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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1913)
ritemnJitmlx . I.Fv , "jUiaLi" Vt'' RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OHIEF m M The Fair Football Enthusiast tik I.V 3"'" I V vV A You'll find this smart s.ji rvv ' ' ' U let V y HnCHHfi tp2 ed with lace, an unusual value at $1. Our complete assortment of J. C. Corsets contains a model especially designed for every type of figure. If you want corset style, corslet com fort and corset wear, see our fitter. Sensible prices $1 to $6. VWWWUWUWWWUWWUWi : ' ' HOME NEWS Bulletin of Tho Week's Doings A".V.V-V.W.V.V.V.V.V.V.V. See Warren's restaurant for Fresh Ovsters. Our dluners advertise themselves, II Ludlow. adv See tlie complete Hue of rugs at Miner llros. Co. Prof. Moritz returned home Satur day from Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Trout spent Suuday, In McCook. The County Commissioners were in session 'Tuesday. When Indeed of anythiug in the rug line see Miner Bros. Co. Geo. Topham was down from Blue Hill this week visiting his parents. Ceo. E. Hall, otio of the prosperous bankers at Franklin, was in town Saturday. m m L. DeTour was a business visitor in the city froin-Uuide Bock the first of the week. W. Shepardbon came down from Re publican City Tuesday for a short business visit. Mr. and Mrs. Whitely of Walnut Creek visited their daughter, Mrs. Cy Norrls Wednesday. -. The ladles of the Baptist church will hold a market at Wullbrandt'a store Saturday, Nov. 15. Don't fall to see the New assortment of Coats which arrived at the Miner Bros. Co,, this week. A Great Picture A famous war drama, Shenandoah, niade In the Shenandoah Valley, Vir ginia tiud at Charlestowu, S. C, ' See the bombardment of Fort Sump ter made on tho exact spot. Sheridan's Hide and the battle of Winchester, with charging cavalry, Ac. louo Soldiers iu thrilling battle becnes, At the Tepee next Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 10 und CO. ( G. Tatwe & Son The tJirl who goes in for out door life as well as society will find in thisJ.C. C. model a corset that sets off the charms of her figure to a nicety, and yet allows a grace ful freedom of movement. Jm Cm C College Girl No. 4 The low bust suggests un corseted ease and grace, while the extreme long skirt en hances the natural silhouette lines of the youthful femi nine form. model, daintily trimm L K Johnson of Omaha was a busi ness this city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Cox k returned from their western trip Monday even ing. Miss Dora Doose has returned to her homo in Lincoln after visiting friends here. Lest you forget hot wattles at the Puritan restaurant. II. Ludlow Pro prietor. When you want A Short Order or Fresh Oysters go to. Warren's res taurant. The young people of our city spent an enjoyable evening, Wednesday, in the Masouio hall dancing. Miss Gertrude Milligan of McCook spent the last of the week in this city with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs John Husselbacher de parted the last of the week for Des Moines, Iowa to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Petrie of Lincoln are iu the city this week visiting at the homos of Ed and John Kellogg. Henry Uarman of Hardy stopped over iu Red Cloud Wednesday. He was enroute to Cheyenne, Wyoming. Johu Schlief and wife returned home from Kansas points the last of the week where they bad beeu visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Martin of Doniphan are here visiting Mrs, Martin's father, Rev. O. W. Hummel. Mrs. Martin will be remembered as Miss Nettie Hum mel who before her marriage was a teacher In our schools, The Y. M. C A. has just received a shipment of books from the State Li brary Association to be used in the rooms In this shipment there are 04 volumes of good reading matter, and these in connection with the books al ready at the rooms make a good assort ment to select from. There are books for both, adults and juvenllo readers. Captain Prossur of the Salvation Army wns in lied Cloud the first of the week. He will probably be re memborod by some of the older resi dents of this olty as he held services here some sixtoon years ago. It is said that he will return to this city In a few weeks with a large army of workers who will hold meetings here. Will Mount ford was In Uluc Hill Tucsiltiy. Dr. S.uidet'hou and wife Imvo moved Into Dr. Jones' residence. Mrs. K. IJ. Smith of Lincoln h visit lug friends in town this week. I .est yon forgot liot wntlle.s ut the l'tiritan lustiiurmit. II. Ludlow, Pro prietor. --. -- Mrs. L, M. MoKoltfhmi und daughter Miss Kdlth mo visiting in Himtiiic.s this week. Dr. Crots tuitoed to Franklin Sun day. His wife, who lias Wen visiting there, accompanied liliu home. Yes, more Coats just received at the Miner Uros. Co. Don't fail to see tliein. 1'iiccs range from SO. 00 up in Women' sizes. i Mrs. Geo. Waircti and daughter Mrs. Ned l! times and children, left this morniiiK' for Lincoln to visit rela tives. Miss Gertrude Coon returned home the last of the week from Omaha where she had been attending the state teach ers' meeting. The Miner llros. Co., of this city have just received a new shipment of 75 of t ho newest Styles in Ladies Coats. Prices ratige 80.00 up. Mrs. Hoy Ziut and children of Mc Cook were visiting her graud mother, Mrs. Conurer und also her aunt Mrs. John Person this week. Wo haudle the Mucllor& Kellcrcele brated box candles, also Chase's fancy bulk chocolates. Puritan Restaur ant, II. Ludlow, proprietor. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dawson and daughter, Miss (lladys, and Mr. and Mrs, Holmgruiuof UuldoKock were In the city Tuosday attending the Farm ers' Institute. Mrs. Frank Cowden of lied Cloud is in theclty the guest of Mrs. C. E Stiue. A number of the ladles were entertained in her homo Monday after noon by Mrs B. W. Woolsoy. Superior Journal. Services will be held at the. Baptist church next Sunday and the Sunday following, both morning and evening. ltev. A. L. Candee of Golden, Colorado will preach. A cordial Invitation is extended to all to attend these services. II. L. Simiii who was superintendent of "our city schools a few years ago ha been vUiting friends here this week. Mr. Sams is now located In Soolts bluffs. He savs that section of Ne braska is on the boom and promises to be oue of the best parts of the state. The I. O. O. F., lodge has organized h full degree staff of four teams and have taken on new life. They are now busy every Monday uighttakiugcandl- dates thru tho degree work. The En campment will meet Friday night and u full attendance is desired as there will be work. Friday afternoon, the Red Cloud High school foot ball team and the Oxford High school team will meet on the local gridiron. This will be a good game as Oxford has one of the fattest teams iu the Republican valley. Go out and root for ithe home team and be a booster. Bessie Arietta Jay, aged 1 year 5 months and i days, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cuas. Jay died Wednesday at their home in the north part of town. A short service were held at the home this morning at 10:30 and the remains were taken to Lawrence for burial. The bereaved parents have the sym pathy of all iu their sad hour of be rcavement. Alf. Saladen hearing the old proverb "as handy as a pocket in a night shirt" hied himself to the tailor Mon day morning and had a pocket install ed as a part of his night wear. It all came about because he forgot that his bed room had a spring lock on Jt which left him to parade the cold hall on a frosty, morning. Alf says he would not care if no oue bad found it out but he feels like going over the transom. Keal Estate transfers. For the week ending Nov. lltb., 401.1. Complied by M. W. Carter, Bonded Ab stracter, Red Cloud, Nebr. Milo E. Powell and wife to Char les S, Uetrow, wd,nwsec. 21- 212 8 7000 Alma Kuhn to Ferdinand Wade man, qed, swK 20-1-10 l William S. Bense and wife to Os car J. Sattley, wd, lot 5, Blk. 2U, lied Cloud 7fl00' T. 11. Hawkins and wife to Nimby P. (Campbell, wd, he!.,' nujf, . nuse.(hec. 10-1-10 7200 William S. Bense and wife to Thomas II Hawkins, wd, sw4 8-2-10.... rioOO Uussell W. Shields und wlfo to J3he TEPEE Friday and Saturday XOV. II 15 A Four Hocl Program T11HMAN In the IWIUN-A west ern dinina wlili IlKincho Hilly In fore ground. l'ATIIh WUtiKI.V-Willi lis world wide views. Tho CIKIi. the CLOWN and the DONKKY Comedy. TAHVLUI l-'ALLS. (in.-An Inter esliugHceiiit' liom Hie south. The. FoUliTII KICLIi will lie a good drama. Monday and Tuesday NOV. 17 18 'TlUtKKSCUAPSofPAPKU-nnitna. LVantij. which way did in-: oo-ah .n tertaihiug Comedy. Vilagraph. A TKNOHUHliAUTKD CltOOK-A Itiograph drama. Wednesday and Thursday NOV. 111-20 SHENANDOAH-A splendid 3 reel Civic War feature picture, made in tho famous Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and Cliarlestown, S. C. You can't beat tho patriotic himwiiI of those scenes where the Federals are wavering, when Ocn. Phil Sheridan gallops In from "twenty miles nwav." rallies the scattering forces and snatches a vic tory out of the tire. FIGKLK FORTUNES FAVOR A good drama will conclude tho program. First show at 7:110, Matinee Saturday teruoon ut 'it'M) n in. Bjtcruoou ut 'it'M p. in. Julius Hein, wd, ne' 14-4-10.. lOOOO Edwin T. Foe, single to Laura Angle, wd, lots i:i, li, Blk. l, Foe & MclJrlde Add Cowles. . . lOo C. F. Gund nod wife to Mary E. Clark, (cd, nej ,11-l-rj George S. Fogg and wife to Wil- helm Busking, (jed, west !: acres of n n j 17-2-12 1 E. U. Overman and wife to Joseph SaladuO'.'.wd, h, sw. 281! 1 1 . . 1700 Emmu Tomliusoii, et. al to Max Buder, qcd, lots !, 10, 11, 12, 13, " Blk. 1, Unide Itnek !125 Frank .1. Monday and wife to W. It. Saundeas, et. al., wd, lots -', 3, 4, f., (!, Blk. s, Sub-Div. An- nex lot VI to Red Cloud 1 Mortgages Hied, S'27,'i3'2.l)(l Mortgages released; 97,030.0(1. t i i i Congregational Church 4lHmv can busy people make prac tical use of tho Bible" will be the sub ject of the set man Sunday morning at tho Congregational chinch. Tho evening service will be In charge of the Women's Missionary society. Papers or addresses will lie given by the following ladies: Mrs. Lucy Stonebreaker, "A General View of China." Mrs. Susan Dixon, "New and Old Forms of Education." Mlhs Eliza Cottiug: "Medical Mis siotis." Mrs. Julia Warren, "Life of John R Matt." Mrs. C. J. Pope, "Work Among the Indians." Mrs. John J. Bayne, "City Missions." All cordially invited. The evening offering will be for missions. G. G. DENNY AUCTIONKKR. muimrior, Mobratka. 3J7 Nor. 10. R. L. Wehrman. 5 miles north and M east of Nelson. Nov. 2o. II. I. Newton, 5 miles southeast of Blue Hill. Nov. 25. O. L. Drake 4 miles north of Nelson. Nov. 2;. JIans Simolson, ,0 miles north of Hardy. Jan. 28. Murel Nash, 4 miles north east of Guide Rock. Feb. s. S. Richardson, 0 miles north west of Burr'Oak. Feb. 3. J. II. Hamilton &. Son, bred sow sale of Poland Chinas, Guide Rock. Feb. 0. W. L. Denny, & miles north of Guide Rook. Feb. 10. Lew Smith, 3 miles north cast of Guide Rock. Feb. 11. U. O. Illggins 3 miles north of Nora. Feb. 17.. Rodney Rogers, 5 miles southeast of Mt.lClure. Feb. 25 A. T. Cross, Duroc Jersey sow sale in Guide Rock. Feb. 2d, Nate Simpson, 2 miles northwest of Guide Rock. Feb. 31. Jas. Martin, i miles southeast of Mt. Clare. March 0. Barnard and Illggins will make a Poland China sow sale at Nel son. GOOD ADVERTISING IS NEVER AN EXPENSE. IT ALWAYS MORE THAN PAYS FOR ITSELF. m s Going Jiiaay Whollicr you aro or not, its a jjuori idea to Check up your noeds in Clothing and Fur nishings and conic in and sec us. We've prepared for a big Thanksgiving trade and can take care of you in good shape. Kuppenheimer Clothcraft and Society Brand Suits and Overcoats for Men and Young Men. Tho BestCIothing money can buy. Priced Within Your Reach. $8.00 to $30.00 Mens' Ties. Shirts, Under wear, Silk Hosiery, Collars, Gloves, Mittens, Hats, Caps and Fine Trousers. Come To Us For Your Thanksgiving Needs you'll not have any regrets. Jhe Qowden-Kaley (Jlothing Qo. Red Cloud's Fore Most Clothers (E Special Brass Bed Sale During the Week Commencing NOVEMBER 10th. i i I shall make a Special Sale on my Guaranteed Brass Beds, Mattresses and Snrintfs. This is a Bonded Brass Bed Guaran- teed for 10 years has two inch f) posts, and will not tarnish. This Mattress is made of Felted cot- , ton and is guaranteed for Five years, the Springs is made of the best tempered steel Has interlocking top wires, and will not. sag nor lose its shape. It is guaranteed for Ten years. This Combination of Bed, Mattress and Springs will be sold during this sale for ONLY $26.35 This it a rare bargain and anyone desiring fo pur chase anything in this line should see our goods before buying. ROY SATTLEY Licensed Embalmer and Furniture Dealer. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS omNTimr OVER STATE BUNK Red Cloud I Nebraska Look over our liuu of box caudles boforo buying The Puritan restaur ant, II. Ludlow proprietor. adv m. Thanksgiving 9 CoDyriftit 191 J Tht Houte cl KupprnlwtflMf D r Farm Loana-l have a limited a inount of private money to pluee in first mortunffu farm securities, bhort or Ioiik time, at lowest rates with optional1 payments. Write or phone. Daniel. Gaicukii, Kiverton, Nebraska. IT For tfooduesseaUo buy your candies at Tho Hon Ton UaUery. Jusf; receiv ed u fresli supply of Kimball's choco lates tho best ever. ' The largest lino of ruirs In (lie citr on display at Miner Bros. Co. t P i I' IV it v .u J3 1 k ( m Mial 1,1 I'fciSI iota frUMM.aWMriWitHmi (-? TfTswryr