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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1914)
'"Wl , i.4aafen JindHnn HrMTOT I . ii'i i; .,- ft - - 'i - "'- t'1 N i V I' V VOLUME Aid ft to fc vi Hi iXi to 0 ito it it ft il l fc to V s t . i ,ff.t?,i . . . An -.rU ?;tiii ;..jr?jgaiiaflitoJL.! .,& W&5Sw!S-r..3 ;CiT-li ' " "5r. ". . . .... - i"ir;,rvmt . .aw-rw..iSt'rcrraK,w"-a " "'tr'.m ilft'W'Bfci.J . .vi. JlA.' . -S Awmiltt!1VMWI(rtW'W fPLfeiS4i !. iiij'3l:v 1 1 1 liMaiii i i iL B 1 Hli it i HKjfl&&filSBRHHiniHB&fc . JWr ttyBSWfSmmmmmk 4 Newspaper That dives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Fer St.50. RED CLOUD, HEBKASKA. FEBRUARY 19, 11)14. NUMBER Your Duty To Your Family is not only save for a rainy day, but to Safeguard Your Savings. YOU CANT LOSE if you deposit in this bank, because we operate under the State Guaranty Law, and every dollar is protect ed by the State Guaranty Fund. Besides that, this bank is sound and safe and conservatively managed your money here would be safe without the State Guar anty, but with the added protection, you simply can't lose no matter what happens. WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA ; u?-H-?-tr-ijcJ-w;-ij .- . - - 5 --.s'',',,m',m'M,,' r 2 - r-ut a smr m0 (?) $; (?) fix WE ARE SHOWING THE ADVANCE STYLES IN k n m m. i .hium MEJN7S HATS g 3- FOf? SPRING -a fi ALL THE NEW Shapes and Colors A SPECIAL NEW LINE OF Caps For Spring t Lr US SHOW THEM TO YOU (i - f DAIII TADFY f r VL UIVKLI w The Clothier FUR.NITUR.E UNDERTAKING ED. AMACK s AX.L THE PHONKB NKWHOU9K BLK. 1. 0. 0. F. Grand Lodge To Be Held Here The Omutl Lodet) of tho Indcpoml ciil Onloror Oild I'VUowh will hold u suisluu o tlniL body la tlio oity Mon , dny itftcrnoon mid uvouiiiu' of Jluich Uud This Is I lie llrit tim m tliu 11 t tury of tliu onliT Unit Hud Cloud lias ' tlUUU ftlVUICll With II M'8l0Il of tliu( Ui'Hiul ljodo. Tin IJruiil Miisun- ind all liiiiolllcoid will !) licic uild tliu woik will ho oairli'dout In fiiuu. M.iJiy mumlu'is fi-itm tht other lodges in .the county aio expected mid Ihc iitU-nd-j iim'u pioniiscs to bu lu'o. Th follow liitf is the pioynuii which ' will tn c.inii'd mil. in full AiUIums of Wi'lconiu (jimiuI liopiusentutlvo l'aul Stbry Husjioiibo " lira ml Maulor Fiauk Jolin . b'.'M , Woik in Thlid Hcki-oo " bj llui Adhuni hedtfo. bchool ol Imtruction and Km Diilicatioii of bKCfot . Woi K by Graiul Maste . 10:30 W lluf loslimuMitii Oidur. t Slant-Talks by Uiaiid rfcoretary 1. 1. tiacur Grand Mai.slml ftj. M. (Jail)ui', liiothori:. J. OvurluV 'l all Visiting mothers. A and Oood Off the Ucal fcslutclruusftra. 450 2000 3300 Ileal Kstatc Transfers for Week ond iny February 17th, llH. Compiled by M. V. Cuter, Uohdod Abbtracter, Kcd Cloud, NebrubKa. A. A lioreu and wlfo to E. U. Overman, wd, lols 21, 32, 23, 23, 3U, lilk. 10, Foe-Mcbnde Add to Cowles and part nK noJX sec. 4---10 , $ A. A. iluicu to Itiuium lioreu, wd, uM M ty " aw 10-2-10... , United States to Oeore II. Cur tis, patent, bo 1-1-0 James h Kiuhardson und wite to Claude A. Fierce, wd, cj nw 32 Ml Melchior Volk aud wife to Kol umub C. Chevalier, wd, w 31- 3 12 , 20000 George G. Holt and wife to Ed win, T. Foe, wd, lots 1 to 10, In clusive lu lillc. 8, Foe-Muiirldo Add to Cowles 400 Hastings J. Mllner aud wife to HariyJ M liner, wd, lots a, D,' 10, Itlk. 15, Vances' Add to Guide Uock 20J0 ilarry J. Mllner and vlfe to " Sirah M Miluor, wd, lots 8, 'J, 10, lilk. ir, Vauoes' Add to Guide Hock...., 2000 Romulus C. Chevalier, et. al., to Mcltthior'Volk, wd. e uef III and nvJ4 U2-4-12 Omcr Gagnoii,,, toMelehior Volk, wd, sei bee. 31-4-13 Frank Mler and vyife to William E. Montgomery, wd, nwf 31-1-11 MortgngeH (lied, $48,130.10. MortgHges released, 87,07.").00. 11000 12000 12000 Royal Neighbors to Hold Meeting in Omaha in March Omhlm, Neb., Fob. 17th. .Mr.s. A. K. Slevunbon of JJi-oltoii How, Neb., is in Oinalia arranKiiiK for tho aiuiuil con vention of Uoyal NelKhbotH of Nebr.m ku, which meets in Omaha Match 18 and llit'li. Mrs. Stevonsou lias oigui'i- i.ed her committees fiom tint ulno Omaha camps and lmi plans working for a rupicseulative meeting. Six hundred and fifty camps will Lo represented, according to Mrs. Stuvou bon, by one or moiu delegates. The slate camp meets every three yens. At Mis. .Stevoiibou's suggestion the following rcbolutlop has been adopted by local camps: "lie it resolved Unit we exui'tnvery eiioit within our power to discourage- unscrupulous methods which may be discovered and the per son or faction employing the same to bo beveroly reprimanded by the State Oracle If brought to ber notlco." Masons Hold A Big Meeting Here Tho Masonic Fraternity held ome Veiy lntt'ii'Nting and instructive bes- Ll,...u I. ...I l.t. !.!.... ..i .....I ......... iiuin ,111 I' 1 lilllj llliri IHIUII (lilt, UIC7U- lug. He'l Cloud Chapter No. ill con feircd tin degree work on four eandi- ' dates. Dining I ho session a ti o'clock banquet and a 11:. Hi luueli were set veil. I The 'of town momburs piesuut wcie: William Deloiduuder, Macon;1 (Sus IveiMiu, .). j. Mori is, l. W. Shop liardson, Klvm ton; I. li. llolviu, It. C I'uteis, tiiilde llock. , The tinning meiubuiH of oilier chap teih wutt: Uobcrt ltellly, Hubert .Smith St. .loe ; Autry, lliveiton; Con ductor Rogers, Oxford Theso sessions will bo long lumMii- beied for tho elllcieut work piMfoimed aud for tliu geueial good uliCer mid hobpitality, which oluirnutciiod all the eiUert.iiuiueiiis. Another after noon and evening soblou is to be held February 27lh. Avery Goes to Red Cloud A deal was madu last week .sajs tho lliveiton ltovlow whcioby the .Malone Averv Conipiiny caiuo into possession of the Saiiuileis iluii. lumber yaid aud business at lied Cloud. The coming into posstssion of it, iniikis a change in the situation hetu lu ltlvcitou, by the leitioval fiom our midst of the Avery luinily who exjiect to'movu To ltcd Cloud, it goes Without saying that tho community Is soiry to have this estlmablu family leave ltiverton They have been numbered among our best citizenship and their going will make u vacancy lu the alTalis of Klver ton's social and material welfare, hard to bo reconciled to. Hob Avery Is u successful luiubeimau mid under stands the needs and lequiremeuts of the business from a to z. Ho is a booster and ijot a knocker mid wo trust that he will prove uu addition to the progressive business interests that dominate in the commeioial activities of the city of Uod Cloud. Wo arc in formed that a Mr. Oeorgo Arnup, of Duboiae, will take up the duties to be vacated by Mr. Avery at this place. lie will occupy the Avery residence und will arrive here about the ilrst of the mouth. YOUR HOME Will have the BEST music ONLY when it has an Edison Phonograph. Disc, Cylinder, $60.00 to $475.00' , IG.OOto 200.00 Come in and let us prove it. E. li. NEWHOUSE i OptomctrisUand Jeweler RED CLOUD, - - - Nebraska C Report of the Condition -oi'tiii:- Webster County Bank E!E1 CLOUD. NEBRASKA,. Charter No. 1011), luc-orpnrntcil In tho Htuto ot NelinmUa, at the oIiidu of ljutliit! I'oIj. 11!, 1'JH. iti:sounci:s: s Loans niul OlscoiuitK i'j,(i77. n, OvenlrattH, houurtd anil iilixicurul .. 'UVSl Kurnltiiroiuul KUlnrth 1,500.00 1 Current oxponscH and taxis jiald ..... Uuu Iroiu national and oiato hanks ....... Checks and Hums of exehauiju rJ7 bl Currency 'J.'llJ.OU (Joldeolu , 1JJ.00 Silver, ulcktlsand ctnlH ... 4"jl.Hil iotat ciiHluiii hand ........... 'JI.'Jl'.MI 23 VWJS usS Rugs! "xm&iaszmsm uinunimwi ijw Having Just Returned Ftpmf Market Where I Personally Selected A Large Line of . RU G S I Now Have a Complete Line of Rugs i In All Sizes and Grades And In j All The Late Patterns ROY SATTLEY I Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer. f rt tww. Kelation or dnaoe or Ear to Yield of Corn The superintendent of tho Texas substation at Temple, after n careful ' ' study of thn i elation of shape of ear to Tumi !ri),ijs.7i( yield of corn, concludes that slightly'iu.ifii.s: ' tapering patent ears glvo tho liighnst Uajiltnl stock paid in ... (UVXtfuw i'Mi This Is in accord with the re- HtirpiuH futut .........,... ........... 2,woo suits of oxporiinents at tho Ohio K. UiiiIIMcIirI itruiltN . ... Drf1A0 iiiTinienL Station. In which oxtromolv . lupoiing eaisgavo siigiuiy ingnor re ktilts than cylindrical oar1'. High Individual depowlU nii)Joct toeheok. . . V , W.070.VJ Donuuuri&fjl tc.u(jl 4f jiimu :, .. . . t.wam TIlHUCulllili'llcoldii.olt . .9KI, Total ili'iMMtM . ' 99.07') Oft lK'oUorh' mutuant) fund ..... . 77. u" I Total $l-M,l.U76 1 County ot Wilwiui. f I I 1,H. It. I'l.iiHA.sfl., eaxlilor of tho above I named lanU,lo hurtdiy swiur that tluiulmo ! Htateuicnt u a correct ami tiuo copy of tliu I report niadu to the .State II inkliii; jloard. j H. lt..n.OUANCi:, j .vrrisi: Ciwhier. y. H. 1'i.oa vN( i;, Dlrrotor, It, r. Mi.Hii, HJrutnr. f Hul)scrll)td and nnorn to licforo mo thin tilth day of Teh , 11)1 1. O. ('. Tkki., (rti:w..j Notary I'ubllc. Vov a short time only I will hell good table potatoes for 85 cents per bushel. .1. A. Hurden. yields weio associated with compara tively smooth Jtoruols or slightly inoro than avoVago depth and of medium horiitiitibs. Tho yield inci eased with mi increase in tho total weight of the iur in determined by slight increase in length, amount of grain, and lather maiked incrcuHu, in weight of cob. In experiments at tliu Ohio and No braslta experiment stations it was found that, tlio hlgliestj'lolds were ob tained with medium to medium long ears. Poorly filled butts and tips were inoro frequently asioclated ,wlth high yields than well lllled, but higli ylolds were mote frequently associated witli well lllled butts than with well tilled tips. "The old score card placed much emph.islson good filling of butts and tips, but for several years past lu- vestlgators have been getting away from this Idea. It has bceu found that theso characters, when highly dovolop ed, aro usually so developed at the ex pense or more valuable characters, such us yield, constitution, etc." Tliero appoared to bo no relation be tween yiold and. shelling percentage uudclrcumferouco mid width or thick ness of kernel. Omaha's Chances for Big Regional Bank Increasing 'I III !...! Onnhii, Neb., fob. 17th. Omaha's chaucos for a legioual bank aro In- ci easing if repoits from Washington mo to bo relied on, livery member of the Nebraska delegation, with ouo ex ception, is in favor of Omulia. Secretary of State W. J. Itryan has given tho Omaha delegation assur uuces that ho will favor Omaha over any other city outside of the state should tho competition narrow to Omaha and others of the middle west section. Senator Hitchcock also has express- 4'ijj oil I. ,.!! .1.... n ,. i . . '"i w.. ..... uuuui Hi 1,1, UIUNIIU S aOlO lO f ' caro for u batik and that, ho Is favor-, fe ably Inclined to the location of a bauk ' M t''. ,H ?i M in the Nebraska metropolis. The Chief for all the Ubws, h AJA-MtfAUf,& , ' V r iXY) I