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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1912)
fcWfc- J&rwMn I w The Chief C. B. HALE, Publisher RED CLOUD cr- j. NEBRASKA Philadelphia In offering n bounty on' mis to gut tho fleas off them. A tick IIhIi proposition. Nnturnlly tlio baseball fans And In tho restored Vonus of Mllo a southpaw with Rood curves. The prlco of steel hoopn has been advanced $2 n ton, but not becnuso hoopcldrts nro coming In. A Minnesota health offlclnl says tho only placo to kiss a woman Is on her (holograph. Not on your tlntypot A man recently found $4,000 In an old mattress ho watt going to burn up. Probably eomo ono left It to tho hair Tho next thing to become popular Ib tlio nuto milk cart. Then wo'll probably find gasollno In tho bottles. A Now York stiff ragetto says: "I'm thirty-eight, and I don't enro a vhoop for tho men!" Probably It's mutual. A New York woman of eighty Iri starting to learn n trade. A porson. Is never too old to learn, oven In Nowj York. "Is heat n Biibntnnco?" asks tho Lit erary Digest; nnd any householder can tell tho magnzlno that heat Is an ex peuso. Less than 1,000.000 New York chll drcn took ndvantngo of tho public baths last year. Childhood Ib evej tho snmo. If they could only kill n few roon bandits na they did that ono at Delta Cnl It might discourage tho buslneui of train robbing. And perhaps tho worst thing the recent campaign Indicted upon a long' Buffering country wbb tho mongrel Terb "straw-voted." I A Bantu tribesman has been dlscov red with forty-flvo wives. If thi tribe allowed suffrage no doubt he'd bo perpetual king. A fire In a snuff factory put th Chicago flro department out of com mission. A flro or that sort la noth tog to bo sneezed at. They say that tho new dlamont weighing 1.C49 carntn is a little of. color, but, If bo, wo have seen nocktlei that would match It. A western telegraph manager adver tises for "girls with wheelB." He ought to find them ! Rolng to an; moving plcturo show. Ii. nil tho song birds migrate to the south except tho particular kind that waits on tho big cities for tho open ing of the opera Benson. Chrlstmns trees fron Now RnglanJ nro to bo quarantined. Tho noxl thing wo know they will bo fumigat ing Santa Clans' whiskers. A railroad company Is asked to pa $200,000 for tho death of a chlmpan too. Evidently U owner Ih not eago? to work for hla living now. A bird said to bo n French owl wal captured by n policeman. France h tho last country In tho world to think of for producing anything owlish. A Now York blgnmlst haa been sen tenced to prison for five yenrs. one year for each wife. Why not make Jilm llvo ono year with all ftvo wives? Real babies nro to bo used In a school of mothercrnft nt Acton, Eng, where girls will bn tnught tho art of Infant managements Poor IJttlo kids! Chicago hnB a school for brides, but o guarantee of n position goeB with scholarship. A Philadelphia man haa died, lenv. Ing $100,000. without any Indication of whero ho wnntB It to go. However, tho lawyers will get It. Just tho same. When nn nrtlsto arrives at New York from Europe, carrying 600 pairs of shoes you may rest asBurod thai sho is either a centipede or a dancer. It Is maintained by a UoBton minis ter that It Ib posslblo to marry and llvo comfortnbly on $15 a week. It Is posslblo nt IcuBt to marry on that In. como. Tho now Zeppelin nlrshlpa are equipped with kitchens und tho dis posal of gnrbnge from them Ib, ol courso, a matter of tho attraction ol gravitation. Tho horho no longer smells tho bat. tie afnr off. Tho enemy afar off now gets a whiff from tha approaching war nuto when tho wind Is blowing toward them. China hnH no forestB. There are no woods for her unpopular politicians to take to. A Now York corporation has liquidated becaimo women aro giving tip petticoats. And some luiBbanda aro liquidating becnuso. they won't glvo up petticoat rulo. Tho Jnpn nro roported to bo taking to American beef In tho hope of .grow. Ing taller. After they get tho butch er's bill thoy will find It really leaven them very much shorter. FOUR BBBBBBBBHBRZZ?' '" 34dKJ's&BlSBBV BBL PPPBipjBBPVBVMtcrtlf(, A1w&?BV IB .BBaBHBBBBBMT''' .PBtZlBiBBV my V.V BBBV.BBBBBBBIBIBIBIBIBIw .v'-v.' :SBBkHBM r' V &f 2 ' -l ' I""" !L w ;iBBBMMBgBBJBjlg., '. MsBB iiiiiliiii iJiiiiMUMiitiira ''. BBBBBBBBSSBbIVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbVI ' JiBHfV bKjR& BBBBBBBBbW. H W "- JLVLbbbbbbbSKi mw BMfBrfc VSu jw'bbbbbbbbbbbRbbbbbJbV. meMm -tmKtFfmi&Iy ky&, $m& ' srBBBBBsPTaBBBBBBBBBBVBm. rare ss v ' &?& Nc-'py mm Jri W && r, - r T v. cJtef mm mjmmmm&&mm i k, Tv. pmw wwmmmtmmffM.,,iw"" sl . i,., .sv ur r'' F1mSSgii f NN r .iv.;rj;?m Four charming young women of Washington became wives Thanksgiving week. They were, as numbered In the illustration, Miss Alice Wright, daughter of Justlco Wright of the auprem court of tho District of Columbia, who waB married to Robert F. Vedder; Miss Eleanor Cullom Rldgeley, granddaughter of Senator Cullom of Illi nois, who becamo Mrs. Harry Parker; MIbb Alice Gates Doutell, daughter of tho minister to Switzerland, who was married to John Brooks Ladd of Boston, and MIbb Laura Merrlam, daughter of tho former governor of Minne sota, who wedded James F. Curtis, assistant secretary of tho treasury. DEAD JAPS ON SHIP V Welrd Adventure of Engineer Off Coast of China, Seaman 8upposed to Have Been Drowned Climbs Aboard Deserted Vessel and Wonders at the Myitery of Sailors' Fate. New York. If Oanzal, tho Japanese poodlo and prized possession of Wil liam Twoeddalo, chief engineer of tho Tweeddnlo. chief engineer of the British tramp Btenmcr Atholl, now dis charging her far East cargo at the American docks, Statcn Island, could tnlk ho would unfold a strango talo of tho southern Paciric. But tho story of how Banzni camo into tho possession of Chlof Twoeddalo Is ptrango enough a talo In ttnelf. Before joining tho Atholl, Twoeddalo wnu second en gineer of tho tramp Bteamer Vlscar, and were that atenmor's log to bo had and tho pages turned back to n year ngo tho drowning at sea of Banzal's owner would bo noted. "I'm a drowned man and that's all thoro Ib to It," remarked Tweeddalo to a reporter, as ho began tho story of Banzai. "I haven't seen tho Vlscar slnco tho night I was drowned In tho South Pncltlc, but I'vo heard from my old chief, and ho says I'm cnrrlcd on tho log as drowned, and that tho Vis car's log Is truthful In all things, and drowned I must remain. "it was about this tlmo last year that I wub 'drowned.' Tho Vlscar had touched In nt Jnpaneso ports and was kicking her wny south to, Singapore I had Jus been relieved of my watch below by tho third and had gono to tho rail for a breath of air. Tho night was stifling hot, and whether I had got too much heat or what I don't know, but I was taken with a sort of fainting spell. "I camo to with a sudden shock. I waB in the water. "It dawned on me mighty quick that no ono had soen mo go overboard nnd that It might bo a couplo of hours be foro I was mlBsed. 1 shouted a bit moro and then I began to save my breath and swim. "Well, sir, I had eomo funny thoughts. Flrat I began to wonder how long I could keep up. nnd decided that by taking things easy I was good for flvo or bIx hours and daylight, for I had gono overboard at midnight. I wna boginnlng to tjro a bit, and It was something of an offort to koop floating. "Then, sir, I bow a Bight that brought n howl of Joy out my lungs. Sweon- lne alone tnwnrri mo with nil anila set, was a one-masted vessel. I began io swim toward her, yelling 'Help' ovory few strokes, but not an answer ing cry did I hoar. I thought It Btrango, for the vessel waa almost on mo. but It wasn't for me to wonder about such things with a chance for. llfo so near at band, and so I bumped BRIDES OF THANKSGIVING WEEK V )kKBV.BAmmmmVvAwrv tW f ? uiBmBmmVB AmVTMvv l iummmv& mw4Bx,4i jtw alongsldo as tho boat camo by me. Luckily I saw a ropo hanging over tho sldo nnd got hold of It, or I'd never bo in New York or any othor enrthly harbor thlB day. Finally, with ono last awful offort, I drew myself over Bldo and fell In a heap on tho deck. I sat up with n start and thero was a blooming puppy dog what had been licking tho Bldo of my fnco. That thero pup was nauznl. "Well, Blr. I had como aboard Into a pretty mcr.a. Tho vessol wna n ono sticker nnd wna running under main sail, topsail and Jibs, but not a sign of a human being did I sou. 1 got up and went nft, and thero doubled up nenr tho wheel was a dead Jap. Tho fellow waa curled up llko a fellow who fallen aRlcop and had tried to keep himself warm by rolling into a ball. "I went down Into tho cabin and thero stretched out on tho floor were four moro Japs. It certainly gave mo tho creeps to look at them. They all hnd tho snmo ghastly expression on their faces and the same wild look In their eyes aa the fellow up on deck. I looked about expecting to seo signs of a struggle, but everything was aa ship Bhnpe na could he. "Tho moro I looked at those dead men tho moro tho Idea stuck to mo that thoy had seen something that had literally frightened them to death. What It waB you can guesB as well as mo. I'vo often tried to figure out nn explanation of those dead Japs, but It's beyond mo. Tho bodloa wore In n good atato of preservation, so tho men couldn't havo been dead long. "Well, tho first thing I did waB to heavo thoso Japa overboard. "I kopt on westward for about four days and thon lato ono nftornoon I sighted a steamer low down on tho horizon. Then I saw the stenmnr ho. ginning to slow down. I ran up as . cioso nB i could and they lowered away a lifeboat to reach my ship. As soon aa it puued alongsldo I picked up Banzai and jumped into tho boat and wna taken to the steamer. Tho sailboat Journeyed on as I had left her, all satla set and heading into tho sotting sun. Sho was a ship of mystery. Whero sho came from, what hod happened to her crow and whero sho wont I don't know and never wilL" DEER IN A CROWDED STREET Animal Startles Pedestrians In Cincin nati Until Finally Caught by Mem ber of Salvage Corps. Cincinnati. Ohio. Shortly after noon recently tho crowded down town strec'ts wero thrown Into confusion when a deer ran down Walnut street and turned Into Seventh avenue. The animai unaiiy plunged through a large plate glass window. Emll Stagaaro at the Salvage corps, with a number ef firemen, captured the animal. DISCUSS FREEDOM OF AIR Jurists of the World Are Torn Oven Sovereignty of 8pace Above Territory. London. In tho sixteenth and seventeenth ccnturlos tho Jurists of tho world poured forth learned treatises on the freedom of tho scaa and In thoso days Englishmen wcro tho groat champions of tho doctrlno of mnro llberum, whllo tho Continental scholars upheld tho notion of niaro clausum. Today tho Jurists of tho world nro busy with tho discussion of tho free dom of tho nlr, and the rolca aro reversed. English professors almost unanimously maintain tho doctrlno of sovereignty over tho air, spneo above tho territory, while their colleagues abroad insist that tho stato has no dominion. The need for tho assertion of Btato sovereignty ia implicitly recognized In our aerial navigation act of 1011; which empowers the government to interdict flying over any area when it chooses. At tho same tlmo tho principal ot state sovereignty does not Interfere with tho right of lnnocont passage through the air which tho comity and Intercourse of nations require. Subject only to precautions neces sary for tho safety of the subjacent population and public security liberty to fly over tho land will doubtless bo accorded by the state to foreigners as well.aB nationals. The position will be similar to that taken up in regard -to territorial wa ters, says tho Law Journal, through which thero Is a right of lnnocont pas sago to all vessels, though thoy aro subject to tho dominion of the neigh boring state. In fact, the air Juridically resembles not thi opon ocean, but tho marginal sea. ' SHOT BY BOYHOOD ENEMY Youth He Had Sent to Prison In 1870, Gets Bitter Revenge After Many Years. . ' Denver, Col. M. A. Root, member of a Denver tobacco firm, was shot nnd seriously wounded at his homo by a man ho says ho recognized as a boyhood enemy of Ripon, Wis. Root was taken to tho county hospital, whero it was said thero was a chance for his recovery. Root said tho troublo started In 1870, shortly after ho left school in Wisconsin, when his homo wna robbed. Ho said ho recognized tho burglar as Jamos Dlvlnney. Ho had Dtvluney arreBted and ho was sentenced to the penitentiary. At that time, Root de clares, Dlvlnney sworo vengeance. Several times In tho last fifteen yenrs, slnco ho has resided In Denver, Root has been attacked, shot and once locked In his safo and nearly suffo cated. On each occasion Root de clares be recognised bis assailant as DiTlnney. MAKING FOR HEALTH 8Y8TEMATIC DAILY EXERCISE A NECESSITY OF LIFE. Future Health of Children Depends Largely Upon the Flrat Years. of Their Upbjlldlng Fresh Air the Vital Point. It is really pathetic to seo young glrlB and women who for tho want of n llttlo systematic dally cxcrclso nro thin, pallid and weakly. Many women nro really not what they tnaku them scIvcb believe thoy nro. At tho slight est exertion they say they nro fatigued all fagged out, unable, to do anything else for tho rest of the day. This feeling Is really just a habit that they havo acquired and should got rid of ns soon as possible. If you want to llvo long nnd bo healthy get tho no tion out of your head that every llt tlo thing tires you all out, nnd that It la Impossible to do moro than n few regular, necessary llttlo duties every day. Unless a woman la bodily 111 or crip plod .thero Ib no reason why sho can not send tho blood bounding through all her veins In such n manner as to stamp tho glow'of health upon her en tire body. Mothers of largo families with n household to supot Intend have not much time, I know, but It Ib their duty to see that their children take some form of exerclGo dally aside rrom the regular routine. Their fu turo health nnd llfo depend upon it. Dozens nnd dozens of sickly and con sumptive children ure being saved yearly by hygienic habits, fresh air, Bunshlno and cxcrclso. It Is not necessary to adopt exer cises which take' up a great deal of tlmo unless one wishes to and has tho tlmo to glvo, nor la It necessary to havo nil sorts of apparatus to ob tain tho best results in exercising. Ono of tho best built women I over saw told mo tho other day that Bho exercised ever slnco sho could re member, and never had any bought instruments for her work. Everything was home-made. To their use nnd to sunshine and pure, fresh air, sho owes all that she is today. It is an easy thing to add a slmplo exercise to one's regular toilet work In tho morning and again a llttlo at night before retiring. It may be just learning to breathe properly. Yet this alone can save you from a cold or per haps something moro serious. In tho morning when you awake, if possible, have someone como into your room before you rise and throw wide your windows if they have not been fully open throughout the night. Lie limp in bed. Inhale through the nose; Fill your lungs to their fullest capacity nnd then slowly exhale. Do this at least four times or six if you wish. Just before retiring at night, and without any rcstrlctivo clothing, stand nt nn opon window with hands on hips, thumbs pointed backward nnd while, Inhaling rlso slowly upon the toco; hold tho breaAh while" counting three, nnd slowlyv Whllo cxhnltng, drop back upon tho feet Repeat a half dozen times. Six minutes night and morning is all that is ncceBsary. Tho truo valuo of that twelvo minutes of cxcrclso every day, If continued 'for five or six months, will bo so fully apparent that If It required twice tho amount of time you could not bo 'tempted to glvo it up. ' If tho coming generation Is to bo strong nnd healthy tho present ono jinust pavo tho way, and to do this pa rents and children alike must take somo active exercise. UN VELVET AND VELVETEEN Gorgeous Wraps Are to Be a Feature of Style That Will Mark the Coming Season. Velvet and velveteon are to be used again this winter in the compo sition of comfortable and handsome iouter wraps. Theso havo many points of usefulness, which fully ncounted for their great popularity last year and in tho spring. They aro, how ovor, only sultablo for wearing over short skirts which dp not need hold ing up, and even soithoy are apt to bo in tho way on muddy days, for it Is very difficult to cleanso mud stains from velvet. On tho other hand, they frequently save tho troublo of changing the dross, slnco they lend a sufficiently afternoon appearance to the figure even when thoy aro worn over com paratively plain costumes. They also form an admirable background for furs, with a glimpse of laco at tho throat. A smart model has a turned-back collar of sailor sliapo not extended in Jong rovers to tho waist, which forms a pleasant chango. On tho waist lino It Is fastened by a motif of folded black velvet and braid, and to this fastening It is drawn slightly up in fullness from the right to tho left aldo. This glveH it a very up-to-dato nlr for anybody who has tho patience to bo eternally brushing. Face of Serge. If any who aro puzzled to determine which is tho right sldo of sorgo will follow this rulo, given mo somo years ago by a workor In cloth, tho difficulty will vnnlsh, snys a contributor to Noedlecrnft. Whenever thoro aro di agonal lines In the woavo, as in sorgo, or in tho pattern, as in somo suitings, thoso linos run from the upper right band corner to tho lower left-hand, on the rJght side. In many materials oth er than serge, these diagonal lines may be seen, such as merino, cash mere, and even broadcloth, though not so evident la Um latter. JttWcfMttlCttJj Lir '.ii r I'f'ffi hi -' HsBCifjiffl A Budget of Queries. Will you plcnso tell mo if It is nec essary to thank or express your pleas ure to a young gentlcmnn each tlmo after ho has taken you to a placo ot amusement providing you havo been going with him steady? Also, is it proper for n girl of eigh teen to allow a young man to kiss her good night If nho has been going with him Btcndy for only four months?1 Should a gentleman ask to call onj n girl each tlmo ho wishes to seo herj. or Is it a girl's prlvllego to ask him; to como and see her. 13. S. H. and P. J. II. It Is always pollto to thank a per son who has shown you any attention, even If that person ho n well-known frlond. I decidedly im proper to kiss a mnn good night, and ungcntlemanly in him to ask it. He has no right to your kisses nnd will respect you much moro If you hold yourself In reserve. It Is not neces sary to ask permission to c'all every tlmo. for among good friends It Is un derstood that thoy nro welcome Questions From "Brown Eyes." I nm very much Interested in your corner of tho paper nnd would like., to nsk you n few questions. My birthday is in December, on the. inth. I would llko to invito a few of my girl friends In tho afternoon nnd some of my boy friends in the evening. I will be sixteen and will have them come on either Saturday or Monday. How should I word tho Invitations? What shall I have for refreshments for tho girls and boys after supperi How should I entertain them? 1 For this party I think I would ask. the guests, tell tho girls you wantj them to como in the afternoon andW the boys in the evening for the leer cream and birthday cake. After all have arrived whv not hava charades, acting out the words, coffee) (cough fee), dramatic (dram-attic), sinecure (sin e cure). You will And this makes good fun. I A Suitable Toast. . ' Please glvo mo n good toast to glvej at a Christian Endeavor society gath erlng.X. Y. Z. , Try this, seems to mo it ought to da very nicely: To thoso who have passed mo on the highway and gave greeting, To the posslblo friends who havo coraft my way whose oyes lingered as' they fell on mlno, May they ovor bo eager with youth; and Btrong with fellowship May thoy never miss a welcome ok. want a comrade. McGco. Engaging the Minister. Havo read your valuable Informa tion In answer to questions and f wnnt to ask you a few questions my self. When both parties concerned In a marriage attend the same church, which should engage -tho minister to. perform tho ceremony ?-A.- M. H. Tn the inetanco mentioned, where, both go to tho same church, I think;. It would be best for tho two to call: together, or tho "man In tho case'V may go alone, or tho arrangements' could bo mado by a letter to tho mhv lster from tho bridegroom-elect Luncheon Menu. I would bo most grateful If youn would outllno for mo a Blmple but cor rect luncheon menu. Janot Bullion. Breadstlcks. Chicken Croquettes. Green Peas. Creamed Potatoes. Finger Rolls Waldorf Salad. Wafers. Neufchatel Cheese. Ico Cream. Claret Sauce. Small Angel Cakes. Coffee. Guest Book Verses. Kindly glvo mo through your column.' vorses sultablo for a guest book. A Dally Reader. I think either of theso quotations sultablo: "Dear Lord, I thank theo for my friends." "Givo to tho world tho best you havo, and tho best will come back to'' you." To- Use Advertisements. Will you kindly toll mo how tq use,, advertisements at a party as a con-i test? By using a plcturo, should thoy know tho manufacturer? J. A. Use just the picture with the name of manufacturer left off. It is aston ishing how much we do not know when it comes to guessing "ads," al though they may be seen every day and all are familiar. MADAMS MERRL ,T...yl l $l&gfa-Afo&C' )JH i-v A. '- -. ,M-. MfcJ