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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1910)
vllc f I ""S . WIIIMtl1MHW THE LINCOLN mmmtmeammmeammmmsmmmmmmmmmmmta JOURNAL IllVUk I fafflll WWB vwd-1 S3.00 This is Just a BARGAIN RATE and is Not Good After December 28th If you want the Big Sunday Journal included the Bargain Price will be $4.00. The regular price of the State Journal is $4.00 without Sunday and $5.03 with Sunday. KEEP TRACK OF THE LEGISLATURE by reading this big Lincoln paper that has no strings to it and can print the truth about everybody and everything. No beer or whisky ads. No nasty medical ads. Paper stops when time is up. It's not forced on you like many other papers. We would like to have you try it at this cut price for the year J9JJ. ADDRESS The Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln, Nebfi THE RESUR RECTION Sunday School Lcuon for Dec. 18, 1910 Specially Arranged for This Papor LESSON TEXT Matthew IS:l-20. Mcnv fcry verson, B, 6. ClOLDttN TEXT-"Lo. I nm with yon ntwny, even unto tlio end of tho world." -Mntt. 2S:?9. Jecun wriB In tho Kra'o tlirco iliyn, from iKrldoy, April 7. to Sunday, Apiil 9, A. D. J Tlio Ilestirrcctlon was enrly Sunday Jmornlim, and wn.i from n, tomb In a Kur ilcn near Cnlvnry. Tlio liome of tlio disciples dining the forty dnyn una In Jerusalem, Tlio nppenrnnces of Jesus wero In tin tvlclntly of .Tcrusnlem, nnd In Onlllee. Tho Ascension ns from Mount Olivet. Putting In the Time. A gentleman mvuh engaging n gen ornl man nnd tolling lilm whnt ho wanted htm to do. "You will liuvo to clean tlio windows nnd tho hoots and tho lmlvoH nml ko messages, chop wood, cut nliort grass, mind tho horse nnd pony, look uftor tho garden mid keen tho houso supplied with vor.o tables nnd do any odd Job thnt In to quired nnd If sultnblo you will Rot ton shillings n week." "Is thoro'nny clay In tho gnnlen?" asked tho mnn. "What tunkt'S you ask thnt?" asked tho Rontlcman. "I was thinking I could mnko hrlcka In my spare tlnir," said tho man. MUNYON'S Eminent Doctors at Your Service Free FOR FULLEST MEDICAL EXAMINATION BY MAIL If you rtro in doubt as to tlio cause of your (lisonsc, or fed Iho need of medical advice, address a letter lo Munyon'u slnft of eminent special ists, and they will send you on examination blank, which you will lill oui ntul ml nm in ihem. Thov will then diaenoso your caso and tell you PRIZE8 FOR DAIRY ES8AY8 Nebraska Dairymen's Association Of fers Cash Inducements. Tho Nebraska Dairymen's associa tion offers $1G0 In premiums for es says on the following subjects: No. 1 Why Is tho silo n profitable eaulpracnt for a Nebraska farmer? FlrBt prize, $15; second, $10; third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thir teenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and six teenth, $6 each. No. 2 How would you conduct dairying on a Nebraska farm? First prize, $16; sccondV$10; third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh, $5 each. In addition to tho abovo a prize of 5 Is offered for tho best essay on question No. 1, written by a student In attendance at a stato normal school. A similar prlzo of $5 will be given for tho best essay on the same question written by a student in at tendance at tho university school of agriculture; another prize ofS5 is to bo awarded for tho best essay on question No. 1 written by a student In nttendanco at a high school. Students of tho normal schools, school of agriculture and high schools need to write only ono essay on tho talo in order to compcto for all the premiums offered for question Ko. 1, but their essays should bear tho en dorsement "normal school" "schoA of agriculture," or "hlghfBchool," as tho caso may be. Tho association also offors JltiO in prizes for Judging dairy cows, the Judging to take place at tho uni versity farm on Filrtay, Janunry 20. Each esBay Is to contain not less than 1,000 words nor moro than 1, 500, in typewritten form on ono sldo of the Bhect only. According to tho conditions, no name shall bo signed to an essay, but enclosed therewith on a separate sheet shall be sent the name and nddreBS of tho author. All cssnys are to be tho property of tho naRoelntlon and nrlzo essays to bo read at tho annual meeting of tho as sociations to be hold at Uncoln, Jan uary IS to 20, at which time awards of nrlzes will bo aunouncod. All essays, In order to compcto for prizes, must bo mailed not later thnn Janu ary 1 and addressod to Professor A. L. Haeckcr, university farm. Liter ature relating to the silo may be had free, by addressing Professor W. L. French at the university farm. Any resident of the state may com pcto for the abovo prizes. Charles Harding of Omaha Is president, S. C. Bassctt of Gibbon Is secretary. WAITED FIFTY YEARS. Cuts Cord Wood from Grove He Plant ed Fifty-two YearB Ago. Fifty-two years ago Hon. B. T. Skcen and hla brother Andy sot out a grovo of trees on tho home plnco west of Nemaha. On laHt Thursday Mr. Skcen was In Auburn with a load of cord wood cut from that selfsame grovo, that for over halt a century has been slowly coming; to maturity. While possessing a somowhnt scntl It is hard to concelvo of n greater disappointment, or n dcopor mental ;uid spiritual gloom thnn tho Egyptian midnight darkness, without ns star of hope, which closed about tho disciples whon Jesus tholr Lord was dend upon tho cross, nnd every precaution was taken to mnko certain thnt he way Tonlly, lrrovocnbly, dead. Tho enemies of Jesus guarded against every possibility of mistake us to tho reality of his death. This, Is n very Interesting cxnmplo of thq Provldenco of God. For If Jesuo did not die, he could not bo raised from tho dead. Moreover If tho proof that Jesus really died camo from hi; friends, pcoplo would question wheth' or they did not In somo way deceive, Dut tho enomlcs of Jcbub wero verj anxious thnt ho should bo really dead, fin order thnt ho might never trouble thorn ngaln. Honco they did every thing posslblo to accomplish their purpose Tho soldlcrB pierced his body with a Bpoar, and blood nnd wa ter flowod from tho wound a proof fcf death (John 10: 34, 35). Tho con- turion, who was nccustomed to exo- jcutlons, wns convinced that ho was dond, and so reported to Pllato. Tho tomb in which ho was burled was a now .one, in which no ono had over Ijbocn burled, and so there could bo no Uoubt as to tho Identity of tho body Sot Christ. At tho request of tho chief priestB, tho Btono against tlio door of tho so pulchor wan sealed, and a Roman (guard placed around tho tomb, so that no ono could tako away tho body and then protend that Jesus had risen f(Matt 27: C2-GC). Jesus roso oarly on Sunday morn ling'. Of tho method or circumstances jwo know only what 1b Btutcd hero. "Behold, thoro was a great earthquake. Early In tho morning, boforo tho ar rival of tho womon at tho tomb. For tho (an) angel of tho Lord descended from heaven. A dlvlno messenger, to 'overawo tho guards, nnd Bhow that 'Jesus rose, and was not taken from !tho tomb by human powor, and that' jtho samo body camo forth that had toocn burled. Rolled back tho otono from tho door, and sat upon it, as a 'guard wnlttng to glvo tho needed In formation to tho disciples. His coun Senanco (hla appearance) was llko , Ightning, in vivid and Intcnso bright ness. And his raiment white as snow." JThls wob heavenly apparel, tho vislblo loxprc8slon of hla heavenly nature It scorns that Mary Magdaleno first .reached tho tomb, and Boeing the tstono rolled from tho door, hastened to toll tho nowB to Poter. Tho others Wanted a Change. MllkmanI boo by tho papers that a Frenchman haH Invented n now wny of transforming water Into milk. Customer Well, I hope you'll ndopt It. I'm getting awfully tired of tho old way. None In Stock. A well-dressed womnn pnuscd In front of the chestnut vendor's stnnd. "Aro thoy wormy?" bIio nsked. "No, ma am," ho niiBwcrcd blandly. "Did you want them with worms?" There re lnulntionji. don't be fooled. Ask for Lewis' Sinslo Binder cigar for 6o. what to do, absolutely frco of charge. You do not put yourself under any obligation to them, nnd they will not feci hurt if you do not follow their ndvicc. If they prescribe Munyon'u Remedies and you decide to tako tho treatment, it goes with ft guarantee of satisfaction or money, refunded. . , , , . i , -, . Address Munyon's Doctors, Munyon's Laboratories, SJd & Jcficrson Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. j Truo men nnd women nro nil physl clnnB to mnko us well. C. A. Bartol. To Keep Well During Winter is a very nara tqsk ior any man or woman whose system has be come weakened on ac count of some illness of the stomach, liver and bowels. It is to those persons that Hostetter's Stomach Bitters will ap peal very forcibly, be cause it will tone and strengthen the organs of digestion, make plenty of rich, warm blood and thus prevent Chills, Golds and Grippe. A trial today will convince you of its merit. All uruggisiB u ii u jLciiuu a. People Who Work Indoors With Their Hands Seamstresses, watch-makers, art ists,draughtsmen,and many others, cannot properly handle their tools with cold, stiff hands. Many a lost hour or two on cold winter morn ings results from the delayed heat of furnace or stove. - The Perfection Oil Heater in a few minutes gives the tempera ture that assures the worker warm hands and pliable muscles. Tho A5LHH5k RFECT10 9flvaE.Bba TAKE A DOSE OF piso'S . "the oest medicine Tor COUCHS 6 COLDS Abtolutely tmoktlcss and oiorfeM quickly gives heat, and with ono fllllnR of the font burns steadily for nine hours. witnout smoae orsmcii. iiossuiomauc-iocmnu "' v ... prevents the vlck from being tucned hleh enough to smoke, and Is cosy to remove and drop back so the wick can be quickly cleaned. It has l mpcrtop and - cool handle. Indicator always shows the amount of oil In the font. Tho 0 '-cap docs not need to be screwed down ; It Is put in like a cork in a bottle, nnu is attached to the font by a chain, and cannot get ast. The burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, because of a new. devlca In construction, and consequently, It can always be easily unscrewed In an Instant for rewjeking. The Perfection Is finished In japan or nickel, Is strong, durable, well-made, built for service, and yet light and ornamental. DtaltTi Evtrywhtrt. If rot et yours, unlit for dacrifta aratlar lo im ntarttt ntncy cy in Standard Oil Company (UeMporaU) DEFIANCE STARCH-: 16 onnctt to the pmWim other ttarrh", only 11 ounce ma price end "OKFIANCK" 18 SUPERIOR QUALITY. "A?..",!'.. Thomistn's Ey Watu W. N. U., LINC OLN, NO. 60-1910. 10J then crime, nnd entering Into tho tomb, "found not tho body of tho Lord Jc l8us" (Luko). It was fitting that tho resurrection should occur at tho dawning of tho day. It was tho dawning of tho world's day of redemption. Mark adds, "and Poter." For ho would bo the ' 'saddest of all. This messago would bo n drop of Joy in his cup then, as Is hardly an Inducement for tlio younger generation to go to tho grow ing or cord wood on an extenslvo scale. FREE Mi KUtoJJMH J THIS BEAUTIFUL SUGAR SHELL IF YOU WILL PAY MAILING CHARGES Wowant to end you this bonullful Oxford BI1vt StiRixr Shell. inneloliy tho Honors Company it la inado of pluto silver Entire upoon fix Inches lnn.hnndlo In four Incurs lonur, bountifully curved nnd cintjosHPd In tlio Nnrlci&stis pitteru and llnished In the popnlur frrey French tyl. Tlie bowl Istwolncliot long nnd ono nnd onolmlf Indict wido, unvluKAlenu tlfully carved and draply embossed Narlcltwu In tlio bottom, It In flu lino till highly lmlUuoi silver plato. Wo Kunrnnteo this Rimnn tolto gonumo uxrora Biivor l'jnio. wo Kuarnntooit toinvet your iiikiwu ox Wo want to spnd It to you without coat, oxcopt oxjieneo of ; tonhnw von tho kind of wnro It is nnd to toll von how you Cflnoarna set of six Oxford SUvor Tea Spoons Just llko It without a nectntlons. inalllnpc, just to show on tho hind of wnro it is nnd to toll yon how you cent of ontlay on your part. SEND US ONLY IOC w?lFmaYl0youefreoCofaU charvoi' oxcellent Oxford Bllver 8iinar Shell, postago prepaid. The sugar shell win ijo yours to Keep without another cent coat or without nny condi tions whatever. and wo this Address Ml orora to Tho Independ ent rnrruoi which Is ownod by, tlio Htato Journal Co., Lincoln, ob. Date INDEPENDENT FARMER, Lincoln, Neb. Enclosed And 10c, for which plonso send me, propnld, your Oxford Bllror Sugar Shell, as ndvertliiod. Name Address ........ Patient In Hastings Asylum Suddenly Remembers Who Ho Is. Hastings. After wandering about tho country for months, unable to ro membor his nnmo or his placo of resi dence, Otto A. WItthuhn has suddenly regained his mind, and hns.been re turned to hlB homo near Gothenburg. WItthuhn underwent nn operation for appendicitis somo timo ago, nnd lost his mentality as a result. His mind is now clear and hla memory is perfect as far as evcntB up to tho time of tho operation are concerned, OLD PAPERS. mental Interest, tho wait of live dec-' 'showing Christ's forgiveness ades between planting and repairing Tho Ascension was' tho only fitting .closo of tho earthly llfo of Jesus. When tho disciples had been thorough ly convinced by "many Infnlllblo nroofs" during forty days, that Jcbub was really alive, then ho went homo I ,to his throno and to his Fnthor in tho only way that would onablo thom to reallzo that ho was their Lord and Saviour. Tho last view of Jesus was not on tho cross, but as- leendlng in glory, a living Saviour. ' Tho resurrection of Christ la tho as iGurnnco that tho death of tho body Is not tho end of existence. For tho soul lives on without this mortnl body, but receives n body In tho other world, (llko Christ's glorlouB body. Tho rcBurcctlon llfo removes all fears and doubts with tho nssurnnco of a continued llfo hereafter, all wo have gained in this life bolng but a preparation for that eternal llfo. Tho very bouI of our religion Is missionary, progressive, world embro-' dug; It would ceoso to exist if it ceased to bo missionary, if It disre garded tho parting words of Its found er, 'Qo ye, thereforo, nnd teach nil na tions,' etc. Tho spirit of truth 1b tho life-spring of all religion; nnd whero It exists, It must manifest itself, It, must plead, it must persuade. It must also convert Thero may bq times whon sllonco Is gold, and speech silvor ;but thero aro times also whon silenco Is death, nnd speech Is life tho very llfo of Pentecost. Tho progress- of tho church through .'missions is ono of tho most hopeful slgnB of tho tlmos. Tho era of mis sions has been its era of greatest ad vancement at homo. Tho nwnkenlng of tho nations all over tho world; tho fruits of mission work mado manifest within tho last ten years, nro un in spiration to tho wliolo Christian world, to largor giving and to dooper conse cration. Conversion and Joining tho .church aro but tho beginning of tho Christian llfo. Christ's last command was, ''Go yo, thoreforo." Do not wait for pcoplo to como to you, but go to them. JACKSONVILLE HEIGHTS 10-ACRE FARMS The Original Florida Colony $30.00 per Acre 50 Cents per Acre Cash; 50 Cents per Acre per Month NO INTEREST NO TAXES NO GUESS-WORK NO PROMISES NO RISK Church Women 8hlp Over 30,00f Pounds to the Factories This Week. Auburn. Tho ladles of tho Chris tian and Baptist congregations of this city have been collecting old papers for somo time, and lust week shipped a carload to tho factories nt Mar seilles, 111. Thero was over 30 000 pounds In tho shipment, which will bring the ladles qulto a neat Bum of money In responso to tholr labors. - The Safest, Best and Grandest Real Estate Investment in the United States Today WHY? Because it is right at the edge of Greater Jacksonville, the fastest growing city in the country. Jacksonville Heights farms begin one mile from where land is selling in town lots at the rate of $3,250.00 per acre. ----- Because it was practically the first of all the Florida colonics to develop and settle on account of its unsurpassed soil, location, altitude and cheapest shipping facilities. Because 2700 farms have been sold to date and a population of about 700 souls sprung up in one year and the lands are now settling at the rate of 40 families per month. Because the Purchasers of Jacksonville Heights Lands Have Made Good Settlers and farmers have succeeded. Prices and values have advancedfour schools have been erected. Hard surface roads constructed. Telephone line established connecting up with Jacksonville local telephone. Hotel buildings erected. 210 farms fenced and being developed all in a little over one year. Because it is the Closest Colony to. the Best and Fastest Growing City in Florida We opened up our 6ale on April, 1909, at $20.00 per acre. We have about 200 tracts left, now selling at the advanced price of $30.00 per acre subject to another advance January 1st, 1911. - Write today to Jacksonville Heights Improvement Company, 122 Hogan Street, Jacksonville, Florida, for full particulars. Investigate the proposition and the personnel of the Company through any channel you wish. We will only sell out our remaining tracts and we cannot enlarge; we can only sell what land we now have on hand. All large tracts beyond us have been gobbled up by big syndicates. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmNmmmammm Write Today lor LKcmluro anwnBDannmMa Jacksonville Heights Improvement Co. 122 Hogan Street, JACKSONVILLE, FLA. PUTNAM FADELESS DYE rMn HiftfA n&nAm fcr!flMr And faitaf enlari than anv nthftr dtfi. Muuaiaf wlUwut riMlflfl tful Write lor lrt tot Uat-llc is 0j. Biucb nod Ma Colon. Ono 10c otcWa color ill fiber. Th? die In cold water better than nj other die. Ycu eta i tmunnuK. umuu uu,A ausoyM wtnahu.' K- I Stywiwv. 1 ittiiiii jJhiHWi''MK' Hfli