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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1910)
ift VOLUME XXXVIII. OUR DEPOSITS GROW becauso the people of W'ibster County realize that wo uro giving excellent service in our manner of handling busi ness men's bank nceountb. The Reason Is Plain us its due to courteous troatmout to nil and liberal accommodation com bined with safety. Wo especially solicit YOUR account. Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. WESTERN WEBSTER L. Dally and family spent Sunday at Uay Coclirane's. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Herriok Sun dayed at Ray Cochrano's. Thero has been quite r few cases of whooping cough In the neighborhood lately. Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter are the, proud parents of a baby boy who made his appearance last Friday. There was a big crowd out to church t 41 Sunday afternoon. Quito a few were obliged to remain out side. Sunday School at Lone Tree is im proving. The hour is ten thirty, a. m., and every one is cordially Invited to attend. The Fanner's Croek Telephone Co.. lias been making some changes in the lines the last week, whether for better or worso is yet to appear. GUIDE ROCK. TheW. C. T. U., met Wednesday Hfternoon with Mrs. J. J. CaBsell. Mrs. Abe Schobourg has been enter taining her mother from Holdrege. Mrs. L. O. Smith is still very ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. Thornton. Mrs. H. F. Wirt and children are spending a few weeks with relativcsat Jefferson, Iowa. J. L. Phillips and wife of Valisco, Iowa, have been visitiug here with old friends. They formerly lived here. Mr. and Mrs. John (Jleason spent several days with their children over near tho state line. They also visited at Burr Oak. Wm. Rooves and family were visit lug relatives and friends hero over Sunday. Tlioy expect to make their home in Denver. (? YOl) CAN BUY OF THE Red Cloud Hardware and Implement Co. An Old Reliable Delaval Cream Seperator, 500 lbs Capacity for $57-50 ::$2:'3i::?: This add Brought to Our store is good for $2.50 on the Pur chase of the above seperator. irjyjXttMtityi&mw n pUtsloiiciil SoilttT r ' p7W 1 1 HrW W fc LlE iMl Harvey I'arsons of Cloud County, Kansas took his sister, Mrs. John Mason by surprise by dropping lu Saturday evening. N. W. linker who was severely In jured in a run-a-way acoident several weeks ago is much improved but not yet able to take up his work for tho Rnwleigh Medicine Company. At the last regular meeting the De gree of Honor Lodg- was treated to Icecream and cake. Mrs. Henlgan was initiated that evening by the team. The other new members who were initiated at a previous meeting ore: Mrs. Scott, Miss Verna Scott, Miss Llllio Frlnger und Mrs. E. B. Crary. GARFIELD T. W. White sowed his alfalfa on Friday. George Harris out his alfalfa on Saturdny. Mrs. Spencer Andrus is on the sick list this week. Another fine Nebraska rain on Thursday night. Mr. Saylor bought a new mowing machine Saturday. Will Fishei sowed his millot with a press drill Monday. George Pope and son was out on wind mill row Sunday. About every body in Garfield is busy in tho first crop of alfalfa. Cutting and stacking alfalfa is the order of tho day in Gurlleld. Bert King's and Ciiris Hansen's called on Joe Mudd's Sunday. Charlev Smith and John Merrill were on wind mill row Saturday. Louis Manley and wife called on friondb in Kansas Saturday and Sun day. -f m I I r J) 4 Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1.50. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JUNE T. V. White's brother came In from Lincoln Tuv&dav morning to stny a while. T. W. White and family culled on Charley Wolfe Sunday and told fish stories. Quite a number of folks got mined in and had to stay all night in town Thtiisdny night. George Harris has a now Jay Hawk hay stacker and ho says bring on your hay I will pitch it. Chris Hansen lost a nice steer in Fisher's pastuio last Thursday night. It was struck by lightninir. Mrs. N. P. Campbell is Improving nicely from the operation and could not expect one to do any butter. Abby Manley and wifo are visiting with Manley Bros., a fow days before they go to tho north cast cortierof tho stato. Gcorgo Houohin has bought a farm down by Guide llock and now as he has n cago ho is looking for a bird to put in it. Hurry up Gcorgo for we all smoke. The corn is making about one good jump a day now and the weeds aro making about two per day and the farmer has to make about three "per day to keep up his end of tho row. SUNNY SIDE. Emily McCall visited at her sister's, Mrs. Jos. Crow's last week. Most of the farmors wauted rain and they cut their alfalfa and it soaked the most of it. This feels like the good old summer time. We will soon seek "the old swimming hole." Jack McArtliur built a large cement tank on his farm. It looks all O. K. and will not dry out and leak like wood. Another good rain last week has given tho small grain a big boost especially the wheat. It may give us a fair crop yet. Miss Julia Engols went to Colorado Wednesday. She will stay with her brother, Arthur near Llmon for a oonple of years. Miss Lora Weesner closed a success ful nine months term of school at Sunny Side Diet. 75. She gavo the pupils a picnlo at Maurer's grove Thursday. Miss Weesner has baen a prompt and efficient teacher with the good will of both scholars and parents. A goodly number In this vacinlty at tended the Decoration services at Red Cloud Monday in loving remembrance of loved ones gone to tholr last rest. May some ono drop a flower over our grave or strew a fow in our pathway before wo go, thornless one would 1 o most pleasant. LESTER Quito a nice crowd out to Endeavor Suuday night. Come again. Mr. and Mrs. Charlio Frlsbie visited Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Harris Sunday. Miss lierthu Doylo and Miss Cora Wcosnor were in Cowles Saturday Miss Mary Holcomb visited her grand parents in Rod Cloud this week. Quite a fow wore decorating the graves at Pleasant Hill Sunday even ing. Mrs. Sam Millor of Hobron has been visiting friends at Kcd Cloud and Lester. Miss Ha.ol Saladun and Mr. Amos Dillon spent Sunday with Ileit Blair and family. Mr. and Mrs. I. Frisbie and sou were calling on Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrew King Monday evening. Mrs. Ed Mines and son Frank went to Hastings to visit her daughter, Mrs Edward McDonald. Lucius Frisbie has returned homo for his bummor vacation. Ho has been teaching at Geneva. Walter lla&sor has been seou on tho streets of Red Cloud over Sunday oven Ing. What is the attraction Walter. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Saladon and daughter spont a fow days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Durrot.t who llvo in Kansas. l I M.... I. ........ It.1 1.1 t. I mi .nun 11 ,-, nirit'r mwr nun intiiii ter. and Mr. und Mrs. Kied Kinlek and son spent Sunday at tho home of their mother, Mis. John Ktnlck. Miss (Vim WocMier closed a success ful term of ulionl ut Pleasant Hill last Frlihi". Thov Have a dinner for tho children and their put-cuts ami all hnd a Hue time. COWLES Mrs Davis of lied Cloud was visit lug her son Morgan over Sunday Mr. James Saunders Is building a now addition to his property in town. Mrs Wilson of Malcom, Nebraska is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Watson Mr Ray Scott our industerous Itcst urunt man is having a soda fountain installed. The Cowles Base Ball team is billed to play ball with Guide llock next Thursday on the homo grounds. Tho Red Cloud High School Haso Ball Team is scheduled to cross bats with the Cowlcsites next Friday. , Miss Avos Riotioy returned Saturday from Riverton where she has been visiting Miss Leonard of that place and who was a former teacher nt this place Decoration Day Exercises wcro held at the M. E. Church Sunday where there was an extra large crowd In at tendance. ,Rcv. Stilller of Red Cloud gave a very fine nddrcBS. G. A. Wolls is making quite on 1m provement on his property on Main street. He moved it back about twelve feet and put a higher foundat ion under it and is going to put a new porcli on and a yard fence. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Good, and their son Walter left on the train Wednes day for Hastings where they expect to start with their Auto for an extended vlbit throught tho east and south. They cxpeot to be gone Bomo months and stop at all of tho prlnoipal cities. We wish them a happy and successful journey. Subscribe for the Chief. TfuWMtiBTheWrk The owners of lots fronting on South Seward Street near Division stroot had becomo so ncglactful of their property that the weeds grew so high that one could not pass along the walk without getting tnoir clothes (drabbled. Be coming tired of brushing big woods aside tho women went armed with sickles, scythes and other Implements and proceeded to demolish the "nusl ances" In true feminine style. The ownor ought to take tho lesson to heart and keep tho weeds! cut in the future. To the Teachers ? Webster County. The regular teacher's monthly ex amination will bo held ut Rod Cloud the third Friday and Saturday follow ing of each month. Registration hours 8 to 10 a. in. nnd 1 to 2 p. m. Sinco all schools are closed no de parture will ho made from tho regular examination program. I am pleased to note that teachers are beginning early to have their certi ficates rencwod. The wide awake energetic teacher will not wait until the latter part of the summer before (nullifying. School-boards dislike em ploying toachers who aro not sure of their scholarship. It is hoped that evory teacher will endeavor to make her certificate bettor this year than last. I hope that the number of first grado and "With Credit" and "With Honor" second grado certificates will increase. Ily doing so, their grades will become permanent and wo can devote our whole time and energyjto our school work rather than preparing for ex amination your lifter year. Let us have our County clear from emorgeuoy certificates, certificates issued with blank grades, or even third grades. MaiieIj Day, County Superintendent. "iWff 2. ino. mtmmamammmmmmmtmrm4mAfr .. 9 ODAK Vv RjHiffli Bill Says: a fCJ Take a Kodak totheBallGame oiitn you. I I I There's twice the fun for those who Kodak, Let us instruct yu in the easy, all-by-daylight way of Picture Making. Kodaks, $5.00 to $111.50. Brownies, $i to $12 NEWHOUSE BROS. E. H. NEWHOUSE Prop Jmwlers A Optometrists HOW MONUMENTS ARE MADE BY OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE MONUMENT MEN, Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. sfiseffesyw5ieieprP Jack Purcell. Artistic Carriage, Sign and Scenic Painter. At Sullivan's Old Lumber Yard. All First Class Work Guaranteed. See The Chief for NUMBER 22 ?W I dE 7JHH 4d i 5 up - to - date job work. (M -til ..jMyi'iji wWV3y,2k!';x'uu" 'kimnfvsisr X 2HXT- -rm-i VlWkP" ""VWf rrtf'l