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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1914)
JTi'arf'j. VHaw&i CU5-7' jcMarr-jiisa prjJ&r .(MWHHytrTS'jv-- ,vM 1 c,q: .VN W Farmers' Institute, Cowles, Neb., Jan. 27-28 tTT- f,glsyjgJ3jiCSgiaga'ax'- . SS.3,iJsny t,. -. -"2sK-e:-. a2ri'si-. rsjSSSdl: T;.:7rs; r:r-.iT...r i;:: V - J!F- - r i - - s i - -tn ".??EL!-r!Z', "TSt?!?-. i. ;3r:KL"-c" P".fe... W. umA h' ' HK." JUj 9 i 1 JMll . - --;2ir -te k"ii?fe:,ir H4ia-Hrrrrfc ',. L 4 h V -,f- -:'. .'?. yc.yftf r,3S -J .V tfc J-5 - VOLUME 4'J S5": Jr r- - - xn. -rzzzzrzrr7i- - jftzr i , 'iaiL:, i1 tia1 1 Mm.1 wkmrr m"'f "-- miT-' j . nm ww ,iv Wi ") mJ.1 ' O-1'1 j,fMMi. Your Duty To Your Family is not only save for a rainy day, but to Safeguard Your Savings. YOU CANT LOSE if you deposit in this bank, because we operate under the State Guaranty Law, and every dollar is protect ed by (tie State Guaranty Fund. Besides that, this bank is sound and safe andjGqnservatively managed your money herajojdd be safe without the State Guar anty, but with; the added protection, you simply can't lose no matter what happens. 0 . vl ii 0 iii ft it ft J i i; ii) ri ?" ' :fl -a C) WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA " Per Cent Discount $M?w S- JKL WOT CASH Will Be Given On Suits, Overcoats and Trousers In addition to this discount I will give on some special lots of suits and overcoats a discount of 33 1-3 per cent I am closing out Boys Shoes and will SAVE YOU 50 to 75c a pair on them . Some high tops at $2.25 ' 20 Per Cent off On Sweater Coats, Flannel Shirts, Sheep Lined Coats, Duck Coats. All the Boys and Children's Knee Pant Suits go at 1 -3d off. To clean op some odds and ends slightly soiled drew shirts, will sell "Cluett" $1.50 shirts at 75 cents. No goods sold at These PAIL $T0REY The Clothier :-..a7?v ,aasB.fcsau- -33 J.raiZLrsrj&iMj k; -"v-- i ivt.. rvwrwjtiii wvMssfi?v .., ku.u .iAvtu.w .w;itXMAin isxp-tM. ;5i.---jfir-- ' , v .MssKLtfc,Tfe. . n t i n i i T i iTi nrin iM rr it ii mil it mSfr &. ".rVv-K J, MBlimTO'tf? r I r t ratttiBiKflffiAM iiVri tii iiii ii ttii i ill L iWl i WHMf ii Try -- "'"iillhiM HiSiMn W .- MKmXnrMt'T-.'jimme-tim c . wr r - k -v , vk-K . -rr irfc .tii - ik.' iBBr'iiraaiaj mr .inr - . a. rM v -i- a--in . aa.' KiiC?i i ' 1 1 im t i - - ;iii' rrj-am m.- t ' r jumv. 7 f v v-r-w m Per Cent Discount prices Except for Cash. BSS COi tf" rOTc!2SW A Newspaper That Gives The News r RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JANUARY 15, 1JU4. Red Cloud Citizen Writes San Makcos, Calik., .Jum. 0. 1!U. To Tlio Chief and Friends: I have besn tliiurutij,' for some iioio I would drop you u few lines to let yon know liow we tire pussing tlin time in this, pleasant sunshine of Southern California. Itiu(lo3d, is h pleasure to spend one's Nebraska winter in a land of flowers and fruit. .Mrs. Litiilsey and myself left San Dleo Dee .'loth., to attend the wod dhitf of Clyde I'icrco and vlhlt Goo. Pierce and family. I just had the pleasure of reading jour raluublu'papei' and it seemed like reading a letter from home I see you are having winter, I won dr how it would seem t the people here that were always residents of this eountry Hii.l many of them have never seen a ll.iUe of snow. As I am now writing the thermomet er Is tvgiHMjrhig US degrs iu the ami. The fields of grnlu nre jfrowtug flus. ost of thuerops'nre now iiowed.' Tl grttss and saiall grain r tut in is me of itbiHit .lime at home. UrHtigeh au4 lemons ate nov Ueingr tileke.l and khipptd. Vegetables of every description grow here, btrnw ucrrles, luiJt:iisl I er aw. - ooxus for t!,Veeills. No eii.i' to ilU, felaniR'; lobsters" ufld II line shtikuup on the ocean if one wishes. Mrs. Lindsey's friends can aslc her whether she had t; little experience going over to the Coronado Islands. Mrs. Lindsey Is improving nicely and 1 urn holding my own. . As ever your old friend, G. W. Llvdsev. Y. M. C. A. On Wednesday evening of last week the Executive Board of the Y. M. C. A., held its regular meeting, at which plans were discussed for the continua tion of the work the coming year, in cluding several features designed to increase the interest. Some competit ive team work and other athletic feat ures are planned. Among other business transacted, an order was granted for the payment of one year's rent foe the present quart ers, S200. The new library feature is being taken advantage of by many, but there are many others who are missing a good thing by not using the means at hand. It having come to the knowledge of the Board that the pool halls of the city are permitting high school stud ents and others under age to frequent their places and pluy therein, a reso lution was adopted directing the Chair man to notify the proprietors to dis continue such practices or tho Board would take steps to prevent the renew ing of license to them. KANSAS PICKUPS (Prom Hmltli County) Jease Hockings made a business trip to Red Cloud, Monday. Miss Arlie Morris is visiting at her uncle's Roll Stones this week. Jesse Green and family visited at the Andrew Upp home Sunday. Quite a number of the Pawnee people are attending the revival meetings at Highland. Dr. Tweedy and family of Lebanon are visiting with T. S. Spurrier and wife at present. Miss Lizzie McCoy and sister Mrs. Ora Pochner of Wichita, Kas., were guests of Mrs. B. B. Spurrier, Sunday. Mrs. E. E. Spurrier and daughter Melba returned Friday from a visit with relatives in Kansas City, Mo., St. Louis, Carlinville, 111., and Minneapolis, Minn. Whllo away they attended a family reunion at her father's homo Christraus day. - Farm Lmrs Lowest rates, beat option. Call for me at State Bank. C. F. Catiier. Fifty - two Weeks Each Year Fer $1.50. Former Red Cloud Boy Married A pretty homo wedding was that of Clyde C. I'elrce and Miss Xulpha (Jreen nt the homo of Mrs. A. It. (Sreeir in Twin Oaks The home was prettily decoratedt the color scheme being pink and green. At 7:.'10 Sanjer's wedding march was played by Mrs I). Trucey and tlie bridal party took their places under u pretty ennopv of green and white tin. dor the wedding bell. Uev. Sherwood spoke the impressive words that made them mini mid wife. The ring service was used, following tho minister came the (lower girl Miss DoraCiok, followed by little Verna) Green r.i.g hearer, bride and gri'iun, I hrluV.t in. nds Alice and I'Mith (ireoi'j slster.i of the briile, Groomsmen I'liiud j f'eiffee and i .ory .Sheets. The brine won; a beautiful jjowiv u't white silk mwlini! witlu a veil of ' oruaga t'-lort-.uini itml curru'.! n tf CUeivke roses tied with rlhlmm. ,HSI The groom ,wc lv blnak, "suit uud it'lmttaoliole b H't' ol urauge tiihcKxn. ' AftSr the wretnouy an clulferat. supper was wrred wlien n-'Hry l"ii gut-st partook ottlie hohjiiailitj TheJ were tbtt Meyiiet.ts ofomunv beiWfiiiltip nKftt rifts riuriS&n thv, esteem in which the joung couple jvere held. p The hitppy couple loft for Lis Amrul j " . " . i res and otucr'Californla cities to spend r their honeymoon and on thelc return will make. Twin Oaks their future home. ' TJie following day a family recept ion Vjjs hold, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I?elrceftbout 2fi guests were present nnil (uul1('pieusaiittimQ. Mr. Clyde Pcirceis well known hre as he is the son of Mr: end M&"viGfeo7 Peirce who resided here many yeari, but moved to San Marcos, Calif., a few' years ago where they now reside. The Chief along with the groom's many friends here wish them much joy and happiness. , COWLES Earl Hill was a passenger to Blue mil Tuesday. C. E. Putnam was transacting busi ness in Red Cloud Monday. Fred "Turd is in possession of the lumber yard during the absence"of Mr Good. Morgan. Davis has taken a position as clerk in A. A. Boron's Hardware store. Mrs. Curtis Deal left on Tuesday morning for a short visit witli iter daughter at Kearney. The Right Place store Is being de corated with a new coat of paint. Mr. Shuman Is doing the work. Mr. and Mrs. Seward Brubakercame in on the train Tuesday evening after an absence of about two weeks. Ilarry Dedrick came up from Red Cloud Tuesday and expects to com mence plastering the school house. Charles Foe came in from Litchfield, Nebr., Saturday to spend a few days with his mother. He left for his homo Wednesday morning. If you are interested In any phase of dairying, do not fail to be present at the Farmers' Institute Jan. U7-28, and listen to Mr. Dawson's talk. F. A. Good and son Walter left for Lincoln Monday. Mr. Good Is Presi dent of the Lumber Men's Association and he is attending to some business matters relative to the association. They expect to be back in a few days. The A. O. U. W. lodge No.. 218 had a public installation Saturday evening. The members' families were invited to attend. The following officers were Installed: P. G. M. W S. P. Stark; M. V, C. E. Pntnamj Foreman, L. R. Hunt; Oversoor, G. G. Holt; Guide, ' Freddie Fuller; I. W., G. A. Wells; O. V., I, L. Paul, After the coremonios the tables were brought in and also a good many tilings good to eat which was very much enjoyed bv all. '96S69S96SSSC9699S9e9f YOUR Will have the BEST music ONLY when it has; an Edison Phonograph. Disc, Cylinder, 4 Come in and 8 ' - 8 R H. NFWHniTSF. ' JO ja, f. AM i Hi Optometrist VI RED CLOUD, - - SSSSSSSSSSSe3S3SSSC390 m t SrW fi&ytt&vwK For spring plowing the old reliable kind wear well and work well and give entire satisfaction. We make them and 1MMM. !.. iL.fc .a. I-........ ? 1 ii "i .1 r 1 tLi JL Harness Store. q)7 Headquarters v for Harness of every description 23 yean cxpcucnccjprDuiKung narness. iow is ine one oi year to oil your' harness before spring work. Begin it Keeps the leather soft and pliable, prevents it from cracking and renders it water-proof. JOE FOGEL C THE HARNESS HAN fl Fresh I From The Factory, a nice of Useful FURNITURE Don't Fail To See and Inspect Our Line ED. AM ACK All The Phones NUTMBER3 HOME $60.00 to $475.00 15.00 to 200.00 let us prove it. u v .U. .Ii '' UhpT '" and Jeweler - - Nebraska fl Do You Good Harness? 8 I Furniture and Undertaking I i m f iti i -' M t. f u t Hi w f t II 'i. .r!j