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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1912)
.i.hAiiM I jfc W, 5 ( l ft I if it ? & ' I?'!- y -', . y e i. r .' ! ., 115 i I ' r ( I Hi I) . fti fc ! I M i i f B IN V. B State Woman Suffrage to Petition Legislature Omnlia, Dec. 10th. After one of the most successful and best attended meetings ever held, tho NchrusUH Woman Suliingu Association crime to it closo on Friday morning, December (Mi. Just twice s many delegates were registered this year as the pro vIoiib one.there being sixty-two besides the Htnto ofllcers. A" resolution of thanks to the Omaha committee! end the Bureau of I'ubll city of the Omaha Commercial Club was drawn up by the Association, for the gracious hospitality and excellent work done preceding the convention. The association pledged HMJirio ini tiate a petition under the Initiative law to tie presented to the Secretary of State and to nlno petition the present legislature. The individuals of the different societies which make up the state association pledged a2.7U0.00 to defray ex peines for the work of the coming year. TheotllccrM elected for the coming year are: Mrs. Draper Smith, Omaha, president; .vlrs. Mary Kovanda, Tattle Kock, vlco president; ihs Mitry Will lams, Kcnesaw, corresponding secre tary; Miss Daisy Doane, Omaha, re cording secretary; and Mr. Will B. Hardy, Lincoln, Treasurer. Two audi tor comprise the state board, Mrs. Hy- land II. Wbcoler, Lincoln, ana Airs. oi. M. Claflln, University Place, being elected to these ofllces. Dr. Inez C. Pbllbrlck, of Lincoln, Nebr., the retir ing president was made honorary presi dent, as Is also Miss Hayward of Chad- ron. Coantry Merchent Need Not Fear Parcels Pott When the parcels post U ouce put into active service It will be up to the merchants in the country towns to let the people know that they can and will sell them goods just as cheap as the department stores in the cities do, or can nfford to sell the same class of goods. As u rule niuny country mer chants carry just what thelroustomers send olf to the mail order houses for, but they fail to let the public know what they carry in stock and the prices at which it is bold. On tho other hnnrt the mail order houses keep eternally advertising their goods and prices and they get the orders, too. If country merchants would do us the city mer chant does they would have nothing to fear from the parcels post. Monroe Appeal. Oie Thousand Delegates Al ready Appointed for Farmers Convention Omaha, Dec. nth. More than a thous and delegates have beeu appointed to attcud tho Nebraska furmers associa tion to be held In Omaha, December 10 to 10th. From every angle the meet ing Indicates a graud success. The program is the best ever published, and If veather conditions continue to be as they now are, there is not a doubt but what there will be from a thousand to fifteen hundred delegates lu attend ance. The first session of tho convention will open Tuesday evening at 7:30 p. ra., at Hotel Rome; President L. C. Lawsou, Olarks, Neb, presiding. Mayor Daulnian will addrcts the con vent ion, his topic beiug "Opening the dates of the City"; this will be re sponded to by Hon. .1. 13. Orinnell, vice president of the Congress, after which president llaverstlck of the Omaha Commercial Club, and Mr. J. S. Canady, Miuden, Nebr., President of tho State Co-operative Shipping Association will extend greetings. Then follows the regular program: ' Address, "Ecouomic Necessity the liaals of Agricultural Organization"--Mr. Millard R. Meyers, Editor, Ameri can Coopetatixe Journal, Chicago, Discussion. Wednesday, Dec. 18th, :3o a. in. ltusiness meeting State Association of Co-operative Creameries. Annual Address of the President Hon, L. C. Lawsou. Appointment of Committees. Introduction of Resolutions and memorials. Address "Sin and Society, the Necessity of Co-operation in its Larger Sense." Mr. Miles K. Culver, St, Aus gar, Iowa. Discussion. Address "The Academy of Political nd Social Science and the Nebraska Farmers Coiigress",'MlssFajo M. Hart Jjy, Lincoln. Discussion. Wednesday l:!U)p. in Address "The Agricultural College ami Faun Economics" Prof, O. W. Pugsley, Lincoln, Nebr. Disuussloii. Address "Corn Joud Civilization" Hon. E. P llrowu, Davev,Nebr.,Treaa urer Nebraska Corn Improvers Asso ciation. Discussion. Addrese "The Social Side of Farm Lira" Mrs. R. II. Davis; Pacific Jnct, Iowa. Duteusalon. j rJ& c As usual we have the finest line of Christmas Gifts in the city consisting of Toilet Sets, Perfumes, Fancy Calendars, Work Boxes, Manicure Sets, Games, Etc. Stationery Nice Stationery is always a suit able Gift. We have a supetb line in Holiday Packages, also the gold em bossing initial and address stationery. RAZORS AND KNIVES We are showing five kinds of Safety Razors including the Duplex Demon strating Razor for only 35 cents. Our Pocket Knives, Shears and Scissors are the "Shur-Edge" brand, fully guaranteed. . . . COME IN CHAS. L. COTTING, e L . vvyvyv Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Introduction of Resolutions, Presi dent L. C. Lawson. Address "Conservation nud Control of Nebraska's Water Power4, Hon. R. B. Howell, Omaha, Nebr. Discussion. Address "An Enlarged University" Chancellor Samuel Avery, University of Nebraska. Discussion. Thursday, December 19th, 0:00 a. m. Vice President Tanneuill, presiding, "Address "The Industrial and Edu cational Farmers Union of America" Hon. O F. Dornblazer, Brunswick, Ne braska. Discussion Reports of Secratary and Treasurer, W. S. Delano, Lincoln, Nebr. Report of Legislative Committee, F. G. Odell, Chairman. Address "The Grange as a factor Prices CREAM BAKING POWDER A pure, healthful, Cream of Tartar Baking Powder When buying an article of food you are entitled to know exactly what you are buying s ita quality and ingredients. If this information is refused don't buy it. Some of the low grade baking powders are advertised, but the ingredients of the powders are scrupulously concealed. A housekeeper would not use a baking pow der containing alum if she knew it. It is well when buying to examine ' the label on the can. Unless it shows the ingredient cream of tartar, don't buy it. Dr. Price's baking powder is abso lutely free from alum. W ff A Superb Showing of HOLIDAY GIFTS AND INSPECT OUR THE DRUGGIST lu Rural Progress" Hon. .1. D. Ream, Broken Bow, Nebr., Stale Urange. Address "The Co-operatve Cream ery" Prof. J. H. Frausdcn, University of Nebraska. Thursday, 1:30 p. m. Reports of Committees, 1-Resolu-tions, 2-Insurance. Special Commit tees. Election of Officers. Address "The Qrainary of the Notion" S. C. Bessey, Oibbou, Nebr. Address -"The Co-operation nmong European Farmers" Geo. W. Coup land, Elgin. Discussion. Thursday, 7;30 p. m. Address "The Rural Problem" Hon. Frank G. Odell. Lincoln, Nebr., Sec'y Rural Life Commission. Address "The Attitude of Congress Relative to a Co-operative Agricultur al Credit System" Hon. G. W. Norrls, McCook, Nebr. AsyklvyAy'LflLLAANiAvvAvA V v( Psk Books-Calendars You know that we always excell in our stock of Gift Books and Calen dars. We have a beautiful line this year. . STOCK The Parcels Pest. The parcels post system of mail de livery will be inaugurated January 1, 1913, then it will be, no uncotn.mou thing for people to do most of their shopping by mall. For Instance, If the housewife wants n package of starch or some sugar all she will have to do is to phone to town and have it ncut via parcels post This is going Jo be a great innovation in the way of shop ping convenience, but it will bo hard" work for the mail man, and hurd ou the pockets of the express companies. Ex. We Sell at Right Prices Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posts, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Hard and Soft Coal, . Cement, Fencing, Paints, Lime, Pinter, Roofing, Sewer Pipe, Drain Tile, Sand and Brick Saunders Bros E. A. Creighton, M. D. EYE, NOSE AND THROAT CONSULTATION FREE. 1 Public I will hold a Stoult S-ile on our homo place 1 miles west and 2 and north nf Red Cloud, 3 miles east and 21 north of tnavale Tuesday December 17th. COMMENCING AT ONE O'CLOCK 50 HEAD OF STOCK 50 8 HEAP OF HORSES AND MULES 5 1 yearling horse colt, weight 750; 1 yearling horse colt, weight 700; I 2-year old sorrel trotting horse, weight 800; l Drown driving horse II years old; 1 Brownjmnre mule 3 years old. 8 HEAD Z 8 Milch cows, S and 0 years old, one fresh; 2 2 year old heifers; 1 yearling heifer; 2 Steer calves; 11 Month old; 1 Heifer calf 8 month old. 37 Head Duroc Jersey Hogs 37 15 Head of Gilts, average weight 175 pounds; 20 Head of Stock hogs average weight 175 pounds; 2 old sows, weight 300 pounds each. :: LUNCH ON THE GROUNDS :-: TKRNS Al1 snms of 81 and uDder caso 0n b11 over (1 " 12 months time will be given at 10 per cent in terest, purchaser giving note with approved security. Mrs. J. S. Reigle, Owner Col. Jake Effing er, Anct. W. A. Sherwood, Clerk. South Dakota Land J I have several Sections, One Half Sections and Quarter Sections of choice South Dakota Land for sale. 3 Most of this land is under cultivation and is located within a radius of ten miles of two good towns. This land also has improve- - ments upon it such wells, fences, etc. Q This land' located on the main .line tqf ; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul from Chicago to Puget Sound. -For rurthtr Particular AUdrmtm 0. G. PTKIflS, INAVALE, pnVVWWWWWWWW Diamond Milling Co. -MANUFACTURERS OF Diamond Brand Goods J We manufacture Buckwheat Flour, Whole Wheat Flour, Graham Flour, Rye Flour, Corn Meal, Corn Chop, Bran, Shorts and Mill Feed, Self Rising Pancake Flour. Also shippers of Bulk and Sacked Grain. Diamond Brand FLOUR Is made in Red Cloud, and you are invited to inspect our flour, right in our mill anyday. Diamond Flour makes bread, that is bread. One trial of Diamond Flour is sufficient to convince any one that no better Hour is made anywhere at any price. Home folks are the best, . Use Diamond Flour and your Bread troubles are over. DIAPND Red Cloud, VW' Chief Ads Brlii Results. Read Them Sale OF CATTLE 8 as houses, barns,, sheds, JVlIliliING GO. Nebraska FOB SALE 3 .aj ".1V'' NEBRASKA & I j A ? r s J -. if . V .-Jfif.'-V..'. Lfaui LltffcN': U& M;v U.t