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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1910)
' 1 M ) A big bowl of Quaker Oats is the best dish you can serve. Delicious and nourishing. Good for all ages and all conditions. Economical and strengthening. cs Technically Discussed. "So theio la to lio n divorce," said dm woman who discusses everybody. "It KPi'ins but u llltlo while slnco bo risked for lior band." "Vcb," replied Ibo rudo man. "He r;ot tbo band all right. Hut It turned out to bo a misdeal." tlTAns or Omn Cirr or toudo. I.ICA.1 UlUMT. f 8- Thank J. Ciilnrt iu.ik( rorth that ho li noniot Eartiirr ot tho ilrm tit 1'. J. cnrw.Y & Co. doing lulicra In tU" t'lty ot Toledo. County anil HlaUi ntnrrtiM, and Init mm firm lll puy thn Mini ot liNIS lin.N'imr.D 1)01.1. A KM fur racli oml ccry ts ot CATAmm tint cvinot lo euro ' by tlio Uio of Hall's Catabiiii C'uur. riiAKic j. cnr.Nnv. worn to before mo nrnl Ptiuarribcil In my picscnce UUn ctli day ot December, .V. I).. isSi). liii I NoTAitr 1-um.ta lUtl'i Cnl.irrli Cure Ij taVr-n Internally unci acta tiJnvlly uiHin tt.o Wool ami niuniiu surfaces of Uiu jltcm. Send tar luillmnnlaK free. r. J. filll'.NHV A CO.. Toledo, a ffcld by All Druwlit. jr. Tkko lUlli 1 n mliy rill fur constipation. Hear not lout thy ilfo como to an end; but rather lont It never bad a bo ginning. Nowninn. Al7oid Folks 'Clint take NATtimrs UI-.MF1DY (NU tablets) lonlidit will tool hotter In tho moiiilng. It uwoctcna tint stomach, cor ructM tlin llvor, bouelH ittttl kldnoyu, prn vuiiIh UllloiihnL-KM mid ullitilnatcH tlio rlinn matlKin. Holttir tluin Villa for Llvor IIIh, oecaiiso It's different It's thorough, cnny Hiiru to net. (lot u ttc llox. All DrugglHlH. 'llio A. II. La wis Modlclno Co., St. Loulu. Many of our euros aro but a morbid way ot looking at our privileges. Sir Waller Scott. llMtlUNd. ItACKINU, KAKPINd (U)U(IIC ran It.) broken iiluily t.y .uirn'H l.nua llaltuv). 1 Ml old, ridliiblo remedy In Ici u gold for ovor 40 livus. AMk jrourdrofcKUtnlKiut It. lOvery man baa theories, about rais ing a family before bo mnrrloa. Nebraska Directory are the ark youii mkmi. duai.ku oh 40HH DEERE PLOW CO., OMAHA, NEB. fc-jfcifc-HIiWVItiiM procc hs nil brnknn tjJtt of iimr.liln.-ry mails Cood n new. Wolda cast Hon, cat rtcel. attinilniiiii, cdpiioi, bra or !nJJ2iIier ,llt-. I'Prl amomnbilo reiMirinc BERTSCHY MOTOH CO., Council Bluffs. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES Bold .tuJ ronti-d everrtit're Wrltr tor liarjniui Hal It V StVANSON t'OMPWY. Ino. uablWliej Ijui MUSi, lath st.. Lincoln Beat rise Creamery Go. Pays tho highest lirlco for CREAIVi HERBERT E. GOOCH CO. UKU1S.UO AND DEALERS Oralu, Provision, Btockt, Cotton Mtn O.'fiee. 204.203 rrnlernity Dld. Lincoln, Nebrmkn, lli'll Pliotio MS Auto r-liono C050 I.uri-c'Ht House In htnto. AIR COOLED ENGINE CASTINGS Vti finiileli tuiiiUo viiHtlncs mid jmrlH maiOtliiiil or In tin- roiich for 'M motor Will itblniSlinrrt( iourr. UBTSCHY MOTOH CO., Council Dlulls. Iowa. Hy having a telt-phonu that you am depend unon. Lot nq toll you how to secure tho vnrv l.ct of telephone service at the low est COSt. SEND TODAY fnr Bulletin No. u. "How to build Telcnhone Linns IT'S FREE. WESTERN ELECTRO C COMPANY Omaha, Neb. Mat Test YiJir orn Don t risk n crop fulluro by taking tho word of some one else as to the i pliability Of your set-d corn. Test your own corn every car of It and know, beforo tho planting is bcyuH, tint tho seed you tibo wJJJ grow. Geo. II. Lee, of Omaha, has jicrfectcd it corn tester that can bo used anywhere any com corn tester is used, and besides, c;m be used in bij Incubator and tlio lust ing done at the samo time a hatch of epes ii being conducted. It Is made in the folIowlngRizcsandnrices : sco-car.Si.qo: Seocar, .oo. '" ' Write for descriptive circulars. You'll oavc the con of heveral testers In the knowledge gained from your lirst tcstlnc. write- toduy to " GEO. H. LEE CO . omaha. rjen. - ii inim, iiwiiiam ,ii Thm Saved BYM Meredith NiCimiy$oN y SLLUtiTRATIom 3Y PAY WALTF16 cofivmctr nor ov boobs -nzaRtu CA 11 i ii i i i ii ( SYNOPSIS. MHn Pnlrlcla ltnllirook and MIhi Wr-lrn ll(iHiniiil, lu-r nlcco, worn cntnwtnl to tlio c-nro of l.tnininco Donovan, n writer, ninnimrlnK nwir l'ort Autiiuulnlr MIhi I'atik-lu ennlliloil to Donovnn that hIio fonroil lirr brntlif-r Ilonry, who, mined by n Imnlt fiillurc, had conntuntly tlircatoiiL-il her. Donovnn tllnrovr-rril ntul I'liiilurc-il an Intruder, who proved to lie lleidimhl (HIIchiiIi', mil tor for thn hittul of llulen, Dotinvnn naw Mlna Holbiook ami her fa thnr iner-t on friendly ti-nns. Donovan fought an Itallnn hhciimhIii. lie met the tnnii lie Bitpiioinl wait Ilolbrook, but who mild ho wiih llartililcu, a cauoi-inaker MUn I'at rintiouneed her Intention of llKhtliiK Henry MelbrooU and not m-eklnn a i other hiding place Donovan met Helen In Kiirdon at ulttlit. Duidlilty of llel-n wiim confi used by tho ynuiiK Inly. At iilnlit, dlHi:ii-rl ni a mm, Helen utolo from the hol.e. She met I'.i'Kln.'iM till IomjjIo. who told her hist lnc. Olllt-splo wiim eonfronled ly Donovan. At the town poatollleo Helen. Uli.ieen except by Dniin vim, nllpped a dinfl for her fatiior lulo the hand of I ho Italian nnllnr. A youni; lady lewrinbllnK Alius Helen HoUnnclc won observed iil-m In a e.tnoc. when Helen wiih thought to have been at home. OIIIohpIo ndlnltted gtvltiK Helen jai.HOO for her fathrr, Who had then left to upend It Minn Helen and Donovun mat In tho nlRht. Khe tnld bltn Ulllesplo was notlilm; to her. Ho confepeil Ida lovo for her. Donovan found GllleHpIn kokkoiI and bound In n cabin, Inhabited by tho II lalnotiH Italian and Ilolbrook. llo roh-aHod him. Uotb r.lllesplo mid Donovan ad mitted lovo for lltlm. PnlllnK herself Honallnd n "volro" appealed to Donovan for help, Sho told him to no to tho cauoo nakur'H homo and hi.o that no Injury be foil him. Ho went to ltod Cate. At tho (.iinoe-makor'n homo, Donovnn found tho brothers Arthur and Henry Ilolbrook who had fotmht eaeh other, In consultation. "Rosalind" appeared. Ar thur averted a murder, Donovan lettun liiK. met llllh-Hpin nlonc In tho dead of nlk'ht. On Invrntlirntlon hn found Henry Ilolbrook, tho pallor, and MI:ih lloh-n n Kaed In an nnnimcnt. It wan Mettled ami they departed. Donovan met tho ronl Itonallnd. who bv nlRht bo had wip POhpiI to bo Mips Helen Ilolbrook. HKu revealed the mix-up. Her fathur. Arthur Ilolbrook, was tbo eanoi'-maker, whllo Helen's fnther wan Henry Ilolbrook, the errlncr brother. The couslna, Helen and Hosallml. were as niueh nllko an twins. Than Helen'n stipposnl ilupllelty wan ex plained. Helen vlnlted Donovan, CHAPTER XIX Continued. "Yob; but It la a moro colncldonco. It was a i;ood hiding plaeo for him, as well as for us." 'It In very unfortunate for all of us that bo should bo hero. I bad hoped bo would bury himself whero ho would nuvor bo henrd of nt;alu!" bIio said, and nnger burned for a moment In bor fuco. "If ho has uny Minima loft, 1 Khould think ho would loavo hero at ouco!" "It's to bo remembered, MNs' Hoi broolc, that ho cnnio Hint; and I am quite satisfied that your father sought film hero beforo you and your aunt enmo to Annandnle. It seems to mo tho equity lies with your undo tho creek 03 n biding placo belongs to hint by right of discovery." fiho smiled ready agreement to this, rind I felt that sho had como to win Bupnort for como plan of her own. She bad never been moro amiable; certain ly sho had never boon lovelier. "You aro qulto right. Wo had all of us bettor go and loavo him In peace. What la It ho docs thoro runs a ferry or mannges u bnathouso?" "llo Is a canoo-makor," I said, dryly, with moro than a local reputation." Her tono changed at once. "I'm glad; I'm very glad be has es caped from his old ways; for nil our Bakes," sho added, with a little sigh. "And poor Hosallnd! You may not know that ho has a daughter. Sho Is about a year younger tlinn I. Sho must have had a sad tlmo of It. I was nninod for her mother and she for mine. If you should meet her, Mr. Donovan, I wish you would tell her how sorry I tun not to bo ablo to sco her Hut Aunt Pat must uot know that Undo Arthur Is here. 1 think sho has tried to forget him, and her troubles with my father hnvo effaced overythlng else. 1 hopo you will man ago that, for mo; that Aunt Pat shall not know that Undo Arthur and Rosa lind arc here. It i!ould only distress lior. It would bo opening a bonk that sho believes closed forever." Her sollcltudo for hor aunt's penco of mind, spoken with eyes averted and In a low tono, lacked nothing. "I hnvo seen your cousin," I said. "I saw her, In fact, this morning." "Hosallnd? Then you can toll mo whether whether I mn really so like hor as they used to think!" "You aro rather like!" I replied lightly. "Hut I shall not attempt to toll you how. It would not do It would Involvo particulars that might prove embarrassing. Thoro aro times when oven I llnd dlscrotlon butter than frankness." "You wish to save my feollngs," Bho laughed. "Hut I am really taller!" "Hy an inch sho told mo that!" "Thon you hnvo scon her moro than oncoV" "Yes; moro than twlco oven." "Then you must tell mo wherein wo aro nllko; I should really llko to know." "I hnvo told you I can't; It's boyond my poor powers, I will tell you this, though " "Well?" "That I think you both delightful." "I am disappointed In you. I thought you a man of courage, Mr. Donovnn." "Even bravo men fnlter at tho can non's mouth!" "You aro undoubtedly nn Irishman, Mr. Donovan. I am Borry wo shan't hnvo any moro tennis," "You havo said so, Mlas Holbrook, not I." Sho laughed, and thon glanced to ward tho brown figure of Slater Mar-1 LJ INDATKBDGAT "Don't Say 'Must Not' to garet, and was silent for a moment, whili! tho old clock on tho stair boomed out thn half-hour and was an swered cheerily by tbu pretty tinkle of tho chapel chime. I counted four poppy leaves that llutteied free from a bowl on tho book shelf abovo her head and lazily tell to the floor at her feet. "I had hoped," she said, "that wo wore good friends, Mr. Donovan." "I hnvo believed that we were, Miss Ilolbrook." "You must hoe that this situation must terminate, tiiaC wo are now tit n crisis. You can understand I need not toll you how fully my sympathies He with my father; It could not be otherwise." "That hs only natural. I have noth ing to say on that point." "And you can understand, too, that It has not boon easy for mo to be de pendent upon Aunt Pat. You don't know I have no intention of talking ngninst hor but you can't blamo me for thinking hor hard a llltlo hard on my father." I nodded. "I am sorry, very sorry, that you should havo these troubles, Miss Ilolbrook-." "I know j on are," sho replied, eager ly, and her eyes brightened "Your sympathy has meant so much to Aunt Pal anil mo. And now, beforo worse things happen " "Worse things must not happen!" "Thon wo must put an end to It all, Mr. Donovan. Thoro Is only ono way. My father will novor leave bore until Aunt Pat has settled with liini, And It Is his right to demand It," sho hur ried on. "1 would havo you know that ho Is not ns black as he has been palntod. He has been bis own worst enemy; and Undo Arthur's HI doings must not bo charged to him.' Hut ho hns boon wrong, terribly wrong, In his conduct toward Aunt Pat. I do not deny that, and hu docs not. Hut It Is only a matter of money, und Aunt Pat has plenty of It; and thoro can bo no (inofitlon of honor between Undo Ar thur and father. It was Undo Arthur's act that caused all this troublo; fa thor has told mo tho wholo story. Quite llkoly fnthor would mako no good uso of his money I will grant that. Hut think of tho Btraln of these years on all of us; think of what It has monnt to mo, to have this cloud hanging over my llfo! It Is dreadful boyond any words It Is hideous; and I enn't stand It nny longer, not another week not unothor day! It must ond now and bore." Hor tcnr-fltlcd eyes rested upon mo pleadingly, and a sob caught her throat ns she tried to go on. "Hut" I began. "Plcaso please"' sho broko In, touching bor hnndkorchlof to hor eyes mid smiling nppenllngly. "I ntn ask ing very llttlo of you, after all." "Yes, it Is llttlo enough, but it seeniB to mo a ftitilo Interference. If your fnthor would go to hor himself, if you would tako him to her that strikes mo ns tho hotter strategy of tho mat tor." "Then am I to undorstand that you will not help; that you will not do this for us for mo?" "I am sorry to havo to say no, Miss Holbrook," I roplled, stondily. "Then I regret that I shall havo to go further; I must appoal to you as n D aw Mc, If You Please!" personal matter purely. It is not easy; but if wo aro really very good friends" She glanced toward Sister Margaict, then rose and walked out upon the ter race. "You will bate mc " sho began, smiling wanly, the tears bright in her eyes; und she knew that It was uot easy to bate her. "I have taken money from Mr. Gillespie, for my fa ther, since I came here. It Is a large sum, and when my father loft here he went away to spend It to waste It. It Is all gone, and woiso than gone. I must pay that back I must not bo tinder obligations to Mr. Gillespie. It wai wrong, it was very wrong of me, but I was distracted, half crazed by my father's threats of violence against Aunt Pat against us all. 1 am sure that ou can see how I came to do it. And now you aro my friend; will you help me?" und she broko off, smiling, tearful, her back to tho balustrade, her hand at her side lightly touehlug it. She had confidence, I thought, in tho power of tears, as sho slipped her handkerchief Into her sleeve and wnlted for me to answer. "Of course Mr. Olllosplo only loaned you tho money to help you over a dif ficulty; in somo way that must be cared for. I like him; ho Is n fellow of good Impulses. I repeat that 1 be lieve this matter can bo arranged readily enough, by yourself and your father. My Intrusion would only make ti worso muddle of your affairs. Send for your fnthor and let him go to your aunt In tho right spirit; and I believe that an hour's talk will settle everything." "You seem to have misunderstood my purposo In coming bore, Mr. Dono van," she answered, coldly. "I asked your help, not your ndvlco. 1 have even thrown myself on your mercy, and you tell mo to do what you know Is Impossible." "Nothing is so Imposslblo us the present nttltudo of your father. Until that Is changed your aunt would be doing your father a great Injury by giving him this money." "And ns for mo" and her eyes blazed "as for me," sho said, choking with anger, "nftor I havo opened this pngc of my lifo to you and you Jjavo given mo your fnthorly advice as for me, I will show you, and Aunt Pat ami all of them, that what cannot bo dono ono way may bo dono In an other. If I say tho word and lot tho law takos its course with my uncle that mnn who brought nil theso trou bles upon us you may have tho Joy of knowing thnt it was your fault your fault, Mr. Donovan!" "I beg of you, do nothing! If you will not bring your father to Miss Pat, pleaso let mo arrange tho meeting." "Ho will not listen to you. Ho looks upon you as a meddler; and so do I, Mr. Donovnn!" "Hut your undo you must not, you would not!" I crlod, terror-struck to seo how fate drew hor toward tho pitfall-from which I hoped to savo hor. "Don't say 'must not' to mo, If you pleaso!" sho flung bnck; but when sho reached tho door she turned and said calmly, though hor oycii still blazed: "I supposo It Is not necessary for mo to ask that you consider what I havo snld to confidential." "It U quite unnecessary," I said, not knowing whctlior I loved or pilled hor most; and my wits wore busy trying to devlso means of saving hor the hcnrtacllo her Ignorance held in sloro for her. She called to Sister Margaret In her brightest tone, nnd when I had walked with them to St. Agatha's guto sho bade be good-by with quite as demure and Christian an air ns the sister her self. CHAPTER XX. The Touch of Dishonor. I was meditating my course over a elu erless luncheon when Glllesplo was announced. Ho lounged Into the din ing room, drew his chair to the table and covered a biscuit with eaniemberl with his usual inscrutable air. "I think It is better," bo said delib etntlngly, "to be nn nss than a fool. Have you nny views on tho subject?" v.None, my dear Uuttons. I have been called both by shrewd men." "So have I, If the worst wete known, and they offered proof! Ah, more and more I seo that wo were born for each other, Donovnn. I was once bo Im pressed with the notion that to be a fool was to bo distinguished that I 'oneelved the Idea of forming a Noble Order of Serene nnd Incurnblo Fools. I elected myself the grand and most worthy master, feeling safe fioni com petition. News of tlio mutter having ono forth, many persons of the high r.t standing wrote to me, recommend ng their friends for membership. My oiTost'ondenco soon engaged thteo ypowrlters, and I was obliged to got he post-otflcc department to help me it oak tho chain. A few humble souls applied on their own hook for consid eration. These I elerte.1 nnd placed In the llrst ohms. You would be sur prised (o know how many people who aro chronic Joiners wrote in absent mindedly for application blanks, fear ing to bo left out of n good thing. I'nlted States senators woro rather common on tho list, nnd there wero tin to governors; a bishop wroto to propose a brother bishop, of whoso merits ho spoke in tho wai.mest terms. Many nowspnpers declared thnt tho society filled n long-folt want. I ic celvod Invitations to spenk nu tho uses nnd benefits of tho order from many learned bodies. Tho thing began to bore me, nnd when my official sta tionery was exhausted I Issued a fare well address to my troops and dis solved the society. Dut it's a great gratification to me, my dear Donovnn, that wo quit with a waiting list." "There are times, Buttons, when you cense to divert mo. I'm likely to bo very busy for a few days. Just what can I do for you tills afternoon?" "Look hero, old man, you're not angry?" "No; I'm rarely angry; but I'm often bored." "Then your brutal Insinuation shall not go unrewarded. Let mo proceed. Hut llrst, how nro your ribs?" "Soro and a trltlo stiff, but I'm coin fot table, thanks." "Ab I undorstand matters, Irishman, there Is no real dlfferonco botween you and mo except In tho matter of a cer tain lady. Otherwise wo might com bine our forces in tho Interest of these unhappy Holbrooks." "You aro qulto right. You came here to say something; go on and ITo dono with it." He deftly covered nnothcr biscuit with the cheese, of whoso antiqult) bo complained sadly. ' I say, Donovnn, between old sol dier friends, what wero you doing up there on tho creek last night?" "Studying tho landscnpo effects by starlight. It's a habit of initio. Your own presence thero might need ac counting for, If you don't mind." 'i will bo square about it. I mot Helen qulto accidentally as I lert this house, and sho wanted to seo her fa ther. I took her ovor thoro, and wo found Henry. Ho wns up to somo mischief you may know what it was. Something had gono wrong with him, and ho was In all kinds of n bad hu mor. Unfortunately, you got tho bono fit of some of It." "I will supply you a link In tho night's affairs. Henry had been lo seo his brother Arthur. Gillespie's faco fell, and I saw that ho was greatly surprised. "Humph! Helen didn't tell mo that." "Tho reason Henry camo here was to look for his brother. That's how ho reached this placo ahead of Miss Pat and Helen. And I hnvo learned some thing It makes no dlfferenco how, but It was not from tho ladles at 8t. Aga tha's I learned last night that the key of this wholo situation Is in your own hands, Glllesplo. You? fnthor wiih swindled by tho Holbrooks; which Holbrook?" (TO nrc CONTINUED.) EnejIlBh as 8he Is Spoke, Meeker I'm going to upply for n divorce. Hleeker What's tho trouble? Mocker P - v -vi'o'n -i regular shrew; sho beats the children and makes my llfo a burden. Hleekor You don't say! She cer tainly doesn't look that kind. Mooker areut Scott, maul you don't call that kind, do you? COOPER FOLLOWERS GIVE REASON FOR THEIR BELIEF With a theory that human hoalth Is dependent on tho stomach and with a medicine which ho says proves thlB theory, L. T. Coopor, a compara tively young man, has built up an im mense following during tho past year. Cooper has visited most of tho load ing cities of tho country, and in each city has aroused a storm of discussion about his beliefs and his medicines. Wherever he has gono, peoplo havo called upon him by tens of thousands, nnd his preparation has sold in im mense quantities. Tho sale of this medicine has now spread over tho entlro country, and Is growing enormously each day. In view of this, tho following statements from two ot tho great number of fol lowers which ho now has, aro of gen eral Interest. N. V. Marsh, residing at 217 South Daly street, Los Angolcs, Cal., has the following to say upon tho subject ot tho Cooper preparations: "For more than n year I experi enced tho mo3t intense suffering, due to a form of stomach troublo which tho doctors called catarrhal gastritis. After eating I would fill up with gas, which caused frequent belching. The abdominal area would oxpand until I could scarcely breathe, causing great distress. At such tlmos I could not keep still, but paced tho strcots for hours until tho pain subsided. "Frequently I went without eating rather than endure tho torturo that was sure to follow. Liquids wero the only kind of food I could partake of with safety. I had spoils of dizzi ness, nnd becamo badly run down through suffering nnd lack ot proper nourishment. I tried various reme dies in search of relief, but they failed to help me. "Some time ago n brother member In a lodge to which I belong urged mo to try tho Coopor remedies, which wero then being demonstrated in Los Angeles. Ho stated that to his per sonal knowledgo they had been of great benefit to others In a llko condi tion, and on tho strength of hl3 recom mendation I procured a treatment of Cooper's New DIscovory. "It proved helpful from tho first dose, and in less than n week I was eating regularly and heartily, without experiencing any bad effects after ward. Since taking tho full treatment I am perfectly well and enjoy living for tho first tlmo in many months. Now I can eat a hearty supper, then go to bed nnd sleep llko a healthy boy. I feel so well that I can hardly realize I am tho samo man. Cooper's New Discovery has worked a marvelous chango in me it has dono all that was claimed for it." Another statement by Mr. W. H. Stewart, 109 W. Madison Btrcct. Chi cago, Is as follows: "I havo had stom ach trouble for years, and anyono who Is afflicted this wny knows what an awful distressed feeling it causes. Many a tlmo I havo felt that I would glvo most any price to bo cured. It was by accident thnt I heard of this man Cooper's remedies. I Immediate ly mado up my mind to buy a treat ment of him. I used It for about two weeks, and it is imposslblo to tell how much good It has dono me. I fool altogether different I havo moro llfo and energy tlinn I hnvo had for years. Tho medicine certainly does Btimulato and strengthen tho who.a system. Tired fooling nnd woak condi tion of tho stomach has entirely passed away. I feel well again." Cooper's New DIscovory Is sold hy nil druggists. If your druggist can not supply you, wo will forward you tho naino of a druggist In your city who will. Don't nccopt "something Just ns good." Tho Cooper Mcdlclno Co., Dayton, Ohio. When n man 1b at homo nnd the telephone bell rings his wife makes a dash for it to seo If it Is somo woman who wants to talk to him. Beautiful Post Cards Free. Bejitl 4e ntainps for Ilvo samples ot our very beHt Hold and Blllt FlnlHh Ulrtlfday, 1-lower and Motto Post Cards; beautiful colorH nnd loveliest design. Art I 'oat Curd Club, 7U2 .lackBcn nt Topoka, Kan. An early cucumber In tho hand beam two In tlio stomach. You miss a crcat deal of the pleasures of life if your stomach has "done hack on you" but don't remain in that condition. Tlio Bid cr.v will set things I i if lit nnd Drnvcnt Imllflnuf Inn. o.sUvciiohm fit Ilcnnchc. PARKER'S M HAIR 0AL8AM Clurwl ml bnilinci tlio hair. rrimiutM it IntuiLut growth. TfP rail llair to I Out.f tci o it rail to UMlor Gray la VoutMul OoW7 p rtivtwi M hair faUUuc. its Vthe keystone to health 1 HOSTETTER'Sl 1 STOMACH 1 BITTERS I Anu,iid aiit Pmrnl.u ?;- ;i Yr A -j i I ii im a iirti r i - iti n ii- ''"- " -- , tonwi -n '& -- - ijuJA-fr s - MnWAwji tKO'ttAtelrt&- iift'Iaiit.'M"3wiigWitwiiiaitiwii''"'''','l''1'' ami'-ffwiff . --- - aafr aat Mi - -"' - -- . u.-. inimm iMiiii..m.mitltMMIaMttT.riM iH, HllMaH - ' " -