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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1911)
, .- J Tho Chief C. II. HALE, Publisnor RED CLOUD NEBRASKA PORFIRIO DIAZ NO LONGER PRESI DENT OF MEXICO. AGED CHIEFTAIN DOWN AND OUT 8llencc In Chamber, Out Wild Manlfcs. tatlons on Outside De la Barra Will Acsume tho Offlco Immediately. Tsxlco City. General Porfirlo DIaa leslgned tho presidency of Mexico at 4:D4 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Fran cIeco de lit Unrra automatically be cunio provisional president, hut wll not take the oath until Friday. Inn incnEo crowds thronged tho streets hut there was no violence. Moxlro City. Mexico has chnnged presidents without any of thoeo derai onstratlons or anarchy of which thq Diaz government had expressed npi prehensions. Citizens thronged the streets, inarching by thousands tint!) far into the night, but It was a dem onstratlon of Joy a celebration wltht out a trace of malice. Wednesday, General Diaz's last day (ib president, saw thousands of dollars' worth of property wrecked and tho dead and wounded strewing the pari; In front of the national palace. Undeq Francisco do la llarra ns provisional president, there hnvo been no assaults, no shootings and no wrecking of th buildings. For the first time in thirty years tho people wero expressing themselven without restraint, but it is not too Vuch to state that there was less (list order than on an election night in al most any American city. Americans who hnvo watched the situation with unprejudiced eyes say that tho Mexli can peoplo have shown themselves able to chango their government wltht out that anarchy which was held out as a bugaboo by the government which sought to retain Its power. Fleet In Dutch Waters. Copenhagen. Tho second division of tho United States Atlantic licet) composed of tho Louisiana, flagship oj Hear Admiral llodger, the Kansas, New Hampshire nnd South Carolina, have arrived at the fishing village o Gillelcleje, forty miles from tho Dan. Ish capital. A lleet of excursion steanii bis will meet the American squadron outside of the harbor and escort tho, visitors to Copenhagen, where tho ehlps will stay until June 1. Concessions to American. Constantinople. Tho parliamentary rommltteo of public wotks has com eluded its examination of tho projec; for an extensive railway system In Asiatic Turkey to bo constructed by nn American syndicate headed by !), Chester, and Issued a icport recom mending tho adoption of tho scheme. Two members of the committee, how ever, dissent, pending negotiations for tho modification of tho American treaty, which has not yet been con ceded. Boy of Thirteen Is a Hero. Webb City, Mo. Luther. Hums nine years old, was drowned, and Ed ward Helm, eight years old, was savee from tho same fate only by tho hera ism of Johnny Simpson, thirteen years old In a mill pond. Simpson saw one of tho boys throw up h's hands nnd elnk. Ho swam to tho spot where the boys, disappeared, nabbing both of them. 'Durns slipped from his grasp nnd he swam ashore with Helm, whe wns revived. Inolstndt. Bavaria. An officer of the Garrison hero had a thrilling rldo When a military cartlve Walloon broke ,'oose from Us anchorage. When tho balloon had reached a height of lfi.r.00 feet tho olllcer suc ceeded In climbing to tho top of the gas bag and wrenching open the valve. As the balloon was nearlng the ground Its occupant jumped Into a tree am! wns only Bllghtly Injured. Girls Flee From a Fire. St. Louis. One hundred girl em ployes Hied down flro escapes when tho live story warehoupse of the Gen eral Paper Stock company burst Intc llames. Twenty-flvo of the girls em ployed In the sorting rooms Jumped to un adjoining roof. The (lames spread with such rapidity that they found themselves trapped on tho roof until rescued. Ex-Mnyor Frank W. Plllsbury of Bloux Falls, S. D., died of heart troublo nfter n long Illness. Wlnnepeg. All Canada celebrated the birthday of the lato Queen Victoria. It was a goneral holiday, all places of business being closed. Brnndon, Portage, La Prairie, Edmon Eton, Calgary and other cities held horso races, while practically every dot on the map observed the day. Panama. Tho National Steamship line steamer Taboga Btruck a reef off Punta Mala on Tuesdny and sank a ihort time afterwards. Of the hun dred passengers on board only forty are knowu to have been saved. MIS DEPARTED NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD ITEMS OF INTEREST PERTAINING TO VARIOUS LOCALITIES. GREATER OR LESSER IMPORTANT The News of Many Glimes Told In Short and Pithy Paragraphs, Writ. ten Expressly for tho Busy Man's Perucal. Washington Bids for the $50,000,000 Issue of 3 per cent Panama bonds arc arriving at tho treasury. Henry L. Stlmson of New York has been sworn In as secretary of war, succeeding Jacob M. Dickinson, re signed. Secretary of tho Treasury Mac Vcagh has left Washington on u west em trip. He will speak at Kansas City before the bankers' association of Kansas nnd Missouri. Dispatches received from tho Mexi can capital state that persistent ru more wero in circulation there of tho exlstenco of h plot to attempt the life of Madero upon his arrival. Members of tho Nebraska delegn tlon in congress feel that a man from that state should bo appointed to fill tho vacancy on tho board of tho na tional home for disabled soldiers. Representative Sloan of Nebraska has Introduced a resolution into tho house naming General J. II. Culver of Mllford for the vacancy on tho board of the National Soldiers' Home. General Hitchcock has decided to designate hereafter, for a considera ble time, one hundred, additional postal depositories each week, In stead of fifty, as announced a month ago. Weekly reports of enlistments for tho United States naval recruiting stations for the week ending May 20 Bhow that of 1.1G4 applications there wero 900 rejections and only 22C ac ceptances. President Taft has signed a procla mation establishing the Harney nation al forest in South Dakota. It em braces D8.1.S20 acres formerly con tained In tho Black Hills forest and 53,742 acres taken from tho public domain. General News Parisians aro being greatly embar rassed by the strike of 2,000 chauf feurs. Andrew Cnrneglo and family have sailed, for their Hummer vacation In Scotland. The announcement of tho accession of a new emperor of Abyssinia waj S'remtuure. The Illinois state leglBlaturo began a ten days' recess Saturday and will return to business May 31. A $150,000 fire with a big tank full of gasollno in tho middle of It kept firemen busy for several hours at New York. Friends of Senator La Folletto of Wisconsin arc looking for him to make early announcement of his candidacy for president. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith Miller, suffra gist and advocate of the bloomer cos tume, Is dend nt Geneva, N. Y., at the ago of eighty-nine. The brotherhood of rnllroad train men have decided on San Francisco ns the place of tho next convention, to bo held In 1913. Driven temporarily insnno by an accusation of theft, a woman at Dram bach, Saxony, killed her five children and then committed suicide. Tho seventeenth annual Lake Mo honk conference on International ar bitration Is In session Moro than 300 distinguished persons nro attending. The annual meeting of tho trans Mississippi commercial congress, set for September next, will bo held In Kansas City Instead of Oklahoma City. By a vote of 93 to 3, tho members of tho Minneapolis Fourth Church of Christ Scientist, have decided to with draw from tho mother church at Bos ton. Master bollermakers from all over tho United States and from Canada, Mexico and othor countries nro in Omaha for the International conven tion. A little boy threw a fire cracker Into a hundred pounds of dynamite nt Jefferson City, Mo., and as a result one man will die and flvo persons are Injured. The Joint resolution -admitting Ari zona nnd New Mexico to Immediate btatehood, hut withholding tho ap proval of the constitutions f both until tho people hnvo voted on the proposed amendment, has passed the house. News comes from Torrcon that four Chlneso were killed at a laundry, nine at tho railroad hotel, thirty-two at a farm and 170 Chinese and Japaneso were shot down on tho streots. Ru mors have It that one German nnd twelvo Spaniards wero killed as well as a number of government sympa thizers. Fire destroyed tho Northwestern Cnn company's building, a five-story brick structure, at Chicago, causing n loss of $100,000. To show the Interest Chlcngoans feel In their children, it Is announced that moro than 250,000 porsons have vlfalted tho child welfare organization during Its ses his, Cheatervllle, the original homo of Georgo Wythe, signer of tho Declara tion of Independence, nnd said to be tho oldest resldenco In America, was destroyed by fire Monday, local his torians Eny tho building waB moro than I7n veurs o'.d. Because of tho high tempornturo eight babies died Mondny nt Cleve land, O., making twenty-four deaths of babies in four days attributed to tho heat. One thousand dclegatea nttended the fourth nntlonnl convention of the United Presbyterian men's movement in the First Presbyterian church at Pittsburg. , Eight hundred students are on strlko at Ohio Northern university at Ada nB the result of tho expulsion of nine students for participating In n pugilis tic combat. Six convicts under sentences of from ono to twenty years each made their cscapo from tho Illinois stnto peniten tiary Saturday. No traco has been found of them. Hindus in Cannda nro protesting against tho 0 stringent immigration laws which now practically prohibit members of that raco from coming In to that country, It is rumored that tho resignation of President Dlnz will bo presented to the Mexican congress Thursday. It Is not expected that It will bo uccepted before Saturday. Flfty-thrco babies under 1 year old and most of them only a few weeks old, died In Chicago during tho four days of extreme heat from May 1G to May 19 Inclusive. Notices were posted nt tho different ports throughout tho United Kingdom warning tho senmen nnd firemen to bo ready to strlko on tho receipt of a signal to that effect. A section of tho Buffalo Bill wild west show train was wrecked about eight miles from Lowell, Muss. Four men connected with tho show wero Injured. All will recover. As a result of ptomaine poisoning caiihcd by eating pressed chicken at a missionary meeting nt Peabody, Kas., on April 30, Mrs. A. D. Nelson, wife of a farmer living near there Is dead. Tho popo has requested tho cardin als of the congregation of rites to hasten the proceedings relative to tho canonization of John N. Neumann, who is redemptorist bishop of Phila delphia. Colonel William Hayward. wlfo nnd little son have arrived at their home at Nebraska City after a trip around tho world covering moro than 42,000 miles nnd which lasted over five months. The Great Western Power company will build nt Big Meadows, in north ern Calfornia, a ieservolr that will surpass In capacity the Roosevelt dam and reservoir In Arizona and tho As souan dam In Egypt. Officially designated representatives of tho Mexican government nnd tho revolutionists havo signed a peaco agreement Intended to end the hostili ties that have been waged In Mexico for the last six months. Tho American society of tropical medicine, which devoteB its attention to the study of methods for the pre vention and treatment of troolcnl dis eases, Is holding Its eighth annual meeting In yew Orleans. The new Now York library, of white ninrblo throughout, which hns been twelve years in building and cost moro thnn $10,000,000, was dedicated Wednesday by President Taft, Gov ernor Dlx and Mayor Gaynor. Aii Immediate Investigation of sweeping scope of the renewed charge, that Senator Lorlmor or Illinois Is not entitled to his seat Is provided for In two resolutions by Senntors Dllllng ham and La Folletto. in tho senate. President Diaz Is seriously ill. Se nora Dlnz Is authority for tho state ment that the president Is Buffering from a high fever. His condition Is not considered immediately danger ous, but Is worse than for somo days. Tho search of Dr. Orvllle Owen of Dotrolt, who hns been excavating In tho mud of tho river Wye for manu scripts which ho bolloves will estab lish that Bacon was tho author of the Shakespearian plays has been abandoned. Martin Scow, an Insane patient at the Lincoln nsylum, choked to death Charles Brookmnn, another Insane pa tient, late Saturday night, slept in bed with the dead man during tho night and evaded tho discovery of tho crluu until Sundny morning. Will Rogers and Joo Wiggins, the confessed kidnappers of Baby Wildo Rogers at Las Vegas, N. M., on March 0 last, havo been convicted, tho for mer getting llvo to twelve yenrs and the latter seven to twelve years. In the ab3enco of a statute for kidnap ping In New Mexico, tho men wero prosecuted for burglary. "Fainting Bertha" Llebbeke, who extended her reputation as a mem ber of the 'light fingered gentry through a dozen states was convicted on a charge of shop-lifting nnd wns sentenced by District Judgo Frost at Lincoln to three years in tho penlten tlnry. After an absenco of thirty-five years In California. Joseph M. L. Malone re turned to his former homo at Troy, N. Y., to find that ho had been de clared legally dead. A largo nmount of property left by his parentB has been divided among his holrs unnblo to locate him. Three hundred thousand dollars damages has already been 'done, It Is estimated, to tho dam recently com pleted by tho United Statos govern ment at Beo River on tho Colorado river by the summer rlso of the stream. Peaco now reigns supremo in north ern Mexico, where nows of tho sign ing of a peace agreement has pene trated. Tho only disquieting reports wero private advices from Mexico City that members of tho "clentlflco" party, deposed by tho Mnderlst agree ment, wero talking of starting an other revolution against tho latter KILLED EJLA TRAIN Joseph Jonas of Wahoo Run Over at Weston. NEWS FROM OVER THE STATE What Is Going on Hero and Thsrs That Is of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity. Weston Joseph Jonas of Wahoo was run over by tho Union Pacific freight and Instantly killed. Jonas, an eyo witness states, disregarded tho conductor's orders not to board tho way car, ns tho train was to back up. As he reached the platform of the car ho lost his balance, falling on the bumpers and from there under tho wheels, which passed over his body. Church Cornerstone Laid. Osmond The cornerstone of tho now $30,000 Catholic church at Os mond was laid by Bishop Garrlgan of Sioux City amid solemn ceremon ies. Ho was assisted by Rev. Fathers Peitz and Stnhl of Osmond, McNn mara of Bloomlleld, Fehaly of Dixon nnd Kuemper of Cnrroll, In. Before the laying of tho cornerstone the sac rament of tho first communion wns administered by the Bishop to a class of forty-four boys and girls. A Great Cream Shipping Point. Deshler Deshler Is said to be tho greatest shipping point for cream in Nebraska, with tho exception of re ceiving points. For the next- three montliB the shipments will nverage 1,000 cans monthly. Tho cows In this section aro mostly grade shorthorns. Bad Flro at Fllley. Beatrice. The most destructive flro In tho history of Fllley occurred Hhero Thursday morning nnd wiped out the entire block of tho business section on tho west side of Mnjn street. The, total loss Is placed at between $li,00 and $20,000, partly covered, by in surance. Strychnine Tablets Cause Death. York. Tho little son of Mr. and Mrs. William Couch, near York, got hold of some tablets which contained strychnlno and ate some of them, death following in n short time. New Minister Arrives. Auburn Rev. George Grzlb ar rived last week from the Provlnco of Slllsln, Germany, and hns accepted the pastorate of the German Lutheran church of this city. Lost Three Fingers. Oakland Frank Erlcson, while playing with a lawn mower, caught his lingers In tho blade and had three of them cut off. Fnlrbury voted wet at a special elec tlon last week. Holdrege will graduato forty-ono students this year. Sutton is contemplating tho build ing of a new school hdusc. Beatrice and Red Cloud will cele brato the Fourth of July. Scottsblult will celebrate the glor ious Fourth lu amplified style. North Platte Is to have a new hank tho Platte Valley State bank. Tho state Sunday school convention will bo held at Grand Island, Juno G, 7 and 8. A girl bnby about 2 weeks old was found in tho waters of Indian creek, just north of Beatrice. Tho Republican valley medical as sociation will bold Its annual meeting this year in Cambridge, on May 2I. G. W. E. Dorsey, former congress man from Nebraska, Is seriously 111 at Salt Lake City according to a tele gram to relatives. Friends nnd neighbors of tho Rev. Samuel Linn and family at Axtell, tendered them n farewell reception when he left to assume another pas torate. Dr. O. C. Reynolds, a practicing physician of Lincoln for sixteen yearn, died suddenly at that placo. A dam is to bo built on tho bluo river near Bcatrlco to furnish power for light and heat. Tho baseball fever Is certainly at Its height In Nebraska City, because already three of tho ministers, those of tho Presbyterian, Episcopal and Methodist churches, havo organized baseball teams which play gameB each evening at the baseball park. The Lincoln excise board has adopt ed a rule requiring friends and rela tives of habitual drunkards to furnish pictures of tho bibulous ones for tho better information of tho saloon keopora nnd their bartenders. Mrs. Joe Moss, wlfo of a prominent Amhorsl business man, was instantly killed in an automobile accident. While harrowing corn F. Stucker, living near Phillips, met with an acci dent that resulted In his death. Stona Piper, 8-year-old daughter of Morloy Piper, a teacher at tho Btato normal at Kearney, was fatally In jured when she foil out of nn atjlc window at her home. During tho heavy windstorm at St. Paul Saturday evening tho large barn belonging to A. Kasperson was blown down nnd wrecked. Two of his horses wero killed. Vandals wrecked tho furniture In tho Christian church at Havclork. Andrew Carneglo has sent $25,000 to assist In erecting n science building for Doano college at Crete. John Aherns had his arm soverely cut by n circular saw while nt work in a carpenter shop nt Deshler. A vigilance committee for the pro tectlon of citizens ngalnst highway men Is to bo formed. In Omaha. John Wcors of Auburn wns Instant ly killed by the accidental discharge of a shotgun while shooting rats. John C. Byrnes, who hns bedn very sick for somo time nt Columbus, Is reported on the road to recovery. The new stool ..bridge for wagons and foot passengers, recently ordered built at Tokamah, Is now nearly done Robert Nicholas of De Witt, aged seventy-eight years, committed sui cide by hanging himself enrly Sundny morning. Louis Guldn, nn Italian employe of tho Omaha Gas company, bit tho ear off Nick Lcvnta and took nway his revolver when Levata tried to hold up Guida. Some of the farmers around Colum bus are replanting their Corn, the heavy rain having washed much of II out and to avoid a poor stand they nrc putting moro In. Dlscourngcd by tho drouth prevn lent throughout southwestern Ncbras ka, many fnrmers are plowing undei wheat which they believe has been dumaged beyond recovery. With his wife lying dangerously Hi In the next room, J. D. Robinson shot nnd killed himself at his home In Lin coln. Ho left a note saying that ill health was the cause of his act. William F. Stolley, a pioneer res! dent of Hall county, well known tc many of tho older settlers In othei portions of Nebraska, died at Grand Islnnd at the age ol eighty years. Stephen L. Myrlck of Greensboro, N. C, has been elected president of Nebraska Central college at Central City, and will take active charge of tho institution this summer to shape its affairs for the opening of the fall term. Dick Kretsinger of Beatrice, who Is attending Doano college nt Crete, pitched a twenty-threo Inning game ngalnst tho Peru normal team Thurs day afternoon. Tho score was 1 to 0 In favor of Doane. Kretsinger pitched tho entire gnmo and made tho only run for tho Doano team. LINCOLN vnrmi Railway Commissioner W. J. Furse, acting for ex-Governor Shallenbergcr on behalf of tho citizens of Alma, pre sented to each member of tho public lands and buildings a beautiful photo graph album containing pictures ol Alma, tho Joseph Snyder farm adjoin ing tho city which tho citizens offer to tho state ns a site for the proposed state agricultural school, and views of tho surrounding country along tho Re publican river. In addition ho pre sented to each member a written statement containing reasons why tho town of Alma asks for the agricultural school. About ton o'clock Saturday night Martin Skow, a patient at the Lin coln asylum, killed Cnnrles Brookman, another patient, with whom he was sleeping, choking him to death with tho aid of suspenders taken from overalls which he was wearing. The crime was not discovered until Sunday morning, shortly before the breakfast hour at tho institution. Lieutenant Colonel W. Edmund Baehr of the First regiment, Nebras ka national guard, of Omaha, nnd Cap tain Roy E. OlniBtead, communder of company A, First regiment, York, hnvo been assigned to attend tho army maneuvers at San Antonio, Tex., for two weeks. The two officers aro to report for duty at San Antonio May 27 At an election of oniccrs tho Ne braska state dental society at Lin coln, Dr. C. C. Fnrrell of Cozad was elected president to succeed Dr. P. T. Barber. Dr. E. H. Bruenlng of Omnha, vice-president; G. H. Wal lace of Omaha, re-elected secretary, and W. A. McHenry of Nelson, treas urer. Governor Aldrlch hnB received no tico that tho next annual meeting ot governors will bo held September 12 at Spring Lake, N. J. The scope of tho meeting and the subjects to be dis cussed have not as yet been an nounced. Tho Btako races nt tho Btato fair this year will comprise a record-break-ing number of entries. There were 187 entered last year. ' So far 200 havo been entered this year. This number will probably bo Increased before tho list is closed. Is Preparing a Brief. Arthur Mullen, attorney for the state In tho caso of Chief of Police Donahuo of Omaha, who has been ab sent from Lincoln since the adjourn ment of tho legislature, called at the ofllce of Attorney General Martin 8 few days ago. Mr. Mullen as attorney for tho state Is preparing a brief to submit to tho refereo in tho Donahue case. Governor Aldrlch went to Gothen burg to .deliver an address to high school graduates at commencement. life1 (mtrmr FTrNw2iLJcj yUv SHE SUFFERED FIVEJEARS Finally Cured by Lydia E. Piok ham's Vegetable Compound. Erie. Pa. "I suffered for flvo years from femalo troubles and nt Inst was almost helpless. I went to thrco doc tors and they did mo no irood. so my sister advised mo to try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vogetablo Compound, and when I hnd taken only two bottles I could boo a bitf chango, so I took: six bottles and I an now strong and well again. I don't know how to express my thanks for tho good it has dono mo and I bono all Buffering women will give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vogetablo Compound a trial. It was worth ita weight in gold." Mrs. J. P. Endlich, R. P. D. No. 7, Erie, Pa. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, mado from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotic or barm, f ul drugs, and to-day holds tho record for tho largest number of actual cures of femalo diseases wo know of, and thousands of voluntary testimonials nro on fllo in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., from women who havo been cured from almost every form of femalo complaints, such as Inflamma tion, ulceration, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backacho, indigestion and nervous prostration. Every Buffering woman owes it to herself to givo Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound a trial. If you want special advlco wrlto Mrs.Pinklinm,L.yiin,MnB8.,forit. It is f rco and always helpful. KNEW THEIR PLACE OF ABODE Colored Witness Certain That PrlncV pals In Lawsuit Had Not Moved From Hawkensvllle. Tho object of the suit was to doter mtno the ownership of a cow. Ono of tho witnesses wns Abram Reese, a colored man who had worked for tho plaintiff. "I will ask you, Mr. Reese," said the attorney for tho defendant, "if you wero present when tho ex chango In questldn wns consummat ed?" "I didn't see nuffln' o' dat kind, mlstuh." "Perhaps you don't unfier Btand mo. Wero you there when tho trade was made?" "Yes, sub; I wua dah w'en Mist' Hibba dono trado de buggy for Mist' Simmons' cow." "Wasn't there a dlfferont understand ing between them at some later per iod?" "De undo'standln' 'tweon 'em wuz all right, suh." "I mean. 5Jr. Reese, did they ever trado back?" "Not as I know, sub." "So far as you know, then, everything remains In statu quo?" "No, suh," said Abram, with much politeness, "dey's bofo of 'em Btlll In Hawkensvllle." Youth's Companion. Different. "If Is tho little things In this world that cause us tho most troublo." "Not In my business," replied tho shoo clerk; "It's the big things, tho owners of which want to put into lit tlo shoes." . With One Exception. . Harduppc Every man Bhould mar ry. Everything 1 havo In tho world I owe to my wife. Wigwng Don't forget that ten spot you owe me. Philadelphia Record. Hlredl Employer I want a boy who Is ab solutely trustworthy. Do you cvei glvo business secrets awny? Applicant Not much, boss! I Belli 'cm. Judge. FEED YOU MONEY Feed Your Brain, and It Will Feed You Money and Fame. "Ever elnco boyhood I have been especially fond of meats, and I am con vinced I ato too rapidly, and failed to masticate my food properly. "The result was that I found myself, r few years ago, afflicted with ail ments of tho stomach, and kidneys, which interfered seriously with my, business. - "At last I took tho advice ot friends and began to eat Grape-Nuts Instead of tho heavy meats, etc., that had con etltuted my former diet "I found that 1 was ajt onco bene fited by tho change, that 1 was soon relieved from tho heartburn and indi gestion that used to follow ray meals, that tho pains In my back from my kidney uffectlon had ceased. "My nerves, which used to bo un steady, and my brain, which was Blow and lethargic from a heavy diet ot meats and greasy foods, had, not in a moment, but gradually, and nono tho less eurely, been restored to normal efllcl-jncy. "Now overy nerve is steady and my brain and thinking faculties aro quick er and moro acuto than for years past "After my old stylo breakfasts I used to suffer during tho forenoon from a feeling of weakness which hindered mo 8erlously in my work, but since I began to use Grape-Nuts food I can work till dinner tlmo with all ease nd comfort." Namo given by Pos tum Co., Battlo Creek, Mich. "There's a reason." Read the llttlo book, "Tho Road to Wellvlllo," In pkgs. Ever rend (be above letterT A nrn ono npprnr from time to time. Tliejr are cenulue, true, ami full of human, lnlrrekt. vmmmmmwmmm9 iw m WW ,. - i' v L - yssy ;'-:- -fT Jt -r" - ,3EaMK2a 73 r lwM.rt .Ka.lUytf.A.