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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1913)
,' ----- - "--- M" 't" ,. . - t-Wir - - -.- yjHvr ,.-- i.w.kj ? ft K IK B i.' I P f G0MIN6T0AGLIMAX LOOK FOR DEVELOPMENTS IN MEXICO AT ONCE. FAVOR THE METRIC SYSTEM Planning to Internationalize Weights and Measures Monterey, Mex ico Scene of Dynamiting and Arson. Washington. Contrary to IiIh usual custom of putting iiRldu ofllclal busi ness on Sunday, President WIlBon worked nil tiny on tho Moxlcan prob lem. Ho summoned Hcnatoni Uorali and McCumbcr, republican members of the senntn foreign relations com mlttco find discussed tho Hltiintlon with them for almost two hourB. Ilo also had a conference with Secretary Ilrynn. From the way the presi dent's callers talked the Hltuatlon Is rapidly approaching a climax and Homo dcllulto dovolopmontB are ex peeled Immediately. Warfare Without Quarter. Lnrndo, Tex. Warfare without quarter with tlio opposing armies, burning and dynamiting ohlco nnd btislncsn buildings, residences, freight enrs and other railroad property lias been wagcil at Monterey, Mex bo tween tho defending federals and be sieging constitutionalists. Many dead woro left in tho streets until a lull in tho fighting Hhould afford tltno for burning tho bodies. FAVOR THE METRIC SYSTEM. Many Countries Have Adopted Its Compulsory Use. Paris. Tho problem of Internation alizing weights nnd measures was discussed nt tho tlfth general confer ence of tho metric system, which has Just finished its sittings in Purls, 8lnco tho last conference four years ago eomo dozen Important countries havo adopted thn compulsory uso of tho metric system. Among theso nro Denmark, China. Japan, the flvo ro j publics of Central America, niilgarln, Chill, Uruguay and Slam. Other coun tries Bcem inclined to follow, and In the opinion of M. C. K. flulllaume, of tho directorship of tho French bureau of weights and measures, "there Is no doubt that tho universal adoption of tho metric system In its entirety Is only a question of years." Huerta Program to Continue. Mexico City. Provisional President Huerta nt midnight Saturday night issued a formal statement to tho dip lomats snylng It Is now foreseen that ''the recent elections nro null on ac count of tho too few precincts having participated In the voting nnd that therefore whon congress convenes it, will naturally annul the elections. President Huerta cxplnlns thnt the program then will bo to call now elec tions, ho meantime continuing his program of pacification. General Diaz Under Arrest. Havana. Jcn. Felix Diaz hns been arrested horo, accused of shooting Tedro Ouorroro, tho young Mexican wonnded by a bullet during Thursday night's nltorcation, in tho courso of which Dins wns wounded slightly General Diaz Is said to havo handed tho revolver to ono of his companions nftcr ho had shot nnd seriously wound ed Guerrero. Guerrero stabbed DIni with a knife. Pueblo, Colo. Pueblo, by a majority of about 600, at Tuesday's election adopted tho Blnglo tax for municipal purposes. Under tho chnrtor amend ment adopted, all tho taxes for city expenses will bo raised by tho assess ment of lots nlono, without regard to the value of improvements. State, county and bond redemption taxes will be collected under tho state laws by the old system. Paris. Tho French foreign office was asked Informally by tho Moxlcnn foreign office If It was disposed to me diate between tho United States and Mexico. Tho French government has taken tho attitude that it will do noth, ing until further advised as to the! policy of tho United States towards Mexico nnd then nothing which might bo unwelcome. Normal Team Out of the Game. Kearney, Neb. nccnueo of Injuries, to members of tho Normal team tho p. .with Central City has been can-' celled. ThlB practically puts tho Nor mal out of the running for tho state championship this year. To Talk on Agricultural Extension. Lincoln, Neb. Tho agricultural ox tension conference will bo one of tho most Interesting events on tho pro gram of tho wldwlnter organized ngri culturo meetings to bo held hero In January. Allahabad British Indla.-WIno ring leaders of an abortlvo plot recently discovered against tho reigning nmeor of Afghanistan, Hablbullah Khan, worn executed at Kablfl. tho Afghanis tan capital. The conspirators were blown from tho mouths of cannon. Hazelton. Mo. A mlstnko Involving Z , " "" or,,ir 8P,U tnom to , St. Louis was resnnnRniin tn . ' deaths or T. J. Jackson nnd Georro Hash, who died from drinking wood alcohol. They had ordered "good" alcohol. . DOINGS INJONGRESS WHAT LAWMAKERS AT WASHING TON ARE DOING. Result of Deliberations on Mors Im portant Measures Given In Condensed Form. Friday. Tho Scnnte Not in session; meets Monday. Hanking committee continued in ex. cctitlve session. Tho Hoiiko Met nt noon. Resolution to investigate the Colo rado nilno Btrlko was defeated by lack of a quorum. Adjourned at 1:22 p. m until Mon dny noou. ' Thursday. Tho Senate Met at noon. Foreign rolatlotiB committee dis missed tho Mexican situation. Hanking committee made fcomc im portant changes In tho currency bill. Appropriated ? 1,000 for relief of Nome storm sufferers, Tool: up resolution for investiga tion of Louisville & Nashville financ ing. Adjuttrned nt 1:25 p. in. to noon Monday. The House Met at noon and ad lourned, without transacting any bus! muss, to noon Friday. Wednesday. Tut; Sennto Not In session; meets Thursday. Hanking commlttco resinned work In executive session. Tho house- Met at noon. After a short discussion concerning nbsontees, adjourned at I2:C1 p. in. to noou Thursday. Monday. The Scnnte Met at noon. Uunklng committee In adjournment to Wednesday. Senator Heed's bill to mako natural gas pipo lines common carriers passed and sent to tho house. Adjourned nt 2:22 p. m. until noon Thursday. Tho House Not in session; meets Wednesday. Saturday. Tho Senate Not In session; meets Monday. Hanking commlttco continued in executivo session, working on ad ministration currency bill. Tho House Representative Necley of 'tho First West Virginia district sworn In. Several members made speeches or. tho lack of a quorum. Adjourned at 1:20 p. m. to noon Wednesday, Arrested on Embezzlement Charge. Cedar Rapids, la. W. A. Wltzlgmnn. ex-president" of tho former Nebraska National bank of Norfolk, was arrest ed Sunday night at his homo on a warrant issued by tho United States district court nnd forwarded to this placo. Wltzlgmnn is charged with a shortage in his accounts of $U,fi29.G7. the grand Jury, In its indictment, al leging that ho misappropriated that amount of the funds of tho bank. Tho (Nebraska National bank of Norfolk went out of existence nnd tho Nebras ka State bank took Its plnco, tho stnto board Issuing a charter for tho trans fer. Want Body Exhumed. Pender, Neb. Former Congress man J. J. McCarthy nnd Fred S. Horry, attorneys for William Flege, twice convicted of murdering his sister on the former's farm In Dixon county, havo mado application to Guy T. Graves, Judge of tho district court, for the appointment of n physician to exhume tho body of tho murdered wo man and to report as to whether Dr. Graham, coroner of Dixon county, or Dr. Mels of Sioux City was guilty of perjury when giving testimony in tho Flego trial at Pender. Authorizes Sale of Indian Land. Washington. Secretary Lano hns signed nn order authorizing tho sale of tho remnant lands comprising 3C,3CC acres in the Kiowa, Comanche, Apacho and Wichita Indian reservations In Ok lahoma. Tho salo will bo by public auction at Law ton, Okla., beginning December 8. Eskimos In Need of Help. Washington. Captain nallingor, of tho revenue cutter Hear, at Nome, has wired to Washington nsk'ng for $2,000 to aid Eskimos in tho vicinity of Nome who suffered severely from tho recent Btorm. Washington. Word has come from tho Whlto house that no developments In tho Mexican situation, good, bad or Indifferent, have followed tho an nouncement to General Huerta that tho United States wished him to ro lgn. Lone Bandit Holds Up Train. Omaha. A robber boarded Burling ton train No. 0, botwoen Omaha and Council niuft's, Thursday night, held up three passengers and two trainmen at tho point of his rovolvor, nnd when tho train pulled into tho Omaha yards, escaped with about $300 and several watches. Ho confined his operations to ono Pullman coach, forc'ng thn pas sengers to givo up their vnluablos. A flagman nnd n brakeman woro added to his string of cnptlves before ho left the coneh. Tho trainmen lost a watch, a diamond nnd other valuables. WHO'S THr HAPPIER? gffflHV- a ry C i? ( 1 Aft iiVtkW HBkaKZsWaLlBLHBKnflffir' v "wlp MgHf APPRAISING NIOBRARA LAND OF ESPECIAL IMPORTANCE TO NORTHWESTERN FARMERS. Government Prices Range from $1.25 J to $7 Per Acre Suffragist Officers I and Delegates Elected at Lincoln. Washington. What Is expected to ( prove a source of possible treinen- i dous profit to farmers is n provision in the tnriff law allowing them to manufacture denatured alcohol o their own premises free of tax. To the farmers of the northwest tills is of especial importance, as every Tarm there produces In abundauco mater ials from which the alcohol is cheap ly manufactured. Two of the most Important of these materials arc corn and potatoes. The socalled "de natured" alcohol Is prepared by tho addition of such ingredients ns will, make tho alcohol unlit for drinking purposes. It Is used extensively In tho manufacture of varnish, explo sives, chemicals and many other com mercial articles. It may also be used in various household appliances, both for lighting nnd heating purposes with more safety than either kerosene or gasoline. Suffragists Elect Officers. Lincoln. Tho delegates to the na tional woman's suffrage association were elected by tho stato suffrage con vention Friday afternoon ns follows: Mrs .Draper smith, Omaha; Mrs. Cat tie, Sewnrd; Mrs. H. C. Snmney, Mrs. W. C. Sunderland. Mrs. Geo. W. Co veil, Mrs. Halleck Rose, Mrs. It. E. McKelvIe, Mrs. John Baldwin, Mrs. Chas. Kountzc, Omaha; Mrs. C. U Hall, Mrs. J. W. Johnson. Mrs. A. II. Dorrls. Lincoln; Mrs. McGerr, Falls City; Mrs. Swnln, Greeley: Mrs. Ncs bit, Pawneo City. The Btato officers woro nil re-elected to servo this yenr with tho exception of Mrs. M .M. Clnf lln of University Place, second audi tor. Her plnco will be filled by Mrs. John M. Baldwin of Omaha. Tho re elected ofllcors nro: Mrs. Draper Smith, Omnha, president; Mrs. Anna Kovandn, Table Rock, vice-president; Miss Dnlly Doane, Omnlin, recording secretary; Miss Mary H. WllliamB, Kenesnw, corresponding secretary; Mrs. W. E. Hardy, Lincoln, treasurer; Mrs. II. H. Wheeler, Lincoln, first auditor. APPRAISING NIOBRARA LAND. Government Prices Rarlge from $1.25 to $7 Per Acre. 'North Platto, Nob. Tho local land officials havo received the following nppralsomcnt of the Fort Niobrara reservation' land which was thrown open for entry by thn recent land drawing nt North Platte. Tho land In that reservation subject to entry In WO-acre tracts, under tho goneral provisions of the homostend laws, hnvo been npprnlBed nt tho fol lowing range of prices: First-clnBs agricultural lands, $7 per ncre. Second-class agricultural lands, $4.50 per ncro. Thlrd-clnss agricultural lands, $2.50 per acre. First-class agricultural grazing land, $2.50 por acre. Second-clasB grazing lands, $1.75 por acre. Third-class grazing lands. $1.25 per ncro. Tho Fort Niobrara lands aro In tho Valentino district nnd embrace forty six tracts, each containing 010 acres, Finally Yielded to Chemical Bath. Taft, Cal. After flaming like a hugo torch for slxtcon days and nights a burning oil gusher near horo yielded finally to a thousand gnllon doucho of chemicals, nftor dynnmlto, steam nnd water, used collectively and soparntoly, had failed to quench it. To Be Known by Names Hereafter. Atlanta, Ga. Prisoners at tho At lanta federal penitentiary hereafter will bo known by names, Instead of numbers, nnd their uniforms no longer will bow the letters "U. S. P." . HICAOO O-ILT . SCAN WIPE OUT THE SALOONS Mrs. Pankhurst Says Women Can Gain Prohibition Will Call a Party Caucus Attempt on Life of Gen. Diaz. Chicago. Mrs. ICniiueline I'nukutirbt expressed her pleasure at tho attitude and activity of women shown Tuesday at the local option elections In south ern Illinois. About 15,000 women want to the polls and nearly SO per cent voted against the saloons. "It Is only a question of time when will drive tho liquor tratlle from Illinois," said Mrs. Paukhurst. Attempt on Llf of Diaz. Hnvunn. Genornl Felix Diaz was Blabbed by a Mexican here Thursday night. Ho was wounded twice, prob ably not fatally. The attack on Diaz occurred while ho wus walking on the Malceon, a fashionable promenade. He was wounded behind the ear and neck, besides receiving several blows on the head from a cane. Dlnz was removed to a hospital. Ills assailant was ar rested. Will Be Neighbor of Bryans. Miami, Fla. Porllro Diaz, former president of Mexico, will live in Miami this winter, according to Rnfael Hues ga, Mexican consul here, who says ho has leased a homo for Dlnz near Secre tary Bryan's place. Ruesga, who is a nephew of Diaz, says the exile will ar rive early In December with hlB fain iiy- Titanic Survivor Perishes In Coal Mine Shnmokln, Pa. Martin Moran, n sur vivor of tho Titanic disaster, wus killed by a fall of coal nt Natalie colliery. He 'was employed aB u sailor on tho big liner, nnd when sho went down he Jumped into the ocean, swam to a boat and was saved. In Massachusetts. Boston, Mass. David I. Walsh, a democrat and distinguished member of tho bar, was elected governor by a plurality estimated at 50,000. Tho re mnlnder of the state ticket was still In doubt whon three-fourths of the election districts had reported. The democratic leaders claimed a complete victory on state offices, and tho re turns ns far as tabulated seem to sup port this claim. Democratic Governors Elected. Lincoln, Nob. Democratic governors wero elected Tuesday in each state where this ofllce wns filled Massa chusetts, New Jersey and Virginia. With tho exception of New York state, where tho Tammany democracy wns severely rebuked, more democratic than republican victories wero record ed nt tho polls. Wants Lincoln Speech Published. Sprlngfiold, III, A proclamation nsk lng tho newspapers of tho stato to publish on November 19 tho Gottys burg address of President Lincoln has been Issued by Governor Dunne. New Jersey Democratic. Trenton, N. J. Returns indicate that James Fleldor, democratic candidate for governor, has n plurality over Stokes, republlcnn, of 20,000, and his vote may go abovo thnt figure. Tho democrats havo elected five of tho eight senators chosen. Death of Millionaire Meat Packer. Chicago. Edward Morris, president of Morris & Co., packers, died at his homo hero Monday after an Illness of moro than a year. He Buffered a ner vous breakdown about n year ago and was obliged to give up active business. Hon Cholera Serum Experiments. Washington. Western members of congress nro much Interested in tho demonstration work of tho agricultural department for tho euro and preven tion of cholera among hogs now being carried on In their section, Four aVeas hnvo been designated to mako tho demonstrations, and certain coun ties In Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri nnd Indlnna will havo experiments mado In their boundaries with tho now hog oholera serum discovered by tho bu reau of animal industry, RICF NEWS OF NEBRASKA. Stanton has an automobile club with moro than fifty members. The directors of tho Kearney base ball club arc facing a $3,000 deficit. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Nelson of Friend celobrated their fiftieth wedding anni versary lust week. Tho mid-winter sessions of organ ized agriculture will be held In Lin coln, January 10-23, 1914. Ansclmo is facing a coal famine. Franklin county will voto on county sent location on November 18. Mead, In Saunders county, will soon hnvo Rb own light and water plant, both winning at a recent election. John Sneddon, a Lincoln man, was burled under 400 Backs of coment and 6orIously Injured, but will recover. Much aiarm Is felt nt Lyons on ac count of tho spread of scarlet fever. Mrs. J. Barber of Tecumseh Is suf fering from burns about the nrms, re ceived when a gasoline Iron exploded. Work has been started on Fair bury's new $30,000 artificial Ice plant and a large force of workmen are em ployed. Tho Seward tire department will go to York Thanksgiving day to piny a game of football with the local fire company. Members of the German Lutheran church In York, Seward and Hamilton counties aro planning to erect a $50, 000 hospital In York. A local branch of the Nebraska ManufacturerR nssoclntlon has been organized at Grand Island with a mem bership of twenty-two. Sheldon Jackson of FIHey had hi? right leg broken In two places jusl above tho ankle when a horse he wat riding slipped and fell on him. Farm Demonstrator O. H. Llebers will leave Beatrice soon for Wlscon sin to purchase a number of liolsteln cattle for Gage county dairymen. A few days ago Miss Pearl Carey of York struck her left hand with n hammer.' Blood poison resulted, nnd sho is unable to leave her home. The water In the lake near Seward known as Blgnell's pond, becaino so low that it was necessary to remove the fish to keep them from perishing. Curator Gllmorc of tho Nebraska museum severely criticises tho "movies" of tho Wonnded Knee battlo as being historically untruo nnd incor rect. Tho Nebraska apple crop is only about one-fourth of the crop of last year, according to A. M. Sliubert of Shubort, Neb., one of the largest applo growers in the state. A delegation of Gage county people, 300 in number, in charge of Farm Demonstrator Lipliers. visited tho stato farm at Lincoln and put in tho day studying its workings. Mr. and Mrs. Dwlglit Wolfe of Kan sas City passed through Nebraska last week en route homo on the last lap of nn 18,000 mile journey through the United States on foot. About 100 delegates from Ohio, In diana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, St. Louis, Salt Lako City, Denver and other points, attended the sessions of the Midwest Orthopedic association at Lincoln last week. John Snider, a Hastings slaughtcr aouse employe, slipped on the floor with n knife in his hands, almost sev ering his left wrist. In the amateur class at the shooting tournament at Hebron last week, E. W. Varner, editor of the Adams Globe, won first money, with a score of 101 ant of a possible 115. The owners of commercial orchards around Howo have forces of men picking tho frozen apples preparatory to shipment to cider mills. Tho loss In some orchards wns small, while Dthers lost a small fortune by tho freezing weather. Jerry Fen ton, one of tho pioneer citi zens of Richardson county, nnd the father of Warden William T. Fenton of the stnte prison, died at tho homo of his daughter. Mrs. M. C. Riley of Dawson nt midnight, November 6. He was 83 years old. A big Woodman rally nnd clnss adoption will bo held In Alma on No vember 20 nnd the locnl camp has In vited every lodge In tho county to take part. John Knop, Jr., n 17-yonr-old Rus slun boy, was Instantly killed at tho Lee broom factory nt Lincoln while trying to ndjust n belt on tho wheel of a fiber machine. Dr. C. R. Stewart of Curtis, while returning from n professional call, In sorno manner lost control of his auto, which turned over, pinning tho doctor beneath tho machine, whero he was found dend n short tlmo ofterward. The Seward W. C. T. U. held a sun set social nt which all townspepolo over seventy years old woro invited to be guests, A big dinner waB served to an immense company. AH of the old officers and thirty of tho 175 members of tho Hastings lodge of the Degree of Honor have withdrawn, ns the culmination of troublo within tho organization. Hundreds of barrels of apples In southeastern Nebraska havo been frozen on tho trees during tho cold weather of tho last week, with a re sultant loss of thousands of dollars to the orchnrd owners. Tho now gamo law, which leaves nn open season of only two weeks this year, limits tho bags to ten birds n day and a limit of ton In the bag when the hunter returns to his homo. Dr. O. L. Beoson of Beatrlco was elected president; Dr. C. W. Graff of Tecumsoh, vlcn president; Dr. B. L. Spellmnn of Beatrice, secretary and treasurer, and Dr. W. E. Ragnn, mem ber of executivo council of tho stato socloty at tho meeting of tho Soutn eastorn Nebraska Dental association bold at Falrbury. Beatrlco was se lected as tho best place for the next meeting In October, 1914. MOTH TRAIL A MYTH Girl Sends Bureau of Entomology Experts on Fool Chase. Scientists of the Government Aim to- Stop the Destruction of Country's Pear Trees Pest Sought to Eat Peat Washington, D. C. Her name Is Mary. Shu wroto a nico little note from Hnverford, Pa., to tho bureau of entomology at tho department of ag riculture. "1 enclose three funny moths 1 caught the other day," wroto Mary. "Will you kindly tell mo whnt they aro?" Whoreupon the buYonu of entomol ogy rose from Its several chnlrs and began to move In circles. Mary had found the brown tail moth in Penn sylvania, where tho brown tall never bad bcuu heard of before. A brown tall moth Is as destructlvu to elm trees as a forest tiro. No ono knows how many millions of dollars havo been spent In lighting it. "Go!" said tho centurions of tho bureau. "Heat It to Pennsylvania nnd find out nil about this dreadful thing." A squad of entomologists appeared in Huverford next morning. Other "bug connoisseurs heard tho nows and they went to Haverford. For a week young men stumbled through Its streets, their eyes fixed on tho tops of trees. Tho pockets of tho young men bulged with buttcrlly nets und poison bottles. They hunted, but could find no moths. At last they looked up Mary. , "Quick!" they gasped.. "Tell us where you caught tho brown tall months." "Oh," said Mnry, "I brought thorn homo with rao from Maine." The bureau of entomology Is adding to our Btock of bug lore every day. Lately It discovered that tho ultravio let rays are powerless against the bacteria which inhabit milk. Every one knows that X-rays have a deudly effect upon the human body If they aro applied too often. But tho cigarette worm which lives In mado np tobac conot only Is impregnable to tho X-rays, but it actually seems to nour ish In proportion to tho amount of X-rays It gets. Just to prove thnt tho poor troo blight Is caused by an animal or ganlsm. tho scientists aro raising thl bacteria In bottles. By and by they will raise in tho laboratory another pest to eat this pest up. Thoy did that with the alfalfa weevil. They Imported some sort of a bug which for lack of moro intellig ible name was called tho alfalfa weevil-weevil. Anyhow, it Is a weevil which feeds on tho weevil which feed on alfalfa. It Is saving this valuable crop In some parts of the west Tho oddity of tho moment, however, Is the sick nurse of tho hairy vetch. Vetch is a valuable forego plant, but it Isn't a hustler. When it finds u soil that is deficient In nitrogen It Just lies down nnd dies. BOY UflllTCn to tack np nlgai In roar IinniCU neighborhood. Uood pay. Hlltns KDCctallj minted with your nam. A. II. J..1IOX lUSU.l'UlUMlelplihm's. He Kept His Seat. Tho suffragette was speaking. "I'll bet thero ain't a man in this audlcnco who ever did anything around the house for his wifo. If there Is a mnu in this room thnt ever mado tho flro, mllkod tho cow, cleaned the windows nnd mado tho beds every day without n kick I'd liko to seo him. that'B all." But sho forgot her husband was at tho meeting. And he didn't dare stand up! The Proof. "Is that a marrlago In high life?" "I suppose bo. They're going on a Redding tower." Mra.Wlnalow'H Booth I ng- Sjrrup for Children teething, Koftruatbe gums rrdueca Indamma tlon,allajrapiUa,curtwlQt)coilc,23cabotUeJ It's as easy to buy experience as it is difficult to sell It But a woman doesn't care to boss the Job if sho can boss the boss. Pain in Back and Rheumatism are the dally torment of thousands. To ef fectually cure these troubles you must re move the cause. Foley Kidney Pills begin to work for you from the first dose, and ex ert so direct and bcueficjnl nn action in tbo kidneys and bladder that the pain and tor meat of kidney trouble soon disappears. Your Liver Is Clogged Up That's Why You're Tired Out of Sort Have No Appetite. CARTER'S LITTLE. LIVER PILLS will put you right in a tew days. They do. their duty.. CureCon I stination. i Diliousness, Indigestion and Sick Headache SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature -.-'-' I Ileal Couth Syrup. Tuui Good. Um Is llmt. BnUI bf Drnri lit,. .BV&SBBk .aamHVPjinTrrit Mmsm vittle bHbbV IVCK jbvv pills. fcW' jayf ' t NJ U' MAhimajMn-ilMMiKtl. ,& iawywriWWiaTasra Ttn f am.wut