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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1910)
V tf TH-H. VOLUME XXXVIII. Above Everything In tho principals of good bunking Ib that of SAFETY. It Is the one thing of all othois that should inilueiiee the lepohltor as to placing A Bank Account SVo call nttontion to the recent Hwom statement, as to the condition of this Dank, and know that it will convince you of tho safety of your deposit with is. Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. SUNNY SIDE. Chan. Gurncy has a gasoline engine to pump water on his north farm Wm. Engels is now located on the fai m. May his crops be bounteous. Ed. 8herer is listing 'corn for Mr. Dngels as he moved out too late to put all his crops in. Mrs. A. Goth and children are visit ing at her parents, Mr and Mrs. Engels. Mr. Goth is in Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. Rust and Mr. and Mrs. Howe visited at W. S Jlense's Sunday. Mr. Parker who lived on Benso's farm reports he is well pleased with eastern Kansas. Crops promises good fend fruit is immense. Maunders Bros, are putting a cement bridge in on tho Red Cloud andCowles road which will be a big improvement and convenience to travel. LESTER Vern and Charlie Emick want to St. Joe Monday. Tho society met with Mrs. Mat Dean Wednesday. , Miss Mary Holcomb visited Miss Dolllo Rasser Monday. Miss Mao and Horace Friable return ed from Beaver City Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew King aud lid King called on John HolcotnbV Sun day evening. Mr. Kent of lied Cloud wrii around writing up life insurance for tho Woodmen Accident Association. Ed Rasser aud son Henry left for Milwaukee Tuesday morning to visit relatives and friends. We all wish them a pleasant journey. GU W YOU CAN BUY OF THE Red Cloud Hardware and Implement Co. An Old Reliable Delaval Cream Separator, 500 lbs. Capacity for $57-50 This add Brought to Our store M is good for $2.50 on the Pur- 1 chase of tht above seperator. Mbr.r.mmmmmm lA Stale HWorlcMSocUty SAFETY! Claado Pierce has been visiting at the home of Bert Blair and family. Mrs. Bornard Hulsebush and Miss Lacy Decker were on tho streets of Guide Hook Saturday. Mr. Peterson took them down in his auto. Every body is about through plant ing corn so of course the rain camo Just about right. But we will have to hurry and get our cultivators ready, For the corn will bo coming aud also the weeds Edward McDonald and wife of Hast ings visited her mother Mrs. Ed Himes this week. A largo crowd of neighbors and friends gathered iu and serenaded them. After tho troats the ovening was spout in amusement. We all wish them much joy and happiness. GARFIELD A fine rain Saturday afternoon and evening. The prospects of an oata crop in Garfield look One. N. P Campbell took a load of hogs to Red Cloud Tuosday. Guy Barnes and wife called on Frank A mack 'a Sunday. Will Fisher and daughters took dinner at Frank Alles' Sunday. Most of the farmers are done plant ing corn for tho first timo and aro starting over Mr. Jackson drove two car loads of cattle to Guide Hock Saturday night and shipped thum to market Sunday. Mrs. L. Alles of Hod Cloud is visit ing with her bons, Frank and Charloy Ailes and old ncighboib in Garfield this week. Guy llarnes, Frank Amaok, Alfred and Pete Muuloy and Will Fisher at tended tho Odd Follow lodgo on Mon day night. fa H NMMlMiHfmMNJiiWI y A Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, Clydo Simpson went to Armour, Nebr., to visit his intended and staid h week. Tho next timo we expect ho. will movo down Guy thirties has quit the goat busi ness. He sold tho lust ono at a bar gain for f0 cents aud gave a man a dollar to deliver it. All those in need of a summer house will do well to call on Louis Manley and get his pattern for he just uses a ball of binding twino and a lath. Tho party at Mr. Whites's last Fri day night was quito a success. Every body had a good time and supper was served at twelvo o'clock and all went home feeling better. . RtRtlift the White Plasiie. Tho sato of Iowa has hlrad'''a preaoher for the past four.ycars to do nothing but travel around aud tell the people to btay at home, work little, eat plouty of raw eggs and not worry. It has organized the most extensive "Cheer Up" system ever perfected. It urges every citizen to wear the smile "that won't come off" and to take no heed of a possible tomorrow of suffer ing, misery and death. Now and thon this preacher takes u Hying trip to other parts of the coun try: Colorado, New Mexico, Texas and similarly famous health resorts. Every timo he returns more firmly convinced of the merit of tho work he is carrying on and more eloquent in his exhortations to do little, breathe plenty of fresh air and eat plenty of wholesome food Last summer he visited Colorado Springs and El Paso and came face to face with the hectic cheeked exiles from home, who wear ily asked him for the latest word from loved ones and dolorously coughed their way down the street, shunned of all the native-born. "Don't, don't let them continue to come out here for treatment and to die of homesickness," urged town after town. "It's the separation from home and loved ones that is killing them, rather than the consumption. It's the breaking up of established habits, the tearing of life oat by the very roots that is maklug the cheek redder and the cough more racking. Three-fifths of those who come here as "lungers" go back home as corpses. While thev keep soul and body togeth er thoir life is miserable. We can't tako them into our homes, they aro "unclean." They are strangers in a strange land, exiles if thero ever woro any. They live apart until finally tho homesickness und( the chango do Che work aud the fight is over. If you have auy of the milk of human kindness loft in your body keop your whito plague victims at homo where they can either bo cured or can die iu comfort. We don't want thom and can do nothing for them." From "To Got Well at Home," in Juno Technical World Magazine. EcoMoy Sttck Pender. Tho name "Econonry" stands for quality in the stock po'wder world. Eveu our competitors acknowledge that the Economy Stock Powders are the standard. With us, the quality goos in before tho name goes on. We are uot making a cheap powder but aro making tho best that money can buy, using only the best and purest drugs that tho market affords. This is the reason of our largo business aud the popularity of tho Economy Stock Powder. Men who food Econ omy Stock Powder do not lose their hogs. Wo give protection ugainst all diseases common to the hog family. If you arc now feeding them your neighbor will toll you of their super ior value. Tens of thousands of satis fied customers will tell yon how they saved thoir hogs and made money by feoding Economy Stock Powder. We have a positivo worm cxpeller, blood purifier and general conditioner. We will give tlOOO.OO if we cannot expel worms from any herd of wormy hogs. Call at our ollloe and we will give you any information. If this is impossible write or phone na and w will call at your place and 4 all la ar power for yon. Ton eke do le tekaU trUaf Uiul Th will ftfttt Weeks Each Year For $1.50. MAY thom for sale at thu Hod Cloud Haul ware vl Implement Company, Hod Cloud, NYbinslui. Eco.vitin Hon v Cai 1 1.1: Powdeii Co. 11. K. Cooi'Cit, Guido Rock, Agent. Kcnl Estate Transfers, Transfers i eported by tho Foi t Ab stract Co. for tho weelc ending Wed nesday, May 18, 1010. John S. Motter to Arthur W. Smith, no sw, se nw 20-1-10, wd A. F. Hartwell to C It. fc Q. H. R. Co., pt n4 no, no no 2-1-12. rwd ,12.'i0 700 Charles Spence ot-ul to Frauk W. Conuor, lots 8, 0, Blk. 10, Bladen, wd 11200 H. Q. Sawyer to Stella Kennedy, sub div lot 17, Itlk 1, Inuvnle, Wdli 200 Chaney Sawyer to George It. Uouchin, lots 4, 5, in 15-1-V wd 4200 James H. Watt to Benjamin F. Wat, und H sw, w se 27-1-10, wd Mt)0 Richard A. Turner torM Amuck nerjo 15-1-11, wd 7000 Richard A. Turner to Ed Amaok und' J a no 15-1-11, wd .... 7000 Ed Arpack to Nancy J. Turner, und K s H ne 15-1-11, wd 7000 Ed A mack to Nancy J. Turner, uenol5-)-ll, wd 7000 J. M.Roland to C. L Columbia, lots 4, 5, 0, Blk. 4, Vanccs add to Guide Hock, wd 2000 Jerome's. Emigh to Wilber G. Hamilton, lots 18, 10, Blk. 20, Smith & Moore's add to Red Cloud, wd 125 David E Crom to P. 11. Nlspel, lots 11, 12, Blk G, Bladen, wd 1 David E. Crom to P. E. Nispol, n lot 0, all lot 5, ltlk. 3, Spenccs add to Bladen, wd . . . . 1 Milo H. Thomas to C F. Cather, lots 3, 4, n & 5, ltlk 1, Volsera add to Red Cloud, qcd 10 Clarence S. Jones to Geotge L. Columbia, part lotB 7, S, in 15-1-9, qcd I 8 05088 Mortgages fllcd,ll0131.40 'Mortgages released, S783U.00 Report or tbe Condition 0FTIIK Webster County Bank BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, Charter No. 1049, incorporated In tho Htutu of Nebraska, at tho .clone of buslnetH May II, 1910: iieiouhobh: l.onna nndlDIscounts .. .. (43,76.1.05 Overdrafts ttUU Furniture and Fixtures 1,600.00 Current ex pontics and taxes pnld .... IU.7J Duo from national and titntr banks IO,700.41 Chccka and Items, of xclianK 4B.U7 Currency .,.....,............. 2,700.00 Gold coin .... 735.00 Hllver, nlckclB and eent ........ 448.(K Total cash on hand SJ.tJJH.M Total t0fl,W).O MAUII.IT11.S: Capital Block paid In . ... tE.OOO.OO Undivided profits 031.10 Individual dopottts subject to check 33.J12.U0 Demand certificate of de posit 100.00 Tims certificate of deposit 0,0111.00 Total deposit i0,TX:ia Total 109,039.43 HTATBOKNK11UAHKA, m County of Wvbuter. y I, H. It. Plohance, cafthler of the above nainid bauk, do hereby swear that the abovo statement Is a correct and true copy of tho report made to the Htato Banking Hoard. H. K. FLOHANCi:, attkst! Cashier. II. F.Mizkii, Director. W. M. CuAlin.l,, Director. (Subscribed and sworn to before me Intt 18th day of May 1010. A. 1). Hem.aiih, (hkal.) Notary Public. imirrmtKNCiiuiicH. Corner of 0th Avenue and chestnut Htrett. 10 a. m ....... Hnbbath Hchool 11 n. m. .... l'rtachlne 7:15 p. m. .. .... Christian Worker' Hand 8-00 p. m. -...- .. .1'reachlne All are Invited to attend. J. K. J AiuiOK, Minister. uhacr (KrmcoPAi.) cuiracH Kt. J. U BalM, fastor. trrta tbe Aral two Knnimja f wa aaontli. Holy Comaanalta Mcralag ccrrtaM a taearstaajuay. Bandar aaooiaiiiao'IoB tytrf Mir Mia mm. Mats. jrertotga itm.K IKV'WW" 1J). 1910. OMK J 11 ) 5 Ofc Stv m H I flJkwk 71 I " ' Bill Says: X) Take a Wak to tbe Ball Game i uiitn you. There's twice the fun for those who Kodak. Let us instruct you in the easy, all-by-daylight way of Picture Making. Kodaks; $5.00 to $111.50. Brownies, $1 to $12 NEWHOUSE BROS. E. H. NEWHOUSE Prop Jewtlmrs A Optometrists HOW MONUMENTS ARE MADE BY OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE MONUMENT MEN, Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. WtaiWaWf,W'UW Jack PurcelL Artistic, Carriage, Sin and Scenic Painter. At Mliran's Old lumber Yard All First Cliss Wark Curanteed. Set Tke Chief for NUMBER -JO up - to - date job work. 7ji I t li I 2 i!( r.i ,5 it-fir n m ' JZttB fW jlwLiSbl&M. ' -' Xj. "?'T7T4:lr-Jia!.c:T" nrcai JJJMW. flF3rtrrH &- -mmmmmmzzzs.