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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1913)
RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, CHIEF THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVfcRY TilUHSDAY Entered In the I'oMoflU-o nt lltil tloud, Neb. an Hccond Clnin Matter O B. IIALB l'UllMHItKll IB ONLY ijKMOCHATIU rAI'KH IN WRIIHTKIt COUNTY Isn't It about time we wore lienrlni,' JMNnethtnR nbout the Knrmor's Instigate? The list game of the bnso ball tour "nanent vns celebrated by tho Appear ance of the foot bull players. Don't forget that Red Cloud Ih a Kootl place in which to trade Von will find large tip-to-date stocks in every lino in this city. Quality unsur passed and prices that Httmct any pocket book. The city sewer proposal is meotiuK -with Rcneral approbation. Our well water is fnst becoming contninlnatcd and now the opportunity to check tho wlatiRcr Unit confronts us is hero and wo should act promptly and decisively. in two hundred thousand years from now wo will bo tititihlo to sec the big dipper In the uotherti sky. This cuts us to the (piluk. All our life long we have enjoyed, from tlmo to time, gaz ing on this greatest of all dlppors, at times wo have used its position to guide us on our journey after night, In fact wo have become so accustomed to the presence of this dipper that to take It nway will causo us deep regret We trust that this astronomer will either leave the constellation where it Is or else revive his figures and ex tend the date of delivery. these ho succeeded In getting them squarely on their feet. Tho men en tho street ivcro quick to detect tin since roily of Hev. Cole. They regret to eo hi;n leave. Tho Chief joins in these regrets but wishes for him suc cess and happiness in his new home. KANSASJ PICKUPS (From Smith County) It is much easier to lead people than to drive them. We often hear it said that a person was "driven to destruc tion." As a rule this per.-on was led to destruction. There are so many snares and pit-fulls in tho highway of lifo, .and so many are lured to destruction by those who enjoy seeing others brought to their own level. It Is well to remember that only tho good be lieve in the good, and to tho noble alone is given the power to rccogul.o the noble. Now routes the celebrated California astronomer mid gllhy informs us th it After all there Is a good deal in talk. Let a man talk dull times and it Is in fectious, everybody talks dull times, and Instead of rustling around to take care of what business there is, tlioy all sit down and mope over dull times If a customer happens to drop into a dull-time store he actually gets fright ened out of half as much as ho expects to buy because things look so blue. The bugbear of hard times should be set down upon. It will do more to kill business than anything else. Tell u man lie Is sick, keep It up and event ually you will hound him to death. Exchange. During his pastorate liore Kev. Cole lias endeared himself not only to the members of his church but to u large following out side. He chose to con sider himself as the pastor of the com muulty and he olfered his services freely to till who needed them. Non church members were particularly attracted to him because of hii visit.' to the county jail, to tho homes of the s!el: and despondent. He impressed litem with the idea thai he was their friend and hi-, work here proved that lie did all ir his power to help men who were down and out, Mirny of & OURS IS THE STORE THAT SELLS WOOLTEX Geo. Peterson is building a silo. Dell Ilrown and family were Sunday visitors at the bath Asburry home. F. M. ilrown and wife returned Sat urday from Topeka, reporting a good time. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. l'cterson and Mr. and Mrs. K.ra Hnow visited at J. C. llo.arth's Sunday, K. B. Spurrier purchased three hun dred bushels of corn of his brother Austin at 80c per bushel. Mrs, Brdtmiti of Smith Center has been visiting her daughter Mrs. Flora Shruder for the past week. Oriole School opened Monday morn ing with an enrollment of forty-six pupils. J. 1'. Upp of Lebanon is the teacher. Tweede Shrader sold his hogs to a llurr Oak farmer, gottlng seven cents a pound for them. A good many farmers tiro getting rid of tholr hogs on account of corn. Odd Fellows Will Meet At Lincoln Next Month 51Vg3i-0t 5J vfl8ffi&&3XM Tho Nebraska Grand Lodge of Odd Follows, the annual convention of tho Kebekalis, the (irand Ihicampmentiuid the I'atriarclis Militant, ail convene in Lincoln, October 1 1, t.'i, HI. It is esti mated that upwards of l,f)0 delegates and visitors will attend these meetings. 0 u R S I S T H E S T 0 R E T H A T S E L L S W o o L T E X WE SHALL AGAIN EXCELL, IN .WOMEN'S WEAR IN THE POINT OF VALUE, VARIETY AND EXCLUSIVE STYLES ait Nr AS THE ONLY AGENTS IN WEBSTER COUNTY OF THE WORLD'S FAMOUS WQOLTEX COATS AND SUITS Many styles enter into our assortments that never reach any other store in this locality, and as to price, we undersell all others, quality considered. An assemblage of handsome styles are here for your inspection. Come in and see them whether you intend to purchase or not. HtoQyji Ccryrlsl.t Hit ly The II. Illicit Co. Coryrutit 19H by '1 be II. Mack Co. l Say Mr. Farmer! See Us for Sale Itills. A meeting of I he executive boaid of i lie Frtrmer'a Insulate linn hern called to m? et nt tho Slti'e Hunk, Sat-1 unlay, fcupl. 'Al'.h. Ii- sure titid he JQV pa'ini. tii'o. W. H'jii:;.!. ', .u'i-.idi-r.t;i '& THE MM! 3 m A 7 Hf HI LflJ&i i S 'Tis Time to Put That Old Straw Hat in the uiscara. Get a. Mm ? 8 j or a Gimbelj ? Out of our new Fall Line and1 you will get $3.00 worth of satisfaction. .. New Suits, Shoes and Shirts are now here. Let Us Show You Hem j Gilliam, Scry. t wv jo,Ri GENERAL MERCHANTS "A Mighty Safe Place To Trade" OURS IN THE STORE THAT SELLS WOOLTEX OS. CO 0 u R S I S T H E S T 0 R E T fl A T S E L L S w 0 0 L T E X TH SC rOTH CSivU Ulj ESIKSaW- ic "ViJw i im an- - THIS SET OF GENUINE ALUMINUM WARE WILL BE GIVEN Two 9-in. Aluminum Pie Pant ' Absolutely Free to Every Purchaser of a "Quick Meal" Range During Fow-quirt Aluminum OUT Kettle n Demonstra- ? LaigelOin. Alumi num Fry Pan t& 2 Aluminum Bread Pani, 7sll inehet lH l ''illu'tiMTjBi ,M I H W jii jlfH Tiuee-quait Aluminum Two-Quart Alumi- Tbree-quatlAluminum Sauce Pan num Pudding Pan Berlin Sauce Pan CI S V) :r1 0S$ R II Dtore v mi & THE CLOTHIER ,Hyv3aB5S1' 1 J 3 USSwn.5 Vnz-SSS SaBBS3S SSS'Vv' I Groceries ? A nice fresh clean stock at all times; bought right sold as low as any legitimate firm can offer them. Try us. A. Wullbraiijdt twtoupaiwwi.fHHj.riiiwi Ihe Kome Grocery TheGreatestQuick Steel Maiifii 1 c hu m r. rvm -fc Xd Lj'inpiay Ever held in this county September 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27th On the above datesHHK IMP Wc will have with us a Special and Competent Representative from the Factory to demonstrate the high qualities of the celebrated "QUICK M E A L" RANGE. If you will visit our store on any of the above days we will show you why it takes so little fuel; how it operates so perfectly; why it lasts so long and why it is the Correct Range for any person to buy Do not fail to have our salesman show you the PORCELAIN LINED RUST PKOOF inner flues of this Range. A Satisfied Customer Always Comes Back That's why we sell the "QUICK MEAL" RANGES. Every lady will be presented with a Souvenir. IV In. 671 't !Oi 8 m RED CLOUD, NEB. u c 51 Wi --. . -- ? m 'rtMa4.44WXiWf JM.ltfWlTHtfV 8