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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1910)
T Hwj(nwjn AASSfetflSaKJ s ..jjiwwww 1 The ChiefL 0. n. 1IAL13, Publisher nED CLOUD NEDRASKA EPITOME OF EVENTS PARAGRAPHS THAT PERTAIN TO MANY SUBJECTS. ABE BRIEF MTJKIIESTING Brief Mention of What Is Transpiring In Vcrloue Sections of Our Own and Foreign Countries Washington. Montana limits to the amount of C0U,7CO ncrcs huvo been designated ly Acting Secretary of tho Interior Plcrco for settlement and entry under iho nrnvlRlonn of the enlarged home stead net. ThlH brings thd totnl amount of land In Montana deslgnnt el up to dntc up to 30,:i5r.,!)GC ncrea. With an increaso of 3,27a,:i2G In tho public debt nnd a totnl deficit of $17, 371.4C8.08, the United 8tntes treasury closed tho Hecond month of tho llscnl year, keeping on oven keel, nil clrcum Htanrcn considered, with a working balunco of jaO,82C.OOr.7.1!3 on hand and tho general fund down to 8U,62:i, 207.M). Attorney Ooneral Wickcrshnm and Secretary Nngle, who have been In Alaska all summr, will land at Seat tle, Wash., on September G. It Is gen. orally assumed they have been In AluBka making a special Investigation of conditions there for President Taft. Tho attorney general will probably go to Beverly at nnco on his return. Approximately G7!,Gr.C acreB of land in Arizona and New Mexico, eliminat ed from the national forests by Presi dent Tnft afl being ehlelly vnluablo for agricultural purpobes, havo been opened to settlement under tho home .tend laws by authority of tho secre tary of tho Interior. Tho lands will be como Bubject to settlement November 22, but not to entry until December 21. Foreign. Sixty-eight Chinese students ar rived at Honolulu on tho Btcamer China on their way to San Francisco to enter various American universi ties. Thirteen deaths from cholera nnd twenty-livo now eases of tho disease were reported from the Infected dis tricts of southeastern Italy during twenty-four hours. During tho dinner at Berlin Kmporor William toasted King George and afterward detained 1-ord Hoberts for several hours in ani mated conversation. King tleorge's shooting party at lialmorul was thrown Into excitement when l.ord Kilmarnock, second secre tary In tho British diplomatic service, received four pellets through tho ac cidental dlschargo of a gun. Tho sec retary was not seriously Injured. In consequence of high price of cot ton and tho general depression In trade, seven cotton mills In Homhay, India, havo nunounced that they will i'Ioso down September 30. Seven thousand hands will be affected by this curtailment nnd a dozen other mills nre expected to follow suit. General. New York city has gained over u million In ten years. Tho tilal of Dr. Crlppen and MIsb licnovo wan begun In u London court. Returns of tho first direct primary election held In Idaho Indicate that (Jovernor James II. Urndy Is renomin ated by tho republicans. If the prosperity Is to bo measured (y tho tlood of Americans returning from abroad, never has thero been Mich a prosperous year In this coun try. , Senator Harrows of Michigan was Ofcatod for renominatlon to tho sen ate. Failure to catch a baseball thrown Mvlftly by his brother in practlco re united In the dotah" of F.dward W. Hoge, aged 12 years, In Washington, I) C. All records for receipt of cattle nt the South Omaha market were brok en tho other day, when 10,281 head wero received, mostly fetoers from western ranges. At tho close of a meeting of miners ind operators In Chicago, It was an nounced thnt tho strike situation In tho Illinois coal fields had virtually loen brought to nn end. Cromwell Dixon, the dirigible aero naut, had a narrow escape from being driven out to sea In his airship when his englno failed to work as he was fiOO feet In tho air over the Harvard aviation Held. Pinned beneath the wreckage of n big touring ear when It turned tur tle at the foot of a steep hill Just out ride of BInghnm, Me., former Con gressman George Warren Weymouth of Fnlrhnven, Mass., prominent In business circles, was Instantly killed. Three masked men held up nu In lerurbnn street car at the San Mntos (California) county line, lined up tho passengers and crew and robbed them of their money. Dr. Hawley II. Crlppen, Jointly ac cused with Kthel Claro l.enevo of the murder of his wife, has suffered a nervous collapse and was removed to tho hospital ward of Brixton Jail. According to a report mibmlttcj to tho board of directors of tho Phila delphia Rapid Transit company the Krlko of tho conductors and motor men in tho early pnrt of tho year tost tho compnny $2,300,000 A non-union Iron works plant at corla was wrecked by dynamite Army men are not In favor of tho O'Rourko plan for raising tho Maine. At tho commerce commission hear ing at Chicago railroad men Insisted their revenue was not enough. Toilette swept the state In Uio Wis consin primaries. Mayor Onynor of Now York woi taken from tho hospital to his coun try homo. Roosevelt announced his political creed, which Id that of progressive republicanism. Senator llurkott Introduced Kx-Prcn-Idcnt Roosevelt on tho occasion of his Omaha speech. Thero was an nngry oxchnngo be tween lawyers at tho railroad rate hearing nt Chicago. From eight to ten thousand pcoplo listened to tho Bpeech of lOx-Prosidont Roosevelt In Omaha. A demented man Jumped from a train near Missouri Valley, meeting almost Instant death. Medlcnl Washington wns stlrrod up by a Nebraska physician's discussion of Infnutllo paralysis. Tho financial showing of tho govern ment for tho second month of tho 11b cal year Is satisfactory. Some federal heads may bo looped off nt New York for too active par ticipation In stnto politics. (Jovernor Hny of Washington takes Issue witli Roosevelt and Plnchot on tho question of conservation. William Uarnes, Jr., of Now York declares himself shocked nt utter ances of Roosevelt In the west. Tho treasury department has a task on Its hands in tho printing of bonds for postal savings banks. Colonel Roosevelt was obliged to brenk his Sunday resolve and address tho crowds as ho traveled to Fargo. At Torre Haute, Ind., John Mitchell, tho labor leader In a I,nbor day ad dress, Bpoko In favor of better laws for tho protection of worklngmen. Two trans-Atlantis steamships, ono of them tho liner Lusltanln, wero held up by tho Now York health authorities because of the cholera scare abroad. A movement Is under way to havo Justice Harlan promoted to tho chief Justiceship of tho supremo court, with tho understanding that ho soon retires. Tho report received that Franco will havo seventy-llvo noroplunos at tho disposal of ltn nnny by tho end of November In attracting m,uoh atten tion In Germany. Virtual martial law prevails In Bar letta, tho center of tho ltallnn chol era zone, as tho result of a clash be tween several thousand starving nnd unemployed people and tho military. Juan Anier, editor or the Satirical Weekly Chantecleor, of which tho first Issue had Just appealed, wan shot and killed by Joso Pennlno, n liberal candldato for city councilman In Hav ana, Cuba. Ample opportunity will be given both railroads and shippers to pro Bent personally to tho Interstate com mcrco commission all question bear ing on rates, it Is stated by commis sion authorities. A gross valuation of tho oatnto ol tho lato Grover Cleveland In New York has been Hied showing $2f,fifi0, loss taxes, commissions, oto. Tho residue Is J32.1GS, the bulk of which goes to the widow and children. Davis Elklns arrived in Paris from Carlsbad en route to Vichy, where he will Join his mother and his sister, Miss Katherlne Klklns. It Is under stood that tho threo will sail for the Un'-ted States about October 1. At a La Folletto meeting In Madi son, nt which Sonntor Cummins of Iowa nnd Francis J. Honey, tho Kan Francisco graft fighter, woro tho chief speakers, Congressman Norris of No brnaka was also present nnd made a talk. Bishop of Salisbury, Kngland. will start for this country, arriving here September 21. Ho Is to preach the opening sermons at tho Protobtant Kplscopal convention, which Is to be held late in September at Cincinnati. Ohio. An unconfirmed reiort has been received thnt Hvo negroes wore lynched near Carlton, ten miles oast of Athns, Go. Mexico's celebration of tho ono hun dredth anniversary of her Independ enco begnn Sept. 1st nnd will con tinue until tho end of tho mouth. After a conference with tho forestry service officials tho officials of the American National Red Cross an nounced that It would pay tho hospital expenses of tho government employes Injured in lighting tho forest flreH In tho northwest. It Is estimated that the expense will amount to about fl. 000, which will bo paid out of tho re lief fund of the Red Cross. Personal. Republicans carried Vermont by a reduced plurality. Colonel Roosevelt wns tho Iibor day orator at Fargo, N. D. Tho progressIveB dominated the re publican btato convention In Califor nia. Ln Folletto wns renominated In Wisconsin by an overwhelming ma jority. An unknown man caused n commo tion at Fargo. N. D., by denouncing Roosevelt ns a liar. President Taft delivered n long und carefully prepared address at the conservation congress. Mayor Gaynor was Indorsed for governor by tho democrats of Sara- toga county in convention. State's rights governors at the con servation congress left for homo, nil mining themselves defeated. Rear Admiral Albert G, Barry und Herbert Wlnslow and Chaplain Da vid II. Trlbou will retire thlu month on account of age. FULL OF FIFTY FEET 3TONESETTER ON OMAHA DUILD ING MEETS DEATH. HAPPENINGS OVER THE STATE What la Going on Here nnd There That Is of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity. Omaha, Neb. William Meek, a ntonesetter, fell n distance of fifty feel from tho top of the new assembly room now under construction at the deaf and dumb Institute anil was In Btantly killed. Meek was loaning over n heavy stone, wiring It Into place, when tho stone gave way, carrying him with it in Its downward flight. Meek fell squarely across tho stouo and death was almost instantaneous. Tho Injured man breathed but a few seconds. Tho lwdy was taken to the coroner's vnrlors '1 un Iqest will be held. No blame is attached to the contractors, nor to an of Mcek's fel low workmen. Coming Mission Meeting. Tmunseh, Nob. Tho Topeka branch af tho womnn's foreign missionary so ciety of tho Methodist Episcopal church will hold its twenty-seventh an nual meeting In Tecumseh on October G, 7, 8 nnd !. The meeting will be an Important one. and will bring many delegates to this city. Among the missionaries to lie in attendance will be Bishop W. F. Oldham of southern Asia, Miss Cora Morgan of Muillad, India; Miss Kllnbeth Varney of Hlng Hun, China; 'Miss Gertrude Drlesbach of Manila, P. 1.; Miss Rebecca Wat son of Nagoya, Japan; Miss Agnes Saxo of Mutra. India, and Miss. Susan Walker of KomiiIo, South Ameiica. To Honor Memory of Griggs. i Beatrice, Neb. In district court. Judge L M. Penibertou yet aside Fri day, September 30, as the date upon which eulogies will be pronounced In meniorv of the lato N. K. Gilggs. the oldest member of the Gago county bar, who died Sat in day at Alliance. Airship Demolished. Lincoln. Neb. Archie Hossey, fly ing In a Wright aeroplane nt tho fair grounus heie, was Injured and his ma chine destroyed when the wing of the plane collapsed in tly second lllght. Will Visit Old Home. Beatrice. Miss Nan Aspinwall. known as "the lariat girl," who left San Francisco Wednesday for New York on horseback, is a Gage county oung lady. She icsldcd nnd attend ed school at Liberty for many years, and her relatives live there at the pieseut, and she will visit her old home while on tier Journey cast. Walter Slaughter has accepted tho priuclp.ilshlp of the PI mouth schools tit Falrbury. Tho Martin Luther college at Ster ling opened Monday with i good at tendance. Earl Devore or Butlllngtou, Ind., has been elected principal of the West school of Beatrice. James Elberte, who was recently muidered nl Maitlaud, Mo., formerly lived at Hastings. Farmers near Hastings are up In arms against the cureless work of hunters in that vicinity. Charles Beschler, aged fourteen nas shot by his cousin. Ben Beschler, while in tho hitter's melon patch at Broken How. A mule show was held Saturday at Plckrell and more than sixty mules wero lined up on tho htreets to poso as prize winners. In a fall from tho roar end of his wagon, A Hin Gramllch, eIght-two years old, came to a sudden death near his home at Papllllon Tuesday morning. Four hundred regular army soldiers composing eight tioops of the Seventh cavalry, from Fort Riley, Kas.. will bo camped near Llnclon irom iSeptombcr 23 to 2(i. Threo of the best business places of the town of Murdock wero prac tically destroyed by lire which Tor a time threatened the business section of tho place. E. E. Bolster, editor of the Blue Val ley Blade of Seward, has purchajed the business and subscription list of the MUford Monitor, lately edited by Guy W. Bundy. i.V new engine, costing $1,320, will bo Ixiiiglit for the municipal light sta tion at Fremont to lncieaso the pro ducing facilities of the $83,000 plant that was comi-loted less than two years ago. Father Emmanuel Ilartlg, for some fifty years pastor of the St. Bene dict's Catholic church at Nebraska City, died In Atchison. Kan. He was born in Bnvnrln, Gormany, May I, 1880. Ho received his education In Munich, and later entered St. Vincent college, Westmoreland county, Penn sylvania. Ho was ordained In Ixjav enworth, Kan., September 1. 18G0. An old icglstered letter, containing $10. lw in the postoillco at Fremont eleven yoarB ago, was found by Post master Swanson whllo rummaging un der nu old desk recently. The First Nntlonal bank at York Is tearing down Its old building nnd will erect a new one nt once. Dr. Hnrr, a veterinary surgeon ol York, had a narrow escape from drowning In n cloudburst nenr that placo Mondny. Home-grown peaches are becoming so plentiful on the 'Humboldt market that farmers are finding It dlfllcult tc dispose ol them at a price that ptiyi for the picking. Physical Director Kearns Is organic lug a fool ball squad from tho mem bnrs of the Fremont Y ;M. C. A., from which a team will be chosen as soon as the .lnylng season Is on. A mall pouch was stolen from a truck at Lexington. liloodhounds trailed tho thief and found the sack west cf town. It had been cut open und letters and packages were scat tered about. Tho American Automobile Manufac turing company of Beatrice has Just received u mammoth turret lathe, probably the largest machine of the kind west of the river. Tho machine weighs twelve tons and cost better than $5,000. Humboldt Is considering the idea of treating its streets with asphalt road oil. Much favorable comment Is be ing heard and a definite conclusion will bo reached when a committee, appointed .to make Investigation, makes its report. All recordB of attendance at the Ne braska stato fair were broken Wed nesday with an attendanco of 11,440. The biggest previous day In the his tory of the fair was lirynn day In PJ08, when there were 43.017 people on the grounds. Kobcoe Barton, a prominent attor ney of Avoca, fell down tho steps lead ing from tho llrst floor of his resi dence to tho cellar and ibroko his neck. He was found In a dlng con dltlon by his wife, who was at n neighbor's house when tho accident happened, nnd he died a few moments later. Rev. Harry (5rnunk of Calvary Evangelical chmch at Lincoln, has ac cented the pastorate of a church In Bucyrus. Ohio. He will probably ieaVu Lincoln as soon jis he can mako arrangements, as the telegram he has Just received Indicated that he would bo expected to take tho charge Sep tember 18. The T'nited States civil service com mission announces tho following ex aminations to tie held at Lincoln, Giand Island, "Norfolk. North Platto and Omaha: September 14. phvslclan (male), Indian sen Ice; September 21. assistant In wireless telephony, signal service at large; September 21, trained nurse, Indian isthmian, canal and Philippine service; September 20, examiner, United Slates civil service commission; October f, electrical as sistant, signal service at large. LINCOLN wrmm C. O. Whedon, who wns the Insur gent candidate for United States sen ator and who is tho titular leader of Insurgency In Nebruska, sent the fol lowing telegram to Senator Robert La Follolto when La Follctto's tremen dous victory In the Wisconsin prima ries was repoited: "Hon. Robert M. La Follettc, .Madi son, Wis. I congratnlato you, your Btate. the nation and progressive re publicanism on your nomination. It Is nn indorsement of your efforts for bet ter government, u notice of ouster to republicans unmindful of the party promise. V. O. WHEDON." Mr. Whedon visited La Folletto ie cently while on an eastern trip and lent his aid whllo in Wisconsin for a few dnjB to La Follctte's success. J. H. Putnam of Cuba, Rock county, hns written Uibor Commissioner Man pin that he has discovered a small vein of anthracite coal in Rock county nnd that he Is making further search for a larger vein. Mr. Maupin has for warded tho information to Professor Condra of tho stato university. Dr. Condra Is out of town at present, but on his return he will mago a personal investigation. Secretary Mellor, after a careful in spection of tho exhibits on the fair grounds, said: "You may say for mo that no better exhibition of tho agri cultural resources of a stato was ever shown anywhere The Nebraska state fnlr this year caps tho climax for ag ricultural exhibitions. It Is tho best In tho world." Edith L. Robblns. former! a di rector of music nt tho Keorney statu normal, Is on her way to Berlin to study two years. Sho will meet her brother, Floyd Robblns, at Hamburg. Ho has been studying piano Tor three years in Berlin. Governor Shnllenbcrgor has honored a requisition from the governor of Illinois for tho return or Anna Schnei der to Eurekn, 111., on '.ho charge of taking money nnd goods bolonglng to Eunice Davis, of tho value of $75. lir. Nlles of tho bureau of animal Industry at Washington and a ropre sentntlvo of tho state experimental station are billed to glvo a number of lectures on tho hog cholera serum treatment nt county fairs In the stato durluu' tho next fow weeks. HUmi (If (! A LM. W 1.1' VW (ffsmir ?Xr2Uy iovi CAR FERRJMS LOST SINKS IN LAKE MICHIGAN WITH MANY ON BOARD. AT LEAST THIRTY ARE DEAD Survivors Taken to Ludlngton, Mich., Craft Property of Pere Mar quette Road, but De tails Lacking. Ludlngton, Mich. Thirty lives were lost when Pore Marquette enr ferry No. 18, bound from Ludlngton to Mil waukee, went to the bottom of Iako Michigan half way across the lake. Tho dead Include Cnptnln Peter Kilty of Ludlngton, S. F. Sczcpnnek of Chicago, purser and wireless oper ator, whoso signal of distress brought assistance to the sinking stenmer, and two members of tho crow of tho car ferry No. 17, who lost their Hvcb In nn effort to rescue the crew of No. 18. Ell Colbean of Saginaw, Mich., a member of the crew of No. 18, would make n thirty-first victim, but It is believed ho was not on board when No. 18 set out from here on her fatal trip. The cause of the disaster Is a mys tery. The men who know what the Double was are dead, nnd among the survivors thoro nre only two theories and speculations. The best conclusion seems to be that the car ferry's after water compartment filled through an open or broken deadlight, which was followed at tho last mlnuto by the bursting of bulkheads. Harlan to Act as Chief. Washington. If Governor Hughes Is to be mndo chief justlco of the su preme court of the United States ho will be promoted from an associate Justiceship. Reports that the nomina tion of the governor as an nsboclate Justice would be withdrawn and his name sent to the senate as chief Jus tlco havo been put to rest by arrange ments that tho New York executive has been making to take up his du ties on the bench the second Monday n October. Not Killed by Explosion. Newport News, Vn. According to men landing nt Old Point from the battleships the three men who met death aboard the North Dakota Thurs day were not killed by the explosion of oil, ns first reported, but were drowned when lire room No. 3 flooded to prevent the spread of flames nnd the explosion of the mnga zliie located just over the fire. The bodies were recovered when the com partment was pumped out. The Eucharistic Congress. Montreal. Twenty thousand men nnd women, speaking divers tongues, packed the cathedral of Notre Dame here from sanctuary pit to organ loft for the first public meeting of the ouehnrlstlc congress. Never before had tho ancient edifice held such a congregation. Delay in Settlement. Knnsas City. Complications regard ing local conditions in Missouri nnd Arkansas mines hnve caused further delny in the final settlement of the coal strike in the sotuhwest district. Snb-cominlttees have asked that these local difficulties be considered before tho final contract Is signed. Mines May Be Reopened. Kansas City. Mo. -Although tho contract has not been signed, repre sentatives of both the miners and operators of the southwest district who have been conferring hero for weeks trying to settle tho coal strlko Involving 35,0(10 workers, ngroe thnt all dlfllcultles practically are settled. Reaches Ripe Old Age. Worcester, Mass. Patrick O'Hearn, aged 10.' years, " months and 22 days, probably the oldest man In Massa chusetts, died here Thursday from bronchitis. Up to a year ago O'Hearn linil been an Inveterate smokor and he boasted that lie drank Intoxicating Uqunrs "when he felt like It." Welcome the Americans. Toklo. Tho delegation of American business men representing sovernl chnmbers of commerce of tho Pacific coast on arrival in Korea, en route to Chlnn, were welcomed and entertained by Baron Shlbusawa, the economist, and others of tho Jnpnnesc who hnvp visited America. Opened to Surface Entry. Washington. D. C 'Approximately .10,000,000 acres of land wlthdravyn from entry as being valuable for coal deposits or for classification have been thrown open to agricultural sur face entry under regulations approvod by Acting Secretary of the Interior Pierce. Callfornla'e Jubilation. San Francisco. Friday wns Califor nia's day of jubilation, the sixteenth anniversary of her admission to state hood and tho crowning day of tho ad mission day carnlvnl ln this city. B jiroelnmntlnn of Mayor McCarthy the day was observed as a general holiday while the citizens, reinforced by thou sands of visitors, gave themselves up lo the enjoyment of tho carnival pageants, concerts, nthlotlc sports and other festivities that mado up the day's program. (L V PliK M9J-1 Your for fortuity. Youra for great est leavening power. Your for never failing results. Your for parity. Your for economy. Yoar for every thing that goes to make up a strictly high grade, ever dcpcndablo baking powder. That isCalumot. Try it once and note the im provement in yonr bak ing. See how much more economical over the high priced trust brands, bow much better than the cheap and big-can kinds. Calnmet is highest In quality moderate in cost. Received Highest Award World'. Pure Food Exposition. MONEY MADE IN TWO WAY8. "That palmist will tell you when you are going to die." "And then run and toll the under taker, I suppose, and get a commission on tho business." Unfair. Senator John H. Bankhnnd, discuss ing a political move, said, with a Ginlle: "Oh, It'r. too coldly calculated. It's almost unfair, ln fact, it's like Mrs. Blank. "Mrs. Blank Is a leader of Bar Har bor society. Her husband said to her. ono nftcrnoon, iib Bho mado n very elaborate toilet for a garden party that sho wns giving to some membciu of tho British legation: "'Why did you write to all our guests that this party was to bo absolutely Informal?" Mrs. Blank laughed. '"So as to bo Uio best-dressed worn nn present, of course,' sho Bald." Few Marriages in London. Tho marriages of London lost year represent tho IoweBt percentage of which there Is any record. 'TIb much to wound a foo; 'tis more to save him uud to win n friend. Eric Mackay. Brings Cheer to the breakfast table- Post a Toasties with cream. Crisp, golden-brown "crinkly" bits, made from white corn, A most appetising, con venient, pleasurable breakfast "The Memory Lingers" roHfcim On-M Co., Mil. Uivltle Creek, Mich. unl- 1 A ,C"" ."!. ... uAt'..tU..,.wti,',t, . iTBilf "'--'-' 5SE3BWCRSKP MWFBfB'v