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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1910)
a .S i ,. f' m-vic J B2SC3Ps!!flHlftflHvwlKLrirTlr2 yiVjffirj8iBlBT!'?P' slilifl'cv" MBMtBJBBMHiKr! W (FS'-r'iigjaliM.B VOLUME XXXV II. There are many conveniences that you would not be without, since you have tried them. It is the same with the check account. No man can afford to give it up when he experiences the benefits to his money matters. A trial convinces even the incredulous. It will afford you safety and convenience as it does to others. Interest Paid on time deposits. Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. Red Cloud Base Ball Schedule 1910 Games at Home With Seward With Seward May 23 and 24 May 14 nnil 15 Juno 27 and 28 June 1H and 19 July 21 and 22 July It and IS AuKUtU 14 and 15 August 19 and 20 With Fremont With Fremont May 25 and 26 May 1C and 17 June29and30 Junu2t)und21 July 23 and 21 July 12 and l.'I August 1G an4 17 AuKUst21 and 22 With Grand Island With Columbus May 27 and 28 May 19 and 20 Juno 25 and 2G Juno 14 and 15 July 1G and 17 July 25 nnd 2G AugUBt.12 and It August 23 and 21 With Columbus With Grand Island May 29 and 31 May 21 and 22 June 23 and 24 Junr 16 and 17 July 19 and 20 July 27 and 2b August 10 and It August 27 and 28 With Superior With Kearney June 1 and 2 June 3 and 4 July 3 and 4 (A. M.) July 1 and 2 Augusts and 9 August 4 and C September 8 actt 4 August 29 and 30 With Kearney With Hastings Junc7and8 JunaGandG July 6. 7. 31 July 10 and 11 August 1 Augusts, 7. 31 September 7 ami 8 September 1 With Hastings With Superior June 9 and 10 June 11 and 12 July 8 and 9 July 4 (I M.). 0 July 29 and 30 August 2 and 3 September 5 and 6 . September 9 and 10 Open Datea May 18,:Jnne 13-22, July 18, SUNNY SIDE. J. II. EUingor went to Kansas City with stock Sunday. Mr. Iliutt from east of Gowlen 1ms moved on the Oiuiir Krulclt farm. I'lmtclo Pierce was called from I.imon Colo., on account of his father's sick ness. (!co. Pierce is conilnod to his bed with pneumonia and Is a little better nt this wrltlug. Huclah Elberta, the three month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dell Holliday was buried at the Pleasant Hill come tery Monday March 21, 1010 They have the sympathy of the community. ALL ALONG THE LINE (Delayed) Our men nolghbors the Curpentors on the Kodgers pluoe havo began farming. Our young nim roes are having fun poping away at the wild geese and duohb just now. There seems to be quite a lot of sickness around seems a pity to bo lek tlds lovely weather. March is eortalnly on his good be havior but O! look out you will bo opt to hoar his roar about Plaster. Mrs. Sorgcnson the Champion hou woman has ono hundred and forty little chickens. Who cau beat that? llroaking stalkb and plowing for oats is the order of the day now for the mou and setting hens and pl.inulng the garden for tho women If iMnlu Markham lived in Neb raska ho woidd havo no time to pity (tho man with tho hoe) he would be so busy taking oir Ids hat to the man with the HOlf. llistmi'a H, h (V Games Abroad August 18, 25 and 26, September 2. GUIDE ROCK. Mrs. A. J. Hayes is on tho sick list. Harvey Milner is home from his trip to tho west. Mr. and Mrs. (Jeorgo Pishcr have a new daughter. Mrs. C. W. Corwin is ill threatened with pneumonia. Robert Jewell has been much worse and is still very low. The 1. O. O. F. initiated a number new members recently. The Kcbekah lodge had -2o applicat ions up to Monday evening. Tho Kensington ladies met Tuesday with Mrs, S. H Nowmoyer. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Crary welcomed a fine sui to their homo Sunday. The D. of II. and A. O. U. W. held an open meeting Tuosday evening. The second division of the M. K. Aid sorved "Coffee" Tuesday at the M. E. Parsonago. Mrs. Wullace was hero Thursday and Friday in the interest of tho W. a T. U. Particulars later. Most of tho children who havo been dowu with the whooping cough are reported better. Somo havo beon very ill. Mrs. Wndo and daughter havo mov ed Into the Jess Corwln property. The littlo girl has just recovered from measles Thoro are soveral cases of measles in (Julde Rock. Among those ill with tho disease are two daughters of N. V. Uaker. Three of Mr. John Gloason'a sons were over from near tho stato lino a couple of days last week and built two nice porches for their fathor. fffiiflgp! A Newspaper That filves The News Fifty-two RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, I. N. Smith arrived home Tuesday from Dresden, Kaus., whore he spent a week with relatives. His grand daughtor, Miss Stell.i Smith came homo with him for a visit. The dry ticket nominated Messors. Frank Hailcy, I II. Colvin and Harry Vaughan. All are good mou for the village board. The hold over mombci s aro Mcssers John Yung and II. S Heed. Miss Ethel Kollam of St. Francis who is a teacher will spend part of her vacation with her grand mother Mrs G. V. Hoover. The young lady has two weeks yet to teach to complete hor school. Mrs. Adelia Harding camo Monday oveniug from Hebron to visit Mrs. and Miss Van Woert and to be present at tho D. of II. anniversary meeting Tuesday eve. Mrs. Harding organized Guide Rock Lodge No. 1.18 on March 31, 1897. Saturday 123 cases of eggs were purchased by the merchants and buy orshcre. Tuesday morning there was shipped from Guide Rock 159 cases or 4770doen or .17240 eggs. They brought $800.55. Wm. Montgomery's shipment alone amounted to S223.4.1. Mr. Crops is going on crutches as the result of an operation on his ankle to remove a bullet which had been there several years and last week be gan to give him trouble. It was re moved at tho Hospital at Ilurr Oak. He Is getting along nicely. GARFIELD The line weather still continues. The sick folks at Mauley's are better this week. Guy liarues is improving the golden moments by cutting stalks . llroaking colts seems to be tho order of the day on wind mill row. Good Friday will soon bo here if it is not to d cold plant potatoes. Will Fishor sold John Campbell bouie corn last week forfclxty cents. Amaok, llarncs and Fisher called on Grant Shidler and family last Sunday. Edgar Throne taught school four days last week while- Miss Bagels was sick. T. W. White has a little colt the ilrbt in the neighborhood and it is a dandy. Fred Smith shelled corn on wind mill row last week for llarncs and Fishor. Tompson has tho foundation for Ids house about completed and will soon begin on tho framo work Honry Kmerton took a load of hoirs to Rod Cloud Friday. Ho says it beats the market at Guide Hock. We understand that Fred Smith will move to Uivoiton. We hate to lose a good long man from our midst. Chat ley Campboll went to Guide Hock last Friday and bought a new manure spreader and n wator tank. Frank Kinir took live loads of hogs to market Saturday for which he got a littlo better then ton cents n pound. Mauley Hros. started ttioir gang plow Monday and I'oto looks natural sotting up there behind four horses. N. P. Campbell hauled his hogs In and shipped them Wednesday and Hert King shipped his hogs and cattle the saino day. Mr. Jackson's has a now border nt their place. It just arrived on Mon day. It can't say papa but It makes him mind just the samo. Step around dad. Henry Wiggins and Artie Hicherson wont down to tho Kaley ranch to get a span of mules to brake and they got about two miles from home and ono of them pulled back and choked and died in a little bit and they drug him off and turned tho other ono loose to go homo and quit tho mule business for a whilo. Good Farm For Sale on reasonable Terms. Also some good City residences for sale. Inquire of Ciiiki' Oi'Fiui:, Weeks Each Year For $1.50. MARCH Josh Billings Says: "Life is short. If it ain't jolly it ain't worth living." Yoa miss yoar share of fun and pleasure if you mait fop that BDISON or VICTOR Why not buy it now. We have an easy payment plan ask about it A complete clean stock of ma chines and a full list of records. Victors $10 to $750. Records 60c to $7 Edison $ 1 2.50 to $200. Records 35c to $ I . NEWHOUSE E. H. NEWHOUSE, Save Come In, See One and Take Advantage of this Great Opportunity. GEO. TRINE, Agent. RED CLOUD, NEBR. Fob Salk: Two typewriters good s now, ono Smith Premier and one Rem ington. Inquire at this oitlce. Letter List. List of lottorn remaining uucallod for nt pobtoilieo nt Hod Cloud, Neb. for the woelc ending Mm- 'I, IfllO. Malic K. Ulidrien Mrs. Ivu Rodgers John .Sehnehttor Tlios I'tquhart Thoso will ho sontto the dead lettor 'ofllce April 7th, 1010, If uncalled for bofore, When calling for abovo plouso 'bay"advortlsod." T. O. Hacker, Pont master !.-.,. . 1M. 1910. $25 to sssafJtei i BEATRICE CREAM SEPARATOR SKIMMING CAPACITY 500 Pounds PER HOUR Other Sizes at Other Prices Tho Dost Sepnrntor Ever Sold &.I any Price Surpasses all others in Efficiency, Simplicity and Durability Absolutely Guaranteed by the BEATRICE CREAMERY CO. , Lincoln, Nbr. Notice, The Annuul Mooting of tho Martin Cemetery Burial Hoard will be hold in tho School House in !I)ist. No. 85, ! (known hh Pope School House,) on Saturday March 20 1010 tit tho hour of '2 o'clock P. M. for the purpose of electing oillcer.s nnd the transacting of nny other business thatlmay properly R p D jo. 2 pnone 1 j on I5J come before said board, by "order of! u,"d,,rBIB,N,.D.B.M,o.( Mrs. T. W. White .. -tf-ii NUMBER 12 BROS. Prop. $40 $50.00 R. C. Rhode Island Red Eggs For Sale I i Fr rom Pure Blood Farm Range Fowls. :i -. s tsl I . ( i ftl v&uxr--"- :55rugaBgi'iWiftMMtywiytt 4HM " . lifc" MMMMjWtM4MMW l: .. . .. jipmf