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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1911)
SJf! w - , , i.mtAa.,TVM-XWVtki&i1xttrmm, ( t. I f IK - t V V (& r. Eft 8) . 4 w 01 e ih mi. JO'W?Vt .' 57uiiViAiSfi ' Now is the Time to Order Your Monument - far Fall Delivery and have it (erected before cold weather sets in. First class material and workmanship guaranteed. Overing Bros. (Si Co. Dealers in Monuments, Red Cloud Don't Throw Away Money 87 paying more f("A ir COO pounds than VW" capacity for this is the price of BEATRICE CREAM SEPARATOR Olkcr SIbm at Other rrlcca The most sanitary separator built The nly separator supplied with a centrifugal washing device that overcomes all the, drudgery of washing up the separator. AkottaMy CurartM nmafcMl ,7 Beatrice Creamery Co. worn bale, mv GEORGE W. TRINE Highest Market Price For Poultry. 1 I 1 v'iSL I OBITUARY ' I Mrs, llamy Jitrlckir, Mrx. Hiuiili .J. I'll stou wan horn in L'oiliiiOton iMJiiilij, Ohio, Oct. '21, 18111 middled Nov. 10th, 11)11, uo;u (W joitr-t 11111I 1H days. She moved wllli liir parents from Ohio to Ki-i" count), lottst, whi'ii 11 small olilKl, whole .-liutfiow to woman hood. She was man led In .John U. .tones, 111 the .vciir ISiJl, mill lo that union was burn one sou Julm .l..lonet who iuiiik-i In HiIb vicinity ul I ho present tliiif. Her hiishuiid (Hod Juiiii 0, Kilii!. HI10 was luler m.urlid to lliti't ojy btrlchi r ut IMdti, III , tiiiil.thieu child 1 on oaiiii! lo bless I Ills Union, two ioiii and otic daughter, one sun d)iug in Infancy. In ISISS they moved to Iowa and litter to Missouri, wliuru Mr. Strieker died .Juno 1), Ida-. Mrs. Strik er moved to Saline county, Nebr., in lSftT, whciu she icsidcii until the spring of ISIKI when she, with her chlldroti, moved to the farm just south of Uladen, whoro she raided until her ileiit'u. Thu only daughter, Ijessie.dy ingthe same day, leaving only two sons. Win. Strieker and John J. Jones. Mrs. Striker was the wife of an old soldier mid a member of Die V. it. C. of Illadon Cyictie Commumlcry No. II, Knight. Touiplm tucutsuvuiy First Thursday. A. U Ktiloy. P.. ( V. It. Saunders, Kecordur. Bessie Strieker Miss ilcssio Strieker wua born in Mercer county, Mo. Auk 0, 1882. Mov ed from Missouri to Saline county, Nebr., with her mother and brothers in the fall of 1887, anil later moved to llladeu, where she resided until death, Nov. 10, Hill, age '.!! years, 3 months, 4 days. She was a member of the 11. X. A. aud Hebekab's of lilndcn. Rev liumjucll conducted the funeral ervlees Rtho llladeu 51, E. church Suudayand interment took place in the Plalnvlqw,cemetcry, where mother and daughter were buried side by side in the same grnv. The lloral tributes Kent by the lodges aud their many friends were very beautiful. It was the largest funeral ever held in llladenand was attended by many frieuds who enme to pay their lust tributes to the deceased. Why' is a bakery like a meat market? .1. P. Parker, 2021 No. 10th St., Ft Smith, Ark., says that he had taken many kinds of kidney medicine, but did not get better until he took Foley Kidney Pills No matter how long you have bad kidney trouble, you will llnd quick and permanelit benefit by I h use of Foley Kidney Pills. Start taking them now. Sold at Dr. Cook's drug store. I Uecause there's bakln' there ! Old Mother Hubbard Went to the cupboard To get her poor dog a bone. But she was mistaken For she had ordered some Bacon of us that morning, And so the poor dog had none! Have You Tried Our Fine Breakfast Bacon Yet? WM. KOON. WleWs PmsIm. Tito recent act of April liltli. lHOrf gives to all soldiers' widows a pension of 811 per mouth. eYod Maurer, the attorney, has all neomsury blanks. Patronize Home Industry And Buy Home Grewn Potatoes The Miner Uros. Co.. inform us that they are well supplied with Early Ohio Potatoes (Home drown) which are far superior to any stouk that has been on thu maiket from other points. They Look Iletter! Cook Better I! Keep Better ! 1 ! Are Better ! f ! I SI per bushel in 5 bushel lots or over. Swiffs Premium Hams and Bacon AlallCarrlr'a Load Seems heavier when hu has a woak l)auk and kiduey trouble. Fred Dueh ren, malt carrier at Atchison, Kas., says: "I have been bothered with kidtioy aud bladder trouble and had a bovere pain across my back. When ever 1 carried a heavy load of mail, my kiduey trouble increased. Some tluitf ago, I started taking Foley kid nor iiills and since taking them 1 have gotten entirely rid of all my kid uey trouble and am as sound now as cTcr." For sato at Dr. Cook'a drug store. fMti SlMTl For Sale Jft Yot vHT -THE- itSIMlW John "Dutch Butcher" 9Vrln The. District Court of Webster ' y County. Nebraska. ' MlilMc t'.rltt. I'lnlnllil. l.uluKnUtll, . Ici.inim II. .1. Kciil, lliirlou T. .luiUon, '1I11 1:. Wlllliunt. ImluT. I' ' ,,. . Kliuur K. I'atker. . lliirlou if. l'nrkur t ' ' l " ' Inim-M II. Parker. ' 1- Itiifc-ollT. i'arkcr, anil Minnie .1. Smith. ' Dotcnibnii. I'lie alioso iiniiieil (lofviulnats Mill tako iiotlietliuton the iM itny of October, mil, 4 l.lhhle llrltt jilalntllt herein Mini her petition In the Dlstrlel otirt of Welwler County, No liraku nyallist ila- iiIkis (Mniine(llu(einl:uits, thoohjiet aiul pinyer nf which Ik to ilttci Millie thu ilchtHiif tho piirtliH In the above iiutiiul c:iM', to the follow Inn tleiirlhoil pre 111W1 j, to.ll; tot. ti 11 (I0i ami tii sen til) In block twenty one r.'li In tin ( lly o( Iteil I'louil, Nehni'tUti, Hint tor a Jiiilnmeiit eon 1 1-1 1 ) I 1 l; tlii.'HlmiiHot the purllir to tliealiOMi eyerllied iireniliesanil (or a partition ol thu di lil above ilcM'rlbcd preiuUeH aeeontliiK to hu ruiptettvu rii; the partleHlutertsteil (herein ami It thu kiuiiu enunoi hu equitably illvhleit that suhl premlMes be xohl ami thu proceiilshuillvlikd between thepai'tloheie toacconlliiK to their respective rights and lor Keiiural equitable reliel. You ure reitilred to aiiHwer Haiti petition on or before the 18th tiny of lieeeinlier, 11)11, lil mil 1: IIUITT,! by W. C. Homey anil Honiara McNeny Her attorney h. A Household Medicine That stops coughs quicklyand cures oolds is Foley's Honey and I ar Com pound. Mrs. Anna Pelze'r, 25'JO.IelTer ?on St., So. Omaha, Nebr., says: "I can recointiioud Foley's Money and Tar Compound us a sure cure for coughs and colds. It cured my daugh ter of a bud cold and my neighbor, Mrs. Benson, cured herself aud her whole family with Foley's Honey and Tar C'ompotuid. Everyone in our neighborhood speaks highly of it" For Hale at Dr. Cook's drug stoic. CATARRH Cause For Alarm Loss of Appetite or Distress After Eat Inft. a Symptom that should net be Dlsreftatded ' Appetite is just a natural desire for food. Loss of uppet ite or stomuch distress utter eating indicates iiidiges tiou or dyspopsiu. Over-eating is it habil veiy dangerous to a poison's good gcucral health. It Isnotwhut you eat but what 'you digest aud assimilute that does you good. Some of the strongest, heaviest and healthiest persous are moderate eaters. There is" nothing that will cause more trouble than a disordered stom ach, uud many people daily coutraot serious maladies simply through dis regard or abuse of the stomach.' We urge all in lied Cloud w(io suf fer from any stomach derangement, indigestion, or dyspepsia, whether acute or chronic; to try Rexal) Dys pepsia Tablets, which with the dis tinct understanding that we refund their money without question or for mality, if after reasonable use of this medicine, that they are not perfectly satisfied with the results. We recom mend them to our customers every day ,aud have yet to hear of auy one who has not been benefited by them. We honestly believe them to be with out equal. They give very prompt relief, aidlug Co neutralize the gasfrlc juices, strengthen the digestive or guub, to regulate the bowels, and thus to promote perfect nutrition, aud eradicate, all unhealthy symptoms. , We urge you to try u ,20c box of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, which gives 10 days' treatment. At the eud of that time, your money will bo return ed if you are not satUUed. Of course In chronic cases length of treatment varies. For such cases, wo huv two larger sizes, which sell lor 50c and ll.Oy. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies la this community only at our store The Rexall Store, The H. B. Qrioe Drug Co. Receiver's Sale of Stock, Mules; Horses, Cattle, Hogs. ThOHtock Involved Itr the-suit ol AufhOy Milling V Klevator Co. vh llarrlg, now on the ranch at A 111 boy 31-2 miles'1 RHt of Ued Cloud, Nebraska, will bo sold at public auc tion on the premium). WKHNK8DAY. NOVKMHKU28, 11)11. II young iuulos;'JI young hortod and inures; i yrade stallions; ijnck: 7 milk cows; fi calv oh, (under I year old); iVi sows: I HI hhontx; 81 llK- TcruiN, cash or time with approved si-curl-ty. OMVlUt I). IlKIINK, ItKCKIVKlt. Ited Cloud, Nebraska. . V' m mmm V." ' J .1 w "a White Sv-ft, yfjrna nitiwlc.'- I art Gtrtut,i . 3d Ycr n Mgff Jl . 1 wt- 0;n-1 tf VCi m L ik Do Vox I Choose wm uri. . n"-' V.I '.- J.- vii.i. vk WiUrf Nat. Ccr ?srnn Lx. to Vice-'. injK Irc.v HiA - i m ra j .' y:im'. 4& lUL TIip "Wiilt Swat" i! 'loMtittk tlu iilKKft UMUirsJ iiVR3 huvable. rlo muttrt-. at a' P'ur i better. No cth?r is KuarautctU ... .ii,,iu '.'.ii, i-tn't 11 uKtim if sou buv a "While Sw&it, ,...-!.....(,.;. . , ,,- r, - ' IT'S GUARANTEED THIRTY YILARS 11 ami sec the White Swan Maltreat and let us put one in youf home lot 31) das. - Conic i ED. ,AMACK THE FURNITURE MAN Undertaking a Specialty All the Phones SIMPSON & WORTHY Successor To A. C. Bradshaw Exclusive Dealers In Hay, Grain, Flour, Oils, Garden Seeds and Alfalfa Neal. : 1 PHONE US YOUR ORDERS. BELL RED 57 FIRE INSURANCE POLICY Don't Dmiay Ordering a fare insurance policy from, us -a single day. Fire isn't going to btay away because you are not in sured. In fact, it seems to pick out the man foolish enough to be without A riKINBUANCK POLICY Have us issue you a policy to-day. Dont hesitate about the matter. The fire fiend may. have your house down on the list for a visit this very night. MARK WHAT I BAY O. C. TEEL, RtllmblB Insurance. NEW BAKERY I have opened a bakery niRed Oloud and Holloil, a share of your patron'tigeV- Fresh Bread, Pies and Cakes Always in stock. Phono me your wants (Intl. phone 188.) at IsM-iiiS $rjH III S lpBsHBjHMajlH mmwmW I'JmBBWfBBBBm lUffl ' w ' l"J "For you particular customers who demand the best Groceries, we recommend Folger's Golden Gate Coffee." It is so good we cannot obtain a better coffee--not if we paid $1 a pound for it. Everything about Folger's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, and we sell it with the positive guarantee that it will please you. We handle the best of everything in Groceries as well an in all other lines. r The Miner Brothers Co. General Merchants "A MIQHTY BAFE PLACE TO THADK" HWtOC. Wifi Slj&" The Home Grocery . A. Wuilbrandt, Prop. ltctall storo opposlto I'oatof doe, in UladeTich building. CURTHATFlELD.Prop. HAY FEVER ELY'S CREAM BALM ApiriUd Into tha nostril I qulokly absorbed. OIVKS RKLItr AT ONCB. It oloaUhoH, boothos, healt aud proWcis the diseased inentbniuo i exulting from Catarrh aiul driven away a Cold iu tho Uvud (jiiiekl v. llontores the Bouses of Tasto and Bfncil. it in easy to use. Contains no lujurlous druM. No uiercttry, no eonalue, no mor. phlno. The hoiuoUold remi dy. I'rico, CO coals at DruiM or by mail, ELY MTHERS, II Wtrrtn St., Ntw Yerk, 'fwasEvtrTku 11 1 here Is no need of worrying or fretting becase x someone has found fault with what vou do. Every man is judged, more or less but who's the judge, 'Tis the common lot of men in business; the merchant does not please all his customers, the postmaster is cuffed aud kicked for alleged mistakes the butcher is forever reminded of his tough beefsteaks, aud the nilnlstcr finds It hard to please all of his con gregation with his sermons. The news paper mau gets more than hla share of it and is expected to get out a cheer ful uowbpaper just the same. A man befriends another for years aud in re turn receives abuse. Such things are always unpleasant, but they always have boeu and doubtless will be ho and the easiest way is to pay the least at tention to them und go right' aloug, trying to be pleasant aud useful." v . i See this Office for Sale Bills Simply Designed Monuments are often as effective as more elab orately carved memorials. It depends largely upou the skill and taste of the maker of the monument. We Execute With Skill any memorial design you may choose, whether it be from our hook of 1,000 designs or from hu idea of your own. We are at your Hervioe for any monu mental work you maj'-roqulre. ED. McALISTER RE4) CLOUD, NEBRASKA CompU bEK G. C. BAILEY i .4tii A1""11 Your Pkoae Batteries and j A f Wm arm alto r9 I Ball Phono W '1 r. i '" alao tho Lataat Pattarna In Queensware making a Bpoelalty of Colobratod it a. e. CANNED tO 2. vAWAvaAvA C." GOODS Indapondont Phono 44 Electrical Supplies If you read tke Chief tell your friends to subscribe for it. o" '"'"'t'''M.WlartMlltf MMhimWMI WMMKIfflPli Willi im UTI WH ' nruiiuJuiuxMruumttm'iaHtn.tu AVj! Lk " iir7liisjMfJ"iirriTriiiir bjiwtmh TjtmrmiiiiirtMMm iniiikiiitii flafrMltJUmtjatfiiBiiaimimM iy-v.JeNwu,si " -u PI SW K 1