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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1910)
'-"?? , ftSI VOLUME XXXVIII. Oi Facilities for pood banking service lire not sur pissed, mift wo offer our customers every courtesy and convenience We Want Your Account uud it is for your interest to bank with us if you appreciate safety and good judgment combined with n broad liberal policy. Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. SUNNY SIDE. :i8 degrees Monday morning 0 above freezing. Ed. Rabser has gone to Milwaukee on a Will Robertson is in St. Joe this week with cattle. Geo. Law has fifteen, acres of potatoes und thirty acres of bugs. Frank Ellinger seems to bo qui to a scrapper. Ask Prank or the girl. Jos. Hewitt's futhor and mother from Republican City Is visiting them. Ilert Morhart and Dr. Huorstetta walked out to W. S. Ucnse'u Saturday night. We had the prlvilodtrc of seeing the vclipso and comet and perhaps the only time In our lifetime or two or three- of them. GARFIELD Another fine rain Friday night. Some farmers In Garfield are plant' ing tholr corn ovor. Gay Barnes took two loads of hogs to market Saturday. Col. WiggiDB sowed alfalfa on the Amaek ranch Monday. Merlel and Ethel Fisher are visiting in Red Cloud this weok. Ray Davis and Archie Harris were on wind mill row Sunday. Jack Barnes and family called on his good nntured brother Sunday. filmrlov Smith nnd wife called on Guy Barnes and family Sunday. tTnucnti fnnlr ulillnr-ll nf nnttln tl dowh to Will Fisher's pasturo Moil- Mrs. N. P. Campbell was operated ou Tuesday and Is doing well. A spec ialist from Omaha did the work. o YOU CAM BUY OF THE Red Cloud Hardware and Implement Co. An Old Reliable Delaval Cream Senerator, 500 lbs Capacity for $57-50 I This add Brought to Our store $ a is good for $2.50 on the Pur chase of the above seperator. c:::::t::a i Rt-ito HIMorienl Siii-Ii tr r? Y- cannot ilnatx c to follow Ta the P peoples who Frank Amack was on wind mill row Sunday doing a little missionary work. Paul Suhultz lost a horse last week, lie says it did not take her long to die wliou she took a notion. The sowing society was well attend ed at Mrs. Will While's Thursday and made a uico lot of clothes for the Fish er girls. Thene-was about sixty there. SCHOOL NOTES The Commencement Exercises of tbo Red Cloud High School will begin Sunday, May 20th with the class ser mon delivered by Rev. Kates at the M. E. church at 8 p. m. Tharo will be no school Monday afternoon so that tho children may ob serve Decoration Day and attend tho aftornoon exorcises. Final examination will be givon In the High School Tuesday and Wednes day and in the grades Wednesday and Thursday. Examination grades and Promotion Cards will be distributed Friday after noon at 2 p. m. Glass night exercises at the Opera House Thursday, June 2nd., at 8 p. m. Commencement night Friday, June 8rd., at 8 p. m. The class of 1910 havo dramatized the book Tbo Man on tho Box and will present this play at the Opera House Thursday, June 2nd. Much credit is due tho Seniors in dramatiz ing this work. In presenting this play tlioy not only display their dramatic ability but a literary ability of much excellence as well. dx-sttitu Superintendent J. L. Mc Brien will doliverthe Commencement uddress. Subject "An Evoning with Great Men." IS ! 1 ftxgpg c: w A Newspaper That filvcs The News Fifty-two RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, Base Ball Season Opens Red Cloud Shuts Out Seward 5 toO Tho long expected opening of tho baso ball season arrived Tuesday to the intense enjoyment of all the fans. The day was an ideal one as far as tho weather was concerned and by noon the city was filled with ponple dressed in holiday attire. The real opening commenced with a big automobtlo parade bonded by the Red Cloud band. After tho parade tho crowd of people made their way to the base ball park. Fully 1000 people were In attendance. The grandstand, blccchcrc and both foul lines wore filled. Mayor Dahlman of Omaha tossed the first ball and whilo it was evident to nil that he was not an expert ball player yet he managed to get the sphere somewhere in the neighborhood of home plate and the scasou was officially opeued. Captiain Grnnt was the first man at the bat and he made a safe binglo and captured the first sack. Mills sacrificed and Grant went to second, stole third and reached home scoring ono for tho first round. Another score was made in the third inning and three in the fifth and since Seward had failed to tally the game was assured. At this time the St. Joe Commercial Club came marching to the grounds thoir band ptayintr "There will bo a hot timo in tho Old Town Tonight." Thoy filed along in front of the bleachers aud woreonthusiastic rooters for tho homo team. Seward failed to score and the game resulted In a Red Cloud victory of C to 0. Tills Is tho first time that this city has witnessed a really truly league gamo of base ball and from onrside of tho fence it was a great game. Mitch ell is certainly something of a pitcher and Carter at first base cannot be beat. Our boys all did some excellent work with the stick and their playing all thru the game gave universal satis faction. Our team is improving and we ' will nail that pennant at the close of the season. The following is the line up and the score: RED CLOUD nb r Grant 3b 2 3 Mills If 3 0 Carter lstb 3 0 Hunisey cf 3 0 Jarrottrf 4 0 Fagan ss 3 1 Smoltz 2b 3 0 Ruppcrt c 3 1 Mitchell p 4 0 SEWARD po 1 1 10 1 2 1 1 7 0 nb po n Harris 83 3 Booth 3b 3 NcfT c 3 Henry cf 4 Ling If 4 Atchison 11 3 Pierce 2b 3 Harrington rf 3 Stewart p 3 0 2 1 0 1 11 0 4 2 Red Cloud 10001300 0-5 Seward 00000000 0-0 Hits-Red Cloud 7, Soward 1. Errors -Red Cloud 3, Seward ;i. liases on balls OfT .Mitchell 2; off Stewart 1. Struck out Uy Mitchell ti, Stewart 1. Double plays Red Cloud C) Iliittcrleh Red Cloud, Mitchell and Ruppcrt; Seward, Stewart and Clint Xoff. - Umpire -Xolson. Standing tfllie State Leaftu P Fiemoiit n Grand Island ll Columbus lo Seward Red Cloud 1 1 Hastings 10 Superior 10 Kearney o W h Pet 8 2 .800 a :i .727 7 ;i .700 r i .roG 1 7 .304 :i 7 .300 3 7 .300 Weeks Each Year For $1.50. MAY i Econimy stock Ponder, j The iintiii 'Eonnomj" stands for quality in the stock powder world. Even our competitors acknowledge I that the Economy Stock l'owdois are the standard. With us, the quality i goes in befou tho 11111110 goes on. We j ure not milking a cheap powder but aro niaiting uio best that money can buy, using only the best and purest drugs that the market afford". This is tho reason of our largo business and the popularity of the Economy Stock Powder. Men who food Econ omy Stock Powder do not loso their hogs. We give protection against all diseases common to the hog family. Ifyonnre now food Ing them your neighbor Will toll you of their super ior value. Tens of thousands of satis fied oustomers will tell you how .they saved thoir hogs aud made money by feeding Economy Stock Powder. We have a positivo worm cxpellcr, blood purifier and general conditioner. We will give 11000.00 if wo cannot expel worms from any herd of wormy hogs. Call at our olUce and we will give you any information. If this is impossible write or phono us and wo will call at your place and do all in our power for you. You make no mis take in trying them. You will find them for sale at the Red Cloud Hard ware it Implement Company, Red Cloud, Nebraska. Economy Hoo St Cattlk Powdeii Co. II. F. Cooi'Kit, Guido Rock, Agent. Real Estate Transfers for the week ending May 25, as furn ished by, tho Fort Abstract Company, Red Cloud, Nebr. J E Eastman to N R Simpson wd lots 13 to 16 blk 2 Piatt's 1st add to Red Cloud ? 750 Louis Borcherding to Harm Van Boening wd n sw 13-4-10 6650 R W Koontz, Co. treasurer to Max Buder tax deed lot 8 blk 1 Guido Rock 75 R W Koontz, county treasurer to Max Buder Ux deed lot 7 blk 1 Guide Rock..- 75 Guide Rock Cemetery Association to Lizzie R Ackerson wd lot 1 blk 165 G R cemetery 12 C S Jones to Geo W Shuck wd sw ae and pt lots 7 and 8 in 15- 1-9 4000 H B Hunter to E E Burr wd lot 4 blk 9 Vancea add to G R 250 Wm Montgomery to Minnie F Montgomery wd pt lot 9 all lot 10 blk 9 VanceBaddtoG Rock. 1100 W D Moore to First National Bank, Lawrence qcd se 10-4-9. . 1 Lydia Moore Sanford to Marvin E Ellinwood wd s no 10-1-12. . 540 Marvin Ellinwood to Cecil M & Melvin M McCall qcd s no 10- 1-12 1 Anna V Sanford etal to Cecil M & Melvin M McCall wd nl ne of 10 and lots 7 and 8 all in 3 all in 1-12 0000 Grace V Hanaen etal to II Frank Beun qcd sw nnd w se 32-3-11 . 1 Wm Monia to Hugh L Ryker wd e nw 2-2-9 3000 Geo A Daily to Henry Arcnds wd ptsw 9-4-10 4000 C F Gund to A LSauchek wd-aw 10-3-10 "COO II Rose to W Busking wd lot 5b2 Roscrnont 1100 Joannu Rose to W Busking wd 14 b2 Rosemont 800 Class Rose to V Busking wd lot8 b8 Rusemont 1200 Johanna Pelz to Christ Fasslcrwd Us 12 and 13 b7 Rohrcr'a add to Blue Hill 1000 Christ Fasaler to R L Pelz wd 112 and 13 b7 It's add to Blue Hill . . 1000 $-14000 50 Mortgages filed. . ..?8000 Mortgngos released 5500 ltOPItHOl'HKItVICHAT.M. K. CIIUItCH S.VIIIIATII KKIIVICKS. .Sunday .School 10 A.M. rri'iu'lilnu V Jl A.M. (.Maun im-utlni; 1- M. KVK.NIMi ICpuorth ItiiKiio ...-. 7 1'. M. Prcachliijc - 1'. M. I'rayi-r iiicotlin; Wednesday cvciiIiik 8 1M Ladles Aid I'rldny - 2 1'. M. Your prcBcnco Is rciiuestcd and a cordial ln Itatlon la extended to nil. M. T. Stjki lku 1'iiRtor. J. 1910. KODAK Bill Says: Take a Itydak to the Ball Game witn you. There's twice the fun for those who Kodak. Let us instruct yu in the easy, all-by-daylight way of Picture Making. Kodaks $5.00 to $111.50. Brownies, $1 to $12 NEWHOUSE BROS. E. H. NEWHOUSE Prop Jmwslsrs A Optometrists -gejBjsiiiMMiiaailBiMilrtcillrtrw UlUliMBl SBBBFP,BBBBb V"'' tLBBLsBBBBBBBBM E BBBBMMBBSBBSrBBBS BWpHffiBJty,BBBBM If- '!. BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSll S m '. eesesiya 'bssbmww i i sf " rtSji'sjSBpr ' vsjbbits. S HOW MONUMENTS ARE MADE BY OVERING BROTHERS and CO., THE MONUMENT MEN, Red Cloud, - - Nebraska. imw'Aw.vwv Jack Parcel!. Artistic, Carriage, Sign and Scenic Painter. At Sullivan's Old Lumber Yard. All First Class Work Guaranteed. See The Chief for -rj-X NUMBER 'Jl up - to - date job work. bLbbbk!kILbbbbbbbbbH i i t "TE 1Z$&ZZZL j -"" 'inn ' ntwa-tjr. t:'.r -" a- tw --y jr w ' V7. ?5Sl