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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 5, 1914)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF F r- Bs Iff Hi IJM S It C" V FIRS m D COLLIDED IN DENSE FOQ AT DEAD OF NIGHT. CARELESSNESS IS ALLEGED Forty-three Drowned When Steamer Monroe Goes Down Captain Claims Carelessness the Cause. Wrtern Ncwupnper Union News Sorvloe. Norfolk, Vn. Forty-three persons wont down to their death Friday momliiK at 1:35, when the Merchants and Minors' liner Nantucket Bunk tho Old Dominion liner Monroe. Wireless lists forwarded by Captain Johnson of the .Monroe, returning with tho survlv ors on the Nantucket, rIiow: Ix)Ht Passengers, 19; crow, 24. To tal. 43. Saved Passengers, 3G; crow, CB. Total, 01. The Monroe was rammed amidships, practically cut In two, nnd sunk within ten minutes, twenty miles southeast of flog Island. Captain Johnson of the sunken Mon roe and all his officers but one were nmong tho saved. Tho lost olllcor was Second Engineer Oatley. "S. O. S." calls reaching out to the coast stations started every available ngoncy of rescuo Into action, but not soon enough. Whllo tho Nantucket backed off, low ered boats and began sweeping the misty sea with her searchlight, tho Monroe, her passengers pitched out of berths In night clothes, sank like a plummet. In tho swirling vortex of tho sinking ship men shouted and ' women screamed through tho mist. Tho Mon roe wont down so quickly that thorc wns llttlo tlmo for launching boatH, and It !b believed that tho only refu gees wero those saved at once by tin Nantucket. Charges Grose Carelessness. Norfolk, Va. Charges of gross care lessness nnd ncgllgcnco on tho part of officers and crow of tho Bteamer Nantucket have bpen mado by Captain Johnson of tho ill-fated Monroo, which mink Friday morning with a Iobs o1 llfo of forty persons, nnd who has libeled tho vessel which sunk nor foi 91.000,000. In his formal papers, filed In the local federal court, Captain Johnson placed rcsponslbllltw for tho accident squarely at tho door of tho Nantucket Ho alleges that sho was navigated at a dangorons rato of speed through the fog, that tho Monroo's signals woro ab solutely disregarded, and that every law or navigation was violated by the Merchants nnd Miners steamer. Cap tain Johnson alleges that: "At no time was thero any care lcRsnoss or negligence on tho part of officers or crew of tho Monroe. Tho blamo for tlio accident reBts entirely with tho Nantucket. "Tho Nantucket was running at a dangerously high rato of speed through a fog that was dangerous to navigation. "Tho 'Nantucket did not hoed the signals of tho Monroe, but kept on her courso and 'her ofllcors apparently mado no effort to provent tho col llslon." Washington. "This Is tho first tlmo in tho history of tho Old Dominion lino that tho llfo of a passenger has been lost nt sea," said II. B. Walker of New York, president nnd general manager of tho Old Dominion Steam ship company. ''Tho lino wbb organ ized In 1867. Sovon stcamors bavo been In operation for several years. Tho Monroo was tho Btaunchost of tho lot. Sho was put Into Bervlco In 1902. There was llfo saving equipment aboard for nearly double tho number eho carried on this trip. Undor tho navigation lawB, wo are required to have 100 per cent equlpmont at this season of tho year." Find OH at Dawson. Dawson, Nob. Workmen engaged in drilling for water on tho farm of Com modore O. Grady, three miles, north east of this place struck gas after digging ninety foot In sand. Tho roar 'of escaping gas was heard" for half a mllo around above tho roar of tho drilling mnchlncry. Somo water was Btruck In going down nnd gas causes It to bubble and roar nnd steam in throwing out. Tho discovery confirms tho Idcn that thoro is oil and gas ns woll as other mlnoral deposits in south eastern 'Nebraska. Gets Judgment for $2 000. Pawnoo City. Florenco R. Bothol's Judgmont for $2,000 ngalnst Pawnoo county for tho death of her husband, ttobert Bethol, who was fatally In jured by tho collapse of n brldgo on tho Kansas Btato lino road, has boen upheld by tho supromo court of Ne braska. In doing so. tho court holds that a county In Nebraska cannot escnpo liability for Us share in main taining bridges on a boundary Hue road, oven though tho bridge was built originally by tho adjoining county in Kansas. Hog Cholera Fight Success. Washington, Gratifying results markei tho efforts of the department of agriculture during tho past year to combat hog cholera In Indiana. Mis souri, Iowa and Nobraska by means of anti-hog cholera serum and farm quar antines. In a statement Just Issued It is nsscrted thnt of tho hogs actually Bick when treated, tho department's inspectors lopt but 25 per cent. Of well hogs In diseased herds less than one per eopt died after inoculation with serum. THE WORK AT WASHINGTON DAILY GRIST OF THE NATIONAL LAWMAKERS. Epitome of the Work and Bills Pre- suited and Passed by the Two Houses. Western Newspaper Union News Bervlco. Saturday. Tho Senate Senator Brlstow asked a $1,000,000 appropriation for Investi gating irrigation by rcsenolra in the middle west. I'ostmnster General Burleson's re port on government ownership of wires was submitted. Senator Lano criticised Interstate commcrco commission's action on bis resolution to Investigate alleged re bating to United States Steel corpora tion. Ho withdrew his remarks when several senators demanded nn apology. Senator Robinson announced con gressional commission on Indian af fairs would investigate charges ngalnBt former Acting Indian Commis sioner F. H. Abbott. Senator Cummins attacked baals of distribution in agricultural extension bill ns favoring southern states. Adjourned at 4:32 p. m. to noon Monday. Tho Houbo Resumed debato on tho Immigration bill. Representative Kahn Introduced n bill to appropriate $600,000 for a marine hospital In San Francisco. Representative Cox introduced a bill to require tho army to make Its eaddlcry and boots nt a quarter master's depot in JcfferBonvlllc, Ind. Representative Lovy of New York appeared nt tho trust hearing before tlio Judiciary committee. Adjourned at 0:29 p. m. to noon Monday. ' Friday. Tho Senate Foreign rolntlons com mittee recommended renewal of nil pending arbitration treaties. Considered nominations in execu tive session. Adjourned at C:10 p. in. to noon Saturday. Tho House Began debato on Bur nett literacy test immigration bill. Representative Stanley testified at tho Judiciary committee's hearing on trust bills. LouIb D. Brandcis urged uniform accounting for corporations before the commcrco committee Bill to creato six vlco admirals of tho navy introduced by Chairman Padgett of tho naval committee. Adjourned at 6:40 p. m. until 11 a. m. Saturday. Thursday. The Senate. Foreign relations com mittee suspended business in memory of tho late former Senator Shelby M. Cullom. Nomination of Col. George W. Gocthnls to bo first govornor of tho Panama canal zono sent in by Presi dent. Wilson. Administration rural credit bill in troduced by Ropresontatlve Fisher. Adjourned to noon Friday. Tho House. Mines commlttco mado preliminary arrangements for taking testimony in field in tho Michigan nnd Colorado strlko investigations. Roprcsentntivo Brltton Introduced a bill to mnko tho salary of tho gover nor of tho Panama canal zono $15,000 ' n yenr bo long as Colonel Goethals holds tho office. War dopartmont asked for $25,000 to continue collection nnd compila tion of revolutionary war records. Adjourned at C:20 p. m. to noon Friday. Blizzard Rages. Bismarck, N. D.--A severe blizzard raged throughout tho central, western and northern parts of North Dakota all Wednesday night, causing great suffering to live stock. Thermometers hero showed a drop of 44 degrees In twenty-four hours, registering Thurs day at 14 bolow zero, tho coldest of tho winter. Now York. Certain records of tele graph, telophono and cable companies must bo preserved a yenr, others for three, somo still longer, nnd others permanently, nccordlng to new regula tions Issued to become effectivo at onco by tho interstate commerco com mission. For Presidential Primary Plan. Washington. Secretary Bryan ad dressed tho Common Council club horo in favor of tho stato presidential primary plan. Joseph W. Folk, so licitor of tho stnto dopnrtmont and presldont of tho club, which wns formed for oxtontlon of tho presiden tial primary plan advocated by Presi dent WllBon, Introduced Mr. Brynn as tlio "richest man in tho United States, not in silver nnd gold, tout In tho of fectlons of bis fellow cltlzons." It was decided to proceed with tho op ganlzatlon of branches Postmasters' Examinations. Washington. Competitive examina tions of applicants for about 1,500 fourth class postoffices, whore tho present postmnsters woro not appoint ed undor tho civil service regulations, bavo bcon ordered by Postmastor Gen eral Burleson. iTho states affected aro Tennessee, Kansas, Iowa, Arkansas,' Nebraska, Illinois, Missouri, Missis sippi and Louisiana. .Tho examina tions will bo held at places designated by tho civil servlco commission, be ginning March 2 and continuing until the latter part of tho month " i in ii i - i i iii m in wjiw i "PIGS IS PIGS" rrnnvrluhl I LABOR LEADERS ARE SCORED MIDDLE WEST HARD HIT BY WORST STdRM OF 8EASON. Labor Leaders Scored for Failure of Copper Strike Asks for Survey of the Missouri River. Western Newnp;ipor Union News Service. Chicago. After causing six deaths In Illinois nnd Indiana the most severe storm of tho 1913-1914 winter season In the middle west swept out over Lako Erie nnd up the lower St. Law renco valley Saturday brushing the northern part of Ohio. Chicago, In dianapolis, nnd other Illinois and In diana cities CBcaped from tho grip of the -blizzard but at Detroit 2,000 labor ers fought desperately to clear streetB and tracks. Eighteen inches of snow have fallen, nnd hundreds of automo biles stand desolate and stranded in deep drifts. Street car traffic has been entirely suspended In Grand Rapids, and northern Michigan cities are cut off from communication. Score Labor Leaders. Indianapolis, Ind. Scenes of the wildest disorder mnrked Friday's ses sion of tho United Mine Workera of America. Duncan McDonnld, secre tary nnd treasurer of the Illinois min ers, charged that Samuel Compere, president of tho Amerlcnn Federation of Labor, was "gloriously drunk" dur ing the Seattle convention and. on other occasions. Gompers denied the accusation from the convontion plat form. He called McDonnld a "Hnr" and a "slanderer." Chnrles II. Mover, president of tho Western Federation of Miners, reiterated tho chargo that if tho Michigan copper miners' strike failed it would be because of financial assistance not given by tho Amerlcnn Fedorntlon of Labor. Wants Missouri River Surveyed. Washington. Congressman Lobock has urged on tho houso commlttco on rivers nnd harbors tho necessity of providing a survey of tho Missouri river from Kansas City to Sioux City, with respect to Its availability for river traffic. Ho also urged tho crea tion of a river Improvement district covering this area under the supervi sion of tho army engineer corps. Trachoma In Lincoln School. Lincoln, Nob. Thirty-throe cases of trachoma in n single school horo has led tho board of education to author ize tho immedlato hiring of enough assistants to Dr. Knight, school physi cian, to make war on tho disease. The thirty-three cases were found In a school where tho total registration is only a trifle over 200, indicating that a comparatively largo percentage of the children had become infected. Mexico City. General Huortn, to "show that his government is not" 'broke,'" Saturday gavo Nelson O'Shaughncssy, American charge d'affaires, $40,000 to pay 'the United States, the annual payment, fixed a hair century ngo by Tho Hngue tri bunal for church lands In southern California confiscated by tho Mexi cans. Suicides After Killing Wife. Delta. la. Following n family quar ol hero Albert Taylor, a farmer, re cently from Nobraska, shot his wlfo twice, then shot himself nnd cut his throat with a razor. Whon neighbors arrived after hearing tho shots they found Taylor dead nnd Mrs. Taylor dying. Bryan Gets Big Vegetables. Mobile, Ala. S. Imura, a Japanese gardener here, has sent to Secretary Bryan at Washington two rndlshos weighing thirty and twenty-eight pounds respectively Warrant for Cachler. Superior, Nob. County Attorney Brubakor'has filed a warrant for tho arrest of A. O. Felt, cashier of tho failed First National bank, An tho county court before Judgo Peebler at Nelson. Tho complaint Is mado by ox Governor Bailey of tho Exchango Na tional bank of Atchison, Kas., charg ing Mr. Felt with obtaining money un dor false pretenses by selling n noto with chattel mortgngo nttnrhod that proved to bo worthloss. Tho noto was for $2 590, secured by a mortgage upon nlncty-flvo head of steers. FIVE MILLION DOLLARS TO KEEP WAR MOVING. Reserve In National Bank Stock to Be Limited Reduced Express to Be In Force After February 1. Wi'siern Nuwspupcr Union News Service Juarez, Mex. Five million Mexican dollars received up to dato is the amount of cash which tho rebels un der Gen. Francisco Villa possess to carry on their revolution. In addition they claim possession of much per sonal property, stores, cattle and land confiscated from rich families and valued at many millions. Tho cash represents pajt of the wealth obtained within six months under tho direction of General Villa. It was accumulated from forced loans on banks, mer chants, mlneB, on tho Tcrrazas and Creel families and from taxation and Import duties. Rebel leaders .said it would be impossible to estimate the actual wealth of the revolution, the proceeds would be sufficient to run a government in the rebel territory for several years and tho sources of reve nue are increasing. , The mines and smelters are reopening on terms by which tho rebels procure 10 per cent of tho profits. The money now in tho rebel treasury is to be converted into a now issue of currency to replace various kinds of paper money now in circulation. Reduced Express Rates. New York. On February 1 the ex press companies will put into operation tho new rates order by tho interstate commerco commission. Under the present tariff it costs G5 cents to send a five-pound package from New York" to St. Louis. Undor tho now rates tho cost will bo 32 cents. Now it costs 80 cents to ship a ten-pound package to St. Louis. Tho new charge will be 44 cents. Other reductions an in proportion. CANNOT EXCEED THE LIMIT. National Sank Stock In Reserve Must Not Be Over 6 Per Cent. Washington. It has been made known that tho federal reservo organ ization committee has decided that no bank shall bo allowed to take stock In tho reservo bank In Its district amounting to more than G per cent of its capital and 'surplus. Tho law clearly states that a national bank cannot take less than 6 per cent, but it is not so plain thnt there is any limitation on the amount above 6 per cent which might be subscribed. The organization committee, however, de cided G per cent from anyone would be sufficient Boys' "Pig Clubs" for the South. Washington Organization of "Boys' Pig Clubs" In tho southern states is the latest step taken by the depart ment of agriculture as a means of re ducing tho high cost of living. The dopnrtmont is endeavoring to Interest tho young southern farmer in the breeding of good bogs, tho object be ing to raise at least enough pork for homo consumption, nnd, if possible, a Burplus for the mnrket. Will Be Civil Governor of Panama. Washington. Col. George W. Goet hals will bo mado civil governor of the canal zone and when ho gets through with his work thero nn effort will bo mado to get him to superin tend tho construction of tho proposed Alaskan rnllway. This was tho opin ion expressed by several porsons close to tho administration In commenting on reports, thnt tho chief engineer would eventually become commission er of pollco of New York city. Celebrate Emperor's Birthday. Berlin. Emperor William celebrat ed his fifty-fifth blrthdny Tuesday, hale nnd vigorous In body and mind and nblo still, as was shown by his recent woodchopplng exploits, to undertake tho physlcnl work of a man in the prime of llfo. All classes of his sub jects Joined In observing the day, cele brations being held by university and technlcnl school students, by acade mics of arts nnd sciences, by army and navy officers, civic organizations and by municipalities and veteran as sociations throughout the empire. BRIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA, Floyd Smith was accidentally shot during a wolf hunt south of York. Tho Wabash Grain company will erect a new elevator at that place. Jack Noico of Hyannls broke an arm while cranking nn nutomobllc. August Schultz of Germantown la dead from tho effects of blood poison ing. A number of well-developed cases of smallpox have been discovered aU Salem. Two- enormous wolves were killed In a round-up near Holmcsvlllo Inst week. Thoro Is n movement on foot for tho organization of a local Y. M. C. A. nt Havelock. Mrs. John Wclland, nenr Madison, Hiilclded by hanging herself In the bnrn. It Is thought she suddenly be camo Insane. Tho next convention of tho State Firemen's Association will be held at Nebraska City. Grand Islnnd has received her new flro auto truck nnd is testing It out before accepting It. Tho political situation In York county Is warming up, and candidates aro beginning to declare themselves. The Fremont retail merchants' asso ciation Is opposed to tho support of a baseball club at that place In 1914. Over 3,000 men have attended th religious meetings of the Y. M. C. A at Beatrice in the past threo months Burglars visited tho home of Wil liam Yager at Hastings nnd app'ro printed a diamond ring valued at $125 The new music hall erected on the campus of the Lutheran seminary at Seward has been formally dedicated. Wolves and coyotes have become nlmost a menaco in Lincoln county, nnd a war of extermination has begun. Bernnrd, the seven-year-old son ol U. G. Chapman, living a mile south east of Wymore, was drowned while skating. Medlll McCormick of Chicago will be ono of the speakers nt tho bull moose rally and bnnquet at Lincoln, February 11. Tho soven-weeksold daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Jones, living near York, has beat all records by cutting several teeth.- Having served threo terms already as superintendent of the Bartley pub lic schools, Professor Duncan has Just been re-elected for a fourth term. Tho Utlca Farmers' Elevator com pany declared a 2fi per cent dividend nt Its annual business meeting last week tho largest in Us existence. More than 300 pounds of honey and ten swarms of bees were Eccured by tho contractor In charge whllo tearing down nn old school building nt Ncllgh. Tho five-year-old daughter of Frank Finney, at McCook, got a kernel of corn In her ear, and It required sev eral hours' work on the part of a physician before it wns removed. While George Clay, nn Omnha col ored sport, was entertaining a num ber of friends at n week-end house party, two strangers entered, held up the company nnd relieved them of six dollars. Moving pictures will be Introduced is a regular feature of the Christian 3hurch services nt Hastings by the new pastor. Rev. J. E. Holly, who has an up-to-date outfit of his own. E. C. Brlggs and Harry Heatfy, of McCook, had the rare fortune to shoot and enpturo a golden eagle. The bird measured over seven feet from tip to tip of wings, and Is still alive nnd an object of Interest. Wenzel Lnndkamer, an eleven-year-Did Powell boy, received numerous bad burns on tho face and head when a 22 tnrget rifle that had been con verted Into n shotgun "back-fired" when ho discharged it at a rabbit. Wllhelm Flege, now appealing for tho third time to the supreme court of Nebraska from a penitentiary sen tence Imposed upon him nt Pender for the killing of his sister, Louise, will again be admitted to ball In the sum of $15,000. A number of horses have died in the neighborhood of Mynard with what the veterinary surgeons call cornstalk disease. When an animal is affected with it he becomes crazed, and often runs Into nny obstruction which may be in the way. Somo bavo been killed In thnt manner. At tho second annual convention of Nebraska commercial club secretaries, lust concluded at Lincoln, the follow ing officers wero elected: A. M. Con ner of Grand Island, president: R. E. Riley of Falrbury, secretary-treasurer; W. E. Whltten, Lincoln; W. A. Ellis, Omaha; S. D. Thompson, Nellgh; J. E. Tlllotson, Harvnrd; C. O. Wcrtz, Crawford, vice presidents. Tho discovery of several cases of measles in a school room at Hastings resulted in n holiday for tho pupils nnd a thorough fumigation of the building. , Donald, tho ten-year-old Bon of Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Cjtrtis of Falrbury, sustained a broken arm whon ho fell from a turning polo on tho grounds of tho East ward school. A cream separator being operated by Mrs. Lars Nelson, nenr Upland, ex ploded, throwing pieces of the ma chine In overy direction, but the lady miraculously escaped without a scratch, but very badly frightened. On Monday, February 2, tho Grand Lodge of Nobraska Odd Fellows will hold a session of tho grand lodge nt Soward. Tho district is composed of David City, Ulysses, York, Dorchester, i Havelock, University Place, Beaver ' Crossing, Waco, Mllford, Utlca and Soward. I Harvey Penso, formerly editor of I a newspaper at Stromsburg, has filed 'suit in tho district courj at York against Dr. Fllppln, a negro doctor, In tho sum of $10,075, for Injuries al leged to have been received when the doctor assaulted him as he was about to board a train. "OR SLUGGISH LIVER No sick headache, sour stomach, . biliousness or constipation by morning. Get a 10-ccnt box now. Turn tho rascals out tho headache, biliousness, Indigestion, tho sick, sour Btomnch nnd foul gases turn them out to-night and keep them out with CnscarctB. Millions of men nnd women tako a Cascaret now and then nnd never know tho misery caused by a lazy liver, clogged bowels or an upset stom ach. Don't put in nnother day of distress. Let CaBcarets cleanse your stomach; removo the sour, fermenting food; take tho excess bllo from your liver nnd carry out all the constipated wnsto matter and poison in the bowels. Then you will feel great. A Cascaret to-night strulghtono you out by morning. They work, while ou sleep. A 10-cent box from any drug store means a clear head, sweet stomach and clean, healthy liver ' and bowel action for months. Chil dren love CnscarctB because they never gripe or sicken. Adv. Harsh Judge. Judge Stephen C. Grecno, at a din ner in Charleston, was defending n harsh sentence. "I nm a conservative," said Judgo Greene, "and I believe that it is bet ter for law nnd order that sentences should err on tho sldo of harshness rather than on tho side of lenity. "Look nt nature, the great Judgo of its nil. Was thero over a harsher, severer Judgo than nature, who sen tences each and every ono of us to hard Inbor for llfo?" ECZEMA ON ENTIRE SCALP R. F. D. No. 2, Suuileld, Mich. "I was troubled with eczema.. It began with a sore on the top of the scalp, broke out ns a pimple and grew larger until it was a large red spot with a, crust or scab over it. This became larger finally covering the entiro scalp and spread to different parts of the body, the limbs and back and In the ears. These Bores grew larger grad ually until some were as large aB a quarter of a dollar. They would itch, and if scratched they would bleed and emart. The clothing would Irritate them at night when It was being re moved causing them to Itch and smart eo I could not sleep. A watery fluid would run from them. My scalp be camo covered with a scale and when the hair was raised up It would raise this scale; the hair was coming out terribly. "I treated about six months and got no relief and after using Cutlcura. Soap and Ointment with two applica tions wo could notice a great differ ence. It began to get better right awuy. In a month's time I waB com pletely cured." (Signed) Mrs. Bertha. Underwood, Jan. 3, 1913. Cutlcura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free.wlth 32-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cutlcura, Dept L, Boston." Adv. Deadly Work of Scorpion. Some scorpion bites causo little more than burning pain and numbness in tho part affected for a few dayB. But tho moro poisonous varieties cause dea'.',i, and that especially, when thoy sting young children or de bilitated old people. Tho lower class is of people in Mexico suffer more than the well-to-do, because of their custom of going about half naked most of the .line. TAKES OFF DANDRUFF HAIR STOPS FALLING Girls! Try Thlsl Makes Hair Thick. Glossy, Fluffy,' Beautiful No More Itching Scalp. Within ten 'minutes after an appli cation of Danderino you cannot find a. sjlnglo trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will pleaso you most will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair, flnu and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp. A llttlo Dandorlne Immediately dou bles tho beauty of your hair. No dif ference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, Jubt moisten a cloth with Danderino and carefully draw It through your hair, taking one, small Btrand at a time. The effect is amaz ingyour hair will bo light, fluffy and wavy, and have an nppoaranco of abundance; nn lncomparablo luster, ooftness nnd luxuriance Got a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton'a Danderino frdm any atoro, and prove that your hair is as pretty nnd soft bb nny that it has been neglected or Injured by careless treatment that's all you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will Juat try a life tie Danderino. Aldv. Their Kind. "Have these nlrcraft any kind of' wheelB?" "Cortnlnly, thoy have flywheels." Only Ono "BROMO QUININE" Tbai Ii LAXAT1VB UUUMO (JUIMNU. look for In Denature of H w UUOVU. Core a Cold InOa. bar, Card Grip In Two Dui Ho, Tho only exercise some people get U throwing bonauets at themsolvea. If raw r " y V ii) itiSj aWliEliwtHfca! MvmVJ :&&, N.-im..hi UA ?v. &A yh uu. a-isw. .ii