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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1913)
v, WrlC111 S "' I ty Farmers' Institute November U-I2-13-14 ' -Is- -:i jg --i--ys J'ANSb "i--Sii. "'1 mamm V vr . . J -" . ..a9M,rf'x- M$ jslj k--: J ss.: - .-- -r'Mijc'- s;fl . . flai3m.vt--V4:i'----- flR-aPT-flWiT . .-; -'-- - .vww ..S ... . -mmim rr ---- - - - --- - -t-:i Fa- vnriiik'- . i.v: -.- - -sas-- f-a -j-t . - ;. KumrBi'.' - -?.--.-. .,... . - W&v 1 -w I&l IP Jr. wr-' :Jk x 1L 11 1 i .feu f i .m 1111 ,r,..,-iT,...tlM.i.J.-.BM ..,.m -f , ,.y.- --,-.-.T. ..ffr.-.,, ...K-r.T-c. . . J-. .. r- r ., ,- . . . IrltMrfl'flrff ;glIilgil&iSB?fa f W' Sarff.X. ('&...; J. -T if )M ,. m ml WM1 au- VO.Krv.X; T'aJW-.S.-AiEyijrwA U lit T.rii.SU,f; W ". vryi.V S'TOVvV,' 1 ,r,k.-r- -'"ii-V'rT,.V',UVirr wra... Etf.w.iwpwjii ?J' ., 'w&,Utivrrr,f??A !.. .-: ?: .rr. AfSaswwffii 7;J7 '- - ii 'sp,- v?,rt53Kw?rnw''fl w ' W'i?"rr-vM X'iiimM - -' -.- ,5!-i--- -v---r-' - ?r.r?--x. : .VTl, ... "'i?&- - , .- ..;::. :-vo- -f---' - - .- - -- . .-. -- '.. ' & voLuarE xxxxi V3 3.c cs S- -US' ! - - rfor -""' ," ". S-4' ft 0) This Government Won't Put j Its Money w in a bank that does not guarantee it against Jg Why Should You? (ft The United States will net deposit a dollar in a (if National Bank, on any other bank, unless the bank (to furnishes a bond for twice the amount deposited. ii The United Slates Government can at any time 0 make an investigation of any National Bank and learn M all about its resources. But still the Government de- iti mands a guarantee for its deposits why shouldn't YOU (1 have protection. ib Your deposits in this bank are protected by the Uf State Guaranty Law no matter what happens l YOU CAN'T LOSE! ft WEBSTER COUNTY BANK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA 0 E nC Did You J StoD To rTl HAT it was better to trade where you can have a full line to select from. When you go to select that Kitchen Cabinet would you not rather select it where you have four Standard Makes to select from Come in and let us show you our goods. The Price and Quality is Right. ROY SATTLEY Furniture Dealer and licensed Embalmer (SUCCESSOR 10 A. E. ATHINS) ALL THE PHONES 3 USSs-SSVS ' RAT ANNIHILATOR 5 Jr ATS are destroying your property every day. You can save more than the amount of your taxes if you will get rid of them. We handle a new poison that is guaranteed to kill every rat on your premises or money refunded. Chas. THE DRUGGIST Special Sale Oct. 10th, 11th Having bought the whole sample line of hats from a large Importing bouse at one half tho regular price 1 will close out any and all trimmed and ' pattern bats at 25o on the dollar. Mrs. Barf.ktt, Milliner. "Can Ood Reveal Himselt to Man?" will be the subjeot at tbe Congregat ional church, In the evening at 7-30 tbe prnitor will bare as bla subjeot: "Tru Men". 1 j "-V ft) (?) ?t) ,'f 3nCSEESl EYer Think? 1SL SSSSS1 Cotting Stockholders Meeting The annual mooting of tho stock holders of tho Farmer's Independent Telephone Company of Hed Cloud, Nebraska, will be bold at tho court house lu Red Cloud, Saturday, Octo ber 11, 1013 at 'i o'clock p. in. A full attendance Is desired. Dated September SO, 1013. adv O. C. Teei., Secretary. Mrs. Mnblo Thomas of Sutton arriv ed in tbe city Tuesday evening for a visit with her mother Mrs. L, Pegg. S . -ex -q. -an,,.', -t - -h '- Z.i'tn'-rr' ' 4 NcKsiMtier That filvcs TUn iVc Fifty-two Wc,".!u L-,ic Year For $l,f0. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, OOTOIilSIS i, H.MII. School Board Holds Meeting Ki:i Ci.oi'D, Nun., Oct. !. lOlll. ' Itiiiuil met in iv(fiilursi'Sloti. Mimii- bors pu-seiit Stoivy, Turnurt1, Crol'h- tini inxl Conn. Miimtus of )rtviiius uiuutliit; road ami ;ip)i'oVi'il Sitpuriiitt'tidont icporU'il hdiool Jit- , t cikIiiiico as folloiVh Kiiiiloi','arti'ii (10, lt frradc 17, 'J ml nule 1'.', Ilrd ffriiihi , ;i!, llh riido it."), Mil j;riliSCt, (It Ik jjrude HO, 7lh urado 10, 8th jrrudo !(). Total, fur thu grades '.$2. Hl'h hcliool un i rolluiunt -SHli K'udeG", lOtli jrrado ni, 11th Ktadu :i:, l'Jtli uvmW 111. Totnh fur lllk'h Hcliool li2. Supuriiitutuluiit i,euoiiiiiieti',c(I tbo I'liiployinuiit of an assistant lvimlor Kiirtcn tt.-achut In order that the Krado may bo put on whole day session. Thu piosunt enrollment beintf too laro for one teacher to handle. I'pon motion the Teachers' Commll t'u and thu Stiporlntuiuloiit were in Btructed to omploy n assistant. Upon motion it was orderod that, children who were irrefjular in attend ance in thu Kindergarten should be excluded Irotn school until the spring term cummoncliiK April 1, Mil t. MovkI and f-ecomled that thu chnir appoint, a committei) of onu to confer with the-Gtthtuu Music Co., and pro cure" at reasonable prices hi.cuiuI liuil organs, onu for each yradc in tho Lln i!i)ln building. Carried. Chair ap pointvd Fiul Tiirnuro. rpon motion thu Supcrinteiidi-nt was instructed that if ho deemed It ad visable to permit the school to partici pate in the Farmers institute parade. The following bills were read and unit i'jd paid Ansus i lit :io t'om-Ad io H Head l.nuiulry . :t 7(1 ItnnHcii l.auiulry :i T2 V. L. C'dttlmr- lid TO llrtco Orai; Co. '1 10 It. ". Aut'iCo... . I 00 Nebr. School i"o 1TO to Omaha Sup. (Jo... 00 Milwaukee II. o 10 Ui Saunders llros... Hill W) Morharl llros. ...IW'J "4 Turnuio .V Son .. 27 07 TIioiwih Charllu. H 08 Kl Hanson 0 ( l-'rank SiiiuIhct a ffi i:. W. A. KoIm 1 1 DO Jas. 1'eterHOU...... IS 75 Wiley A Son I 51 I). O. Heath a Co I U CM. liarncs 5(17 (linn A Co 10 7 Tho local W. C. T. U. presented the following petition to the Hoard. lied Cloud, Nebr., Oct. 0, l!il3. To the Honorable Hoard of rMucation- Owing to tho iibsenco of any regular or delluite moral imtruction being offered in our coiumunitv to raise thu moral standard among our school children; and believing that a course of iiibtruutfun along these Hiich is of mest vital importance, therefor the undersigned taxpayers respectfully petition the Hoard of Kducutlon to cm ploy tho services of ti competent In structor In moral education. Through tho efforts of tho local W. 0. T U., the services of Prof. Joy may be secur ed from October 10 to '21th,, consider ation $10. Signers C. L. Cotting J. C. Mitchell H. A. Lotson C. H. Miner Dr. BtocUinun l'Vauk Smith D. II. Kuloy Ooo. V. Pope l G. Tu mu re Ilarbara I'harcs W. t! Warren W. P. Fulton. Signers W. A. Shorwood Uoseoo Weesner H. L. Grimes Itoy Sattley L. P. Albright C, K. Cross B. S. Garber Fred Miiurer .1. W. Auld B.. II. Ncwhou&o B. F. Perry I'pon motion Storey and Turnuro were instructed to secure thu services of Hov. Hay no for the remainder of tho season as a foot ball coach. Hoard adjourned. It. D. Moimtz, Secretary. N. E, Church Announcement The pastor of tho Methodist church will dismiss tho following topics on Sunday evenings during October. October 12th "Why Doesn't God Kill the Devil" October tfltb "Can a Man Die Before His Time?" October 20th "Is Life Worth Living?" Tbo evening servico is at 7:30 and the morning at 11. Mrs. Fry has sold her dray to Mr, Webber of Guide Rock last week. "SL- '-- . - n.''---:isi ?. City Council Holds Meeting The City Council met on TucHthiy evening with Mayor Sounder?, Council men Foe, Storey and CruiiH piciicnl. Cinvdcu ul!L'Ut. Floianro'u report read and placed on file. Tho following judges and clerko of olection wcro appointed: Fir.u ward, judge?, Claik Steviuu', Joe McCrackcn, E. Wolach. Clerk?, Frank Abul, C. A. Ilerrick. Second ward, judges, I. 11. Stniuier, I). II. Kaley, C. K. Hclglc. ClerkH, Ilolton LutBon, Ed Gather. Report of James Burden read and ac cepted. L. Ij Borcn preRentcd hid claim for pulling in water In thu Borcn-Overman-Muuday addition, and the same was al lowed, to he taken out in water reutH. L. M. Crnbill wan ordered to repair street car track near Miner's corner auk crous walk near thu depot. George Clawson was ordered to pre sent billn for lllliug B. & M. trench to the company, and iiIho one of $.'5.50 to Wliitaker& Buckler for repairing croHB walk broken by gas tractor. Mru. Ed Fry fold her dray line to a Mr. Welibei at Guide Hock and Mr. Webber tcok thu job of hauling coal for the fiatno pi ice. Thu following chtinu wero allowed: Ed Hiumun $ If. .10 Guy Z.-iglcr 120 GO Cliir Jay 75 00 W. A. Pulton 70 01 Cany Fry 08 87 S. It. Fliiriince -Ml (10 O. O. Tod 28 25 Grant Chrinty 153 00 Geo. Clausen 80 00 Statu Journal Co 2 81 A. C. HoBinnr M CO P. A. Wullhramlt (5 14 J. K. Chaney 5 23 Clara Sherer C00 J. W. Auld, TrcaB 01 00 It-W. Koontz 10 CO G rice Drug Co 29 95 J. B. Carr 1 CO J. 1). CruiiB 8 CO Finkenbindcr & Walters .11)0 CO W. T. Bohrer 12 CO Frank Clausen 12 1C Joe Jackson 1C 00 A. E Sutton 12 00 S. A.Fincher I) 00 J. It. Lcimior 81 00 Mayer Coal Co 4S8 fi3 Henry It. Worthington 11 GO Fairbanks, Morso & Co l 25 Pettsherg Meter Co 10U 20 English Tool mid Supply Co ... 24 41 CranoCo 79 48 MidWest Electric Co 25 75 Morhurt llros 15 75 Chas. Stiiplcton 75 00 Ited Cloud Fire Department .... COO 00 Wm. Pegg 14 73 City Treasurer's Statement Oct. 7, 1013. Honorable Mayor and City Council, Ked Cloud, Neb. Gentlemen- I enclose statement cover ing receipts and disbursements of my olllcu for tho period from Sept. S, lfllll to Oct. 7, 1010. Occupation Fund Amount on hand Sept. a, Mil.. 8 .'tHO 23 Receipts .'115 00 0.11 !8 .1.10 .11 Disbursements. BulancoOot. 7, '13 S 100 01 Water Fund Amount on hand Sept. !, 'l.'l. . .$ 7,'t 7.1 Disbursements 17 80 Balance Oct. 7, 'l.'l . . , 8 85 05 Water Levy Fund Amount on hand Sept. Q, '13.. . 11 8.'1 Balance Oct. 7, '13 9 3 83 No receipts or disbursements General Fund Amount on hand Sept. 2, '13 . 175 SO Disbursements 101JJ2 Balance Oct. 7, '13 9 14 27 TTF fnl TlloSo,l, H , rn There is a special charm to pictures you make yourself. Let us show $ you how simple picture taking Is. S KODAKS $6.22 AND UP PREMO CAMERAS $5. to $2S. ROWMES $1.B to $12.S2 R H. NRWHOIKR mm miw mt m i Optometrist fl RED CLOUD, - GliN-rsASSv E ICS-vSS'xSS' BIG DISCOUNT ON ALL JJeGINNING Monday, September 29th and lasting lor ten days I will give a twenty per cent discount on all shoes in my store and will also give a pair oE fine hose to each man or woman who pur- r chases a pair of shoes. If f will order it. Come one with our new clerks. Carpenter's Bargain Shoe Store i Successor to Reg. Warrants outstanding 8200.01 Electric Light und Amount on hand Sept. 2, M3...810U) 70 Receipts 705 13 1811 83 Oil 8 1)8 Disbursements. Ualatico Oct. 7, 'l.'l 9 815 8.1 Ulectriu Ltaht Levy Fund Amount on hand Sept. '2, 'l.'l. . .S 2 .18 No receipts or disbursements llalanco Oct. 7, Mil 0 58 Judgment Fund Amount on hand Sc.t. 2, '13. . .$ 1st 21 No receipts or di&buiscmeuts llalanco Oct. 7, '13 181 21 Flremon's Fund Amount on hand Sept. 2, '13. . .$ 897 15 Receipts 15 00 llalanco Oct. 7, '13 8 312 45 Recapitulation Occupation Fund 8 100 01 Water Fund 25 05 Water Levy Fund 3 83 General Fund 14 27 Electric Light Fund 815 85 ; Electric Light Levy Fund 3 53 i'-; ''.?,$mi ''&. NUMBER 41.! w w i.', r mttir MmA and Jeweler - - Nebraska 3ME CS -vaCSv SHOES we do not have your size we and all and get acquainted Bailey ft Bailey Judgmont Fund 184 31 Firemen's Fund 312 45 Total S1700 08 Hog. Warrants outstanding 8200.01. S. R. Floii.vnoi:, City Treasurer- "Home Coming Day." October 1H will bo a great day for the University of Nebraska. That 1 thu date set for all tho "Old Gruds' and fotmor students to come hack and v nilnglo and toll stories of tbe old days. This dato has beou llxod because ou thai day the football teams of tbe University of Nebraska and the Uni versity of Mlnnesotu will clash on Ne braska field. At tbe "home coming" last year Nebraska played tbo great ' Wisconsin team to a tic scoro, aud with this in mind Coach Stiehm's war riors will go iuto tbo coming gam, determined to wreok revenge for many defeats at the bands and feet of the Minnesota braves. Already enough tickets have been sold for the game to insure tbe largest crowd ever assembled to see an athletic combat la the middle west. : Ji t ..w;!