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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1910)
WIW, 3t VJt "t kS i. ' 11. k.'t f i't... v.- v Shameful. Extract from a yowiy lady's letter from Venice: "Last night I lay In a gondola In the Grand cunal, drinking it all In, and llfo never seemed bo full he fore." Lipptncott'u. Don't Risk Your Llfo Hy ncRlcrtliiK Constipation. It loads to nutotoTcnila. Thrn Is Just one rlKht rem edy for Constlpntlon. that Is NATUKB'fl HHMKOY (Nit Millets). It'n dlrforcnt from nil others bccuuio It Is thoroURli, It corrects tlio entire iIIkosMvo iiystem and thn kidney, cure Dyspepsia nnd llliou iimtlnm. Its ensv nml sure to net. Tnko ono tonlKht you'll feel better In ' tlio mornlnf,'. (let u J.'e Hnv. AH DrUKglstB. Tlio A. It. Leu-Is Mcillclno Co., at. Louis. Equality. Doctor (politely) Good morning, Mr. Schmidt. Janitor Howdy, Doc. Mfc. Skill to uo comes of doing j knowl edge comes by eyes always open nnd working hands; and there Is knowl-t-dgo that is not power. Emerson. FUNERAL OF A KING REMAINS OF EDWARD VII REST DY THE ROYAL TOMB. TThe Multitudes I Fed I Sunday Scbool Leuoa for Msy 29, 1910 1 Speclilly ArranjeJ tor This Papsr LONDON'S DAY OF MOURNING If You Havo Common Soro Eyes, If Unci blur or run together, you need I'KTTIT'S EYE SALVE. Bio. All drug gists or Howard Ilros,, llullnlo, N. Y. Thero's no reason why n woman shouldn't take hoarders if she wants to, hut she shouldn't try to hoard a moving train. Lewis' Sincle Hinder Htrniglit fc cigar is made to Milisfy the smoker. Put up with sarcasm don't practlso It. Stato Ceremony Conducted Accord ing to Precedent, With Pomp of Mlddlo Ages Mr. Roosevelt In Procession. A MINISTER'S CONSTIPATION Rev. Kemp Tells of His Digestive Troubles and How Ho Overcamo Them You Can Do So Free. the keystone to health 1 HOSTETTER'S 1 STOMACH I 1 BITTERS I The Bitters has clearly nroven. during the past 56 years, that it is an ideal tonic and invirjorant for those in a weak and debili tated condition. It aids di gestion and keeps the bowels MP-,, i rfrlcir OpUH. iy .w.mjm L For nheumallsrrt Drlro out piln. BtronRttu n nrrrrt. Hatld up )toni. At Drue 8toro-$l 00. No euro, nn par. W rlto for f re trial oner. intern Klectnixl Co.. I) lit. U. Lo Auevlvi. OaI. Nebraska Directory John Deere Cultivators ARE THE BEST ASK YOUK JIKAI.HU OH JOHN DEERE PLOW COMPANY, OmOhO. W El Li ! I BV a Dili irocc all broken pirtt of machinery nude good at new. Wu di eatt iron, cast steel, aluminum, copper, brass or ai.r other metal. .Etpert automobile repiiilnir. 8ERT8CHV MOJOR CO., Council Bluffs. Wl CUI&Uil Unooln N8b Ut) OnlElil Manufacturer of COPPER CABLED LIGHTNING RODS TYPEWRITERS lift 00 ami up, AlliiUiHlnlie.ttldorrulil. I'1"' DPlleUlf jiAipurclinm. XIclilnVvtilpr,il nvl;ro uu pproil. No rMiuirrd.,Wrllifnr lrei II. U LINCOLN TVPEWRITER.EXCHANOE 122 NortWitH Btroo-, 'fUncoln, Neb. Beatrice Creamery Co, ; Pe.y the highest price for CREAIViJ LiHGOLH SANITARIUM Tlie only Sanitarium In tho iitntriislnfr Natural Mineral W'Ui-r l!iitun UiiHitr piiHMOil lu tln trnttinrnt of Acute nnd Chronic ItUKUMATISU. Moderate CliargeH. Addresu! DR. 0. VV. EVERETT, 14thand M. Sis. NOW REALLY-WOULD YOU KNOW A BARGAIN IF YOU SAW IT? .V real bargain? Forsale. 160 acres of good ricli, black, smooth, level, tillable anil pro ductive land in Butler County (lh richest county in Kansas), 3 miles from a good rail road town. Good corn and small grain land; .-xcellunt alfalfa land. $40 pt-r aero. MiTCH-rATTM UND CO. Browotll Block. Lincoln, Nebr. WANTED Young men from 1 8 to so years old, to learn tho Harness Trade. Write to HARPHAM BROTHERS CO. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA YORK COLLEGE YORK, NEBRASKA KUMMER TKRM opens on JUNE 13 and contiuues eight weeks. BEST ADVANTAGES LOWEST RATES Full information sent on request. WWI. E. SCHELL, PRESIDENT HERBERT E. GOOCH CO. UUOKEKS AND DEALERS Grain, Provisions, Stocks, Cotton Main Olfico, 204-205 rrMernily Hide. Lincoln, NebriwU. Hell riione 613 AutoriionelCJO LurKem liouso in muiu. 1mdon. Sovereigns nnd represen tatives of tho powers of tho world paid a Inst tribute Friday to Eng land's monarch, Edward VII, whoso body now rests In St. (leorgu's chapol at Windsor castle, where the bones of Edward IV, the sixth and eighth Henrys, Charles I, the third and fourth Georges and William IV arc en tombed. Hrlght sunshine followed a night of thunder storms that swept tho city and soalicd the funeral decor ations, but had no deterrent effect on tho Catherine of thousands, who from midnight until dawn sought points of vantage from which to watch tho passing of the cortege. Far EiirpasBipg tho ceremony at tending the removal of tho king's body from Buckingham palace to Westminister hall, tho procession In cluded nlno MvcrclgtiB, the former president of tho United States. Thco doro Roosevelt, who alone was ar rayed in non-uniform, tho heirs to several thrones, the members of the royal family, the olllcers of the house holds, tho olllcials of the government, field marshals, generals and admirals, whose names arc bynonomous with Brltlan's achievements In war, de tachments of troops of all the British army and representatives of foreign armies and navies and variegated uni forms, a solid phalanx of glittering colors. The lines of red-coated sold iers were drawn as on that other great occasion of England's mourning nine years a;o, with arms reversed and regimental Hags dipped to the ground. The vast throngs along tho streets were massed so tightly together that thoso once caught found It Impossible to move. The great reviewing stands, covered with mourning1 emblems, wcro crowded, the rooftops black and through this multitude, from among whom not a whisper arose, the gun carriage which boro tho king's body, moved to tho strains of funeral marchcB, the tolling of bells nnd the booming of minute guns very dif ferent from many another day when Edward, in the glory or his reign, went to meet his people and bo ac claimed. Tho order of precedence In the pro cession was governed by kinship, as related to the positions of the sover eigns, the special envoys of the United States and France occupied the eighth carriage and although ex President Roosevelt was Inconspicu ous In tho procession, King George gave him marked attention nt the lunch at Windsor castlo after tho fu neral, seating him, with eight other guests, nt his own table. The Ger man emperor sat with tho queen mother and Queen Mary. That which Impressed Mr. Roosovelt was tho de meanor of the people, the solemn dig nity of the ceremony. From Paddlngton station tho royal train carried tho colfln and mourn ers to Windsor, while special trains were filled with officers and foreign representatives. Blue-Jackets drag ged tho gun carrlago through a lino of purple to St. George'H chapel and there simple services wcro said by'tho archbishops of Canterbury nnd York, assisted by other prelates. King Gcorgo, with Alexandra on his arm, walked up tho navo behind tho cof fin, with the German emperor and Queen Mnry following. King George, as tho chief mourner, stood nt the head of tho casket. Ills majesty's body-guard of gcntlomen-of-arms stood' at the left" of tho bier with axes reversed. The funeral party lllled tho edifice and overflowed Into tho princo consort's chapel There was a moment of profound si lence when positions had been taken and then the archbishops of Canter bury and tho bishop of Winchester ad vanced to tho casket. The choir chanted "Man that Is born or woman" and tho congregation re cited tho Lord's prayer, the low rum ble of many voices being accompanied by Bonnod's music. Tho service of tho church of England was followed throughout Tho archbishop of Canterbury pro nounccd tho solemn benediction after which, with tho bishop or Winches ter, ho knelt before tho altar In a mo ment of silent prayer. As tho clergy men rose to their feet tho hush was broken and tho yoceaslon withdrew from the chapel In order of Its en trance. The body of Edward VII re mained before tho altar, later to find a permanent resting placo In the royal tomb house In Albert memorial chapel. LESSON TEXT -Mntthcw H I321: !&: S3 Memory verses, 19, M. (lOLDEN TEXT -".Jesus unlil unto tliein. 1 nm tlio tirenil of lire.' "-Jonn C:M. ' MMMM. Thn feodlnir nf tho fi.OOO In tho spring. A. O 29. of tlio 4,000 a few weeks later. In the summer. I'LACE.-Tlie first mlrnclo nt tlio north ern end of the Ben nf nnlllee; tho soeonU further down on tlio enst sine, onposii" Mnudnln (Magadan. lJnlunutlm). Suggestion and Practical Thought. The Sick Multitudes. Matt. 14:13. 14; lC:29-m. Thoso two mlrnclus. though plainly separate, yet have so many resemblances that they may best bo considered together, as If In parnllcl columns; nnd wo must combine tho nccounts of all tho evangelists. On what occasion woro tho five thou sand fed? Our Lord had Just heard of the tragic death of John tho Baptist, nnd wbon ho beard of It. ho "departed ; thenco" (tho placo In which tho news reached him Is not named) "by ship Into n desert placo apart." Ho was lllled with sadness at this murder of his cousin and herald. Moreover, tho event was nn Indication of tho perils amid which bo himself walked, and ho may have withdrawn to nvold them, for his hour had not yet come. Ho sides, Herod sought to sco him (Luko), nnd we may bo sure that Christ had no desiro to seo Herod. Mnrk also tells us that tho disciples had Just returned from their preaching tour through Gall lee, nnd .Jesus wlthdiew that they might rest and that ho might givo them further Instruction In quiet a3 woll as talk over their experiences with them. All these motives coincided. What miracles preceded tho two feedings of tho multitude? In each case a great crowd gathered around Jesus. In theso cases those throng ing faces wcro particularly eloquent, for so many of them were sufforlng faces. Thcro wcro the lame, blind, dumb, maimed, nnd many others, all cast down nt Jesus' feet. What was tho result of this healing? What It should bo whenever Christ blesses men: "Tho multitude won dered, . . . and they glorified the God of Israel." They were ready to listen with all their hearts to Christ's teach ing, and remained persistently, tho live thousand all day aud the four thousand for three days. Tho Hungry Multitudes. Matt. 14: 1G; 1C:32. ' Our Lord's compassion was moved by more than the sicknesses of tho multitudes: by what? By their hunger. In tho first Instance tho crowd were passovcr pilgrims, In largo part (John C:4), with no homes near-by to which to go. In tho second case the multitude were In their own country, but tho villages wcro few In tho Do capolts. The second miracle, with so many circumstances like tho first, has been considered by certain critics to be only the first mlrnclo disguised by a differ ent tradition. But thero aro pointed differences that rule out tho idea. Tho Challcngo to Faith. Matt. 14: 3C-18; 15:33, 34. Who suggested feed Ing tho multitudes? Jesus, in each case. John tells of an earlier conversation with Philip, In which our Lord nsked that disciple, whoso faith seemingly had special need of strengthening (sco John 14:8, 9), "Whenco arc wo to buy bread, that theso may eat?" But John, over careful to guard his Master from misunderstanding, adds that Jesus said this merely to test Philip', staco ho himself know well what miracle was to What supplies wcro available for feed ing theso nlno thousand. and .tnorq? In the first caso, only a lad's slmpklurch eon, consisting, of .flvo. lpavWor rather, roujod flat-.cakea,- liko ,,1igo: crackers) or, coarao"' barley bread, .to- The lack of exerrlso In a nilnlilor's llfo niiil.fM linn very tuune to loiintipntlou uut for Unit matter, most even body Is constipated now and thun. It Is tlio na 1 1 o n 11 1 disorder, , Mnny 11 1 r o a d y know that a Hiiro way to cure con stipation nnd oth er Htomncli, liver find bowel ttnii Ms W with Dr. Caldwell's Hyiup Pepsin, w li I e li chureli p o n p I Inn 0 been biiMiig for twenty years llev. It A Kemp or Hislng Htm, tnd , Secretary of tho Indiana Oon ferenre o f tlio Metbodlst Episco pal Church, says In part: "l-'or years I havo been 11 vic tim of eoimtlp.itlnn lull 1 lmw tlpvor found nnylblng to equal Dr. Caldwell s Byrup PcpHln I also had Indigestion nnd Henri trouble. 1 can certainly recom mend It." It enn be bought of nny drugglit nt GO centH or Jl a bottle It tlicro Is nnytblng nliout your case Hint otl don't under stand, write to the doctor. If you lmvo never used this remedy nnd would like to trv It. send vmir inlilri"H nnd n free sample bottle will be forwirde-1 to your linmn AoMrcHi Dr W 11 Cnldvvell, Ml Caldwell Illilg Montlcello. III. Dr. B. Caldwell Look for tills pic tuio on tho package For the Critics. Creston Clark, whoho untimely death at Ashevlllo robbed America nf a serious and capable actor, was somewhat Impatient of criticism. To a Philadelphia critic ho once snld: "You ohaps aro unwilling to accept a man for what he Is. You want to chatigo him to your own taste. But each of you has a different taste. To whoso Inclination, then, is ho to bend? "No, no! Tnko tho artist for what ho Is. That Is tho right critical atti tude Don't bo like tho farm urchin I otico saw an urchin who, uh ho stoned a frog to death, repeated se verely: " 'I'll l'arn ye to be a toad. " Appreciation. "That successful poker player cer tainly paid a tribute to his winning game when ho selected his handsome homo " "How so?" "Don't you know ho built It on a bluff" fossl famous doctor's PjS prescbiption. PERU HA Ml I 1 If! - !!! I BROKE HER UP. CUT THIS OUT And mall to the A. II. Lewis Medicine Co., Ht. I.ouK Mo , and they will send you free 11 lOdav treatment of N'ATUUE'H REM : DY (N'lt tablets) (lunrnnteed for 1 tin u iiiatlsm. Constipation, Hick Headache, Uv er, Klilnev and Itlooil Ulsenses. Kol 1 Jiv all Druggists. Uuttir than Pills for Liver Ills. Uu free to you. Write today. YSDFPSl gATARRHOFSTOHAf 1 An instance. "The rubber Industry ought to bo able to holve one financial problem." "What problem?" "That of elastic currency." li LflPi LK I lovo everything that Is old; old friends: old times; old manners; old books Goldsmith. Tho man who plants n ladder never knows what will coino up. . . m-mm - P llf V F? I" I DAISY tL.I rwlUL.L.r.iuktn..iui .ij.-- lllMlnlMh Ula All !. W4...fn.UM pt l Upxri.vlll 4Mll.HI rriiT.iirMMi.ra Htnoxoraaru IMItol.BlJl.t. iw,M),wtMft PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM, 1riM, u.lra . kllBtl.tlt CTOWtX. Weter rails to Ilrttors Gray llair 10 lis omnia yr. Cuitt train dbmm btir filUnj. Mr.. ixl II mat DruqrU. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 22-1910. IK mar jtito mmmm jMr mm mmWimm mmmm mmmr m Mrs. L. I. Tcrnry Mrs. Wise has given up her club. Mrs. Izlt Soo Why? Mrs. L. I. Terary Every time sho went to a meeting her husband moved tho furniture In tho parlor all around. A SOLDIER'S EXPERIENCE. Cd 'n.ft! I . .if Hardships of Army Life Brought On a Severo Case of Kidney Trouble. II. N. Camp, 13GG Delawaro St., Den ver, Colo., says: "Dur ing tho Spanish-American war, I contract ed a severo kidney troublo. After re turning homo, I was under n physician's caro for months, but grow gradually worse. Finally I got so bad I could not hold tho urino nt all. I also had intonso suffer ing from back pains. Doan's Kidney Pills m a d o Improvement from tho first, and eoop, I was well nnd strong." Remember th'o name Doan's. For sale by all 'dealers. 'CO cents ri box, Fostef-Milburh Co.'.Buffalo, N. Y. , As.QuIck Cat,! Spmo years ago tho, proprietor of a hotel In southern New Hampshire- told tho following story: Ho said' that vilion' he wbb a boy ho 'Jiad 'occasion u-nthor w!h twn nf thn llttln ilrlnd nr. K" "U" uiu Kiut u. u.n i.uDU .. pickled fishes caught by millions In 'Ysrt!?S-'ad - riLV S; the lake aud oaten along with the'! ved-'hlu,.'up tho stairs. On of tho ,.!t,r.!i'U4i;..ii;.!,.if' .wper bLy Pit. ff ilslTI Memorial Services Held. Washington. President Taft, th membors of his cabinet Justices ol tho United States supremo court, tin entlro diplomatic corps and practically all of official Washington attended on Friday a service in memory of King Edward at St. John's Episcopal church. Because of the memorial ser vices, the usual meeting of tho cabi net was cancelled. Berlin. Memorial services for th late King Edward wore held In tin English church hero Friday. bread. Iu-.thu second, caso seven "loaves" could bo mustered uud a lev of theso llttlo fishes. Tho Hungry Fed. Matt. 14:19-21; 15:35-39. 4 How md tho Saviour arrange tho multltudo? In an orderly way on tho grass, lu "gardon plots." What was tho first Btep In tho mir acle? In each caso Christ asked n blessing, In accordanco with his cus tom; Uib "instructing us not to touch a meal until we had given thanks to him who glveth us this food." Chrys ostom. What was tho second step in tho miracle? Christ broke off pieces of tho bread and gavo them to the disci ples, tor them to givo to the multltudo. This was the least ostentatious way of performing tho wonder. What was tho third step ir tho mir acle? Tho separato giving of tho fishes (seo Mark). "Somo would givo the poor only tho barest necessitiea, bread only; our Lord adds llbh." Spuigcon. What was tho last Btep In tho mlra- do? Preserving for future use, at Christ's command (John G: 12), tho fragments of tho feast. Gather up thu irugmeuts of opportu nity, as "Undo John Vassar" did.- Ono day, waiting lor a friend In a U03ton hotel, ho determined not to waste tho time and went right up to a fashion ably dressed lady, beginning, in spite of her haughty repultes, to speak with hr - about Christ nnd the now birth Ho read tho Ulblu to her a..d offered prayer. Lator, with tears in her eyes, she told her husband about It. Ho ackco, "Why didn't you tell him It wns none of his business?" She replied, "Dear, If you had been there ana heard him, you would havo thought It I was his business!" windows was open. and whon trred tho garret a. frightened mouse Jumped, out. of tho window, and tho cat, Jumping after It, caught It in mid air and, whirling round, Jumped back again Into tho samo' window. High Finance. Knlcker Why did you pay $10X3 for that hat? MrB. Knlcker I had to do It to mako my check book balance. Pa's Conclusion. "What Is an old adage, pa?" "Generally speaking, nn old chest nut, my son." Mrs. Wlnslow's Rootlilng Syrup. Forchllilrcti teetlilnir. kofli-nstlmiiuiu., rmucMtn tuinui.uonjillaj. 11". turn. wlmlujlio. 2uaUjlUo. Ho that dies Shakespearo When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain remedy had cured numerous cases of female ills, wouldn't any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble ? Here are two letters which prove the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Fitchvlllo. Ohio. "My daucrhtorwaaoll run down, suffered from pains in her side, head and limbs, and could walk but a short dlstanco at a time. Sho enmo very near having nervous prostration, had bctruu to cough a good deal. and scorned melancholy hy spells. Sho tried two doctors hut got llttlo help. SInco taking JLydia 13. Pinkham's Vcgctablo Compound, Blood Purifier aud Liver Pills sho has im proved so much that sho feels and looks liko another girl." Mrs. C. Colo, PItclivillo, Ohio. Irashurg. Vermont. "I feci it my duty to say a fow words, in praiso of your medicine. When I began taking it I had been very sick with kidney and bladder trou bles and nervous prostration. I am now taking tho sixth bot tloof Lydia E.Plnlclfam's Vcgotahlo Compound and find myself greatly improved. My frichdB who call to sco mo havo noticed u great change" Mrs. A. H. Sanborn, Irasburg, Vermont. We willMpay a handsome reward to any person who will prove to ustjiat these letters ,are not genuine and truthful , ;or that either of these women were paid' in any way for their testimonials, or- that tho letters are published without their permission, or that the original letter from each did not'cbme to us" entirely unsolicited. Jvvhat more nrooi can anyone ask? For SO years Lydia B. Plnlcham's .Vcgctablo Compound,hns been tlio standard remedy for' , female ills. No sick woman docs Justice to ' herself who will not try thlsf amouS'mcdicino. . Mado exclusively from roots and horbs, and has thousands of cures 40 its credit Mrs..Pinkliam invites all sick women to write her for advice. Sho , has payB old debts. ffoldod thousands to health free of charge. Address Mrs Pinkham, Lynn, Mass MICA AXLE GREASE is the turning-point to economy in wear and tear of wagons. Try a box. Evcrydealer, everywhere STANDARD OIL CO. (lnoorporuteU) DEFIANCE STARCH-:;, ounces to tbe paclEsgo other itsrclws onlf U ounce. .smo price sad "DEFIANCE" IS SUPERIOR QUALITY. Afraid of Ghosts Many people aro afraid of fihosts. Pew people ore afraid of germs. Yet the ghost is a faney and the germ is a fact. If the germ could be magnified to a sizo equal to its terrors it would appear more terriblo than any fire-breathing dragon. Germs can't be avoided. They aro ia tho air wo breathe, the water wo drink. The germ can only prosper when the condition of tho system gives it (reo scope to establish it self and develop, When thero is a deficiency of vital force, languor, restlessness, a sallow cheek. a hollow eye, when the appctito is poor and tlio sleep is broken, it is timo to guard against tho germ. You can fortify the body against all germs by the uso of Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery. It increases tho vital power, cleanses tho system of clogging impurities, enriches tho blood, puts the stom ach and organs of digestion and nutrition in working condition, so that the germ finds no weak or tainted spot in which to breed, "Golden Medical Discovery" contains no alcohol, whisky or habit-forming drugs. All Ifs irigrcdicnts printed on its outsido wrapper. It is not a secret nostrum but a medicine oh known composition and with a record of 40 years of aires. Accept no ubstitute thcro is nothing " just as good." Ask your neighbors. rvb flN g j?v.z-,' I WmmmamW mKk I M 1 1 fBttl'tKUSJI Stop taking liquid physic or big or littlo pills, that which makes you worse instead of curing. Cathartics don't curt; they irritate and weaken the. bowels. CASCARETS make tho bowels strong, tone the muscles so they crawl and work when they do this they are healthy, producing right results. " CASCARRTS 10c a box for wetk'n ' treatment, AUd.-UKglatii. UiRgnt seller in the world. Million bozca a mouth. T" 1 of this paper de- Keaaers ; tiied in its columns ihould iniifl upon having what they ailc for, refilling ftU subftitutes ot imitation. K?,?,Ws5 Thompson's Ey Wafw m if A IV 11 t 'I xJX&n3ttMZ.t. " . "T rn.-r"3fiMsrnri- w"lnwr""if T- -i'u:i,n, .w ,"-tr. yrr."" ' r