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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1910)
V K V WORTH KNOWING. Simple Remedy That Anyono Can Pre paro at Home. Most pcoplo nro tiioro or loss sub let ! coughs and colds. A Bimplo rumoiiy that wilt break up u cold Illicitly ,in,j curo nny C0UBi, tj,at j3 ettrablo Is made by mixing two ounces of Glycerine, a linlf-ouiico of Virgin Oil of Pino compound puro nnd eight ounces or puro Whisky. You can got thrno In any good drug More und ens 11 mix them In a largo bottlo. The mixture Is highly ri-commondLMl by tho Leach Chemical Co. of Cincinnati, who pnip.iro tho genuine Virgin Oil of Pino compound pure for dispensing. ENCOURAGING SIGNS OF LIFE Ubsral Contribution In United Ctatcn and Canada for Work of the Foreign Missions. I In M'ltc- of the financial depression tho offerings ot tho United States und Canada for foreign missions inori'iised List oar C(i",(J00. The increase ofln- we fiom tho lorolgn Held was cvui mote remarkable, being ?l,.!i.n,00i Tiiu total git 1st on the foreign Held v..ia 1,811,000, and till. amount wan S per cent, of the total amount con trf billed for lorclgn missions by the I'inlchlniit chiiichen of North Amirliu T!io Increase ot native couvrts Inst year was 101,071, or over ir0 a day The cuniiilatlvo uflVctn of the for-lgn mission enterprhie is shown by the l act that it took 100 yearn to gain the Hrsr million converts The second iiillion wero bocured In 12 yonr.i, and fhey aie now being added at the ruto or a million In bIx yeats The percent ago of tho tucioubo of Uiti church membenihlp of America wiik orm arid ono-hnlf, uliilts the IncreaHe of Am'-r lean mhiBlonii abroad was 12 tier cut Two meinbei-H wero added In America lor each ordained minister, whil" 11 weie added In the foreign Jb-ld for each ordained American missionary. The Missionary llevlew of the World They Win. "Uo you look lor a favorable out come to your lawsuit?" "No, but tho lawyers do" -Houston Post. The follow who Hays he could never lovo a woman with money may dis cover that ho can't successfully lovo 'a woman If he hasn't any Important to Mothers. Rxnmlno carefully every bottle of QASTOKIA, u Fare aud sure remedy for Infanta and children, and dee that it ITnnra tTm Slgnaturo oiOSzAyMA. In Ubo For Over ,'$( Years. The Kind You Havo Always Itousht. His Broad Charity, lmogene I know papa in cross and surly sometimes and says things that arc unjust, but you should Judge him, I'hilip, by bis bust. I Philip Oh, I do, dear You're his best. Impolite Papa. "Mamma, what makes papa make that funny noise?" "Ho'b snoring, dear." "Hut you always toll mo It ain't po '(to to blow my noise out loud " When one woman has a grudgo against another sho tells tho neigh bora how sorry she feels for tho wom an's husband. Work Is the grand cure for all tho nmhidloB aud mlBor'eB that over beset mankind honest work, which you In !tend getting done Thomas Carlyle, Quaker Oats is the world's food Eaten in every country; eaten by infants, athletes, young and old. Recognized as the great strength builder. 52 Delicious and economical. Z3 J of this paper de- J6&Cl6fS ! oJy Used in its columns should iruiit upon having what they ask (or, refusing all Mibftitute or imitations. Bronchial Troches A ronvsnUnt and Ifcthre umtdy for Cousin and t IcaruMcu. In valuable la Uronc hUl ami LuiieTrwMo and - iliijua and Hpktra for cijirlnp th voles. Entirely Irefroit fplilcioranyfiarmJul JngrtdUiit. t'tlcn, 25 centt, CO emu and $1.00 ptr bux. Sjirpie matlol on request. IQHN I. UKUWW w ;rt ivwron. tian. ChUdren's Coughs c"Uo,h Oiwt Much Unnecessary Suffering PI SO': CURE m. itsx mimam ?on vo.GnSuS Cite iiutanl reLrf"otJw anJ hsals the Lttlo throats and prerects more tenous ulneja. Ctuldrta lite it tno so pleasant to tsLa and doc oat upset Uia stomach. All Druggists, 23 coots. J oricftt racier 4sf? . SSWrS 'TCC V'-WVt ' BarlvC A - (9 M. -m IB (V UHr' tJM !TB MsfceLsV P IH slH IHI DLlgfek. 5km lt VYm RsW jVy swkjm bhi m m mm a m m va :iif n jH n s siai V MM iW," Wl Mm u tn rH U( . ir-xr. u xivi ir'n.uKnii . isrjr .:, - 'i.mi r l -s. ""a;t!OrT the mtddlsj or SiiL1 775 W-f -- 18V - v ' I.I Vi.s. 1SC2. Com J&SBm&if J WJSM3 H I , MK I " I hundred and fifth JiWkWm pT" "Wk zsyyAfsswA . ..& wsjsr WawMEtfl teers. known as the v'SMmiISMw! lJ m)L IkK?1 "Uuchtail" regiment, of rysltkMn ttt ' L IsraifSrelAi which I was a prhate. Ifofr'f&'Mti iiUlIVIMP PmAr,6 . ts , " ' V I tnaimir was detailed at. a ? fiwlU IaTKmJ xJasti-"'" I r r ) jar N . KjaiiiiK tOl'T the mtddlsj of ngu?t, 1SC2. Com pan K of the One hundred and fifth Pennsjlvanla volun teers. known as the "Uuchtail" regiment, of which 1 wa? a prhate, was detailed a& a bodyguard of Prcsi dent Lincoln and continued in that ca paclty until his assassination in the Bpring of ISC". During the three yeain of my Htny In Washington, tho most critical period of the nation's history, I saw and heard many things that have never found their way Into tho public prints. Some or the Injdyguaid were constantly with the president and hi family, whether at fashionable leveus receptions to foreign legatlotiB oi pri vnte Interviews At all ouch functions wo were silent spectators of all that pluco. Wo wero always treated with the high eat respect by tho Lincoln family, who re garded us as a pait of the household livery private of tho guaid received the mine atten tions of courtcs as tho most famous states man or diplomat nt the capital We all formed a strong personal attachment for the presl dent and when the grand old man laid down his life In behalf of the enure that had been bis life work wo felt as If we had lost the dearest friend wo over had. During tho llrnt two years of our term of service tho most rigid discipline wiib enforced Sometimes wo would be ordered to use ex traordluary lgllance nnd to let no one enter the grounds of the White House without the proper passes and to be very particular as to who npiroai'hed tho president. Often tho or der would come for the guards sin duty to be doubled. It was hcldom that he knew the direct cause of theso extra precautions, bui wo supposed that tho otllcerH of the secret service were In pouresslou of Information of some plot Hint brooded barm to the jirel dent. Up to 18151. owing to our vigilance aud thw protecting hand of I'lovldcuce. our beloved chief had escaped tho hand of violence The back of the confederacy was liroktin. a good feeling pervaded all Washington und conue que.ntly the strict watchfulness that had (ire vailed glow Into laxity. ThlB wim the fatnl period, for It was at this time that conspira cies were hatched mid confodeiatos overran tho city, comparatively unmolested Tho pros Ideut aud tamlly ;pcut the summer at tho sol dler's home, situated about three nilluu north of tho city, and thither the bodyguntd always accompanied them It was in tho sumiiiei of tStit while we wero up at (he home, that an incident hap peued that cauui very near culminating In Just such an awful tiagedy as followed only a fovv months Inter at Ford's theatct It was the custom or the president to remain late nt the war department when anything of gieat Impoitanco was happening U the aimy, eon suiting with tho secretary of war and trans mlttlug and tecelviiig dispatches, and after his work was llulshod ho would ride out to tho soldiers' homo That summer he had pci slstently infused an escort, Imagining himself perfectly s,eouro One night about (he middle of August I was doing sentiy dot,, nt the large gate thiough which entrance was had into the grounds at the home. Tint place Is situated about a quarter of n milo off tho IlladensbuiK road and Is reached by a devious driveway About one o'clock I heard a rifle shot In the direction of the city nnd short!) aftenvurd could heur approaching boofbents. In two or thrco minutes the horse came uou, tnongh so that iu tho dim moonlight 1 recognized the rider us the belutud president. The horao, a very splnted one. belonging to Lamou ihc marshal of the District of Colum bia, was Mr. Lin coln's favorite sad die animal and when bo was In the White House sta bles he always chose hi in Ah horse and rid er approached the gate I noticed that tho president was liareheaded. After I had nssslled him In checking his steed the presl dent said to me: "He came pretty near getting nway with me didn't heV Hit took the hit In Ills teeth before I could draw tho rolns." I ihon asked him where his hat vvn6 and he itpllnl that somebody had Hied n gun off down at the foot of tho hill, which seared his horse, and the lurch of the animal toppled bis hat off I led the horse to the cottage where the presl dent and IiIb tamlly was sta.ilng There he dls mounted and went iu Thinking tho procetdiug a lilt!" strange, it toiporal and I staited In the direction from which tho leport of the gun had been heard, to Investigate When wo citmo to the place when ihe drlvewoy meets tho main road wo found the president's hat -a plain ulllc hat aud on exaniln tug It found a bullet bole through the corner of (he crown The Bhot had bfen tired upward and it was evident that tho person who bad fired H had secreted himself clor.e to the roadside W' listened and aeniched the locality thoroughly, but to no avail The next duj I gave Mi Lincoln his hat and uilled hiri attention to the bullet hole He uncoil (iTiiedly remarked that It wtm put Iheie by somi foolish gunner and wan not Intended for him. He tald, however, that lie wanted Hie matter kept unlet and admonished us to say nothing about It Tho next fall, after we had taken up our win ler qunrtcrs at tho White House, a conspiracy to kidnap the president wns unknowingly frustrated hy us. Hud tho truth of the aft'ulr leaked out at the time It doubtless would have ctcatcd great excitement Our qunrterM were immediately In ft out of tho south pot eh ol tho Kxecutlve Man sion, .1 position which placl us at about equal illstuiict: from tho tieasury building on (ho oast at. d the war and navy building on tho west. For teusons at tho II mo unknown to us we weie ordered to move out guard tent and place H nt tho west end of the gravel walk, directly Iu the rear of tho war department. While we majed there nothing occurred to uiouro suspi cion. Shortly afterward we learned, however, that on tho very night after wo had moved the tent tho confederates had n plan laid to capture the president. Tho conspirator wero to hide In the shrubbery aud when tho president enmo along the walk (hey were to hcl.e, gag and carry him across the river Into Vlrglnln. Thonco ho wns to bo taken to Richmond or some other confed erate stronghold, where h wii3 to bo hold rb a hostage The members oi tho bodygunrd rlwnys Htipio'cd (hat the conspirators wero frightened away when (hoy saw our gunrd tent and abandou'd the dan of kidnapping. Not long tiftei the nt tempted kidnapping an other epl.xede took place, which afterward was found to have heen planned by a bund of assas sins who made theii lu-ndquarters iu the city, liouike, the veteran loachmau, who had served at tho V.'liii House thiough Helen's and Huclinn mi's administrations and thus far Into Lincoln's, was t niton ?lck and compelled to he off d ity Imnudlatel.v a rtinnger, who represented him self as an eporlind eoachmnn fiom Baltimore, npplh'd at the While House and was employed as coat liinaii From the (list he was domineer ing and nfiei a lew weeks became so important that he was dlschaiged nud llourko reinstated. One night shortly afterward, just about dusk, the discharged coachman was seen sneaking around the Hnhlca by some of tho guard. The stables had been locked for the night and It wiib not siip:ocd that he could do any damage and consequently the men who saw him did not go to the tlnbb'S l'ie.-eiitly thu whole Interior of tho hams wits found to bo on tire. Tho gunrd wan called out aud by dint of great exertion wo saved the pi cedent's coach and team, but Tad Lincoln's ponies and t'ol. I lay's carriage team perished in the (lames. The plan was to have this man fire tho stables and thus to distract our attention. Dur ing the excitement some of tho conspirators wero ready to ruth Into the Whllo house and tnurder the picsidmt, but Instead of remaining In tho house Mr Lincoln ran out among us and thus Iu nil probability frustrated another attompt at assassination What makes thl appear more likely now Is tho fact that, after the Inceudlniy was arrested ho produced several witnesses, who later found employment at Ford's theater, to tostlfy that ho wns down in tho city during tho whole of tho evening. Thcso wero tho porsons who doubtless planned tho tluul conspiracy that brought the grout benefactor to the uravo. WANTS HER LETTER PUBLMED For Benefit of Women who Suffer from Female Ills Minneapolis, Minn. "I was a preat nnfterer from fomali) troubled which caused a woainiosa ami broken down condition of tho fiyslem. J road ho iiiuchofwhatlAdla Jl. rinkhnm'fl von otahlo Compound luul (louu for other sulTorliiR" women I felt, nuro it would help me, and I must say lb did lioJp mo wonderfully. My tuins all loll mo. 1 provvBtronjcr.aiulvvUhln thrco months 1 vvaa a pertectly well woman. "1 want this leltor made public to flliovv tho bonotll women may dorivo from L)illa J-J. I'inUham'.s Vogolablo Compound." Mrs. John (1. Mor.DAN", 2115 Second St., .North, Minneapolis, Minn. Thousands of unsolicited and gvim. itio testimonials liko tho above provo tho cllicieucy of Lydla H. J'iiikham'a Vegetable Compound, which la mado exclusively from roots and herbs. Women who suffer from thoso dis tressing ills pivuUir to thotrHux should not loso sight of theno facta or doubt tho ability of Ljiliu 33. rinkbam'a Vogetablo Compound to rcatoro their health. If you ivanf; special ntlvlco wrlto to Mrs. IMiiUlcwn, nt Iiyiin, Mass. SliowilltrcatyotirlctleriisstricUy conHdenliiiL For HI) years sho luus been helping .siclcwomon In tills way, freo of cliiirgc. JDou't ncaiuiw wruu ill OI1CC. "GROPE THROUGH A CRACK" Uncle Eph Had at Least One Idea of Hov Hln Hogs Might Have Got Away. I'tu-te llphiilin had two boga, which he kept in a pen at the tear end of his little lot. They vvoro of tho razor back" vailoty, and although thoy wero ted bountifully witli Kitchen wusto, it seemed impossible to put and fat on their attenuated frames. One morn ing when lie went out to feed them they were not (hero. Thoy had dis appeared, leaving no clew as to tho manned iu which they had mado their escape. "What's the matter, Undo Kph?" Inquired a nelghhor, noticing thu deep dejection with which the old man was looking down into tho empty pen. ' .My hawgs Is done gono, Bah," bo unswored. "Stolen?" "No, sah. I don't sou uo signs dut uuybody tuck 'em." "Did thoy climb out over tho top?" "No, doy couldn't 'a dono dnt." "How do you think thoy got uway?" "Well, sab," said Undo Kpbralm, "my 'pinion is dnt dem hawgs kind o' raised delrsolves up on aldgo an cropo through a crack." Youth's Companion An Educational Problem. Little Margery has just begun to go to thu kindergarten, aud Is tilled with a due sense of tho ImporUinco ot her studies tuoro and tho solemn raluo of tho attainments that havo thus been put within her roach. Tho other aft ernoon, nfter coming homo from school, she remained In a brown study for n time, nnd then Raid: "Mamma, do I know as much now as I don't know?" Ho who gives better homos, better books, better tools, n fnlrer outlook and a better hope, bim win wo crown with laurels. Knuion. HARD TO DROP But Many Drop It A young Calif, wife talks about coffeo: "It was hard to drop Mocha nnd Java and give I'ostimi a trial, but my norveo wero bo shattered that I was n nervous wreck nnd of course that means all klnda of nils. "At first I thought bicycle riding caused It and I gavo It up, but my con dition romnlnod unchanged. I did not want to acknowledge coffeo caused tho trouble for I wnB vory fond of it At that time a friend came to livo with us, nnd I noticed that after he had been with us a week ho would not drluk biff coffeo any tuoro. I asked him the reason. Ho roplied, 'I havo not had n headache slnco I lof t off drinking cof fee, some mcths ago, till last week, when I befyti again, hero at your table. I don't boo how anyono can liko coffee, anyway, after drinking Postutn!' "I aald nothing, but at onco ordcrod a package of Postum. That wns five months ngo, und wo havo drunk no coffee Blnco, except on two occasions when wo had company, and tho result each time was that my husband could not elcep, but lay awako and tossed and talked half tho night. Wo wero convinced thut coffeo catted his Buffer ing, ho ho returned to Poutuni, con vinced that coffeo was nu enemy, in stead of a friend, and ho is troubled no more with Insomnia. "I, myself, hnvo guined 8 ixwnda in weight, and my norvea havo ceaaod to quiver. It seomo so oaay now to quit coffeo that causod our aches and allu nnd tnko up Postum." Head tho llttlo book, "Tho Road to Wollville," In pkgo, "Thoro'a a ncosou," Rrsrr rrttrt th nbovw lettrrT A new tine nrpr from time tn time. Tliey are genuine, true, no it fuU of liumsta Interval. r. i- &- - """"'""""i