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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1912)
. m9mm'm , . hm n jmnivtvmHHWttmn VWW'"liB -J, hr.., - '- r ' '& '& : . k tVv 4 V rftf. '.' u m t?j&i'k r, !.' 1 f r, ' irk. V.-V eBL.Br ar aV aw aw aw .aw "- .BJ aS R T"a?5 rK "aa eaT' s aaal B1 itfB .ssbbk SBBBJ M aaav. aaaa .BBj aaa asam .aaa T.aS bm 'am am am am aa BB am am aa aav Ba ak. JaV aav aa. Mv k. . . . m. . . - - " " "--- r,,'',''i'i''''.irr.arr3 rr3r3n:ra.,i;'',i i , . ifo m m m m m m m m m m m to m m m m m m m m m m m in Every User a Booster i Skim Cleanest Turn Easiest Are Simplest Most Sanitary Last Longest That is a strong statement but we'd make it stronger if we knew how, because we are sure that the De Laval will more than make good every claim. We don't ask you to take our "say so. We prefer to let the machine itself talk for us. Why not let us set one up at your house? You can test it yourself alongside of any other machine you like for capacity, cleanness of skimming, and ease of operation. We don't ask you to buy a De Laval upon "claims.1 We do ask vou to be aw Usei ...,- J :., u - (.: -:.i W Exolu -u. .uu .tC .1 .... ..... ilytly by betore you purchase W 9 8 of any cream separator. Don t put itol Do I SOONER OR LATER it now. I YOU WILL BUY A DE LAVAL li BEATRIC (CREAM $EPA1RAT0R$ 1 Save Dollars and Cents For You. Save time, tav labor, save ropairi save nil the valuable buttcrfat ia your milk, anil five yon fresh, warm skim milk for feeding calves and pigs. You could not afford to do without one if they sold for twice the price, but the price ia right 500 to 600 Capacity Per Hour $55 00 Other Sizes at Other Prices Ttiere ia nothing cheap about then but the price. There ia no better separator sold at any priee BEATRICE CREAM SEPARATORS are EFFICIENT, SIMPLE and DURABLE and are guaranteed Iron top to kottoai by BEATRICE CREAMERY CO. L Lkjtav Near. D.. Mi4, la. Sold by GEORGE W. TRINE, Local Agent ALSO DEALER IN Eggs, Butter, Cream, Poultry, Hides, Flour and Feed of All Kinds. Highest Market Price Paid For Your Stuff. QL. ' p Lk aP C aP ea h P a e a t fc aP h aa fc S a C T S" a t ti i aaT Bt fc fce b L Va P aa LT VaT tfc P P L a aa" aa aa P aa aaa aaa laaW aaaa aaaa aaaaW aaaaJ aaaw La ' ,Ka7i ca7 b&7 vL7arar I I I if) , Of i&V Or Of A Of Op Oil 0 0i ii i" " oiin- LF R E THK ALMHM is a dreadful thiug OF FIHK for the man without insurance. Every time be sees the engines racing along bis heart conies up in bis throat if the fire is anywhere near his plaoe. What folly, what mis taken economy. THK COBT OrK so small that it ' INmUmANCK need hardly be considered. The freedom from worry alone is worth it many times over Have' us insure you to-day. O. C. TEEL, R0llabl Insurance. J. C. SLOSS Wall Paper, Paint and Varnishes. Room Mouldings, Pict ure Framing, Pictures and artist Material. The Only Exclusive Store DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DKNTIBT tVER STATE aUNK Red Cloid " Nebra ka A.C. AMES. M. D. Physician and Surgeon R.ED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA Same Office Rnd Telephone num bers formerly used bv Dr. Raines li I llil lii 1444441 1,11 ''A i Vf! QCKS CLEAR ENGRKVING UM Public Sale I will oiTer at Public Sale at my place, i and 1-2 miles west and 2 north of Cnwles, 8 miles north dud 1-2 mile west of Red Cloud Thursday, December 19th. COMMKNCINQ AT TKM O'CLOCK 67 HEAD OF STOCK 67 17 HEAD OF HORSES AND MULES 7 1 Gray mare, 0 years old, in foal to jack, weight 1.100; l Bay mare, 7 years old, in foal to jack, weight 1500: 1 Gray mare, 0 years old, wt. 1400; 1 Day gelding, 0 yr. old, wt. 1.100; 1 Gray family driving horee II yr. old, wt. 8.10; 1 mare mule, coming 2 yr. old; 1 mare mule, coming 1 year old." 11 HEAD OF CATTLE 11 4 Choice Milch cows, 3 fresh soon; 3 coming 2 year old Heifers; 2 coming 1 year old Heifers; 2 Calves 0 months old. 49 Head of ShotU. Weighing from 60 to ISO lb. Ton Aitaltm Hay a Ton Wild Hay FARM MACHINERY, ETC. 1 FUh UroH. Lumber wagon, 1 Finch wagon and hay rack; I good top buggy; 1 Mct'orralck hay weep; 1 McCormlck mower; 1 Champion hay rake;l Mollne 1U ter; 1 Mollne 2-row Clo-Devll; I Little Deere cultivator; I Racine Batlcy 16-10 dlic; I 3-icotlon harrow; 1 good iet of 1 1-2 In. werk harneM: 2 good ieU ol I'm In. work harnou; 1 Hharpleiw cream seperator; 8 Dozen Chickens; 30 Duiheli ot Hcd River Potatoes; Other articles too numerous to mention. FRKK LUNCH AT NOON. rPED1Vf G Al1 sums of 810 and under, cash. On all over 810 ClW 10 ten months time will bo given at 10 per cent in terest, purchaser giving note with approved security. A. F. ENGELHARDT, Owner COL. JAKE ELLINGER, Auct. E. T. FOE, Clerk VN.N i THE HOME GROCERY P. A. WULLBRANDT, Prop. We Carry Complete Line of Staple end Fancy Groceries, also the Latest Patterns in HAND PAINTED CHINAWARE It Will Also Pay You to Remember That in Order to Secure the Best in Canned Goods Obtain (6 l ' " A. B. C. " CANNED GOODS Independent Phone 44 Btil Phone 201 , 5 USEFUL GIFTS AFTER all. it's the practical that pleases most because it shows of more THOUGHT. A clever nick-nack sparkles and glimers for awhile and then it is cast aside and forgotten. The really useful gift is a constant reminder of kindly feeling, .... Give something that will last not for a few short days, but. for weeks or months or longer still What? Here is a great list of just such things: - SILKS BED SPREADS EMBROIDERY HANDKERCHIEFS HOLE PROOF HOSE . DRESS GOODS SdARFS KID GLOVES SWEATERS HOODS MITTENS SILK PETTICOATS LACE COLLAR AND CUFF SET BARBARA PHARES FORMERLY F. NEWHOUSE Don't Aviate Ma.8 An airship needs a ilght-welght, high-priced engine in order to go up in the air When you buy a light- you will always be up in tTe air y ' '"' """ " Ed. Hanson wawmmmmmmwam exclusive agent Red Cloud Hdw. & Imp. Co.. Red Cloud, Neb. Nebraska Boyi Growing Good Corn The ronullsof w Nebraska boys' coin tfrowliiK coiiIpMh itinuKiirated lint prlntf by the University Depart ment of AurliMiltnral Kxtitiftlnn nm bi'Kinnimr to iniiteriiillstu In the form f Hth)iullil corn hiioclinoiiN tiri-lvtiur nf tho Stock Ytirila ofllces daily. 1 lie Union Stock YuhIb Comtinnv with a View to itlmtilatlinr liitirnk. amoiiKltho boys of Nebraska In grow in good corn Inst spring, ns a follow- np to tlie Seed Corn Campaign, placed iuo wat the disposal of Prof. PiumtavV. department to be awarded In county nnd state prizes to the boys of Nebras ka sbowing the highest, yields of com from acre idols. In order that the. boya of If ss favored dlstrlota of Ne braska might not be at a disadvantage In competition with their brothers In tho eastern part of the state a division? was tnado in the State nrlzes. so that. 8125.00 is to be awarded in tho western dlvtslou and the same amount in tho- eastern division. Tho awards will bo made at the Stato Farm at Lincoln in. January during Institute week there. Meanwhile, that the farmers and shippers, and others interested, may know what has been accomplished by these boys, the Stock Yards Company has arranged for samples of the corn raised by contestants to be sent to the. Company at South Omaha where they will be properly labeled with name and address of grower and the acre- yield and placed in large glass cases in tne lobby or the Exchange Building. Thee samples will be kept on exhibit-, ion all winter and spring. Many sam ples have been received and they arc still coining in. Most of the samples. thus far received are exoelleatexhlbits. of corn and many or the tars come near perfection, while the yields range from fifty to more than one hundred bushels to the acre. Elton Stone of! Lyons has the record to date for the highest yield, a little over 103 bushels.. Geo. J. Uoggenbaeh of Wlsiier comeH next with 81) bushels; Harry Egger.. Hooper, reports 88; Walter Pfelffer, Ilooper, 77 bushels; Alfred Miller, Sur prise, 73 bushels; Ueorge Hartnian,. Paxton.CO bushels; Ernest Ilndnall, Chapman, 2 bushels. William Rogers of Loup City reports that with less than live inches of rain his corn made a yield of no bushels. The Stock Yards Company Is much pleased with the in terest manifested by the boys through out the state and with the success-, which has rewarded the efforts of most of them. While none of the yields are astounding, they show uu average nearly three times greater than the en tire corn yield for the State for 1012 and will be marks, for; the fathers to. shoot at next year. Organized Agriculture Meeting At Lincoln: Detailed plans are being rapidly conoluded for the twelfth anuual con vention of Organized Agriculture which meets at Lincoln, January 20-24, 1013. This Is the representative gath ering of all the allied branches of agrl c alture composed of some twentynve state associations and over two hun dred farmers' institutes aud farmers" clubs. An attendance of five thousand, or more is expected,. based ou previous, attendance. The legislature will be in session and the farmers will have a. good opportunity to see how their le presentativen are looking after their. interests. The State Horticultural. Society and the Corn Improvers1 Asso ciation will put on & monster corn and-, apple show at the Lincoln city audi torium and the girls of tne Domestic Science department of the State Uni versity will serve apples and corn pro ducts to the hungry in over two hun dred different ways. Prominent speak ers both from the state aud from out . side will be in attendance to discuss, farm problems and the Comtneciak Club of Lincolu will provide interest--iug entertainment features for visitors.. M 6im jriMNamr Manes. Mny mothers imagine their daugh ter's fortuue made when she learns, enough to thump on a piano, or labors v enough to daub a cheap ohromo or to , work a yellow dog ou a floormau. Girls are too glad to be spoiled that, way. Teach them to command a reg-. Imeut of pots and kettles; teach them. to make good bread, good coffee, teach them to make garments and to patch them when they need it. Teach them, physical development; teach them it is more cruel aud less Christian foi American women to cramp and dis tort their luugs, liver uud stomach, than It Is for the Hotteutots to press their heads Hat, for the Cbiuese to make their feet small, Good, healthv industrious girls make happy homes,. uud wives and mothers. Te DehtraCattle. If you desire hornless cattle without use of a saw get a nickle of caustic potash at the drug store and keep it ia. a bottle so it will not slack, Catohyour calf, take your stick of potash wrapped in a piece of paper, wet the hair over the horn spots aud your calf will grow, up a polled Jersey, polled Holstela, polled Short Horn, or polled whatever H '. ;? i M i s 4 .1 4 Si v 1 i IF If HAPPENED FIND IT HERE it is. :M 1jU' "If u.sS4.