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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1910)
RK Vf si VOLUME xxxv n I. A BUSINESS MAN'S BANK is ours, because we give .special at tention t tin accounts of the business inn. It Is not only our desire to SEE OUR- DEPOSITS GR.OW Inu wo arc equally desirous wf seeing our customers' business irrow success fully as well, and wo are always ready to extend accommodations and con veniences to our deserving eustoniers. They are welcome to our advico at all times. Interest Paid en Time Deposits Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizcr, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. SUNNY SIDE. Dan Llndsoy is putting up hay on the Warnoclc place .?. II. Ellingcr and wifo are at the State Fair Hits week. Wm. Engols is making a cement water tank. They are becoming quite popular. . L. Craig is doing some fall plowing on. the Warnook farm He will move onto it nc.vt opting. Haying between shosvors is not as pleasant as might be, but it makes us good pastures and wheat ground never was finer. Itlllie Kudrna lias moved tho bouse off his father's place onto his own and 'building onto it. It will make him a comfortablo homo. A few Items from our Large Stock of Dry Goods F. NEWHOUSE Sweaters The most servicable wrap one can have is a sweater. Our line of sweaters was selected with the most care as to style, price and quality. Before buy ing your sweater inspect our stock as we can save you money.' Children's cotton sweaters 50c " all wool sweaters in plain stitch 75 and 90c. Misses all wool sweaters in fancy wave weave $1.50 and $2.50. Misses part wool sweaters at $1.50 Ladies sweater in plain and fancy weave from $1.50 to $5.00. WiaiMiMIHMM MMlllWWMMMWWMWWMMWWMiWWtWMMM I.I Illlll I .HI IMI Silk ! Silk ! ! Silk ! ! ! A new line of fall silks in all the Plaids in waist lengths only one of a pattern at $1.00 a yard. Fancy foulards 27 inches wide at $1 a yard. Black guaranteed silk 36 in wide at $ 1 .00 to $ 1 .50 a yd Poiu de Soie 36 inches wide at $1.50 A large line of new patent leather belts all red and all black also a of soft leather belts in navy blue, grey, tan and black. PHONES: KuralC3. Bell, Black 41, I 'tir-VKWlPC?' " s r --- -.- ,-- e-- - - --. - . ". -htb- t ank. tat... .. - .'--j- wj- ' ?xir- --- - lu nuJT II iw worn ijw.ik-' &EHSR .WW ilMUW.'.'li. Pi .. T f1 w, Wto W SiAVVHK t'Uitf'l n. 1 V t. Vff.'JiK".' TOW ft. 'r-v"?752rk LESTER School begun Monday. Trenching next Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lewis left for St. I'nul Saturday. Quite a number were in Kansas this week buying peaches. Miss Grace Frisbio left Monday to attend sohool at Lincoln. A car load of hogs was shipped in Sunday for the Milling ""Co. Lucius Fribble left Saturday fcr Superior where he will teach this year. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Harris and Mr. and Mrs Clar Cox returned home from Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Kasser, Mr. and Mrs. Gotolicb Rassor and Mr. and Mrs. John Holcomb and 'daughter pent Sunday at John Saladens. -y .. vwwju IK RfiSrrl r e 1 te M Barton hf! without A NcMSiai:r That filvcs The Mews Fifty-two KED OliOUl), aSiEBRASIvA, SI3PTICMHI2H Mr. and Mrs. Juice I'Vy and Mr and Mrs. Jolmle Itasser Sundayed at Andrew Kings. Ilnnk Hasser is going to talce the State Fair in this week. Ho says lie won't iret lift for ho lias been to Mil waukee GARFIELD Haiti every other nlgh't and not vciy g.nul hay weather. s Henry Hanson bought it n'ee horse from Charley Wolfe. IVte and Alfred Mauley went to lodge Monday night. Clyuo Pierce was a pleasant caller on T. W Whites Sunday. Frank Atnack returned from the west with u carload of stock Sundny. Mr. linker tho Knwleigh Medicine man was on wind mill row the llrst of the weelc. School commencod on Monday tho fifth in district 85 with Mrs. Waslcom for teacher. Grandpa Harnos left for a visit in I own and expects to be gone tho most of the winter. Charley Campbell lost a steer in tho pasture killed by lightning lie thinks but no insurance. Mauley Oros. have bought a farm on tho other side of the river. Wo hato to loose thoin but are glad to see them get a farm of their own. The most of the Garfield folks at- jteudod tho Woodman play at the opera house or the negro show in lied Cloud Saturday night. They wore both good shows. Clyde Pierce was at Will Fishers Sunday with that hungry look of his and wo hopo lie got filled up for ho ato a thirty pound mollon every fit teon minutos all day lie left looking better but feeling vorse. BURSON FASHIONED HOSE The 1. the only bote IHXEEEQZSB bOM bare earn llko thli la lea ttim HiMdJ.lTHl ole toa ! : wr ';. - ,' - m ' Aboro wo show tho UUKrfUN unit tha others'' y tamed InsUle out-aoto tho ulCTorcuoo. Iu hose for children havo the best gritdo at the price thai money can buy Children's double knee, heel and too stocking at !2,JaO Fine dressy lxl rib hose, and at the same time good wearing hose double. knee U thread heel toe at .,15c Better grado for at 25c Heavy grade for boys at 25c nice line I -TJ "r ".X .-. I. Weeks Eanli Year For 51.50. GUIDE ROCK. Hustings Mllnor is still on the sick list. The tinkle Hook Moiidav. schools opened Mr. (itirrihfin was taken to the sani tarium S'intlny for treatment. Kov. Pool hold meeting a few even ingitat the Ash Crock appointment, Joe lloskins has moved into the P. !. Fairlleld house vacated by N. W. linker. Miss Mary licit, is sowing this week at the homes of Mrs. K. M. Parker and Mrs. ( ha. Hodges. Tile Baptist people had a merry pound social Monday evening for their new pastor Rev. Kolibins who recentlj moved from Missouri. Quarterly conference vwih held at tho M E. church here Thursday p. m. Rev. X. A. Martin, District Superin tendent being present. S. It. Mclutlrc who has assisted J. T Mason witli painting and paper hanging all summer returned Monday to hs home iu Kansas. J. S. Largout tins been up from Texas to visit with his sister Mrs. J.F. Hich who is liore from ltrldger, Mon tana spending a few weeks with her mother and other relatives here. Miss Francis Martin and Mr.Charles Jorgonson were marriod Sunday at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Win. Pettit by the Kov. Dcakiu of Cowlcs. Miss Lottie Deal; In played the wedding march. (July relatives were In attendance. The young people will reside in Omaha. The W. C. T. U., elected its new officers last week. , Mrs.F. W. Kailey, President. Mr. John Yutfg, Vice President. Mrs. G. M. Albin, Treasurer. Mrs. Clarence Guy, Keu'diug Sec. Miss Ella V. VunWoert, Cor. Sec. The vice presidents of the various churches are: iMcs. Wm Miner, Methodist. ,Mr3.'J II. Crary, Christian, Mrs. O. F ScuOrbaofier, Uvtuigelical.. Mrs. L. W Ely, Baptist. Other otllcers are to be appointed next week. KNOCKING vs COMPETITION When a solicitor for business tells you all about the "other fellow's" goods, it is a pretty sure sign that he is KNOCKING; When a solicitor explains why he can offer you better value for your money, it is a sign he believes in legitimate COMPETITION; If a man tells you how the "other fellow" will "do you up" If you deal is time to wonder whether this man is A KNOCKER: .If a man satisfactorily ex- 'plains why he, himself, is able 'and willing to give you the ( better service, he might well (be called I A FAIR COMPETITOR; I A Salesman should know the quality of his own goods, and Derogatory Statements Con cerning them should- not be given credence without prool, Honestcompctition is the life of trade, and if both buyer Jancl seller would "prove all things and hold fast to that which is good" the "knocker' Nvould have to quit business .. 5s. V, ARG ABRIGHT fc. 1010. j".Jr y y d'; There are times when a whole lot de pends on the watch you carry. If you buy your watch here there'll be no missing of trains or engagements, no being late on account of your watch. In This Jewelry Store You can select a watch at a moderate price or one as expensive as you care to go. But no matter what you pay you'll have a watch well worth carrying. A good 17 Jewel Watch man's size 20 year guaranteed case, $12.50. SATISFACTION OA? MONEY BACK NEWHOUSE BROS. E. H. NEWHOUSE Prop Jmwmltrs A Optometrists HyJMreJPSjPb'TM. tmmm They All Agree when it comes to a live cent smoke that tho It-B cigars are in a class by themselves. They are mild, mellow and rich. They burn evenly draw fr.ely and havo a fine flavor. Try one and you will keep on trying liko the rest of "the boys." A. A. HART City Bakery and Restaurant. E. A. THOMAS -DEMT1SY Dr. T. A. Trumble, D. D. S. ASSISTANT Over Cotling's Drug Store. HOUKS OP SHUVIUK AT I'ONUItKOA TIONAIiOHUHOU. HAiili.vrir Skuviokh. lUMmscliool.. ... 10 a. iu. ITcachln ..... - II n. in. Preaching services H i. in. l'rnyer ami Conference nicotine Wednes day at 8 p. in. A cordlnl Invitation Is ox ten dud to all. Hkv. A. A. Ohkssman rastor. J The Chief $1.50i WA number ;u; FAIR SERVICE is th only kind that gos with some thitigs. W minti of course when you'r going to din. FARE AND SER.VICE at this restaurant are both finest in the land. See our menu isn't it ap. petizing ever iu reading? It's best though in tho eating. Come in and ttst it. The Bon Ton Bakery and Restaurant H. Neuerburg, Prop. .S. J. UNNENGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. J. S. IsMlON At tho old stnnd over the State Bank. Fhoncfl3fl. THE Chicago Specialists! Chronic and Serious Diseases, Only. PnitMANKNT Office Rod Cloud, Royal Hotol Consultation Free, in Geiman and ' English. Friday. September 9th Son ThA Intof fn-iinrlf a Job Work. MIX ilVfV' v&yi ,VJT WjJH iHfi'SI '' M-i '&M i J-,'V1 M 4 4' y-j 11 Ail m -jj .. J-H ' Jtf a)-j. W.x wtt p , ratr. ii?tjiiirttiji tirmi&mz--'.Wf, TniifrTmthidmnuaxtoMjia iiu gggggawjBga