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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1910)
A JICWippCPj i V ' l( If i '.. l'l ,v ' $ :?'.'' to. r -A Successful Merchant, KiinrtliMilnr about his bunk account on jusl llio muni) principle tluil. In It particular about buying his goods Ills first Consideration Is Quality and his next, tlio most for hlsiirfnioy In safety and fncHtly to trnnsuet busi ness wo otter tho best III bank (puillty, wlillo in courteous treatment uud uo cotmnodiitlons wo give lliu most liberal returns to ovir customer. Interest Paid on Time Deposits Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizcr, President, S. R. Floi'ancc, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizcr, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Win. H. Thomas, S. R. Florancc. "She CHIEF Red Cloud - Nebraska. PUBLISHED KVKRY THURSDAY talercrt In the I'oalolllca (ililtcit Cloud. Neb., ae Second CIhkk MHttcr 0 H. HALK TEST ON JOIHES' STOKERS .SUCH AS THE WTY II IS PURCHASED Nebraska Stale Insane Asylum Wlcrfiliy Slack Coal Used Ilit tit 1 Jones thing, stoker IDS asso niB ONLY DKMOUltATIl! I'Al'KIt IN , WKIWTKU COUNTY Christtuas eotnos but once u your Do your shopping now. We think Unit never before in the history of this city huvo the store windows presented sttuli tin inviting nppeiinmee. Without exception the window displays me artistic creations. 'For real business thrift tlio merchants in Itcd Cloud are tit the head of the procession. In our issue immediately following tho election wo pointed out the foolish nes and oxtruvagenee of holding tin election every year aim It may not be out of place to remind the otllcials who will represent us this, winter in the stale legislature thai a change would be very welcome to tho tax paj ors of this county and state. Already candidates ato lining themselves up preparatory for the election next f.ill mid already the next primary election is but a little over six mouths ahead. Under the present, system we practic ally have two flections a year mid the tax payers fool the bill. It would be u very easy matter to arrange to have nil the olllcers elected lit tho same time and thus do away with tho ex pense of two elections. Tho legislat ure could arrange to base all present olllcials hold over olio )cur and then huvo but one election every two jours. That is nfiin enough and will save thousand of did hits. Our columns tiro open to our newly elected olllcers or others and wo invito a freo dismiss ion. If economy is the watch word here is a good place to begin. 2-JI.2I fJOO !H1 oilOT? 8 88 .r.7rt 'Jii HI! florsopowcr developed Coal Used, lbs Ashes, lbs 1120 Water evaporated, lbs. . .USGJfi Water evaporated per lb of coal, Ihs is o7 (Jain in evaporation in per cent t) Saving in fuel in per cent This saving of 2l5.:trt per cent of coal consumption will stop one big leak in our power house operations'. There is no reason in tlio world why our power plant, if properly equipped, will not produce u revenue to the city If tho nlty fathers ornithine to stop the leaks and ai fast as possible furnish proper facilities for handling (his plant it will not ho long before the city will bo self supporting. ThcBcst Christmas Gift for a Little Money. Send as a year's subscription to The Youth's Companion, ?1.7." will buy the llfly-two weekly issues uf The Youth . Companion for 101 1. It will buy the two hundred aiiilllfiy fascinating stories in the now volume. It will buy the llfty exclusive con Intuitions to the new volume by fam ous men and women. t will entitle t lie new subset Iber foi Kill who send in his subscription now to all the issues of Tho Compan ion for the remaining weeks of III 10 free. It will entitle the new siib.sci iber for 101 1 to The Companion's ArtCalendar. lithographed in thirteen colors and gold. If the subscription is a Christina gift, it will entitle the donor to an extra copy of the 11)11 Calendar. Tho illustrated Announcement of the larger and better ( oinpanion for I1HI will be .sent to any address free. TIIK YOl 1'M'jS COMPANION, III HerUcIo) St., Iloslou. .Mass. Germs In Her System A Store Full e i the Finest New Merchandise i Awaits Your Selection. J We offer you thoroughly dependable goods, quality goods and- merchandise that is New, Correct in style, and in every way desirable. ::::::: In buying stock we keep constantly in mind the needs of our pat rons and endeavor to supply them with the goods which will in every respect satisfy in quality, in service, in style. J We know we are right when we assure you of "your complete satisfaction. : : : : OUR STORE IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS, THE MINER BROTHERS GO. Dry Goods, Womens Coats, Suits, Furs and Furnishings, Carpets, Rugs, Lice Curtains, Shoes and Groceries. 5ZaJsMPJJ!ikLl ItEPJLlWJ 5arTSlrTsAlrTvarTATrTfTrTrT sw A Visit to the New Tie Barn Wo wore down the other day anil in Fpected the now tie-in barn. This Lain Is much larger than any stiucl ure of like diameter in th'mpiirtnt the country being 100 feet by 11'- feet. Tim u is plenty of room for one hundred teams hitched to wagons and feed stalls to accomuiudate them all. Fanners und others can drho into the barn uud let their team stand without unhitching. The building is win maud will lighted and the ac commodation a gi.od as aie to be found at home. team pltu-ed in this barn Is slicltcu-d ftom the co'd ami htotms and Is ready to lvavo at a mo ment's notice and till for a very reason able .sum oT money. Mr llailey. the owner "I tho barn, has also IllUd up a liiiudMime nlUco where the men can rest ami warm themselves, lie has also lilted up an excellent holies waiting room. This rooqi is warmed, has rocking chairs, a tine lavatoiy and sanitary toilet room. Here the ladio can be comfortable and luivi. all the conveniences of a modern hotel without extra charge. In waiting thru tills barn one is im pressed with it bigness and its great convenience. As soon a Us useful ness is learovd there will he few teams found at tho hitching ranks during toi my weather. This is a new enter prise for this-elty but one which will meet the approval (if every one who lias any regard for animals. Mr. liailcy luforms us that he will have the building practically completed by b'ututdny ami will then be leady for business. Card of Thanks Wo wish to thank our friends uud neighbor fur their assistance during the sickness of our children and the death of our baby. Mu. ,iXi Mils. li. W Mi:.Ns. Every Woman Should Read this Advice and the (iencrous Offer that Goes With It The number of discuses peculiar to women is such that we belli ve thi space would hardly contain a mere mention of their names, and it is a fact that most of these discuses are oi u catarrhal natuiit. A woman cannot be well if there is e trace of eatai i b in her system. Some women think there is no In In for thetu. Wo posit ivolv dielnrc tin. I to be a mistaken idea. We are o siii ' R' of this-that we oiler to supply ineiti clue absolutely trie of all cost incwn Instance win ic U tails to it s.tu-, faetioii, tit doih nut substantial! m.,i claim. With this uiiileiMiiiKliiig, i..i woman should hesitate to believe mu hoiitht) of put pose, or hc-itiite to pi.t ' claims to it lest. There is iiitly out- way to evtrcuiiie culm rh. That way is thioiigh the blood. You may use jill the snuIVs douche or like remedies lor years without getting more thuu temporary relief at best, latanh in genet al is a diseased condition or the system that shows locally most fiHiuently hi dis charges from mucous nicinbianes. I.ocai treatment should bo assisted by internal treatment for the geiierul diseased condition if a complete cure is to be reached. That Internal treat ment should be icientlticHlly deviwed and faithfully admlni.steied. HomiII Mueu-Tone is sclcntilleally prepuied from the prescription of an t'liiinetit physician who for thirty years niaile eatni'ih his specially. Tills reined) is admirably adapted to the treatment of the cutarihal allmohta of wouitii It purilies and enriches the blood, tends tohiopinucousdiscliargos, aids in remoiiiig linpuiliies from the system, .soothes, bonis and strengthens the mucous tissues, uud brings about u feeling of health ami strength. CopjriKut H.ut Silultntr .t Mju Go To School. Now that the fall work is over, whj not take a course in Hastings IJusiiie&R College? None belter. I'hargcs low. No e.Numhiutioii for entrance. Winter term begins January '-'. UMl. We wautyVou to tiy Ue.Mill Much Tone on our guarantee. If you ttro not benefited, or for any reason not, satisllcd, simply tell us uUd we 'will hand back your money, KcmiII Much Tono comes in two sizes. ."U cents and ?l.t)0. Ituuiember, you can obtain Itoxall Uoinedh's only at - Tho Ke.snll Stor-. The II. K. tJrlce Drug Co. i i I liny" THr kMfinriiiBMPBpag',SWM 44ffirfii:i i mv Sf as i ' mi HUE&&mL Wl&t'i w Jxn$ 5 wi.!' i?!'BiHk y&MBaam. mmi :WW .iPmWl For Christmas shoppers we have provided an ampe supply of The Newest and brightest of goods in our tine. We cannot tell you about them but "invite your inspection. : : : : PAUL STOREY, : THE CLOTHIER. esszcsswowEBWEGaaas nawwwrwii 11 ;'iimrrr',T,niryiTriXifrTt7i-iffT-iiMwi ww 'mi11!!! wwwmjoi; y V ir fcc V ;i S5SSs&ftS3 tFKT"