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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1913)
..-. i,...MKw'i4rtfcWfyj uNkuMfli" iv wi... - fw rwn,w jttr jimw ' fe (MnftUc f vyw .'CtOHutVt -. v ,. jr . .. .- 5-anwrti- -Wifs., k :r,rR.,rt .WJ ?n,f rJty.f j'?(j51' ?f Wf f?,H,v - tptHwn''fBiWr & RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF 1 J . ' j i ;.-; M m u m m THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud. Nebraska iUBLlbUM MrKY 'IHUUSDAY Xntcrcd In tin- I'okIoiIIcc nt Hid Cloud, Nob. M Hccond CIiim Matter 0 B. HALE l'UIII.IHIIKIt ffHB ONIiY ItKMUUKATIC I'AI'KU IN WKI1HTKU COUNTY Speaking of baseballIf your boost ing percentage In tills town were hh high ns Ty Cobb's hutting, how inui'h better the mininunlt.v wotilil be. The oetlon of the slate board in oust ing Dr. Thomas from the state noriniil school at Kearney brings up u plni-u of our educational affairs that, should be changed. This condition exists not only with the state hoard but also in ft large degree with the board of Uni versity regont! and the school boards in cities mid rural districts. These boards should not have the authority to remoro a teacher who linn establish ed his Ability to tench successfully with n just cause. For instance before our own school board adopted the permnnent teacher system that board could dismiss anyone ns teacher In the city schools without excuse or reason. This is the power the state board has and it is wrong in principle and often works 'hardship in actual prnctlce. After Dr. Thomas has successfully con , ducted the affairs nt Kearney for eight .or ten years it is reasonable to suppose (that he never would be dismissed with .out a hearing. Nebraska was thoroly aroused when the Joe Cannon methods were disclosed but apparently we have had something of the sumo conditions here in the government of our schools. Jn all fairness to the capable teachers who are educating the young in this great commonwealth of ours their positions should rest on n sure found ation and not tiprn the caprice whim of the governing power. or State Teachers At Omaha Whatever eUe was disclosed at the Jaat state teachers association meeting .the fact that there is a well-dellned idea on the part of a great many teach era in regard to n clique within the circle. This was made so plait that 'he who runs may lead." We notice in the press account's that the leaders of tho association complained that the jiewspapers paid too much attention 7o their quun e! and not enough atten tion to the great work they were doing Tiiis reminds us that someone has said .something to tho effect that what you are sounds so loud that what you say ttfMiinot be heard. :JhcJi'uivrs 0( our cousUtutlQU jdiv rtol.cfl above all things to Leon edllcu-,-tional institutions out of politics. 'That is the theory but it has developed j$i late years that politics has crept in lftpt,iiccaubu of the voters but in spite cat them." The charge was freely made .that this Inner circle of schoolmasters aa used their high offices that tile fav. cored ones were slated for the favorable jpwiUons and every effort has been UNed to HecUre the fat salaries for the alftted ones. Jf the teachers themselves very gen crally beleive that undue inlluence is Iheiug used for the benefit of the fav cored few it is time that the voters of lhe state take the matter in hand and eskange the administration. The re gmblicanB have been in charge of the ifltate Superintendent's office, for a good Many years and it is time that a demo and filled that office. Nothing but a fean sweep will remove the taint Population Figuring A editorial writer for n Chicago jMjjper has analyzed the 11)10 census grith respect to rural population and teclares that the rich agiicultural laaetlon of the Middle West made otily j small gain in population. Iowa, oWHMidered one of the richest states in jkm union, Bhows an actual loss in in itvritants. Missouri shows an increase jrf.ouly 0 percent. The sixteen great .-agriculture states, the irardeu snot of 'Jtso earth, made a gain of hut l'.'.T per dwut or a little more than half of the Jfenro 21 pur cent for the whole Waited States JMany conclusions are drawn by theor Sritf but the fact remains that farmers -who have mude good in Nebraska have iHwn drawn to other sections in re jKMise to tlhi cheap land lure when tlkey could have made handsome re floras at less risk at home. This shift Ikwr of the population of tho rural see- Hiotis affects every industry IfeMincss in those commuuilies. and 'JBavu you seen those New Coats at ')Hioer Bros. Co. ? A new Hue just io- rejehred yeduesday morning of this fweck. Prices range from 80 00 up in -hu V nit u's sixes Nark H. Warner Visits Here Mark If. Warner, ono or tho former editors of this paper, and one of Him plolicois of the county, has been in the city u few days. Mr. Warner settled in this county in 1872. His brother Joseph C. Warner was the llrst real hotel man of tho city, the builder of thd Valley house. In Irio Mark, wlio was then a com paratively young man, bouirht. the Chief from C. L. Mather, the first own er ami editor. Mr. Warner was wholly without newspaper experience Ht the time, lie had never set astick of type, nor written anything more pretentious than a letter. However, tho times did not require a signal display of editorial ability, and there was a competent type-setter in tho olllce, known as "C'urley" It did not take Mr. Warner long to familiarize himself with the business, and the Chief of those days was not unworthy of its general his tory. The purchase price of tho paper, at that time was, wo are informed, 9.100. In 1H77 Mr. Warner sold out to Mr Thomas, and having married in the meanwhile, went upon his farm south of the river, and soon became one of the leading f aimers of this vicinity. His homestead was the land now own ed by Mr. Barlow. In addition he owned two or three adjoining quarters. In 180.'! Mr. Warner removed to the Kig Horn country where he has made his homo ever since. He has served the government as a forest ranger in that part of Wyoming, and his own particular locality as a county com missioner. He is extensively interested In horses and cattle, and it was a shipment of cattle to Omaha that was tbe occasion of his present visit to his old camping grounds in Nebraska, where he was gladly greeted by the old timers, who knew him only to respect and love him. Commissioners9 Proceedings llEII CLOUD, Nkii., Nov. 11, 'l.'l. ltnaid met pursuant to adjournment Members present viz: T. .1. Chaplin, C. Ohmstede, W. (. Hoffman, Floyd Mc Call, Paul Storey, Chairman of said Hoard. In matter of J. M. Harrows tax, he having paid S.1.07 taxes in Missouri, this amount, was deducted by County Treasurer upon orderof thelloaVd. Upon motion the County Treasurer is ordered to strike from the tax list the assessment of S22.'.'.'i of J no. Dar w lu, on account of duuole assessuieut of state land contract. lly ouler of the Hoard the County Treasuier was ordered to refund S'J .17 to Mrs, Jaclisou, on account of an erroneous assessment f On motion the following claims weio audited anil allowed: UENKR.M. FtlNI) M'.U'H rti Angle g so oo A. B. Atkins 33 00 Blue Hill Leader 07 70 Henry Huntjer 4(10 Henry Cook 03 00 Comuivrelul Advertiser 07 00 Willis P. I-'uUou ...'..,....'.... ? 85 Charlotte (Jalbraith 35 00 J.C. Mitchell 1 00 Robert S. Mitchell 10 00 W. II.McCord tti. i 00 A.I) Ranney HO HO Annie Helle Spanogle 7.C.. 11 65 JohnOiger 8 00 C. H. Hale 30 00 O. I). Hedge 82 03 Som Llndsey !2 50 II. C. Lindsey.... 12 00 II. J. Maurcr 0 50 BHltKlV. FUND James Alexander 7 30 Fred C. Hock 13 00 Charles Fnl wider 07 50 II. V. Qado W 00 W.V. Lockhart 13 50 William McCord 17 50 CO. Pitney 30 50 William H.Sawyer 57 75 H. L Suhouk 03 50 W B. Toap 75 00 Wells & MoTaggart 92 00 C. H. Wilson Oi 00 Fred Wessell...., 33 00 l'OOlt FARM rUM) George A mack 8 GO Floyd Copley 1 30 Oscar Vannattu 5 50 Wells & McTaggart 0 35 On motion Hoard adjourned. Wolf Hunt November 19th North Line at the River, Hast Line 1 mile east of Line Precinct, South Line 1 niilu lu Kansas, West Lino Frnuklin Conntvlliue. The Comers start nt 0:30 ui. in. and the Sides start at 10:00 a in. Only shot gnus with No. 1 shot, No docs in assistance. l'leao keep the lines lu shape. The Coyotes caught will be sold und nfter advertising ex penses tire pnld the balance will go to the Ludies Aid Society. Lunch on the ltonnd-up. S969WSS6SMHi'v"ss 9 -vwMM iiMiSK Get BaW HI '-kI M fix 11 I II i ii i I l 8 8 J52I Cnprrlcht 1911 by The H. Itlick Cat THE MINER BROS. CO. GENERAL MERCHANTS "A Nighty Safe Place To Trade" Now Is A Good Time To Buy Your Fall And Winter Wants In All Our Departments 1 - - ev .. ' ' '"; ' - a m m,. Annual Meeting Chamber of Commerce The club rooms of the Chamber of f 'oininorce were completely filled Tiles day night at the annual meeting. The members showed their enthusinsin and their faith in the organization bythe'lP presence. The entire meeting was perfectly harmonious and there was plenty of vim and vigor injected into tho plans for the coming year's work. The following 1-. a iccord of the trans actions: Meeting called to order by Picsident .Saunders. Report of Secretary and Treasurer re id and accepted. Motion made and sccomtad the Hy laws, be amended to make the Vice President wild TrcHsuter R member o the Executive board, and to elect eight' members instead of ten, motion car ried. The next order of business being election of officers, tho Chair appoint ed F. W. Cowden and Dr. Boles as teller-. V. O. Hamilton, President. E. L. Grimes, Vice President. K. S Oarber, Secretary. W. A. Sherwood, Treasurer. Hoard of Directors F W. Cowden, T. J. Diamond, D. B. Saunders, H. A. Letson, E H. Newhouse, Paul Pope, Frank Perry, S. R. Florunce. Tho following Is tho Secretary and Treasurer's report. " AnBual Report IlKCEllTH Membership 105 S0.OO each. .8 535.00 Membership dues 1,037.00 Fourth of July Fund G4C.U3 Total Heceipts . . . .S2,103.'J."i nisiiunsKME.vrs Furniture &. Fixtures.... $133.70 ttent and extras 317 00 Billiard and Pool Tables. 183.41 Hand donatlou 82.80 MUcal. expense (Secrotary salary, Janitor, tele phone and eto.) 4 1 0.80 Total Disbursements. . . .$1,087.80 Balance on hand 420.45 Respectfully submitted V. A. Sukrwoop, Treasurer. No further business appearing, meet ing adjourned. K. S. (iArjikii, Seoretary. Notice The members of the Chamber of Comuietce aud all of those having um brellas and pennants are requested to meet at the west side of the court house Friday afternoon at 1:U0, where they will join the purudc. He sure and he there. Committee. For Sale A few Poland China Boais from the noted herds of Phil Dawson and .1. II, Hamilton & Son. Inquire of Joe Crow, lied Cloud, Ifd 3. COAT A Coat And Get St Putting off buying a winter coat is simply depriving yourself of the added pleasure that comes from being among the firft to appear in the new fashions. So buy your winter coat now and buy a coat from The MINER BROS. CO. who have all the latent materials and styles for Fall 1913. '5 Dress Goods in all the Popular Weaves Juft received a new line of Silks for dresses, from $ 1 to $ 1 . 7 5 yd. Also all colors in 36-inch Satin at $1 . to $1 .25 for petticoats. Before you buy that underwear com 3 and look at burs. Can save you money BKRBHRH PHHRES Butterlck Patterns Warner's and American Beauty Corset HaAS9I1 LEGAL NOTICE. TO.Mfl.TONS. (II.ASS:- You are noUtlctl that on tho !Knd day ol July lMi:i. UttttleN. (llnss tiled a petition In tho Itlstrlct Court ol Webster County, Ne braska, niinlnst you, tliu ohjtcr anil prayer ol which Is to obtain a docmiol divorce on the ((round ol extreme cruelty. You are reulicd tonuBWcrthcsuldpcUllon onorbeloruihuBth day ol November, IUi:t. or a decree will be entered MnuliiKt you as prayed lor lu said petition. Dated October !ml, lUUi. IIattik N. lli.VKs, I'laintltl. lly llernurd McNcuy, her attorney. J. H. EIikHlGEH General Auctioneer Recommendations My Former Customers. ... Write or Phone Red Cloud, - Nebr. WEEK FREE! Three Large Beautiful Dolls To be Given Away Absolutely Free. Come in and ask about them ALFALFA LAND. Tho Prince of Monaco was amazed at the ;., i minim on uuiu sines Ol Shoshone Project near Powell, Wyo., all this wonderful development had FARMERS AliE U4HIN6 MONEY feeding this alfalfa to sheep, beef steers dairy cows ami IikuniIi,, ..asiest and most profitable kind of farming. ' Go With Ml: 10 tin: (Ik) Horn BaMn ami IIIh on .. of these government Irrigated hoinesUMils wmm slfalf.i iiil'jhi-. iiiouej. Yuu Nave Ten tears Time without intertst. to.repuy tho Uovoruueut the Hctual wU3k . ...0. ,,. ...... yuu nuvu picniy oi water tor irrigation. You pay down 34 v per acre men skip two years before next payment. Write for map and particulars. && CeprricM ion bjr -1111. Black C OCSvd CSnaA 'Twenty Miles of countless tUO ISlirllllKton through tliA -. and was further surprised to learn that taken place within five years. Now 1 H J sssgea D. Clem Deaver, Immigration Agent too 4 Far nam mt Omaha, Ncbramka y s -1 I