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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1914)
'I 1 -ivr-i. .-. ,mT "rutya" viwua.i ZjCJium&at&ujL-jM- zu f. .f-r iTlrulft.-n.i JMjmiii.Mii-ijmjaMiim3i ,r .' -. . 1. . Ju . , "r- '. . c,o- ,c . ,tV i Vv cV & r -a?y f?yri ,,"" "" iSbfe. VOLUME 4J tti, ft it Ui 0 tt ft ft (to ft ft I h to & JU t rn r I H s,y5irj.'."r ;, 'arts ;iw.ffv j jf, .I'rm- u 4 Newspaper Thnt filves The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Ycnr For Sl.fiO. RED CLOUD, IN KBUASlvA., ITKBKUAKY 5, 1M. NUMBERS Your Duty To Your Family is not only save for a rainy day. but to Safeguard Your Savings, YOU CAN'T LOSE if you deposit in this bank, because we operate under the State Guaranty Law, and every dollar is protect ed by the State Guaranty Fund. Besides that, this bank is sound and safe and conservatively managed your money here safe without the State Guar anty, but with the added protection, you simply can't lose no matter what happens. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA m m 9) 9) to m m m S99"mm- 69S9 -4ilS6S WE ARE SHOWING . THE ADVANCE STILES IN MEN'S HATS - FOR SPRING Jf) ALL THE NEW Shapes and Colors A SPECIAL NEW LINE OF' Cans For Spring LET US SHOW THEM TO YOU School Board Net Monday mi i Rod Cloud, Nebr., Fob. 2, 19l I. Hoard met in i titular session. Mem ber present Storey, Turnuie, Uilham, (Joon, Ciolghton und Blucltlodgc. Minutes of provloiu meotings lead uud approved, Sccietury repotted 81 1 10.70 cash on bund und nil out standing war run ts paid. 1'iiitlondainjbfor the first bcinistcr ending Jan. 10, 1014 amounting to 1087 Imve been tiled fur collection. Upon motion spring vucution was ordered to begin Mtiroli 30th, uud cud April 4th. Moved uud seconded tliut u fee of $1 bo chat god lor all hpeoiul examin ations not provided for by the rules of the bcliool board, Upon motion John Wolfe was allow ed 10 additional pay por month as assistant in wood shop. ' Upon motion Secretary was instruct ed to accept invitation of the Fairbury School Uourd to help them in organ ising u sluto school-boaid .association. The following bills weiu read und oideted paid: Tho Chief ,' -X Uommeicial Advertiser 3 00 Argus , 0 uu 'H. O. AutoUo 1 00 iVVhituUur & Buckles 3 00 M. A. Albright 4 lb It. E. Grlce Di ug Co .' 5 50 C. L. Cutting V 2 Ml Ncesner & Periy i 3 03 A. 13. C. Co., M7 18 Silver Uuaidetto 8 15 Uilm it Co., 30" (il St. Paul Dook Co., a 70 U. C. Heath 1(1 51 Hob Mori ill t 10 Uui. Pub Co., 1 L'8 (Jul. Pub Co., a 1)0 Nebr. Att. Sup. Uouho 15 U0 Hoaul adjoin lied. H I). MoniTiC, Seeietaiy Mrs. Lois McKeighan Is Laid To Rest i i g PAIL STOREY l The Clothier f) FURNITURE UNDERTAKING ED. AMACK ALL THE PHONES NEWHOUSK BLK. The angel of death, who 1ms lieen so busy among us lately, u-i again visited us, and lemoved fiom our midst one of the best known and best loved of our people Mrs. Lois Kllun litowu McKuighau was bom in Fulton county, Illinois, November 2, ISIS. She was married October 21, I8il5, to Honorable William A. MuKolghan. Six children woto born to them, three of whom nie living, the eldest and tho two younger having passed to their ro ward. Mr. and Mrs. McKeighan came to Rod Cloud In thc-year 1880 and set tled on a farm near the city. Mr. Mc Keighan, after serving his country faithfully in the Civil war and in the halls of congress, pussed away Decem ber 15, 1805. Mrs. McKeighan depart ed from ber loved ones at 2 o'clock Friday, morning, January 30, 1U14. The funeral toojc place from the house at 3 o'clock on February 1st and was vory largely attended. Rev. John J. liayne, Mrs. McKeighan's pastor, ofll elated. She was the kindest of mothers and always cheerful and hopeful. Her faith in Qod was strong and deep and found expression in u beautiful Christ ian life. She was a faithful member of tho Congregational church and was always Interested in Us work even when she wab unable to attend. She will be greatly missed not ouly by those dearest to her but by tho entire community. Wo can truly say of her, "lllessod are they that die in tho Lord from henceforth, yea, suith the Spirit, for they rest from their labors, but their works do follow them." City Council Met Tuesday Tito City Council met on Tuesday night with Mayor Saunders and Council men Foe, CrniiB,- Storoy and Condon prHcnt. Minutes of moldings of January Gth, 12(h unci 17th rend und approved. Committee of cltizena from Hiverton was prcHrnt for the purpose of dlBrus Biug the light proposition. Moved by Foe, seconded by Crane, that the council is favorable to Z vig or's report and will be used aa basis for h contract with the Riverton par ties. Carried. Moved by Cowdcn and seconded by CrmiB that basement of city building be loaned to the commissioners of Web ster county for vault use. Carried. Cost of repairing walk in front of MuClintock property. Clerk instructed to certify amount of coats to tax list. Moved by Crano, seconded by Storey. Curried. Florence and Zeiglcr's reportB read and approved. City Clerk was ordered to certify to county clerk, the amount of cost of ce ment furnished in C. F. Evana' 'Walk. Moved by Cowden, seconded by Foe that "wet and dry question" be sub mitted to the votera at city election, Carried. Thn following claims were allowed: Guy Zsigler .".$120 00 Cliff Jay 75 00 W. A. Patten '. 70 00 E. II. Weber 73'.'i5 S. It. Florunco 3!J1 73 O. C. Tcel 2G !)2 J. W. Auld, Treasuror 31 00 F. C. Hock 10 00 J. R Lebmer&Co (5153 GrantChriaty 00 25 O. U. Hedge .. 4 75 A. C. HoHmer 0 00 Eddon& HoBiner 125 00 F. J. Monday 125 00 Henry Phares 8 00 Goo. Clawion 2100 Frank Cluaon 3 20 C. R L'wia lti 20 A. E Sutton 17 00 Job. Mcintosh 10 00 Saunders Brori 1195 John WilHon 0 25 Mayer Coal Co 310 01 5 YOUR HOME Will have the BEST music ONLY when it has an Edison Phonograph. Disc, Cylinder, $60.00 to 9475.00 15.00 to 200.00 Come in and let us prove it. E. H. NEWHOUSE Optometrist and Jeweler RED CLOUD, - - - Nebraska m Rugs! Rugs! rjaimaamma ivstmamm V For Rent For cash the II. J. Mauror faun of 320 acres, three miles from lied Cloud, 03 acres of alfalfa, 10 acres of farm laud, 1000 rods hog fencing, orchaid, good house and barn. Inquire of Fred Maurer or II. J, Maurer. City Treasurer's Statement Feb. 3, 1014 Honorable Mayor uud City Council, Red Cloud, Neb. Gentlemen: I oncloio statement cover ing receipts and disbuisements of my ouieo for tho period from Jan. 0, lull to Feb..), 1011. Occupation Fund Amount on hand Jan. 0, '11.. 8 270 42 Receipts 25 40 301 82 Disbursements 102 55 lialancoFeb. 3, '14, 9 109 27 Water Fund Amount on hand Jan. 0,'ll...$ 148 09 Receipts 002 98 s i Having Just Returned ,From Market Where I Personally Selected A Large Line of J G S I Novv Have a Complete Line of Rugs In All Sizes and Grades And In All The Lale Patterns R HBEQXUa ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer. 7S1 07 Disbursements 479 85 BalancoFob. 3, '14 $ 271 S3 Water Levy Fund Amount on hand Jan. 0, '14.. . .1 511 08 Disbursements! 102 7.- llalaucoFcb 3, '14 9 310 20 General Fund Amount on hand Jan.0, '11 . . .$ 482 58 Disbursements:...' 00 25 HulaticeFeb..Vll S 410 33 Electric Light Fund Amount on hand Jan. G, '14 ...S1115 30 Receipts 000 00 210.1 80 Disbursements 70101 UHlancoFob.3,'11 8 1313 00 Electric Light Levy Fund Amount on hand Jan. 0, 'U....S 97 90 No receipts No disbursements Balance Fob. 3, '14 497 00 Judgment Fund Amount on hand Jan. 0, '14. . .1 200 00 No receipts No disbursements Balance Fob. 3, '11 4 200 00 Firemen's Fund Amount on-hand Jan. 0, '14. ...I 22 45 Noioccipts No disbursements Ilalnnco Feb. 3. '14 8 22 45 Recapitulation Occupation Fund 9 100 27 Water Fund 271 22 WatorLevy Fund 349 20 General Fund 410 33 Electrio Light Fund 1313 GO Electric Light Levy Fund 497 90 Judgment Fund 200 00 Firemen's Fund 22 45 Amount on hand Feb.3( '14... .83270 03 No Registered Warranto outstanding. S. R. Flohanok, City Treasurer. Feb. 5. Frank Arrence 2 mi. north of Guide Rock. Feb. G Jaens Rubcrg 1 mi eouth of Abdal. Farm Leans Lowest rates, best option. Call for mo at State Bank. C. F, CA'UlElt. Constablo C. A. Suhellak is ou tho sick lUt today. If it happened you will find it here. Weather Report for January Temperature: Mean temperature 35 deg.; maximum temperature 08 dog. on 2Gth; minimum temperature 7 dog. on the llth. Precipitation: 0.18 Inches. Total snowfall 2 inches. Number of days clear 10, partly cloudy 8, cloudy 3, Dates of sleet, 17th. Prevailing wind direction N W 10 days. Remarks: Warmest January In six years. Ckas. S. Ludlow. Dormant Spray Recommended A spray for dormant trees to nroven& tho spread of fungus diseases and or chaid Insects is being recommended by tho horticultural department of the University of Nebraska. Thn ennv consists of one gallon of limo sulphur to teu gallons of water. It is espec ially intended U control tho spread of tho Blister canker and Apple aphi arising through the Infections of prim ing nud other tree wounds. Fair' dry wcutnor is advised whon the applica tion is being made. Tako your crontn to J. O, Caldwell. AJ ' n; Y .Jfrid H . l 0 I,