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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1913)
RED CLOUD, N EBRASKA, CHIEF F. G. Turnure & Son y& v-A: .tr r j ' ' ta rt a v '"JtePSSak r " .1ST ft v'3 M M ( if r ssjx i ; rc vv v 1 1' Ul r f A ' J It; tV, . uT f y strength of material and high grade wormanship. Women's Union Suits at 65c to $4.50. Separate garments 25c to 75c Union Suits for the children save you trouble and money too. Prices range from 35c to $1.50. Separate garments 15c to $1.00 Visit our Cloak and Suit Department Absolutely Complete In Every Detell wwwwwwwwww 31 2 HONE NEWS Bulletin of The Week's Doine Chrlb Starke spent Sunday In Super ior. Smoke Blue Hill Clgnr Co. Xo. 21 Do Cigars. art v. Fresh candy, peanuts and cigars ut Warren's Restuuiant. Commissioner Ohmstcdc of Guide Hock was in t ic city on Monday Mrs. Ralph Foe spent a. few days the latter' part of the week'ln Hastings. John Rose of Blue Hill was transact ing business in tills city on Monday. Boone Saunders returned the first of the week from Billings, Montana. Chas. Bennett of Cowles was trans acting business in tills city on Satur day. Mr and Mi-b. Wilbur Hamilton spent the week end with relatives In (Inkle Rock. N. R. Simpson left the first of the week for a shot t visit with hisehildien at Armour. Paul Storey left Sunday morning for Beatrice where his brother Ed Storey Is very sick. J. II. Builey made a business tiip to Trenton and other western points the iir-st of the week. Mr. and Mis. Dr. Cioss hud tor their guc-th over Sunday Mr. and .Mis. Koss O veil of Franklin. Mr. and Mis. Will Robertson spent Sunday in Supeiini' with their d.uigh ter Mia Rov Feum. George i'opo and wifoioturned Sat urday fiom Minnesota after a few weekj visit with filCuds. Mr. and Mih H. R Sluwson and Mr. Slawson's mother left for Culiforniii polnth the Hist of the week. Mr and Mrs. Geo llolllstor leturn ed tho latter pint of the week fiom a visit with rolatlvos in Lincoln. All the now colorings in velvets and plushes for hats and dress trimmings at Mrs J. A. Burdeu's. adv. Jim Moliride and Aich ltoren of Cowles was attendlug to business affairs in this city on Monday. 320 acres Stock and grain farm for sale. For particulars write R. J. Bent ley, Illoomington, Nebr. adv. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Potter and chll dren returned home the first of the week from a short visit in Iowa. Geo. Amnok and Fred Bright went to St. Joe Monday to attend the Live tstock Show and Horseshoo Tourna ment. H.C. Wolfe was entertaining his daughter Mrs. Eugene Smith, her hus band and children who rosido in Me Cook on Sunday. Charley Hilton, Bill Fr.ulor and Zell Stouo left Moiuluj morning for St. Joo to attend tho llorseslioo Tournament nnd Llvo Stock Show. Mis Juy Pope left the ilist of tho wiek for Vlnconsiu whore shn was summoned by u telegram announcing the death of her father. MisaCoulin left for her lionn 'u Sprlngllold, Mass , Sunday after a short visit at the homo of Mr. and Mrs Cuas. N. Guruoy. Knit Fall Underwear For Women and Children With the coming of chill autumn days it is time to discard the hot weather undergarments. Our new stock, fresh from the makers, offers an un usual opportunity for replenishing your supply for fall and winter. s Royal Underwear For Real Comfort and Long Wear Every line of the body is followed closely in knitting Royal Underwear, so that the garments are molded to the figure. This comfort giving shape is necessary to make the gown lit trim and straight. Good service is assured by unusal Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walters and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters visited relatives at Inavale Sunday. W. n. Wright will preach Sunday both morning and evening at the Methodist church. Leu Aultz returned "home the first of tho weok from Sobetha, Kansas where he went to try the mineral baths. Win. Dumas nnd wifo left Sunday for Devil's Lake, North Dakota, at which place they will make their future home. Paul Storey and wlfoToturned Ijpmo Saturday from Minneapolis where Paul went as Grand Representative to the Soverign Grand Lo"dgV6'f"0"(hi Fellows. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Robertson return ed home from Lincoln., Friday, where they had been visiting their daughters! Mrs. Will Klzer and Mrs. Fred Sleeper. I have the best rate in the county on farm loans. See me and be convinced, My motto prompt service. A. T. Wai.kkb Oris Fearn arrived in the city Satur day after an absenco of scveial months which time he has spent in vaiious eastern print shops demonstrating the art of classical printing. Farm Loana-l have a limited a mount of private money to pluco in first mortgage farm seem ities, bliort or longtime, at lowest i ales with optional payments. Wiilc or phone. Daniel Gakduii, Riverton, Nebiaska. Embai rassments of ten occur to farm eis in making application for u loan on account ot long delay, and uucoit iituty, when it is necessary for a local ugeiit to tend the application to .some insurance company or to foiiic loan company in the Hast lor approval. The Fni meis Tiust Co., or Be it rice, Nebr,, (formerly Smith Bios.,) acts im mediately on ill applications See the ad of The Farmers Trust Co., in this issue, and wilto direct If you are considering a loan. An exchange says: "A man can't sell his house and lot without his wife's consent, but ho must pay her bills whatover they are. If he deserts her she, can jug him; if slio deserts him he has to take his medicine. If he jilts her she can mulct him for breach of promise; if she jilts him lie gets the laugh. If he dies she gets the proper ty; If she dies begets the funeral,blll. If ho whips her he gets tho whipping post. If she hits him with a skillet the world concludes he deserves it. And still the women want their rights There is a gang of would be Kansas toughs, to whom a word of warning may not bo amiss. They arc develop ing a disregard of law nnd decency that this city will not endure. If they can not visit this city without, indulg ing their rough house tactics, the people of the city will protect themsel ves, and give the gentlemen it dose ot their own medicine. The next time they come to the city they should bo nnestcd before they have hud tho op portunity to fill up with booze. I!o cause they have so far escaped thoy are hcgluiiiug to look with contempt on the good uatuio of tliu nvirshu1. They can bo ussutcd that the marshal will be in earnest tho next time. Farther than that, tlpy may ns wtlj Know that there nro plenty of others who will cheerfully come to tho mar (dial's li lp an 1 teii'di then tint thu law I'J mightier than auy gang. . J. H Bailey left Wednesday morning for St. Joe. Mrs Gricc and son Flavc left this morning for Chicago. Fred Hastings nnd wife of Mankato Kansas were in the city Sunday. Mrs. Mattie Hinderupp of Franklin was visiting Mrs. Ed Walters Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. "H. C. Cutter left Mon day evening for a visit in Wisconsin. Sam Foo nnd wife returned home the latter part of tho week fiom Minnesota. .Mrs. F. W. Cowden has for her guest Ihls week' Mi 8. D. J. Myers of Boulder, Colorado. - Mrs. B. M.Uricc and Flavo, spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. John Rutledge near'lnayale. "y 1&ri.W. W.'Klnsoll spent the latter part of last week lii. the country with her daughter, Mrs. Cobb. The Fanners' Institute will be held in this city Dec. 8, 0, 10 and 11th. Be gin to get ydur exhibits ready now. The first foot ball game of the season will be played here Friday afternoon. Franklin Academy vs Red Cloud High school. Go out and see the enmo Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Holmgraln and Mr. nnd Mrs. Jus DeWItt and child ren who went to California last Decem ber roturued home Sunday morning. Mr. nnd Mis. Porter Hale, Vern Emick nnd Moidninos J. S.' Munard and Bertha Gulliford autoed over to St. Finncls, Kansns the luttor part of the week. Tho members of tho Methodist chinch will hold u farewell reception for Iiov. nnd Mis. Tompkins in the basement ol thu church on Friday ovoning All members of the chinch as well as all fi lends of Mr. and Mis Tompkins are invitod. Remember the date has been changed Horn Thursday to Fiidav evening on account of tho Bladen fair. Lust Sunday about fifty near friends and relatives with well filled dinner baskets gathered at 12 o'clock at Mr. Rauey Hackery's as a surprise on Mrs. Hackery to remind her that she had passed the thirtieth mile post of her life. After some nico presents had been presented there was a large table set in tho shade of the trees and loaded down with a dinner not ofteti seen Then every one was seated and enjoy ed an hour of life to be long remember ed, With a short time spent in a sooinl visit and good wishes thoy all departed feeling well repaid nnd wishing for another birthday dinner soon. Rally Day will bo observed Sunday Sept. tisth by the Congregational Sun duy School and church. Thoro will be n special program at tho Sunday school hour consisting of songs and recitations by tlie chlldicn and shoit addresses by adults. Eich child will receive a Souvenir Badge. All mem bois of the cliutoli and congregation are speclully uiged ti attend tho Sun day school hour and ill the chlldum and young people of the Sunday school tio urged to attend the morulug ser vice. At tho uhuiuh soi vice tho pastor will pi each a hoi mon specially pio-pan-1 lor the uhlldien in 1 young people. Kubj-el "Being a Christian.' At tho o oiling service them will be a special adilicss to patent and young people on t'io subject, "Tim Milking or Wrtcklug of tho Homo". G mil music al nil hivice- aid all cor bally invited. PJ? s k u-. Youne '- ' 1-a !,! most attractive 'examples of expert clothes i ,- making ever produced. $. KtM. C-; and browns, in serges, cheviots and cassimeres. i I Bmtty Irani Ollotif m t'J 1-v 'A. C. Hosmor nnd family have, for their Riiest thlrf week, .T.'A. Hosmor of Dcs Moines, Iowa. , , ,',',' Alf McCall and J.' II.Ellinguri left f r eastern Colorado poiiits'tho llrst of the week to purchase cattle. GARFIELD How the gentle bievcs blow. Frank King was filling his silo on Monday and Tuesday. Muriel and Ethel Fisher and grand ma Alios were callers r.t Mrs. Jack Karnes Sunday Ucorgc Smith got liltn a now buugy and tho giilH better look out now for he scans to be getting childish. Lcoiiaid Kiiilshitck was oit to Xo. lo on wind mill row Monday night. Quito a uiiuihur fiom the south side of tin river attended tho Cox sale on Tuesday. tiny Huriiiii and wifo isltod with relatives at (inide Itnclc .Sutiinluy uud .Sundav. Cattle and Silos Nebraska is in a position today to raise llvo head of cnttlo whuio onowas raised in tho days of tho free ranges, and ut the same time iucrcaso tho fer tility of the soil instead of exhausting It. With silos ou every farm, a herd of cattle can bo kept. Hut a small part of tho land must bo devoted to pasture for llvo tons of alfalfa will grow where half a ton of wild grass grow and it will have double the feed ing value per ton. The manure re turned to tho soil will make it richer every year. Concrete will bo a very great factor in this evolution. The farmers in some sections have built their silos with concrete. Thoy are best, in the long run the cheapest, and preserve the sil age -in the most perfect manner. In some sections they have also built their houses of concrete, walls, floors and roofs, as woll as their barns, com cribs, hog shods and feeding floors. It is said that in Nebraska tlieio arc in exhaustible Lo Is of material for mak ing cement and that It can be iiiado hum ns cheaply id In any part of tho wo i hi. With alfalfa an a basis, and it has Hindu good crops even this jour in tho diy sections, c jucroto silo?, on tho con tents of which cattle would jrow fat all wln'er long, thu slate could sud t't rnuikct live times as many cattle as ever wino sent Ir. tho hnUiyni dajs so niiiuh tilktid about whun tho g'.vein im ut furnished iiingcs fioo Omaha Woild Ileiald. v Clothes for the Young Man of Good Taste Such are Society Brand Clothes. They appeal to his instinct for style. Each scaecn firvis thwn just a little more r.tylisb prcessing just a little more val:jp for the money. Norfolks will b-j ?;icic ..ciierally worn. Society Brand Nuifoll'i oi-yrit a benufcy of style and perfectior rj ';rlorinp; seldom found in these garments. men and retail clothiers .r tUA mulaln 4V. T7n11 The fabrics are specially selected blues, grays Drop in on us today and see them. Ready 1o Wear $20 Up The Gooiden-Haley Clothing Company Copyright, lilt A., H. Carpenter left tho first of the week for Kansas point to look after ItftVYeal estate holdings. " r Robert Potter of 'Oklahoma is in the olty this week visiting his parent?, John U. Potter and wife, Tliis week at the horse shoo pitching contest at St. Joe up to Wednesday morning Fred Ilright and Geo. Auiack o" this city wcro abend securing G4 and dO points each. Frit. Moede, who went out to Fort Morgan, Colo., some few weeks ago, was taken ill the llrst of tho week and w s brought from that place to his homo 111 llluo Hill. Y. M. C. A. Tho txocutivo board of tho Y. M. C. A. met Wednesday evening in thu Association') rcuiing room for their regular nionthy meeting with president L. II. Hluckledgc in thu chair. Among other (ioation3 considered wus the q'KHtion of changing tho rulen of membership ticl.e'ii to ho goud for one year fiom dale. Uundr the rules aa they u triad previous to this mcclini' tho ticket expired on the first of Jan uary rcgnrdlcss ot thu dule it wiih tak en out. This was rather a handicap to tho late corner. A now rule was adopt ed making the tickets good for one year after the date of issue. With the opening of school and the coming of cool weather many new members are coming in and a new life is being instilled into the rooms. The High School boys have begun foot ball pracitce and they surely enjoy a good bath after the practice or after some work on the gymnasium floor, and to be frank the bath room has not Buffered for want of uie all through the summer. The High School girls began prep arations for basket ball practice Wed nesday evening their flrBt chance to be on the floor sinco school began. Sever al of last years players will be in the game again this year, but new ones nro needed in some positions. Come girld and get in tho game. The cool weather bIro brings many to tho reading room, when the latest and beat papers and periodicals are to bo found, among them being Lincoln and Chicago papers (as well as the IochI) World'H Woik, Current Litcra lure; Cosmopolitan; McClurce; Every liody'u; Woman's Homo Companion; Voutlii Compunion and ninny other good mngrz'nc. Hesidun tho papers and niugnzines tho library containra mil iy K'""l hooki, v. hick t ovv may b tdun from tho roorrs and kept for a wcik at n time after getting it librury curd. Fir further inforuiatioi in t gard to the library Rpply at tho rooms after 4'jlock 1 M y qualified ! 4: .1 nA 4-Uo ? 1 vi i- i. Alfrtd Xteftir A C'ah Ed. Oarbor, secretary of the Cham ber of Commerce 6f this city, depart ed Sunday night for Oinnha, where he attendedra meeting of the' Various secretaries of the Commercial Clubs of the state. J. F. GILMORE Violin Soloist with the Amer ican Concert Four in Opera House, Red Cloud, Nebraska, September 30th, LAND Improved Alfulfu, Grain and Stock Farms In The Great Republican Valley Bought Sold Exchanged Any desirable Keul Estate listed up and advertised for cash sale or ex chango without expense to owner. Casli buyers for improved farms and ranches secured through care ful, liberal and systematic adver tising. Some of the best farms in Webster and Fianklin Counties No lo aska now listed Several farms for sale that will pay good interest on the entire purcliio-e pi ice and enhance giontly hi value. Several good fai ms for stile on easy pay ments and special teims worth tho money. Thu laigcht list of locnl farms fdr sale, to i.olcct fiom and sUuatid In tho Buckle Hud of tho Corn Hell. FARtt I.OANS-Mboui! amounts, optional payments, lowest, mtes, Money ulwajs ready. Darnel Garber Riverton, Nebraska 1' f'i'J 4 a 'H i