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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1912)
jwi K , wWiWtrtpSfcVWWiWfll.3fai TOlgSQlilMl1 NERVY GIRL ROUTS A BLACK BURGLAR! SHARP TEETH OF RODENTS KILL TREES Sacred Crops in Japan aaaaaMtit in the village of Isobe, In the Shima province of Japan, there are certain rfce-fields wnlch belong to the Izo-kyu Shrine, which claims a part of their yield, and these are the scene of a remarkable ceremony which takes place In no other part of the country. When the day comes for the young rice shoots to be removed from the small beds In which the seeds were sown, and to be planted In rows, the villagers make holiday, that they may witness the ceremonious transplanting which Is Illustrated here. Young men and women, placed alternately, and wearing the dress of old Japan, surround the small beds of shoots, and uproot them, singing old songs the while. The shoots are then planted In rows In the sacred fields t6 the music of flutes. WHERE RACHEL IS BURIED r .. S x ' -i"t'i!ws''s- 'i.-?T.ij.jL iWkanrjrM..f5, 'i &fm&Wmm?&S&r Rachel, daughter of Laban, favorite wife of Jacob and mother of Benja min, was interred at Bethlehem, ac cording to tradition, and plouB pll grlmB to tbe Holy Land do not. fail to visit the "Kubbct Uachll" or Tomb of Rachel, there. This structure ac tually dates only from the twelfth century, but presumably was erected on the site of an earlier tomb. MEIJI'S FUNERAL TORTOISES A curious custom was carried out In connection with tho funeral of Em peror MelJI which was not made pub lic at the time. This consisted in tbe freeing of three large tortoises as a mark of regret at the death of the emperor. Tho shell of tho largest specimen was three foot five Inches long, and upon the shell were engraved the char acters: "Wo humbly beg to show our deep est regret at tho death of our MelJI Tennn. Let froo In tho sea off Ogasa wara Island on tho day of tho state fu neral, September 13, 1912. Hlroshl Abe, governor of Tokio.' GIRL TOURS J5HINING SHOES Capitol officials In Montgomery, Ala., were surprised when a winsome young woman called and requested that sho bo permitted to shine their boots. Sho proved to be Miss Evelyn Altofalr, originally of Nashville, Tcun , who started out from Mobile, six months ago on a "shoeshlnlng" tour of the United States to win a wager of $1,500 and convlnco the world that woman can do anything she sets her mind to. Under tho agreement she Is to go into every statu in the union, mnklng her living throughout by blacking hoes. ATTENDS 3lCKCALL BY AERO The distinction of being the first clergyman to travel by aeroplane to minister to a dying man falls to Father Andral, a French prlost err ing with the troops in Morocco. He was busy In the hospital at Laghouat when a young -aeronaut, BBBBSal ' 7-i'k ,' flMHsBBBBBll BBSBJUS f A . ' . SBfSPBBBSBBBBBBl " ' ."' f Lieutenant Bregard, entered his room and naked him If it were possible for him to come with him by aeroplane In order to give the sacrament to a dying offlcer who had been Btaot by the enemy. The two were heartily cheered by tho soldiers when they de scended In the French camp. Tho wounded mnn when told ho must die had said: "To dlo is nothing, but to din without tho consolations of reli gion Ib sad." Lieutenant firc-gard had bottt down and whispered that ho would fetch n priest by aeroplane. The dying man waa still allvo when Iho priest ar rived. He mado hi confession and received tho communion and a few minutes afterward died. NO FEMALES ALLOWED HERE For thousands of years Mount Athot, ( tho monastery-covered emi nence on one projection of tho dial cldlco peninsula, in tho Aegean sea, has been a center of religious ac,tlv- of tho Christian era a sanctuary of Zeus (Jupiter) stood on the moun tain. It Is tho mountain that tho architect Dlnocratps offered to turn into a statue of Alexander tho Great with a city In one hand and In tho other a perennially flowing spring. Its chief modern InteroBt Hob in tho fact that at least since the beginning of the middle "ages it has been the homo of a little monastic republic that still retains almost tho same autonomy granted a thousand years ago by the Christian emperors of Con stantinople. In 1905 tho many fortified monasteries and hermltnges on Mount Athos contained 7,553 monks, Includ ing Greeks, Russians, Bulgarians, Rou- Sublime Porte of Turks 9 wf MY a SmPmitt9mm mJR? flktw '" ' EsaBBBsVHr' "& i Mi Jr f .vf T a'!BBaV'"lBaVQiaiBaBaVaaBa i s- 1 MmmmmWStW SmJmmmmmmX-T xJ HSmMiSA PaasaW "'4 A iFfTFLsr.' i" rJLr "U i in. mLmmmmmwK 1 I w '.aJF"v TdLw aLssaK "; BBBBkaMdaadAoSBBBk 4 ... ' xsasi'iHJB asnBB SBSBaSBsaEassssV-. "j'iBBkUs6"'rWv- sisssssssbssssV : Jv ?T' sA The Sublime Porte, which gives the gate hare pictured, leading to the palace of the sultan. There It was In the old day that the rulsr of th Mohammedan world dispensed Justice stated Intervals. manlniiH, Georgians ntul Tho domestic govornmi'iit of th ( monasteries was rogulitcd In 10 HI li Conntantlno Monomathos, with th i aid of the patriarch of Constantinople Hy the Imperial document which lit' Issued women nio forbidden on thi penliiRtila, a prohibition so stt Icily ob served that even the Turkish aga, or otllclal. who roaldos at Knrncs, m.; not take his harem with him T! such an i -stent la thla prohibition carried that oven tho femnles of ani mals are not permitted on tho penin sula. On occasions when women arc forced to land there In storms they are at once placed In huts and sent away at tho llrst opportunity. ' The 1'nleologl emperors at Con stantinople and tho Slav princes oi tho Hnlknn peninsula enriched the monasteries of Mount Athon. Occa slonally a Uyrnnllno emperor took refugo there from tho cares of state. Amid tho political disasters of the Creeks during the fourteenth century Mount Athnu appeals as a kind ol holy land, a place w hero .tho Hellenic spirit was cherished when It was threatened elHowhero. and even today it Is ouo of the most sacred pilgrlutagn sites of thu entire Creek church and tho feasts of tho principal monaste ries aro alwas celebrated with great pomp. , The fall of Constantinople In HO", brought no modllleatlon of tho condl tloim on tho holy mountain. The, monks, who stubbornly opposed all at tempts at reconciliation with tlin church of Itomo, submitted at once tJ tho domination of the Osmanll and, with rare exceptions, have never been' Interfered with by .tho Turkish au thorities An a general rule tho monks hoK their property In common. Thoy are, divided Into two clnssca, tfic "Idlorhyth mlc" and the "cenobltlc." Tho latter lives are of great monastic rigor, their chief occupation day nnd nigh; being solemn public prayer. Tho othj era enjoy a Ilttlo moro freedom nnd! practice minor industries In aid of tho common support. RUDE IDOLS OF NEW GUINEA Thu tribes of New Guinea, before going hunting or tlshlng, consult their Idols, two specimens of which are hero pictured. Tho nutlves nssert th&t tho Idols atibwcr them by tapplnp with their feet, whether tho expedi tion Is to be successful or not being Indicated by the number of taps. RABBIT HUNT NETS $133 A rabbit hunt on tho outskirts oi Great Notch, N. J., was brought to an unexpected ending at the base of an old opplo treo into which the rabbit had sought shelter. Two hunters. John Lyons and Robert Dodd of Upper Montclalr. had fired two shots at tho little animal, and as the smoke clear ed away saw their prize run Into the hollow of the tree. - As the hunters were preparing to smoke tho rabbit out they discovered In the tree ho'llow a much worn pockctbook. It contain ed one $100 bill, Ave twos, three fives and eight one-dollar bills, all In fair condition. name to the government of TurKoy, is "jiwiiwTr''' Siv5Spi' ff T t . t m Corn Stalks for Protection. (By P. II. HAU.OU.) Mice rarely Injure tteos except whero grabs, stiawy manuro, boards or trash of some kind about tho baso of tho treo prove a hiding place, as thoy prefer to perform their depre dations under cover. In mounding fruit trees, llrst clear away tho grass, trash or mulch from tho lmo of tho treo for a foot or moro in nil direc tions. With the foot, or, better, with a post tamper, thoroughly ilrm tho soil about tho baso of tho tree. This breaks down and Illls any runs or burrows Chat may be just below tho surfaco. With two shovelBful of fresh soil or cinders make a small mound, 12 or 14 Inches In diameter at tho baBo and Young Apple Tree With Wood Ve neer Wrapper, Having the Earth Mounded Around It for Protection Against Both Rabbits and Borers. from four to bx Inches high about tho stem of the treo, firming tho soil well. Tho tops of these small mounds aro usually kept quite bare by tho sweep ing forco of tho winter winds, oven If thero bo several Inches of Bnow on tho ground. Mlco will not venture out in these expoBures to feed on tho bark of tho trees nnd burrowing Into tho freshly packed soil Is not likely to bo attempted In tho wlntor oven In open weather. The mounds may bo left throughout the year, but they should bo tamped hard and repaired each autumn. Cin ders are most excellent material for this putpoBo as mlco will not burrow through them. , Tho wire screen Is an Ideal and complete all round protector and Is given first place among tho mechan ical forms. Being light and open it prevents the least obstruction to tho strong winds, the air and sunshine are freely admltter and no dark places of (concealment, such as Invito tho wooly nphlB and other forms of Insect life are afforded. Use galvanised wlro cloth of '4-Inch mesh. Tho 24-Inch width being the most convenient for applo trees. Cut Into 12-inch sections thoy should be carefully bent or rolled over a small round piece of wood, allowing tho edges to lap about ono inch. The cyl inders aro then placed about tho trees, whero their own tension will closo them securely. . One-Inch mesh poultry netting will protect tho trees against rabbit, but not from mice, but l In combination with a slight mound of soil about the base of tree, tolce .will rarely prove troublesome. Thero Is no dovtce superior In ef fectiveness against rabbits and ground hogs as corn stnlkB, and certainly none cheaper for the farm orchard. A good plan Is to tako tho bundles of stover bb thoy como from tho field, square off tho butts and cut off a two foot length of tho lower ends of tho stalk. ThCBO sections may bo fed to tho stock even In a manger or In the feed lot, where tho blade will bo cleanly and neatly stripped off. Flvo or six BtalkB bound firmly about the Btom of a young treo, with twlno or Bhort sections of wlro, will consti tute a protector that will last for sev eral seasons. Tho stalks readily yield as tho stem of the treo lncrensoB In size. In caso wire ties are used for bind ing on the Htalk these must be re moved from about tho treo whon tho stalks aro taken off, or thpy will drop down about the collar of tbe tree and i become covered with soil and forgot I i ih.m.V vuiij: '.RH::if '..'.vvJ ."' . :. . . Vv'.'.l ?) ... .(...vl-'lyT; The Wire Screen, ten. Trees have boon killed by wire- girding In this way. It Is difficult to treat young troos successfully Hint haxobeon barked by labbitn or oilier predatory animals. Whether any tieatment will Hticceed or not depends largely on how bad tho girdling 111. ir thu bark Is taken off clear mound tho treo bo nu to ex uoso the wood, tho only remedy Is to bridge graft. This is done by Insert ing a scion both above and below' tho wound, nnd, of course, cannot readily bo done except in spring. While this enn bo dono successfully, It Ib lm- ' practical for n young treo, nnd the chances aro that It would bo more profitable to pull out the treo and re set with now Block, If tho girdling Is not particularly severe It can bo helped by trimming tho ragged edges of tho bark with a sharp knife; then covering the nur faco with grafting wax or othor ma terial to keep tho wood from drying out till new bark grows over and heals tho wound. A great many nowly plantod trees dlo becauBo of carelessness In filling tho hole. It Is Important that this work bo carefully dono. If tho soil which waa removed from tho bottom of tho excavation be hard and lumpy, It should bo placed to ono sldo and tho eurfacc boII used first In filling. Tho main thing to remember In Ail ing Is that every part of tho root system should bo In contact with tho soil. Unless It Is, tho exposed areas will bo points for tho loss of moisture and tho drying out of tho roots. Tho soil surrounding the roots must be flno If they nro to bo well covered. Elthor loosen tho soil In tho bottom of tho holo or throw In two or threo spndcBful of loose earth so thnt whon tho treo Is put In It will sink suffi ciently Into tho soil bo thnt nil under surfaces will be In good contact with It. Tho soil mny thon bo filled In, us ing tho flno soil first and compacting It well around tho roots. Thoro Is Ilttlo danger of compacting tho boII too much, unless It bo of u clayey nature and somewhat moist. After tho first fow spadefuls havo been put In tho eoll may bo packed tramping. Be careful In compacting These Do the Damage. the soil not to crowd tho treo out of place. The soil should not bcj mounded at tho base of the tree abovo tbe natural level of tho land, the top, two Inches being left as loose and fine as possible. Don't Lose the Eggs. As ducks lay during tho night, or, early morning, ull the eggs can bo saved by proper management. To In sure thla, it becomes necessary to shut them ,ln their roomB or pens at! dusk for the night, and as thoy nro, careless about whoro thoy deposit) thoir eggs, It Is best to have (besides tho neBt) the floor well covered with' dry soil, which, In addition to obsorb-' Ing all moisture nnd keeping tho floor' clear of filth, will protect from Injury eggs thnt might otherwise bo lost; Ducks are qulto regular layers after! thoy once begin, usually laying an' egg every 24 hourfl. To Induce them t a como In nt nights It Is bent to feed, thorn at that tlmo, and In the morning: beforo they nro lot out. Treated thus, thoy will soon learn to como home utj sundown for their accustomed food; nnd aro readily Bccured. At tho proper! tlmo In tho morning tho eggs nro col-J lectod, the ducks fed and thon allow cd their freedom for tho day. Two or More Varieties. Do not plant an orchard of one va riety only. Even good self-pollonlzera will probably be more satisfactory Ifj two or more varieties aro set together than when the orchard Is limited to one alone. She Feigns Sleep, Then Screams for Help, but the Thiel Gets Away. Atlantic City, N. J. Awakened by a promotion thnt somo onu wns near her, Hazel Drown, the sixteen-year-old daughter of former Senntor Chnrlcs L. Brown, of Philadelphia, dis covered n negro burglar bonding over. With great proRonco of mind, tho girl pretended to Bleep until the man, curtain that ho was undiscovered, turned away. Hho then roused her mother, who was sleeping with her, t creaming for help at tho saint) time. Mrs. Brown grappled with the In U gtS W Vf. -All f'i' j J I II ,111 . . Wi hVk w;;a1 'ffitU ''V -kZ--s- 2 T-' -5- Grappled With the Intruder. trudor, but was easily shaken off by tho negro, who mado his escape pur sued by Mr. Brown and several neigh bors who had been aroused by Miss Brown's cries. Sonator Brown and family, who reside In Philadelphia, havo a cottage at 102 Vermont avenue, Chelsea, Into which thoy moved recently. The burglar gained access to thu house through a cellar window, going Im mediately to Miss Brown's room, evi dently In hopo of obtaining Jowelry. Ho carried his shoes In onu band, and in tho other had a bag for plundor. When discovered he dropped both his shoes and tho bag, escaping through tho same window through which be gained entrance. At his daughter's first cry for assist ance Honator Brown leaped from his bed In tho noxt room nnd, attired In pajamas, chased tho Intruder through tho streets. Mrs. Brown wns said to bo unstrung from her encounter with tho burglar. Mies Brown, however, Is Ilttlo the worso for her experience and wns able to discuss tho affair with friends. Sho said the negro was at her pillow when sho awakened, peering Into her face In nn effort 'to discover whether he had boon heard. Shu know that If sho screamed then sho would probably suf fer at his hands, and determined to pretend to sleep until ho was off guard. FISH'S TAIL STUNS A HAWK Spectator Watching the Aerial Battle Captures Bird and Eats Finny Combatant. West Now Brighton, N. V. -James Moore had a big blucflsh for breakfast at his homo tho other morning. He Bays ho took the blueflah from a fish hawk after tbe flsh had beaten the bird In a fight. Driving ulong tho side of tho lower bay on South Side boulevard, Whit lock, Mooro and his chaffeur, Walter Plckney,- saw tho fish hawk and blue fish fighting In tho air. Thoy declare the fish was hitting savagely at tbe hawk in efforts to free itself from the bird's talonB, and they watched the strange battle. At last the bluoflsh hit the hawk over tho head with Its toll so hard a blow that tho hawk waa stunned and both tho bird and fish fell to the gorund, , Mooro and Plckney ran up and found the bird had broken Its light wing In Its fall and was still uncon scious. Plcknoy got a ropo from tho car and tied Its legs beforo it came to and wrapped it in a sack. The bird weighed fifty pounds and tho fish four pounds. The fish was still alive. Who tho hawk recovered it made a tremendous fuss, but Mr. Mooro fast ened It In a fowlhouse. Ho lntonds to present it to the Staten Island Academy of Natural Science when its wfnc 1b bettor. Not Particular. Chicago. Robt. McGrath, seventeen, hold on a burglary charge, la alleged; to havo stolen n piano, four electric fanB, a moving plcturo machine and a half bushel of films. Quotation on Hearts. Chicago. Miss Kaudo Jowacka la her suit against Adam Kawals sub mitted an Inventory of damages dona In which she valued "ono broken heart $10." For the Complexion. Newport, R. I. Because lata hours are not conducive to clear complex ions, Eoclct'y leadora have joined la a movement to have all social fuaotioaa herafter end at midnight. v F rmfcj&31 iLJt K.4hmfi 'r : i'fiSztAl 7-lMW ( II' mms IB WL rf V&OT --5?ti vvwt'vC5 : in.v vv-'T3-. mWtW h , &Z -faasW' T I til IS. ,NJV J I. U - ' Wf U M : ii i 'jt L tf vj n i Ml . a - " l . dk$xr$Aiyi mse