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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1914)
... , I ! m --V rruM lim i Tptfl?flyfWfff PflwMPrtwi4wrfi,wf' i i , w Tw.h,ft?MHiig, ....ft.. , .niT,,-.,.1,,,? ,..-,.- -"T,lu,-..mlrr.;,,ji..,T i. , ,t.wh.jttf.t ,t r.i tr ib i Trr,, ...n., ti-iW. wW.fct,, w W, -J -- - -jir nvni rnrrmiimnn n.i mhj.ji immWpih jrji::tt&B&M&g i l " imniiMiiw RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF mUAW mmim m.wm ... , .- ... . , l i V . r. I? I T ; M ( I I! am im 1 n Commissioners' Proceedings lied Cloud, Nebr., .Inn. 13, Wit. Board of County Comml'sloiicrs mot In regular fctsslou. MemborH present: T. .1. Chaplin, (I Ohiiislcclc, W. O. Hoffman, I'ttul Stoiey mid Floyd Mc Cnll. ' Hoard culled to order liy clerk mid tipon motion proceeded to elect the chairman of board for 1014, and nfler balloting novoral times Floyd McCall was elected chairman for tho yciir 101 i. Upon bin lofiiMil to accept Mild chalrtniiinlilp, the board proceeded (o balloU ituaiti, and after hovuml tliiitH, T. .1. Chaplin wan the tin minions choice of ald boinl for ohnliiinti for 101 1. On motion tint following bo'dover bonds woic approved: II W Koontz, county trusuicr; Geo II, Ovcrlng, county Mivcjor; Jfld. Atuaclc, eoronor! J. M. Dean, road ovoineor, dlstrlut !; W. 13, Toinphltis, constable; 1. It. Uolvln, Just lot) of tho peaco; John Konzaelc, road ovorrieer, (llhtriot '1H D. D. Sttinkntd, road overseer, dlntrli!t 0. Hond of V. V Qerhurdt, architect, apirovcd. In the matter of sealed bids forprlnl ing olllco Ntatlonery, etc., which have been lllcd with tho county clerk by the following named persons mid ilruiH, rlz: Iiotisliaiisen Supply House, Loup City Nebr. Klopp Printing Co., Oinuhii, Nebr, Mine Hill Loader, Hluu Hill, Nebr. II. K. (Irloo Drug Co,, Hcd Cloud, Neb. Commercial Advertiser, Red Cloud, Nebr. Coming on now for Investigation, on motion Mild bids wore opened and Button taken as follow: On motion the bid of II. E. Orleu Drug Co., for oluss "C" olllco htutlonory, bo accepted and contract be n wauled to wild II. 10. Giteo Drug Co., for thojenr lull. On motion all other bids arc hereby re jected. On motion cuch and every county otllclul shall imrchiihe all supplies through the supply committee, .Storey, MoCall, Holl'miiii and Ohmtedo. Montlou made and seconded that lho semi-annual statement and the delliupieut tax list be .given to the Webster Counly Argus and the Hluden lintcipilso for the ensuing year. 3lo tion curried. In the matter of Hettllng up with the vatlous eouuly ollleeih, Ohmstedo and iioiiuuiti wore uppolnteil to eneck up the tollowlng: County judge, county buperintendent, sheriff, district cum t clerk and county cleric. T. J. Chaplin, "Paul Stoiey ami Floyd McCall to set tle with the county treasurer. On motion .). V. Htoolcinnn'a bill for nifdltml attendance for J. A. Dice for ."i0 was cut to $.15, On motion t ha following bllU wore. .audited and allowed and the clcik authorized to dnuv wurtunts on their i cspeutivo'fumlH In payment of same: General Fund 1) Kdson S 15(i O I) Hedge S3 10 H IiGrlco Drug Co 7r 70 Anna llclle Spauoglo 7 Oo J J (Jarbor 5 00 .) A TomUbon 1 r.o t Kd AmacU i) 25 lMllhlj MoKelghan sO 11 IA orctt JJeau l 2J Kwm Lovejoy , i 30 Dr. A II Uaulen 1 so Delia FalrbanliH 1 00 C It Hose 1 01) llobt. Damerell :j 0j V K Maurer u 00 D 1) ijuudoi son 8 01) Otis Li-gtol , . 1 00 MlUe f'owoll '1 r0 C G I'itney 1 20 U13 Hunter 1 r0 II C l.ovejoy 1 ;w O 11 lluigc-s 1 no W l: Hear 1 fit) Geo H Overing (Jj 1 A Albright '.'.... 10 t'O Li3ta.,ce 81 10 F. G. Turnw'0 & Son W '0 Weesuer, Perry Co 3o 73 Diamond MilliugCo 1 20 11 J Munror 11 50 Weesner, I'orry & Co HI 00 State Journal Co "1 50 F C JJiibchow 8 75 M Durdln 0 'Jo Miner UrosCo , b 00 Harry Vaughan 10 50 Klopp Allmtlett Co 3 05 ADHaunoy K to J W Stookman 35(0 YanccSoigesou W 0 110 Wilght 51 bl II liGilco Drug Co 5 (30 l'aul Stoiey 17 00 Gertrude L Coon.- .. . . 107 110 Morhart Dios.,.v .. 11 10 It S I'roudlU Lumber Co 10 50 Poor Farm Moihart Bros ". 11 Si Elmer Wilson 150 00 Uetl Cloud, Jan. 10, 10M Board mot in ectuion with nil mom here present, .f? To the Boarilf Wo your committto beg to report that wc find tho accounts of tho county treasurer to correspond with bib Biml.unnuttl 11 pur t now on filo with tho 'county clerk. Respectfully submitted, Pout Storey T. J. Chuplin V Com. Floyd JKcCiW To tho llnnrd: Wo your committee uppi iiilcil in nettl- wiin cdiil ty cltik, county Mipurfntcndcnt, clerk of dlntrict court, sheriff and county judge, that their nccouiita ru hb per their reports now on file in tho county clofk'B office. Il.'Hpcclfully submitted, (. OhniHtrde r W. (J. Iloirmnn i Ujm' On motion tho abovo und foregoing reports of tho Hovornl fcommlttccd were upprotcd and tho clerk Instructed to spread tho repotttt of tho several county officcra on tho record. county juoan's nnrouT To the Honorable B-jnrd of County Commliudouors. .Gentlemen: I beg leave to report eoi earned by the olli Co of tho county j-nlu for the your 1U18, also for I If term Hiding 7, 15)14: I'Vum from J.11.11. ri 1 'lUto.Iuly ' 1 'l'J S73 59 Foc:i from Julj 1, 1913 to Jan- tiur 7, 1011 8G7 Co Total fccH for year 1913 1740 14 KxceflH fcea for yeai 1913 90 14 Fees for tho term j ea 1912.... 15G8 41 Feeii for the tenn year 1013.... 1740 14 Total fees for tho term ending Januury7, 1014 3314 58 Exccbb fees for term paid coun ty treasurer 14 58 State of Nebraska, Webster county. I, A I). Kinltey, county judge, do hereby certify Unit, the above atatc mentof fcea collected in the office of the county judge, for tho year 1013, und for the term ending January 7, 1014, in trim and correct to thu best of my knowledge. A. I). Kanney. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8,h day of January, 1014. Audited andupproved thidlSth duy of January, 1014. E. V. Boss, County Clerk. My J. J. Garber, Deputy. W. G. Huffman G. Ohrmtedo o Com. nci'OKT or P'lKItltT Bed Cloud, Jan 2, 1014 Report of O. D. Hedgo, Sheriff of Webster county, Nebraska, and F. A. Hedge, deputy for thu nix months end ing December 31, 1013: Fees for county work $ 00 50 Mileage for county work 81 310 Fees for other work 112 51 Mileage all other work 33 GO Totul $ 352 01 County treasurer receipt No. 701 attached 112 51 Rtspectfully submitted, O. D. Hedge, Shoiiff. Approved January 15, 1014. G. Ohmutcdo ) W. G. Iloirmnn f. Com. ItnroIlT OP COUNTY CI.EIIK Red Cloud, Jan. 0, 1014 To tho Honorable Board of County Commit blotters. Gentlemen: I heto with bubmit my report as to the bal mice or focBon July 1, 1013, and fuiM collected the 3rd und 4lh quarters of oaid-year and tlidhursementB of eumc which is aa followf, to-wit: tint or teoH on hand July 1 '13. .$ 283 80 I illy receipts for paid year .... 58 00 August 81 10 Septrmber " .... 112 20 October " .... 110 30 November ' " .... oo 50 December .... 102 53 Total fees for 3d and 4'h qtrs. . 560 35 Bal on ImtidJun 1 and feoocol. 810 21 Disbursements as fallows: Paid J, J. Garbcr, halanco of salary for year 1013 506 35 Paid offices expenses, sundry Items as per fee book .... 52 89 Paid office expense, extra help In olllco during time of traking tax list and 3J dnya since- 95 23 Bal on hand Jan. 1, 1911 101 72 Stnto of Nobrneku, Webster County. I, E. W. It iss, county clerk of said county, hereby certify that tho foro- going is a true mid correct report of all fees and disbursements of my office for tho 3d and 4th quarters of the year 1913, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Witness my hand and official seal this Cth dy of January, 1014. Audited and approved this 14th day of January, 1914. E. W. Ro?p, County Clork. By J. J. G arbor, Deputy. G. Ohmstodc. rv,m W. G. Hoffman f U)m' UEPOUT OI' DI3TIUCT CLERK To the Honorable Board lof County Commissioners of Webster county, Nob. Gentlemen:-!, Edith L. McKeighan, cleik ot tho ilidtrict court, hereby re spectfully euumit tho following ub n true and correct report of feos collect ed in the office of the district court for the year 1913: Fees and Hiilnry Jan. 1U, to Jul 1st, 1913 $ 749 50 Fees nnd salary July 1st to Dec 3lHt, 1913, inclusive .... GC3 51 Total nmt col. for year 1913 .. 1112 81 Witness my hand and tho seal of said court this 14th day of January, 1914. Edith L. McKeighan, Cleric District Court. Audited and approved this Mil) day ofJunuary, 1914. G. Ohm i' ode. I W. G. Huffman J Cim ItEPOIlT OF COUNTY SUTKWNl'ENDGNT Report of Institute Fund, Jan. 8. 1911 Receipts Bal on hnml Julv 2, 10131 $262 58 Fi-ui to.- ix 11 iiiKi'i.n and re- corded teachera certlft-. cates G7 00 IitHlitulo fees ..... County Biard xppropdation 101 00 75 00 Total Kxii!tiditurcs Examinations at Nnrmul train- points Exchange 508 58 G Gl 20 Gencrnl meeting of teachers at Cowles 7 10 Institute 335 21 T..U 340 18 HiUnce on bund .... 150 JU Kcjiecl fully submiitid, Gi-rlitt'c Ij. Coi, (3", 5?u; rioti 1 i'oi I. Sibucrilid Hud sworn i bifcr me tldi8 hdiy of Juuuiiv, 1011. Approved January 14, I0i4, E W. R-fs, County Cleik. By J. J. Garher, Diputj . G. Ohmntodtj. ) Cent. W. G. Hoffman S To tho Honorable Board of Webster County. Gentlemen: -Being ncressary to appoint two deputy assessors I will appoint for your approval W. E Patter son of Harmony, and Geo. W. Baylor of Red Cloud precinct. Approved. J. O. Butler, County Asjcjsor. On motion Miss Coon, county super intendent, is hetoby allowed the sum of $75 for Institute fund during tho year 1014, nnd clerk instructed to draw war rant on general fund in payment of same. Motion carried. The chairman appointed McCnl', Huff man nnd Storey us the county fatm comm.itcc fo. 1014. The chairman uppointcd the bridgn CTinmiUee IU follows: ' District No. 1 -Chuplin, Hcffmnn and McCall. District No. 2 Hoffman, Storey and Chaplin; District No. 3-McCall, Ohrnstede nnd Chnplin. District No. 4 -Storey, Ohrnstede und McCall. District No 5-OlimsleJe, Storey and Hoffman. On motion the following list of i'e-na as fixed by the county board pliull be estimated amount of oxpenecs for said county of WehMcr and state ol No bruskn, for tho ensuing year 1014. County Superintendent 5 1800 00 Court 3000 00 Incidental 8000 00 Books nnd'onnry 1000 00 Coroner 200 00 Cnnrnlsaiouero & equalization 3500 (0 County Attorney I2t;0 00 A'eorund ileputicu 2500 0) County roatli 20000 00 E'octlon 1-00 00 CouutjPoor 10(10 CO Bl'idgoi 210OO 00 Soliilm relief E00 00 Insane 2000 00 Com t Hoiiio Levy 230CO 00 Totul 590500 00 Tho following claims were allowed: G. Ohnialedo $ 25 20 W. G. Hoffman 23 00 Paul Storey 50 00 Floyd McCall 25 50 T.J. Chaplin 17 20 Charles R-ddcn' 2 30 M. Durdln 430 Tho following official bonds were up proved: Meinto Bargman, mad overseer, Dis. 4. Johann Rose, road overseer Dio. 3J. II. L. Schonk, road overyear Din. 16J. C. M. Wilson, road overseer Dis. 15. Tlie following notico was ordered to bo published: NOTICE TO UIDDEHS Notice is hereby Riven that sealed proposals will bo received at tho office of tho County Clerk, Red Cluttd, Nh liraskn for the moving of ihn present C iurt Houe to n point 120 font west of of peient location and placid on u temporary foundation, county to fur nish material for fourdalion, bidder to preform all labor and material except H ' M iri III Phl will h iLV hl 1 1 I HC M he r' In provided Snl J f.mrt li 1 in 1 ipu- 1. 1 n t liter ttthii Ap il 1', 1014. BitHrr to furnish bond in the um of J500.00 to secure bud insure tho preformnuce of the contract if awarded. All bids to bo on file with the County Cleik not later than Fob 1, 'II at 12 M. By order of the County Commission otr. Ai'j uir,ed to February 21, 1011. E. W. Kosf, County Clerk Farm Loans Lowest rates, best option. Call for me nt State Batilc. C. V. CArltcn. I IB l, Just As You fire I KUWIIUt J Wouldn't Ch.tni,c a Thing That is the spirit of M6dern Photography. And with tho fast plates and fast louses of to day, thu clever photo grupher can tako you, "Just As You Aro " In fact, having a pic ture taken in a modern filudto is us pleasant as an informal call on good friends. Multe tho ap pointment today. Stevens Bros. k4 STUDIO t1 Substitution Has Played Havoc with many 11 family's most cherish iished, long planned homo because they followod the. advice of some otic-idea builder who thought per haps to improve upon Nature's own ti led and tested material lumber. The time to guuid ngainst disap pointment is at the start. Look mound and Investigate the fiamo houses that have been standing for as many as thlicy years and compare Ilium with those constructed ot 'other materials. Time nlono Is. Un real test, of home building niatorlais, bectiuso you don't build a home every ten yeuis, and few people can afford to expetluietit with or theories. After making; ymtr com. paiisons eonio In and sec tho 11 1 'e, bright lumber we have in stool: and let us loll you in actual figure what u good frame house will cost you today. Heal facts are deadly to substitution. "There's Na Place Mite Home" Saunders Bros. Red Cloud, Nebraska CAMP THE CHIROPRACTOR Red Cloud, . Nebraska Socoml Houso North ot I. O. O. P. Hall O Consultation and Spinal Analysis Free o Plisnc lnd.212 u3USSggj0ttfgffKtSmgmgfagfg Fresh I From The Fartnrv a nim vvwm f , M 1UVV Line of Useful FURNITURE Don't Fail To See and Inspect Our Line ED. AMACK All The Phones Furniture and Undertaking 480 ACRES 222 Under tho new hmiiostsud law you can flic on n free 320 ncro homcatoul In Wyoming nt n cost or 82.0u and buy 1C0 ncros of government pasture las d adj'iinlng for St. 23 per aero NEW HOMESTEAD FOLDER: Our now homestead folder-just from tho press will tell you all about tho acreage of government laud in each of tho counties along tho Durlingluu In Wyoming,-and contains n lot of Informa tion of value to jou. ' TIHBER AND VOALl Von can tune up thcho lands where timber, coal and building btone may be hid free of charge- within reasonable dlbtaueo. Such an opportunity ought to interest you. Write mo today for a copy of this new l'reo Government Lauds Folder. ' HTlnTfH Staple WE assure you ihat our groceries can be de pended upon for any or all of your meals. Fresh goods added to our stock every week. 1$ Are you one of our many satisfied custo mers? If not, we solicit a trial order. P. A. WULLBRANDT THE HONE GROCERY V . J Dr. J. C. Caldwell PHYSICIAN 6 SURCEON. Calls Answered Day or Night Olllco Tellioncn: Iioll.oa; Jmt. lM. Ken. Tdcphones; Hell, lied ST,; Ind.lJO. Office Over .11. A. Albrltht's Store Red Cloud, -:- Nebraska J. (1. EliWflGEH General Auctioneer Recommendations My Former Customers. ... Write cr Phone Red Cloud, - Nebr. D. Clem Dcaver, Immigration Agent too 4 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebraska Groceries DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud -" Nebraska DR. DEARDORF VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate Chicago Veteiinary Collego TWKI.VK VKAIIS KSPKRIKNCE ATIIAILISV'STIB DARN Rod Cloud -.- Nebraska Widow's Pension, The recent not of April 10th, 1003 gives to all holdlors' widows n pension 812 per month. Frod Mam or, the at torney, has all necessary blanlca. V r r fi