes, Class M, Hastcrn Division, Lot 1, llent Ton Ears of Yellow Corn- Dorothy Holtz, DeSoto Itolaud Smith, DeSoto Oliver Wulcott, Centrul City. I'aulu Koggonbaeh, Wlsner. . . Clara Hoggchbnch, Winner .. Mllo Ihihlk.Able Claude llelhes, Dakota City. . Deuey lleiltes Dakota City.. Lot.1, llut Ton Kara of White Corn- n 0() :j oo 2 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 1 1)0 1 00 Initial Olir.iIKiiriicuTc.HliU' Hill f 00 Dolly Kilmer, West Lincoln;.... H "5 Frane h WalU'i, llnlilM'Ki' " 00 Myrtlo D.nby, llavolook 1 CO Opal Netiinun, Bridgeport 1 00 Attn Coon, lied Clmul ...v 1 00 Florence Kobeltsoti, Hi idgoport, 1 00 .lehsie llrntt, Arnpahoo 1 00 Lot t), Beit Hpoon Case Showing Cateh Slltcli mid Blanket Stltch- Mj i tie Darby, llaveloulc 3 00 Ruth IJraiuaid, Giant SCO Class H, Domestic Science, Lot 1, Be&t Loaf of While Broiid Nina Smith, llohlrogo 0() Helen Hiniilernmn, lloldrego ... 2 00 A Itn Coon, Ked Cloud .... 1 00 Ktlul Coon, Itoil Cloud '.... 1 01) Peiul D.irby, HnvelocU 1 00 ClHia (lold.stlnc, West Lincoln.. 1 00 M.yi lie Dai by, HnvelocU 1 00 Lot 'J, li.Ht One Half Dozen Moul Cookies I'Uhol Cooli, Ked Cloud Helen Siindcrmtiti, Iloldrcgc... Kdmi Honshu-, West Lincoln.... Alta Coon, Ked Cloud Vlabel Frasler, Ashland Kol.ind Smith, DeSoto Dm oth v Scltz, DeSoto Clarence Adcock, llrownvlllo.. jMIiuiiiu Hall, Aubuiu Cecil Adcock, Hiuwuvlllo .. .. llin .! 1'ownley, Able (iooriri' Subergcr. Lexington .. Oil hOlunidt, Fairmont Iwl 1, Host Ten Kiirs Other Than Vol I nv or White Coin Frank Lancaster, Waco 5 00 Jl. mini Towuley, Aide :i 00 .lohn K Harrison, Uni I'l.iuo .... s 00 Lot , Best Single Kur, Any Variety f 00 :i oo 2 1)0 00 00 oo 00 00 :i oo a oo 1 oo 1 oo i oo i oo Oat .1 00 2 00 1 00 . . . 1 00 . . . 1 0J Laura llaucrty, West Lincoln... 1 00 Francis Waller, Holdrego 1 Oo Lot .'J, Ue9t Jar of dinned Cherries Pearl Darby, HaVeloulc. . . .' 3 00 Myrtle Darby, Havelock 2 00 Lot 1, Best Jar of Canned Tomatoes Mildred Morgan, llethauy .'1 00 Lot fi, Kent dlass of Jelly, Any Kind :$ 00 2 (XI J 00 1 00 1 00 Corn Aeie li iland Smith, IK'Soto ClaiM Kuggeiibauh, Wisnor i'lililii Koggudbtich, Wisnur Id 111. HaslU, Abie .... Untold Ton n ley, Able 1'uul Koi'hter, Cliiss N, Wuitiru Division, Lot 1, lies! Ten Kiirtj of Yellow Com Melvlu Bergman, Uertr.ind f 00 Jlenr. Able, Atkinson .'ICO leo l Johnson, llnmduater.... '2 00 ller.sehel Siiudeiumn, Funk 1 00 Olii's O, Kiisteru Division, Lot 1, Best Twelve Potatoes Howard Dai by, llavolock., 5 00 Uobort Keuney, L'ni. I'luee it 00 John K llairisoti, Uui Place .... t! 00 Mllo llaslk, Able 1 0'J Western Division, Lot'.', Best Twelve Potatoes Mulxiii Beigtnun, Bertram! 5 (to Osutii Keifer, Luwience :i oo Class, I1, Lot 1, Composition in Hook let Fonn With Illustrations, "History of My Acre of Com " Meredith Hradley, Uoldrege 6 00 Melvlu Bergmau, llertruiid 3 00 Class Q, Domestic Art, Lot 1, Uest Hand Made Dusting dtp-. M vrt'e Darby, Havelock 3 00 Pearl Darby, Havelock 2 0d Altn Coon, Ked Cloud 100 Mabel lousier, Asliluud 1 00 Olirn Dvoracek. Blue Hill 1 00 Myrtle Van Camp, Albtou 1 00 Helen Suudermun, HoldrcKo.... 1 00 Lot 'J Host Utimi Made Sewing Apron Showing Feather Stitch Myrtle Darby, Havelock 3 00 Olgti Dvoracek, blue Hill a 00 Irene I'egg. Ked Cloud too My i tie VanCamp, Albion 1 00 Alt" Coon, Ked Cloud 1 00 "lleleu Sundetniun, lloldrcgo .... 1 to Pearl Dai by, Havelock...' 1 00 Lota, Uest Hemstitched Towel With Cioss. stitch Holder Alvrtle Duibv. Havelock ! 00 Iveno Pegg, ltvd Cloud 3 00 Olga Dvoracek, blue Hill 2 U0 Mario Pegg, Ked Cloud 1 00 Mary Davis, Ninth Louj 1 CO Pearl Darby, Havelock I o0 Francis W idler, lloldreire 1 00 Huten Sunderman. Holdreno.... 1 00 hf tj Uesjt Machine Made Corset Cover Dolly LUmer, West Lincoln 3 00 I rone Pegg, Ked Cloud '2 00 Annie Hanson, Ked Cloud 1 10 phw,i r.,uM. Itml Cloud 1 00 Olga Dvoiac.ek.Hlue Hilt 1 00 Aim Coon, Ked Cloud 1 00 Maiy Davis, Ninth Loup 1 00 Loi o, Uest Uuttonlioics, .utuio in we set Cover, on Other Garment and fe.impler Dolly Kilmer, West Lincoln .... 3 00 luis, North Loup - ou Pearl Darby, Havelock.... Myrtle Darby, ilnvulouk .. Annie Young, Havelock... Alia Coon, K"d Cloud IHlH'l Coon, Ked Cloud.... Class T, Nebraska Hoys' Contest Tho Soul h Omiilui Stock Yards Co., fin liIbIios money for all in class T. Jehse J. Coriell, Cambridge", chump ion, trip to Wiishingtou, D. C. KuHtcru Division W.iller ITuig, Pnpllllon I'.arl Marsh, A i ciier Ibiorgu Crotn, Walthlll Charley Crotn, Wiilthlllj Walter Pfelller, Hooper LeNlie McCoy, Lauiel Marion Maihh, Atelier Ora Miner, Friend , CIiiih. Muriim, Wulthill Knlpli Trine, Madison Willie lltey, Ototnii Vergil, Meadow Giovo. (lieu Hell, Hardy .... 50 00 2.-, 00 10 00 r oo r oo r. oo r. o: r on 2 oo 2 01) t! 00 U 00 1! 00 Arthur Lamp, Kiuoinoii 2 00 .tallies .lasa, Thtiihton 2 00 Aithttr Muyer, L.iineM - 00 David Defenderfer, Norfolk.... 2(H) Dledt ielt Sli'Thes, PicUroll i! 00 Western Division- Jesse .1 Corroll, Ciitnbrltlgo . Kugeiiu Ooriuu, Co.nd George Hartmau, Paxtoit Mm III (loruui, Co.nd t i Co oo jn oo 10 (K) is oo Lowell Fmierhon, Mottroo r 00 Alvith Nelson, Curtis 5 00 August CugenhuRcn, Wtiusa .... S Oo James Delioer, HI wood 0 00 Claude Sklles, Overton 2 00 Aloyslus McCarthy, Grocloy .... 2 00 C x y Hratt, Arapahoe 2 00 Jasper lliors, Dalton 2 00 Claude Hertz, Elwood 2 00 Wendell Cramer. Valentine. . r. . 2 00 Kay Wnde, Elwood 2 00 Eldred Cramer, Vulentlue 2 00 Lestor Hogoboom, Moorefield... 2 00 Eldred Ci amer, Valentine ...... 2 00 i:jmrjju'ijmujj!BsrumiJMaw.,uimMj -r The Ladies in this Town are Simply Going Wild over ITnrmonjr Hair Beautifier. And no wonder, because to make the hair lustrous, soft and silky ve believe there's nothing else and Ave sell about all the various hair pi'eparations made that any where near comes up to Harmony Hair Beautifier. Ask any one of the many women in this town who use it she'll tell you she "loves" it. Just look at her hair, and you'll come to us and get some yourself. HARM fftiMy HAIR BEAUTIFIER Is just what its nnmc implies. Just to make the hair glossy, lustrous, moro": benutifuI.-pTust to matkc it easier to dress, and more natural t.o fall easily andJi gruct'fully into tlic wavy lines and folds of the coiffure. It leaves u delightful fresh and cool effect, and a lingering,. delicate perfume.. Will not change or darken the color. Contain? no oil; thW'fotc doesn't leave the hair sticky or stringy. Simply sprinkle a Iilllc on your hair each lime before brushing it. Uut first, make fcure that your hair unci uealp re clean, by using t --3-tr- .-- - - ; - r . f ty r .rft -jj i h 1 i m P i I ill I AH ft! &Wi rVl l M M iaHl iHwiHH9 (! IT po n fcv.vrt;.;,?,:,. A liquid skampoo to keep the Itnir clean, soft, raioolii cndTwatilifuL It gives) )').$ $A: J SlfVnr"-' t&$rJn$it 1 an iuslnutnneous, lieh, fouiTtini? lather, nenelrrl'rig to cvry purL of thcrhair Ktid L.ArtV' ,,: f ' ', ,.,- HrZV,AV ?Mr$ ncalp. It is v.-rhed off iu ' us quiekl", thfc ciitiro opwon taking only a. few hV " -fc' ''Pil:Z&'1htf$vm 8 momonts. II Icatvs no lum or ahr:iw.--Juit n rofrcstiag bunau of cool, i.v;eoL W'i ?';''':: .rtV- '. ' ?lSS'&'?'$S$ clmnlincsc.Ju'jt a dainty, plr.sant and clem fraTrrc. . f MftWWF? ' W' '; A&.V&Zrt Both in!n(.dorn&' .'':'. t bottler, vritli nrn'drv tons. ' .: t ' ,. . ' ' ,?J' i. .. .' tr ... ..,.,.-- , - harir.-viy Hair lk(iv,'''l"r, O1'). .Tc.-:r; (Sarfflpo. SXki. Both are gunrn-'ttc 'd to please pvj, c your moncybaclu Thcs? fT D:r.u?;ca Erwco Tfcctn Th:re i rrttUvi trf V icniiyh! -V iw-!1 " h-v? ! C v.,r-'.,.:i'Bti i-j t'e er)f t!itn'" )prle tu,1 :uort l .jiui.ioi ttutn (ion f . i'. iitjj i i'j -ia:v, enut-'. us. .iiy i ,e ww iit : - :.-- i. trt rXUhU TS.TT.'WORB J ' Sui H ' 1 "d," i:ai,l-v'XtMHt', ."? Av Tori-. - i :.."A J.'j -i V.'uiua," Zjihum, y.. '. ri v I if Lons-! OHl?SS5R ai t'l "' o'a i i- 1 I", li.t . I -1 ro.-i-:j.s- ; (Krf.!:- Sold oti!y r.t tlio mo'O than 70Q0 ?tez& Gtercs. "S-eA eVowA, JL1.9 - JU -, i tl . i .' 'jrt .iKf i f, 'plsw- rwwwawsjvi STX-isi O itjfc: ,- . &' .-y&.VJ .." L&'.ttV&J8i i la i miru.;: :smsi Cira b i.:z -j: ta.c.a 7Jm. '- , . kH 4::'UM:LiM GRICE BRUS COMPANY :itv cr'o.rtti rl sU-.x iK-nuilejS TvUouaia r rrH I2-.?:,iry Mtautnua urtss Sltar Irs ":j c' ; .y lIcaH;" & TwlUc, Tork. i i -."' -. ..-," T)ricn. -its r.u--F, cam: TMebvasVia JyWKJ !ii. iiiiLn.iain..ii irrj Makes Old People Strong and Well Ve want to got the nows to all old iioo'nle about Itoxull Ollvo Oil Emnl- hioii, a ronuirkable new foo-inediclno wlticji wo tlrmly licliovo 1b th best remedy ever matte to overcome the woiiUonliiK, debilitating efTeets of In eieiihlni,' old ii(e. U helps to rabnlld wiistiid tUstios, htroiigtliens lliu nervoH, and give new energy and a llvoly feel ing to tlio body. It contains no alcohol nilniiL'.!roiis drill. It may not make you fool better for a few days, but if you do not feol much better and htiougur before you have taken a iuarter as much as you have of other medluliu'a that have not helped you, we will gladly glve'bHok your money. ltexall Olive Oil Emulsion contains pure Ollvo Oil and the llypophosphltes which, though they have loug been endorsed by Mtccessful physicians, are here for tho first time combined. Tho losultls h real body, norvo and blond building food medicine that wo believe Is superior to ait) thing else lu over coinlngdcliUUy, woalcnessnnd liability I The Story of Every Child A mtmry Of Growth ana Changs A chancre too gradual and subtle for even the watcKf ull eye of a mother to detect, or for memory to.recali.. Only in pictures can the story be told and a record of the childish features and ex pressions kept for all time. A good photograph' iiowand then will mean everything to yon, and to thorn, in after years. Sterns Bfos. "rowo, j Substitution Has rlayed Havoc. DOYLE BROS. Live, Stock and'.GwMtral Auctioneer o dl-.tmu, and to tone and ,.rinKtlion tiw .mivi's mid our li llio.niooii. ton V.f .."-- - V who aro weak and run down you who , often troubled by various cold weather ailments, use Uox.ill Ollvo oil Emulsion to get and hoop well anil It is n sensible, pleasant tast to renewed titroiigth, bettor NOTICE TO BlDEiS. Nolle li hurcby ilvojitlmtKCUilirop.salhi will lii recelvwl at tliu, ofllco ut tlio Ciitinty t'lerk, Htsil etoinl, Nobnuka fur tlio iikivIuk of tliaprchoot Court lloitso to.a point UK) ftQt VHt.ol(PCvMuiit lnatlou and pinoiiii oti a lomporary foundation, county to Itirnbthl inatvrlal tor founiUtlon, bltldur to. preform all labor aiul furnish all insturlal uxccA aa hfitlu provldtxl. Bald court house to bo removed not later tbaa April Ut, 1SUI. BldiUr to lundhh bond lu tho Bum of N0O.00 to Hccuro andttiiHurt tho pretormauco ol tho conditions of, the contract If awarded. All bldK to bo on lllo with tit County t'lerk not later thin 1'ebruar.v S5, 1UU at li noon lly ttrtlcr ut the Coiuity CoumiUsloners. ' l,Scal) t?. W. UOSS County Clerk, by J. J. tiarber, Dyp with many a fainily'e most cb&rish iblicd, long planned home because they followed the. advioe- of some one-We buildor who .thought per haps to improve.upou Nature-'), own tried and tested,, matenlal5unaber. Tbtlme to gpard,, agaiuak disap pointment is at tlio- stark. Look around and investigate tW tramo houses that have boau.sUuuling for. as many as thirty years and compare them with, those eoiiHtruoted at other matorials. Time ulone is the real test of home buildintna.tcri:vls. beemiso jou don't build a home uvery teu yeais, and few people can ntvord to experiment with ihun or theories. After, making your. com. pailsous comoln and see tho. nleo, bright lumbor we have lu stock and let us toll y,ou in actual figures what a irood.fratoo house will cost,. you today.. Ileal facts nro-dcndly ta substitution. UOTH'ffUONKS Itoi Cloud lTJon 8 Lebanon n on 187 DRk CHAS. E. CROSS v DKNTimr OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud ' a Nebraska Dr. J. C Caldwell PHYSICIAN 6 SURGEON Calls Answered. Doy or Night OIUceTclphonci: Bell, 58; Iod. 100. Itcs. Tclaphonea: nail, UoU 273; Ind.100. omcOver N. A, AlbrUhl's Stm Red; Cloud, -t- Nebraska DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY SURGEON Ovntlttate CIiIchko Vetorinary College TWELVI! Vi:J-n liXI'KIllKNCf? Mar Annie llunsmi, Hcd Uloud 1 IK) "' , .. ,...., i , mi inir iiil Ktltel Uiou, ueu ivtouu i "" , ,.,,. ir it ,ir.,.t,,t .. .. .. , ,1 i , ltd I BlllrllS. CUIV.IIIK -- " - :x.lZi c :::::::::: iip -" - . '"""""' . I ..... 1 , nnni' mnnilt' Wit. lOltt II Wfiril. 01KaUvo.cek, Utue Hill 1 00 ff --'- " " fn'tth wo ,1BT0 ln !t t 'licit .,,... f ,iin -.nnn n..vul Stores. OUill UIHj lV H.w ! -,---, ...,.1 in tlds town only by us. ei.uu u Jjot 0, Host KepalilnK Hemmed mid Ovorhaud Patch Olea Dvoraeolt, llltie Hill .1 f0 lleleti Sundernmn, lloldrcgo.... a Oil tm..i-v llnvlH. North Itoun 1 00 lot 7, Host Muoliiiia Mndo Petticoat M vrtlo Darby, Hiuoloelc fi Co OIlui Dvoracek, Iflne Hill .1 00 Alta Coon, Ked Cloud 'J 00 flj'ranclM Waller, Holdrego I 00 Ruth llralnatd. Gratft 1 00 Ethel Coon, Itod C)oud 1 00 Jjot 8, BeBt Napltln With Embroidered K. (irleo braslca. Drug Co., Uod Cloud, No' 5a the bounty Cottn or Wth&icr fourityi Ficbrabka. Slnttiol Nebraska i Ki Wulwter Couuty i In tlio mutter of tbocatatoot VtuxisflUHt, Ducenseil. PUMDITOKS OPS.M1) KSTATI-: will take Norirrc, lliat tli tlmo llinltt il forproonttv lion anil tllliiKof elalms atcaltiM tho kjuiiu Is KeptetnlicrMh, 101 li and for the pay mint of dents U February fith 1UIS. that 1 will Hit at tho county court room In s.ilil county on tho 7lh ilay n! September, id o'clock, A.M., lo receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objection duly tiled. Dated this ath day ol Kcbruary, A. 1).. 10H. (Senl) ' A. 1). 1USXKV, County Judgo "There's No Place Like Home" minder& Bros. Red Cloud, Nebraska ATUAIT.UV'S'l'lB Red Cloud HA UN Nebraska J. H. EkWJlGEH General Auctioneer Recommendations My Former Customers. ... Write or Phone Red Cloud, - Nebr. NOTICE. We Have Aided In Building Great - Fortunes For -Clever Advertisers Metlce. v rcbrunry 1, 10U. Annual Htatununt of tho t;odciiKaley UlotbliiK rompnny. ItKsOUItCKH MorchatullbC, I'txturct, AccoiuUh and.. Cash 8 1SI18.1M 1.IAIIII.1TIKS Capital Stock, Hurplu nud Hills Pay- able 8 27161.81 ToMvkii: Williams, NoN-iiKhint.N r In-nNlvNr: Yon nrohcrchy nollllcd. that on the Ulst day of October IMS Waller W. Wlllumr., Illcd a tctllton iiKatust .toii In tho district court of Wclmtcr County, Nohraska, thu object mid prAcr of ulilrli aro to obtain u dlvorco from you oil tho virouud that jou liavo willfully abandoned mid deserted tho plalntllV with out Just cause- for thoturm of two yearn last pnBt. You aro required to annwcr said peti tion on or bcloro Monday tho Kith dny of March lull. Dattd thlM February !l, 10H. Waltkii w. Williams, plnlutltr. lly I.. II. lilncklcdno, bis attorney. Notice approved. Harry S. Duncan JuiUoof the Dlsttlct Court. I "" o.,r F I R E THE: ALARM is n dreadful thing Or nRE for the man without Insurance. Every tlmu he sees the engines racing alone; his heart comes, up In his throat if the tiro Is anywhere near his, place. What folly, what, mis taken economy. THE COST Or is so small that It INSURANCE need hardly bo considered. The freedom from worry alone Is worth it many times over Have us insure you to-day. O. C. TEEL, CAMP THE CHIROPRACTOR Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska Second House North ol I. O. O. F. Hall O ' Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free 0, Phone lr.(U.M2 . Dr. Doardort Inspector of live stock E. A. Creighton, M. D. EYE, NOSE AND THROAT Reliable Insurance. for shipment to Bailey's Tie Born. other states. At See the complete lino of rugs nt Miner llros. Co. CONSULTATION KRRE Widow's PeHHion. Tho recent act of April 10th, 1008 gives to all soldiers' widows a pension 812 per month. Fred Mauror, the at orney, has all necessary blanks. v r t i, 1 lL "" '-'l,;','--- w,wwn, , owwMaMr9ioiii!r!w' winxmnirnMlm